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  1. Hi I hope somebody can help as I'm stressed I was given full legal aid for a trial in Aug 2010... In July 2012 a letter arrived at our home addressed to me from a company called rossendales ltd asking for £8000 towards my legal fees they were recovering a dept i had never been notified about.. My wife took advice from CAB to write back stating i did not live at this address we heard nothing back... I was released from prison in august 2013 so near 23 months ago and 35 months since my wife wrote back to rossendales.. Then out of the blue yesterday i get a letter stating i need to pay ... Help please as i don't have 8k i am working on min hours and min wages my wife is unable to work due to ill health we just can't afford anything.. we have sold anything of value just to live.. I called them tonight only to be told that if i don't pay within 7 days then they would goto court and i would have to pay the fees and intrest @ 6%... The letter states " Notice of intention to enforce" ... Thanks
  2. Morning All, Hope you can help. Rossendales due today! Debt council tax relates to 2014/15, I was signed off by G.P for stress and anxiety after suffering post traumatic stress following a dreadful experience. I have all doctors sickness notes. The debt is due and I accept full responsibility for not acting correctly, I was not dealing with anything to be honest. Was on ESA now on JSA. O.k Sums outstanding to council £232.00, Rossendales added £75.00 compliance stage fee total due £307.00. I phoned Rossendales ofice explained my position, office refused to speak to me as now with an agent. Phoned spoke to the Baliff, he refused to accept a payment arrangement over phone and insisted on coming to see me in order to make a levy of goods and would then enter an agreement, however they would charge a £235.00 levying distress fee, making balance now due at £542.00. I phoned the council asking if I could make an arrangement, they advised "now with Rossendales, we cannot intervene." After my bad time, I am now trying to take control and I'm going down to the council personally this morning, what I found and I need help with please is the following:- Council tax guidance - Rt Hon Eric Pickles, "Local authorities should remain and prepared to deal directly with individuals at any point" Does this mean I can insist that the Council call back action from the Baliffs and make an agreement with me? I also have Guidance regulations 45 (b) section 5 (admin & enforcement) regulations 1992 (amended 2006), from these I am a little confused regarding how much the Baliff can charge for the Levy, section 2 a) does not exceed £100 = £12.50, b) 12.5% on the first £100, 4% on next £400, I don't need to go any further, are these charges based on original balance owed to the Council of £232.00 or to include Rossendale fee of £75.00. I may be wrong but I don't see how Rossendales can insist on coming into my home to charge this £235.00 ? I am willing to fight and pay but don't want to quote anything which is incorrect and look an idiot. Baliff due back today, can anyone advise please. Thanking you in advance.
  3. Dear all. I'm hoping someone can help me with this one. We've had a history with this business for many years. They seem to magically make new accounts appear from nowhere and up to now we have several. Anyway, this latest letter announcing a new unpaid account of more than £1000 has got me very angered. It's basically a letter threatening us to pay up or go to prison for up to 90 days. Here's a taster of the letter's contents: "As you have failed to make payment arrangements on this account with us, the next stage in the recovery procedure is to formally report this to the Local Authority, recommending that they make application to the Magistrates Court (their emphasis) for a hearing to consider your committal to prison. The Magistrates Court costs associated with this application will be £305.00 payable by you." Whether or not I do owe the money on the account is not for dispute at this time. However, my question is: can a bailiff company legally use tactics or language like this to encourage you to pay them money? I was unaware that debt collection companies were authorised to recommend non-payment for prison custody. I hope somebody clued up with this type of legal stuff could advise me as to the legality of this letter and what I can do in response. I can provide the full letter in full if required and requested. Many thanks and regards.
