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  1. If there is a dispute regarding goods that may have been seized by bailiffs and the debtor considers that those goods should not have been taken as they were considered (for one reason or another) to be exempt, then the regulations provide that there is a proper and FREE procedure that should be made under section 85 of the Civil Procedure Rules. Unfortunately, it would seem that debtors are wrongly making application to the County Court for injunctions and so far, we have yet to see one succesful case. Instead, there are many cases now being reported where debtors are having substantial cost orders made against them (in one case last week a debtor was ordered to pay the local authorities costs of £3,200. Details can be read here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?445251-Goods-on-HP-a-Judge-says-they-can-be-sold(8-Viewing)-nbsp Today, I have received details of yet another failed injunction but most importantly, the Judgment makes very clear (yet again) that the wrong procedure was used and the claim has instead been transferred to a District Judge at another court pursuant to CPR 85.7(5) for further directions. Details will follow in a moment.... PS: It should be noted that in this particular case, it would also seem that the wrong party had issued the proceedings.
  2. Hi I am writing this on behalf of my daughter who is studying abroad. My daughter joined Xercise4less in September 2013. In April 2014 she emailed them to give her intention to end membership as she was going to the states in May 2014 for 4 Months. There was no response. She was in the states with limited access to phone/email. On her return in September she realised that they had continued to take the payments from her account (she mistakenly thought they would take the mail as intention to terminate and cease requests for payment) She cancelled the direct debit immediately. She then embarked on a year abroad (which is where she still is) In April 2015 letters started to arrive from CRS at her parents (my) house demanding payment for arrears plus costs of £102.50. So total claim from CRS is £207.47 I have telephoned CRS twice and explained the situation. I have emailed Xercise4less. No reponse from either. CRS stated that they need permission to speak with me from my daughter, which they now have via email. Any advice welcome on how to end this saga. Many thanks
  3. Motormile Finance Uk Limited £ 390 01/01/2015 Default Name Mr xxxx xxx Address Date of birth xx/xx/xxxx4 Account type Student Loan Account number ***xxx Account start date 16/06/2009 Opening balance £ 390 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default 01/12/2012 Default balance £ 390 Now i know this was an old payday loan from 2009. Notice they have defaulted it from when Motor Mile purchased the account 1/12/2012. This should be off my credit file in a few months but for that default date. They also have it down as a "Student Loan" Suggestions please people as this is the only nasty left on my credit file now
  4. I originally posted these in another thread... mods please feel free to delete those posts now... HI all! I'm new to CAG, unfortunately i, like most others here i suppose, have an ongoing 'billing issue' with one of 'the big six' which i have been trying to resolve for the past few months.... This thread is absolutely fascinating and has certainly added to my knowledge which, again unfortunately, i have been put in the position of HAVING to acquire. I have had months of stress, guarantees, inaction, SERIOUSLY insulted by a call centre member of staff.. the list goes on!!!! I cannot post too many details presently as it is still ongoing and i am expecting contact from one of their staff next week some time to resolve the issue. I can say though that i have been given numerous assurances that this would be sorted out within 28 days and we're now about 4 months in...... the 28 day 'cutoff' period for complaints passed some time ago and when i informed a member of staff of this i was told 'oh we can have up to 56 days' to which i obviously responded 'well why do you state 28 then' and was met with a 'durrrh'???? I have overwhelming evidence to support my case in the form of VERY high quality recordings which make very interesting listening and when this is all dealt with i will look into some way of making these available, legal issues aside, to help others who may be in a similar situation. I would SERIOUSLY urge people to record ALL contact with these people as some of the responses i have had from the company in question have been quite hilarious and frankly delusional .... well they would be funny if it weren't such a HUGE amount of money involved... so i have been able to refer to those calls and am able to recall names, dates and the content of conversations verbatim... they have now realised this and the last contact i received from them was INCREDIBLY apologetic. Even IF the 'debt' is written off and i am 'compensated' i am not going to walk away from this....... i read a quote on another forum the other day from someone who has had/is still having the same issues with this company..... 'i've decided not to change companies, i'm going to be exactly the kind of customer XXXXX deserve'!!!!! I think the more of us that subscribe to that paradigm the better.... Time to bully the bullies don't you think?