  4. Six years ago (in 2009) a Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) supporter by the name of Mike Dobson (Mike:of the clan Dobson) drafted a Removal of Implied Right of Access notice which he used to ‘scare off bailiffs’. He advised on the Freeman Ireland website that the notice should be put up at the boundary of the ‘private estate’ and the ‘public access way/street’ and that if a bailiff came to the door of the house they should be politley told that they would be trespassing and that they would have just 60 seconds to leave before a call would be made to the Police. Due entirely to the internet, the Removal of Implied Right of Access notice drafted by Mike Dobson went 'viral' and appeared on the Freeman on the Land’s favorite media outlet; YouTube. In 2010, the notice first appeared on the popular FMoTL forum; Get out Of Debt Free. Within a short time all popular Freeman on the Land websites carried the notice with many of them making their own changes to the wording. In March 2014 I researched the background to these silly notices and started a thread on this subject which to date has received over 12,000 visitors (link below): http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from PS: Unfortunately, the internet sites that recommended using this notice were unaware that the notice proved to be a complete and utter failure for it’s author; Mike Dobson (see link below) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from&p=4664219&viewfull=1#post4664219
  5. Hi all, Familiar theme here, my partner and I have disputed an overpayment of £3500 from 2010, we have refused to pay despite being hounded first of all by Advantis, who passed it back to the HMRC and now Rossendales who have sent a final demand before they return it back to HMRC. My worry is that I have heard that HMRC can take the money out of my wages, Is this true? and if so is it something that can happen quite often? Thanks in advance
  6. On 2nd May this year I received a letter from Rossendales, dated 30th April 2015, at my parent's address. The letter was concerning council tax owing Liverpool City Council from July 2014 for an address I moved out of. I'm guessing the council tax is covering the short period between that last month's council tax I paid and the date I moved out of the residence. I thought I notified the council of my forwarding address (my parent's) but can't find evidence of this and they told me this past month that I never. This correspondence was the first of any kind I have received via phone, email or mail from both the council and Rossendales. I called Rossendales 2 weeks ago on my lunch break (after attempting (and failing) to contact them via email and their website contact form) questioning the enforcement fee and previous correspondence this letter refers to, to which they replied that they were sending letters to my old address, the one passed to them by the council. My question to them is, if they had my parent's address why is it only now, almost 1 year later are they sending mail there. No enforcement agent has been to my parent's address. No mail has been sent to my parent's address. I paid the man on the phone (Rossendales) the council tax fee of 54.80 making sure I stated that it was only for the initial debt and that I am disputing the enforcement costs [calls are recorded, right?]. My question is, has this been seen before where they are claiming correspondence that has not taken place? and/or know if I can argue these so called charges? I have contacted the Council on several occasions over the past month and they've just told me I need to contact Rossendales while the man I spoke to at Rossendales told me I need to get the council to dispute those extra enforcement charges. I've never had to deal with anything like this before and have a spotless credit rating, I'm scared that I'm going to be screwed when looking to buy my first house next year for the sake of a stupid 50 quid :'( but I also can't afford to pay those costs. Council Tax due: 54.80 Enforcement Costs incurred: 310 Paid: 54.80
  7. To cut a long story short, my partner has some Council Tax arrears which went to Court, were passed to the wonderful Rossendales and now the Bailiff has been out today - the reason? She's in the midst of a DRO application which is half way through processing - but Rossendales don't care. We are well aware that he has no right of entry (only peacefully which he won't get) - so he knocked on the door and got nowhere. A letter pushed through the door with an extra £235 added and his lovely mobile number. Not to be outdone by this chap, she texted him and he left her two voicemails, one saying he won't deal with via text and to call him (my advice is not to call only text as there would be evidence of any slip ups on their behalf). Just got the second messaged and have transcribed it: What's this non-cooperation malarky? The National Debtline who my partner is with have told us we don't have to speak to him at all - but he's claiming refusal to answer your phone is non-cooperation?? Has he slipped up here or just giving out verbal diarrhoea and trying to get the wind up her. If he's slipped up I'll make sure Rossendales are taken to account for such actions - I do think it's just him bullying. One final question - if he continues to ring, numerous times per day, could that be classed as harassment? Many thanks!
  8. Hi I wonder if anyone be able to help, I'm posting on behalf of my father who a number of years ago (May 2011)received a PCN from Excel parking, at the he ignored this (he actually was only parked for less than 5 minutes before he returned to find him being ticketed-he hadn't realised it was a payable carpark as when he realised he returned) He today received a letter from Rossendales Collect stating that the debt has been sold onto them and they can offer a reduced payment of £100 and in accordance to 'something' act they can recover debt up to 6 years. (unfortunately I don't have the letter-my mum and dad are worried) Im hoping to reassure them. Rossendales haven't included the date of the 'offence' in the letter nor does it ask who was the driver at the time. should my dad ignore, write to Rossendales asking for dates etc or pay up?? Many thanks in advance.
  9. I have received a letter and a few unanswered calls from rossendales chasing tax credits overpayments. This tax credit alleged debt has been in dispute ever since around 2011 its been chased by akinika , fredrickson, and now rossendales. I have looped in my local MPs office. HMRC tax credits dept. won't listen . Any ideas?