  5. Will try to be brief: Bought a car circa 7 weeks ago for £2000. Dealer gave me a receipt. Also gave ME the entire V5 to fill in and send off! Within days I thought that there were issues with the car. I had filled in the V5...but did not send off. I figured at this point (perhaps somewhat misguided?) that if the dealer refused to carry out repair work to make the car right....I might stand a better chance of getting a refund and giving the car back if I told him he could have the V5 back - tipex my details - and so hence not record another owner on it - who then would look like he was selling it on within weeks of buying! I took the car back to dealer and complained saying he needed to put things right. Have since had it back to dealer with various different issues - multiple times. Work has been done - but are still issues. Dealer has just now had car again for a few days - and has just informed me that he is going to give me a full refund. I'm wondering about the V5 thing now. If I go in and tell him i never sent the V5 off - ask for my money back as he has said - and ensure V5 is tipexed and my details gone - is this ok? Any possible risks? Via DVLA or any other way? I have had the car insured in my name and taxed since buying it. Any recommendations on what to do? Sorry if this is foolish...just suddenly got concerned.
  6. Got a summons this morning from my local authority for non-payment of Council Tax. I have been paying over 12 months despite them never actually issuing me a bill. I went and found the value of the CT and have been paying via Bank Transfer a value more than the 12 monthly figure. In December the Council changed their Bank account and this was the first letter we had all year. I duly corrected my payment on the bank but only paid £1 for the month. This would have put me slightly behind and in mid-January we got a 'Council Tax Reminder Notice' (No idea if its the 1st, 2nd or final) so I split the outstanding value and paid 1/2 at the end of January. So, whats the chances of swerving the £80 costs? I have paid more than the outstanding Council Tax bill so they now owe me £1.something from that. My argument primarily is there seems to have been a Procedural Improprietry (sp?) in that they have failed to follow the procedure of issuing 3 reminders before preoceding to summons. Is this worth trying?
  7. Hello all. I am a new member of this Forum, thankyou for allowing me to join you. Here in Sleaford the Aldi supermarket uses Parking Eye to manage their car parking. PE has cameras at the entrance/exit and various notices around. These state that, to qualify for a free 1 1/2 hrs. parking the motorist has to enter their reg. number at consoles in the store. These are situated at a point after the tills before the store exit. The signs state that failure to comply with this will, note will, result in a parking charge of £70. I know of several people being charged this, including a relative, who accidentally punched in the wrong number, although they bought goods at the store. What is the legal position of this situation, bearing in mind a 1 1/2 hrs. limit is imposed and cameras record this. Any advice and opinions are welcome. Regards
  8. Just making sure that everything I have done is correct. hubby got a claim form this week with an issue date of 10th March. So far i've acknowledged and am defending the whole amount, have sent HSBC a CPR 31.14 and have SAR'd them. THE HISTORY Originally hubby had a credit card, got into difficulty paying it off but all payments made were on time. They called him into the bank and offered him a managed loan to pay it all off which he took. We got into financial difficulties so hubby stopped paying it, he has had loads of letters which he hasn't kept so I don't know what they have sent with regards to the CPR request but am going with it all. The managed loan was then put onto his bank account which he hadn't used for ages, this is years ago. Now some time in the last few years he got a tax refund which was paid into this account, we don't know when but the SAR will tell us. Apart from that the account just hasn't been touched at all for about 10 years or so. So I don't think that there is anything else I should do at present except wait.
  9. Two weeks back I received the standard letter that my CB based ESA will be finishing in June. Now I still have my Appeal pending after is was postponed in December as they wanted more info. Whilst I realise that the letter is pretty standard, if my Appeal is still pending when June arrives can they legally take me off of CB based ESA? Another curiosity, Pension credit told me I couldnt go onto IB ESA when my CB finished and I would need to go onto full Pension credit, there was no option !
  10. Hi all I have posted a previous post about an issue I had at work. Due to a medical problem I have at the moment I have been told that my duties now need to people to do. Which is great for me in the respect of my injury. The problem I have now is the company are putting me with the person who has verbally attacked me as in my last post. This man has also had the pleasure of calling me to tell me that I was not to work on my own. Which I knew nothing of the management decision until I got the call from this person. I have been told if I do not work with the man that attacked me on the phone then I will be in a disciplinary hearing. Again this is a threat the company constantly say to me to shut me up. The company know that I am stressed at the moment they have a doctor,s note to say that I am. Yet still putting me in this position. If I was to ask the manager why he did not let me know I know that he will just push it under the carpet I never get a straight answer from him. I am really annoyed that this has happened this way and that because I am the only female in the team. I have been told because we are short staffed I have to work with him. I know no one can really help me here I suppose I am just having a bloody rant. thanks for listening to my rant Take care all
  11. For those who don't know me I have had the lovely dealing with a company called Wage Payment and Payday Loans Ltd ran by a man (I wont use the word gentleman as he certainly isnt) claiming that I owed money, to the extent of him placing a claim against me, which he later retracted after proving to him that I did not owe a thing, did i get an apology from him? Nope I got a phone call from the police stating that I was harassing him and sending threatening emails??? (the post is here -- its lengthy: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?297067-Company-says-that-I-owe-them-money-but-have-no-idea-who-they-are...-is-it-a-con&p=3322946&viewfull=1#post3322946) Anyway, In the past 7 days I have received 2 emails from a company called DOSHLOANS.com whom are infact Wage Payment and Payday Loans LTD. Now first email was received 13th November - there was an un-subscribe button on the email - so I clicked it and un-subscribed, but I also replied to the email CCing the alleged email address that I was supposed to have used to register with DOSHLOANS alex@paydayoverdraft.com (hmmmmmmm) stating sorry about the caps Though ok that's it I've had my say and requested to be removed. Ohhh no, today I have received an email from toni@doshloans.com stating Ooopss I have copied the email on to a forum - something that Mr Hart does not like and will use against you, BUT the email states at the bottom in the disclaimer: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and solely for the use of the intended recipient.... well it was to my email address so I'm the intended recipient and there for its my use to do what i want with it -- if you are still reading this Mr Hart. Ok so I've replied to this toni@doshloans.com as there is no un-subscribe button with the following. Taken a leaf from the guy who's charged companies for ringing him: Again excuse the caps E&OE as my spelling is appalling and I typed in haste.. but there you go. £100 per email plus their rate of interest of 1.3% taken from Doshloans website its self.
  12. Hi, I'm looking for some advice as Harlands seem to be saying I'm wrong at every point. When signing up for the gym I went into the store and asked: Can I leave the contract as I will be moving to uni late into it? Was told yes. Will there be any charges for leaving? No. Is there a way you can list these questions down on my profile so I have record of asking them? "Sure I'll do that now." So when I came to cancel as I had a chest operation in July, I was told I had to have a doctors form and send them £25 in cash/cheque, which I sent. And when I rang up today because they're to charge me £40 (my mum got a letter from them recently as I cancelled the DD months after sending the letter because I was thinking why am I still being charged membership fees?), they claimed to not have received such letter. I then told them that when I joined I was told there would be no fee and basically got told well there is and you have to pay it, so then I told them about what I was told at the gym (otherwise I wouldn't have actually signed up at all) and they then told me that I was lying as I applied from home - even though I did everything in the actual gym. What should I do? :/ Sorry if I haven't explained everything properly as I'm still fuming at them, feel free to ask me any questions. Tom