  10. Hi Guys, Apologies if i've posted this in the wrong section. Looking for advice on a letter we received today from Rossendales regarding a liability order granted on 26/01/15 re outstanding c/tax of £1786.26 + £75 compliance fee. We had a notice of enforcement 30/03/15 - I called them up to set up a Standing Order of £50 p/m, they refused this and said minimum i could pay would be £155 p/m - when i stated i cannot afford this (I work full time and my Husband is a stay at home dad for our 2 children) and £50 would be the maximum i could afford he stated i should write on paper my incoming/outgoings and 3 months bank statements etc and send via email. I haven't done this as don't think they're allowed to request my bank statements. Today i have received a letter from them stating a notice of enforcement agent will be visiting as i have ignored all correspondence ( no mention of the 10 minute phone call and offer i made??) I don't know what the next best stage is, i only take home after tax £1250pm and months rent is £800 plus other bills, debts and living costs means £50 is the highest i can afford. What shall i do now? and does this mean a bailiff will be coming to our home? Any help would be very much appreciated Sam
  11. can someone please help me. Rossendales want to collect on unpaid parking fines, totally about 600. I am more than willing to pay them but it needs to be affordable amount for me, there are several issues I have: 1)I am willing to pay them but the demands they have set are beyond my budget and unreasonable. I have made payments on them but not to the amount they want. 2)I have tried to negioate but they have replied in an email (I will not talk them via phone) that they will not reply to any more messages from me 3) I have mental health issues and have sent in letters from gps etc to validate my claims. I am in a very vulnerable domestic situation with 2 children. I will not say what this situation is but please read between the lines. I have told Rossendales and they refuse to work with me. due to this I my mental health has hit crisis and I ended up harming myself. I am working with mental health crisis team. 4) they told me they would hold off sending a bailiff pending medical documentation but the next day they sent a bailiff to the wrong address and are now trying to charge me for there error to the cost of £375. I have disputed this and they have not responded 5) I submitted a complaint to Rossendales over week ago and have not heard 6)I contact my LA and asked them to stop the bailiffs but they are no help and wont. I know they appoint Rossendales and can do this. How do I get them to do this? any advice is greatly appreciated. I am in utter crisis, Im not sleeping, crying all the time and I am terrified to be in my own home. thankyou
  12. We had a council tax debt of around £700. We offered rossendales £100 per month which they refused as we filled in an income/expenditure form and we have extra money apparently which we don't! We have now cancelled sky subscription and my mobile phone has been cut off. They are requesting 250 per month. We paid the first £250 then the next payment we could only afford 200. I have been in contact with them throughout trying to explain we just cannot afford that much. Now because we paid only 200 the agreement is cancelled and if we don't pay the full amount left they are sending an enforcement agent out to our home . I don't know where to go from here.
  13. Hi I moved from a rented house to another rented house 8 months ago. There was an outstanding council tax bill of £650 on the old house which I hadn't paid. I gave them my new address etc and promised to sort something out but I then lost my job and have been unemployed since. They passed it onto bailiffs - Rossendales. They wanted £28 a week which doesn't sound a lot but when you add it to all the other debts and current bills etc it was too much I asked them to reduce it until I found work. I sent off the paperwork proof they asked for but never heard anything from them until just now. The bailiff knocked on the door and handed me an enforcement notice saying he would be back in two days to remove goods. I have emailed Rossendales and asked them why they didn't get back to me and what has happened to the paperwork I sent them and why haven't they looked at it. They haven't replied yet. I am at my wits end and don't know what to do. I have enough cash to pay the original debt of £650 but not enough to pay Rossendales which is £900. But if I paid the original debt it would leave me short for the rent which is due in just under 3 weeks time so that would be even worse - maybe!!! I just want to die. Can anybody offer any advice? thanks
  14. Hello, In July I got a parking ticket in Torquay for £40 which was the usual, pay only £20 if paid within 14 days. We live in Glasgow and by the time we got home and unpacked and cleared out the car, we lost the ticket, probably chucked out with all the crisp packets etc. So, I eventually got a letter to say that I hadn't paid the fine and was now liable for a total of £75. So I arranged to pay £25 per month un to 15th Jan. I paid the first installment on 29th October and then I forgot about it until beginning of Feb, so I paid £50 to square it off. Today I have received a "Notice of Enforcement" for an outstanding amount of £7 (which I have never been notified of although Im guessing its for late payment) with another £75 added on for "Compliance Stage Fee". This action was apparently raised at Northampton County Court. Any advice from anyone as to how I can get out of having to pay this £82 as I really cannot afford it. Thanks, Mick