  13. Hey CAG, I've been a silent reader for a while and find myself requiring a little advice. Basically I took out a 24 month contract with Orange, beginning 1st March 2011. The contract was due to expire on the 1st March 2013. I was paying by Direct Debit, up until a few months before the contract ended, where I cancelled with my bank so I could delay the bill payment for a few days. No issues there. However, when it came to the end of the contract period, according to my contract small print, I was required to give one month notice of cancellation. After having trouble actually contacting anyone over the 150 number (my father also having the same issue - easy to take out a contract but impossible to cancel one!) I eventually did this by email on 1st March 2013, as I was going away and was unable to sit on the phone on hold for an indeterminable amount of time. I recieved an automated reply that Orange were looking into my request. After this, I had no other contact from Orange, and upon returning to the UK, as my bills were unpaid I was unable to log into my account. I recieved no contact from Orange regarding the account, and was unable to call 150 for free any more as I had already gotten rid of my old contract phone. So I (perhaps mistakenly) went about my daily business, thinking no more of the unpaid bill. Perhaps one month later (mid-April I believe), I had a call from an Orange representative asking for some sixty pounds in unpaid charges. I disputed her claim and stated that I had requested my contract terminated. She said she couldn't do anything and gave me another number to call. Second mistake was made here, I didn't call the number. I really hate dealing with anything over the phone, I get extremely stressed and often struggle to hear what they are saying. Recieved my first DCA letter from DLC on the 24th July 2013, with a balance outstanding of £139.61. My second was recieved on 5th August 2013. I often read about people ignoring the DCA letters, was this a mistake too? After the second letter, they managed to find my home phone number and I took a call some time in August. The representative from DLC was understanding and spoke to me like a normal person which I was glad about. I stated my dispute, he told me something about having to activate a new sim card to confirm the Orange contract was cancelled, I was never told this anywhere in my contract nor in the phonecall I had with Orange. I did read about this somewhere else recently, but it sounds completely ridiculous, I did not want to continue my contract whether it was monthly or pay-as-you-go! He also told me the best thing to do would be to contact Orange again and give them the same statement. I took this advice, and upon calling Orange I was greeted by a bored-sounding woman who told me I was unable to dispute the claim as the debt had already been passed on to DCA, and I would need to dispute it with them. So I emailed DLC on 31st August 2013, stating the dates of the contract, my issues with the charges and the dispute over cancellation. I was out of the country again and stated to them I would be unavailable until 10th September, which they noted in their reply and said the account was on hold until that date, they also asked me to forward all details of the dispute. Upon my return to the UK, I recieve news of yet more calls made from DLC, with the reference number and a contact number. My last email to DLC was on 3rd October 2013, giving a large dated list of all contact between me, Orange and DLC, my dispute with their claim, and the fact I thought it was unfair that Orange let the contract continue running, when no bills were being paid, nor was my contract number even in use for any calls, messages or data. I stated I was aware I owed Orange money for the final month of my contract, however I was unable to log in to my account to pay it. I also asked that they not call me and that I wanted to continue correspondence through writing. They replied to this email today, on 7th October, with a useless copy & paste of a previous email, giving the date the account was passed to them (23rd July 2013 - with a balance of £139.61) also breaking down the balance into £106.10 airtime, £22.90 contract charges and £10.61 admin charges for the DCA. I have not replied yet as I'm unsure what to write without asking them if they actually even read the last email I sent them. How big a mistake was it letting it get passed on to DCA? Am I liable for the whole debt, even after giving cancellation notice and them letting the contract continue, unused? And in the event I'm liable for the full amount, can they refuse payment in installments? I only work part-time and would struggle to pay all at once. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Jamie
  14. Hi, can anyone give advice? as I'm really worried. I got seriously ill and had to say of work while this happened i got into debt for £7000, this debt went to around £10,000 due to them keep adding interest and also court costs. Was served papers to go to court for questioning, i attended court, they agreed that i had limited income and i could not afford to pay anything. Then around 3 months i get a letter from the Court saying another company has taken over my debt, i didnt know this could happen? I am now getting another process server coming to my address and he even asking my neighbours information. If i have no money and rent my home why am i getting taken to Court for again? is it to be made bankrupt and will they take all my money away i have to live on? In future once I'm recovered and get back into work then i would pay but at the moment i just don't have the income. I sent of a letter to ask them to prove i owe debt but not sure if its now to late since i already have a CCJ which i didn't attend court for. At the moment i have £800 in bank which my parents paid into my account to help as i was struggling to survive now I'm worried this is going to be taken. Being ill and having this stress over me is not helping, just really stressing me at present Regards Jayne
  15. My husband has run into difficulties with Wonga, the emailed him to say that his payment has bounced but it seems from internet banking that they have taken part of the payment - how do we go about getting this back, we have requested a repayment plan and I have sent a letter saying they are no longer authorised to take monies from his debit card - any other info greatly received and thank you in advance for your assistance. SFx
  16. Sorry, another thread for Very !! I'm worried about a debt we have with them, my wife has approx £4000 owing and the APR is just under 40%, so in just over 2 years it will have doubled and in just over 4 years time it will have increased to £16,000. Due to changes in circumstances I've now written the initial letter to Very offering £50 p/m which is about all we can afford at the moment, and asked for the interest to be frozen - I'm not convinced they will do this (it strikes me that the type of company to charge 40% APR will not be sympathetic). One thing I've read is that a CCJ will normally mean that the interest is frozen (i need to check the credit agreement to make sure there are no clauses around applying interest after a judgement is made). In this case it feels like a CCJ would actually be beneficial - is there any way we can force this into court ? we have a mortgage with limited equity, so worried that the APR will snowball if this isn't dealt with and overtake the small amount of equity that we do have, we would even welcome a charging order on the house if it means that the interest is frozen and we can pay off the debt with realistic monthly payments If anyone has any experience of how Very react to offers of reduced payments, etc, it would be greatly appreciated
  17. And the DVLA does nothing And the BPA does nothing (no surprises there) And they try to tell us that POPLA is independent!!! Oh how we laughed.
  18. Hi, am in WRAG, informed of this about Nov 25th. Since then, not heard anything. How long does it usually take for all the interview stuff to start? Thanks.
  19. Hope you stick with me as it's a little long winded. On tuesday of this week I had a visit fom a very abusive Rossendale baliff. I wanted to try and get some advice on a couple of things and whilst googleing Rossendale , I came across this forum. In september of last year I answered the door to what I now know was a Rossendale Baliff. He told me that I owed council tax which amounted to £440. I agreed to pay £60 a month , I sorted this out on the door step as I know never to let them in. I paid 2 months and then money became tight, inbetween this I changed jobs so things became a little worse. To cut a very long story short I was defrosting my sons car as he was taking me to work, as I walked out the door there was a stranger standing on the step. He never showed me any I D he just said he was here to remove some of my possesions and he was from Rossendales and unless I paid the amount in full he would need to enter my property. I went back in the house forgetting that the car was running he went to get in my sons car and said he would take that instead . I told him that I was on my way to work and he was having nothing I would ring the council and sort it with them. He said it had to be done right here right now. I told my son to go out and I would get to work in the other vehicle. I told the baliff to go away and again that I was going to be late. I came in the house and got the keys to my other vehicle and told him I was going to work, as I got into my car he blocked the dive with his vehicle and said I was going nowhere. I got out of my car and came back into the house to ring my partner as by this time I was feeling intimidated and getting very worried. When I was back in the house the baliff kept banging on my door. I eventually watched him get in his van, my driveway was still blocked by him so I got in my vehicle and drove away down the bridle path at the side of my house. When I came back in he had tucked a walking possesion order in my font door , he had put his costs on and had put a levy on both of the cars . There is a lot more to this story but I just want to stick to the facts. I found out from another forum that the council have to accept my payment of which they did yesterday. The lady from the council says that now the full liabilty order has been paid she will withdraw the baliffs for 28 days. I never signed the walking posession order and on the order he wrote the wrong registration number down of one of the cars. my question to you is , now that I have paid the full liability order , do I have to pay the baliffs fees and does his levy still stand , bearing in mind that I have not signed the walking posession order and he wrote the reg of one of the cars down wrong. I have spoke to someone from the National debt helpline who says that once the liability order has been paid the baliffs can no longer chase me for their fees. Thanks for taking the time to read this ...... Hayley !!!!