  15. Hi Each Can someone help me a council tax matter in which rossendales have delivered 2 letters to my land lady's house for a council tax debt , of which a payment as agreed with the council , and paid to them monthly via SO ? The council will not speak to me about it at all even having been to visit personally on 3 occasions. The property in question is a property I rent out, they have been given my original copies of tenancy agreements, they have subsequently mislaid them ? I am panicking like hell now, what advice can any CAG member offer please Kind regards AG
  16. Hi, Hope someone can help. I have recently moved out of rented accommodation have received a phone call tonight from my previous landlords to advise bailiffs on behalf of Rossendales have attended the property. The Landlord advised I was no longer living there, my c/tax for that property has been paid in full however it appears this balance they are chasing is for monies from 2007 for around £800 and they mentioned to the landlord they also have a liability order from 2008 for this. My major concern is currently I am working away in Birmingham and living in a hotel being paid for by work for the next 12-18 months, however as an address for my bank etc I have put down my parents house whilst I am down here and I am worried the next step will be them turning up on their doorstep. As I currently don't have a permanent address I am unsure what the next step would be as I only go back every 3-4 weeks for a day or 2 to see family and friends I am happy to come to some sort of payment plan with Rossendales
  17. Hi and thank you for taking the time to read this, I have been receiving letters for my council tax arrears throughout this year from April 2014 and basically putting them in the drawer and not acting upon them. Last week 03 Feb 2015 i came in from work and there was a hand delivered letter from Rossendales requesting £1650 within 24 hours. I managed to get the money together and rang them the next morning as i was not happy with the amount on the FINAL NOTICE letter. They informed me they were coming that day to take my goods, i drive a nice car so i just paid it over the phone by debit card to Rossendales to get them off my back. My question is do i have any claim against the £235 charge they added to the account for turning up at the door and is this charge not disproportionate for the activities carried out in respect of the cost, as in line with bank charges etc, or do i just have to accept being shafted to the sum of £235 and learn from experience and read my letters from now on? Thank you Alfie
  18. Hello, I have this problem, today I've received attached letter form Rossendales Collect in regards to PCN from 23/04/2012. It's almost 3 years old and I didn't receive any letters prior to this one. Please advice what should I do. Thank you, Mike Edit: sorry about that had some problems with uploading JPG file. Hope it's fine now. Thanks [ATTACH=CONFIG]55978[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]55975[/ATTACH]
  19. Hi.. Looking for advice... Rossendales have repeatedly ignored correspondence I have sent offering payment ... after several letters / emails I called them in December and agreed £10 per month for overpayment of tax credits (which I dispute I owe but that's another story). They agreed and I said I wanted a letter confirming and I would immediately set up a direct debit. 3 weeks later after nothing in writing I chase by email and then by letter - quite a strong complaint letter with copies of all correspondence. They have now written back and said as I did not pay the £10 a month they have withdrawn the offer and I now have to send a financial statement. I do not feel they have the right to do this... Few questions I have.. 1. Can they accept an offer then later withdraw it. 2. Am I likely to get baliffs calling to my home. 3. Do I have to deal with them at all, I would much rather deal direct with HMRC. 4. Where can I go from here? I am at my wits end - I am not calling them - this situation is really stressing me out - I have repeatedly offered payment, all I can afford with the large portion I of my salary that goes to child care each month. I'd really like to know what powers they have. I was planning on writing to HMRC to explain the problems I'm having - but they don't have a good track record of replying either!! Any help greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  20. Hi im looking for some advice, a few months ago i made 3 payment arrangements with rosendales to pay my 3 outstanding council tax debts off. i was paying £20 a week as currently im self employed but only just started up im not getting money from it im having to use £20 from my £82 working tax credits to pay them, then all of a sudden i was getting letters for more debts, this was after the council confirmed to me i only had 3 outstanding debts. i cancelled the direct debits and wrote rosendales a letter to find out what is happening. its been nearly 2 weeks and i have not heard from them. this past week i have had a bailiff at my door every day but i was out working. i have never seen or spoke to the bailiff until today when i called her back as i got a letter in my post from her stating that she has booked a removal date for the 30th Jan to remove goods from my house. Now from previous experience i know they are not allowed to gain access unless they have been invited in before which she has not been invited in ever. when i called her she was rude and when i told her i was called by rosendales 2 days ago to see what has happened to my arrangement she said "well why the hell are they contacting you when its been passed on to me, they should no longer have any contact with you". i told her ill call them in the morning. ill also add that a month ago i did an expenditure form and offered what i could afford and they declined it and made a new arrangement for me which i told them i couldn't afford but they obviously ignored that and sent a bailiff out instead. im just looking for some advice on what i could possibly say to rossendales when i call them to let them know that threatening wont work as i know they are not allowed to gain entry to my property and tell them that their ignorance is not fair at all and causing more hassle than it needs to