  20. Firstly, Hi to one and all - new member here. I'd like to say thank you to all the informative and helpful posters who I have been reading for a while now. I feel much more confident about my problems now that I know a bit more than your average Joe! Now, the problem.... Got myself into a stupid payday trap like many have on here, with multiple loans covering each other until I reached breaking point recently and couldn't keep up. Most lenders have been very understanding, especially textloan, who I e-mailed a payment plan on my balance which was agreed no questions asked, and with no extra money added. If only speedcredit were like this... Reading around it seems, like many, I am going to have one hell of a battle to sort this one out. I took out a £400 loan in September which I extended a couple of times. SC demanded a final payment from me of £693 on 14/12/12. I didn't pay, and it zoomed up to £1169 on 16/12/12! Nearly £500 more in 2 days, incredible! They have also said it will go up to £1265 on 23/12/12. I sent 2 similarly worded e-mails which offered them a repayment, the bottom of these below is the first sent, the top the last: Dear Collections, Thank you for my reply, which has addressed none of the queries I have listed below. I will only confirm payment dates and amounts to repay my loan when I have been dealt with sesnsibly and reasonably, and more importantly, relevantly! I also find it strange that I e-mailed speedcredit, yet get a reply from NDR. Actually, not that strange on second thought, as you are both the same company. Anyway, back to my original point. I will not be paying you £1169, £1265 or anything like the astronomical and ridiculous figures you are trying to charge me for my loan, and which I know you will keep bumping up as you keep delaying my repsonses in order to add on more of your fantasy fees. The mere fact that you were asking for £693 to settle the account only 3 days ago shows how ridiculous your demands are - how can you possibly justify demanding £476 more in the space of 2 days??! Utterly laughable. As stated below, I offer you the full repayment of the loan funds, plus one months interest, which equates to £592. This is a more than reasonable sum for a one month loan - you are making £192 on £400, which is almost 50% of the loan amount in one month! Add on the rollover payments I have already given you, and you will have had almost £800 from me for a £400 loan, which in itself is incredible. I have blocked any attempt you may make to take any money from me with my bank, so you will be receiving nothing from me until you agree to my more than reasonable offer. Once you agree to me paying £592, then you will start receiving payments until the account is settled. It couldn't be more simple than that. I look forward to hearing from you, XXXXXXXXXXXX To: xxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: re loan ref: xxxxxxx From: Collections@NorthernDebtRecovery.com Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 17:23:00 +0000 Dear Matthew, Thank you for your message passed to us by Speed Credit. You currently owe £1169. You will be incurring additional interest charges on the 23.12.12 making your total outstanding balance £1265. If you are unable to pay in a one off payment, but are willing to pay £150 per month starting from this month, we are prepared to FREEZE all interest and charges. Please confirm the dates that you will be making payment on and whether you wish for us to set this up to take payment automatically. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0843 381 0843 Failure to make a payment or come to an amicable agreement will result in your file being passed to a third party bailiff company who will commence proceedings against you in your local county court. Yours sincerely, COLLECTIONS (224) NORTHERN DEBT RECOVERY 0843 381 0843 NOTICE: The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which may also be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received it in error please notify sender immediately and then destroy it. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered address is Northern Debt Recovery Limited, 15 Lyndhurst Terrace, London, NW3 5QA, United Kingdom. Company registration number 6956396. Northern Debt Recovery Limited (NDR) is licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under Consumer Credit Licence number 631166. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear speedcredit, I am writing to you to arrange a final settlement on my account. I am experiencing some financial difficulty, and am unable to make a full payment - I am therefore asking you to help me with a reasonable repayment plan. I am not trying to escape or get out of paying back what I owe, but am refusing to pay all of your additional late fees, as they break OFT guidelines in the unfair terms in consumer contracts act, as well as potentially invalidating the loan with unfair charges under section 140a and 140b of the consumer credit act 1974. Simply ignoring my previous correspondence in order to give yourselves more time to add on these late fees is disgraceful. You have tried to chase my debt with three 'different' collectors - speedcredit, northern debt recovery and Marshall hoares bailiffs. A quick search of company check shows NDR and MHB to be dormant, a search of the postal address for MHB shows this to be a dead address, and the registered address for the company is also empty. Even more incredible is the fact that having had threatening calls and letters from all three, in which they all claim to be independent, all have demanded payment with exactly the same bank details. You may be able to leech extra money from some less informed 'customers' of yours, but unfortunately I am not one of these. I know exactly what you are trying to do, and will not be intimidated or scared by your bullying and threatening tactics. I know for a fact all of these are the same company, with these fantasy fees added or purely to extort as much money from each customer as possible. My initial loan was for £400. One months interest on this figure equates to £192, giving me a total to repay of £592. I will happily pay this back, and not one penny more, in reasonable monthly payments, until fully repaid. Please reply to this email, and I will happily negotiate a fair and reasonable time in order to pay you back. Until this is agreed, I will not be paying you anything. Yours, xxxxxx As you can see, they did nothing to address any of my queries, merely telling me I owe £1000+ again, and threatening further fees and court action etc. Decided I'd try the phone option, and phoned NDR today and made them a final offer of £592. All he would do was offer me a payment plan on £1169, which i immediately rejected. I then said I will pursue other avenues such as the OFT, FOS etc to assist me. He also threatened court action, to which I openly invited NDR to take me to court so that they could justify adding nearly £500 to my loan in 2 days as a fair and just fee, along with all of their other stupid breaches of code and practice. I said to him I would be 100% confident of success in court if they wish to choose this option, he just laughed and said 'Sir, there is no way you would win'. At this point it was obvious he was running out of ammo, so i just decided to terminate the call as It was clearly getting me nowhere. Where to next?? Are there any other email contacts who will possibly deal with my query without firing back some standard reply without giving any answers to my queries and offers? Sorry this post is so long, hoping someone will be a kind soul and further advise my next move. I have cancelled my card and blocked CPA's and any attempt from SC to take anything from me, so they will be getting nothing at all until they accept my more than reasonable offer. Many thanks
  21. I have been blissfully unaware of this for a number of months/years as neither Equifax or Experian report it on their own files but according to Noddle there is a default of £158 to Vodafone from 2010. Now I don't dispute the fact I may owe the money and would like to get to the bottom of it and have this removed from my credit file. I first of all spoke to someone on the online chat facility of the Vodafone website who couldn't find my details, so she rang me and put me through to Collections. They also could not find any account details and was directed to send a letter to "Esther Staples", who upto now hasn't had the decency to acknowledge or reply. Where do I go from here? I have a default on my credit record which I cannot sort out and there is no record of said account? Thanks, Stephen
  22. The above PPC lost yet another court case today. Among other things that worked against them was the confusion over who was bringing the claim and whether they were a legal entity. There is some sort of peculiar tie-up between Minster and another company called Bransby Wilson and it was a Mr Wilson from the latter company that attended court. To quote the successful defendant :- What is clear is that unless you exist as a legal entity, and can prove you have either contractual authority to act as agent, or are the landowner you cannot charge people for parking on your land, and certainly cannot pursue costs - irrespective of whether they would clearly be considered 'penalties' or 'fines'.
  23. HI all, me again. Just a couple of quick questions regarding the dreaded ESA50,,,,, 1, I've just received one and have just rung the dwp about my last form asking when the decision was made, he said it was made 18/10/11, so it's over six months so they must have given me 12 months esa, well to my thinking. When I asked him why I've received the form 4 months early he couldn't answer and said he'd get someone to ring me to discuss my concerns. Has anyone had this happen? 2, I notice that the form came from ATOS and has to be sent back to them, is this usual practice? I thought the esa50 went to a decision maker not ATOS? Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanx Jimi
  24. My partner had an accident just over 3 months ago which left us without his wage and to cut a long story short, he is now disabled. DLA hasn't been sorted out yet, ESA has......so to cover for a while pay day loans were taken out, and as ashamed and embarrassed as I am I need to talk to someone, all I want to do is cry all the time. They are as follows PaydayUK - 516.00 Paydayexpress - 425.00 minicredit - 156.00 WagedayAdvance - 388.50 1monthloan - 80.20 Lendingstream - 123.50 I am more than happy to cancel card as I have another anyway where my wage goes into. but I'm just so scared and have no idea what to do or where to start. All are due at end of the month, just been deferring and rolling over. Please help. Oh also paying bk wonga £53.91 a month due to muck up at there end Loz x
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