  21. Hi guys looking for advice. I have 3 outstanding council tax bills with my (ex) local council. I have since moved away from the area. The bailiffs have started at the mother in laws chasing the debt. After speaking on the phone, they've said they have been chasing this since may 2014, have had no payment, and no arrangements made. According to the office, 'its gone too far for a payment plan' and are demanding full payment. Yet the bailiff has said if I pay x amount, then a plan can be put in place. Below is breakdown of amounts ect:- original bill in bracket Bill 1 is £790.10 (480.10) Bill 2 is £558.69 (320.) Bill 3 is £285.79 (169.35) Bailiff says I have to pay the 790.10, and can then set up a plan on the rest (contradicting the office) This was last week. I said give me a few days and I'll try and raise the money. Now all three accounts have me and my partners name on, but one of them has the brother in law too, as he was on the tenancy (although he wasn't liable for our bills, he paid board money) in my eyes, it's not fair for him to be involved in this mess, and have bailiffs threatening his car for the bill. His name is on the 558 bill. when I realised this last night, I called the bailiff today with the intention of paying £600 which is what I managed to get hold off. But I wanted the account with the brother in laws name on clearing first, to remove him from the troubles. The bailiff has said that's not possible. I have to clear the £790, or £850 to clear the other two accounts, and leave the 790 on instalments. When I queried why this was the case, he said it's just how they're paired up?? He won't except £600 and instalments on the rest, as it's gone too far for that?? His deal is his deal and he won't change it was his words. I also rang the local council direct, they informed me that there is a 350 bill outstanding also, not yet with rossendales. So, the total debt currently being chased by rossendales is approximately £1634 including fees. The total tax due to the council, (including the bill not yet with rossendales) is £1320. Now, if i could deal direct with the council, I could clear 50% of the debt. And arrange approx 100 a month thereafter to clear the remainder. What I'm particularly looking for help with is, Is there anyway the council are going to deal direct with me? Is the amount of fees that rossendales have added legit? What would happen if I used the automated service and tried to pay the original bill, that the brother in law is tied too, direct to the council, and what would happen about the charges then that rossendales have added? The council were also able to look at rossendales files while I was on the phone to them, does that mean that they are in fact part of the council? I have had many more questions running through my head all day, and as I've come to write this, I can't remember them all! And also, I apologise if it doesn't make sense! My head has been fried today! I'm not trying to avoid this debt, I'm simply trying to do the best I can! The most recent letters from the bailiffs were 'final notices' The bailiff said he will take the £600 that I've got, but it will not stop further action on removal of goods, as it's not the amount he said I had to pay. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I need to continue trying to resolve this tomorrow Many thanks in advance
  22. Just a little bit of advice needed if possible please. The short version is: We were overpaid tax credits. We were advised in October, the chaser came maybe mid November, and after trying to call through to sort out a repayment plan numerous times and being unable to ever connect during my lunch time(s), I wrote directly offering to repay back at a rate I was originally overpaid. Having only been a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't unduly worried about not receiving a reply, but instead have now received (hopefully attached) a letter from Rossendales instead. This came yesterday (4 December), and they have started ringing today (according to my partner). I have no problem paying the money back, but just wanted to know what kind of repayment Rossendales were likely to accept. (I am thinking around £150-£180 per month on £1800 debt). And yes, I know, I should have sorted this directly with Tax Credits after receiving the initial notice in October, but a few pointers would be helpful about what I might expect, because I/we certainly haven't got the money to repay all in one go. Thanks.
  23. Hi all, Advice required please regarding bailiffs and charges, Some 18 months ago we fell into arrears with various bills etc, Rossendales were assigned to collect the arrears from us, we agreed to pay £100 per month which we have kept up with until sept of which 1 payment was missed due to various problems, The payments have now been resumed oct and nov, last week a letter from Rossendales demanding £553 now and threats of committal to prison. I have contacted the council and they say i only owe £318, I have the bailiff calling aggressively every other day demanding full payment, Now i can handle the calls but my wife who is disabled and in the house alone most days while i am at work is worried sick that they will come round when i am not in. can anyone out there advise please Paul.
  24. Hello there, I am very new to this site, so please bear with me if I make mistakes along the way... My dilemma is this...I had a bailiff from Rossendales arrive at my house last week demanding a figure of approximately £1900.00 for none payment of Council Tax for the year 2014-2015. Yes, they want the entire year!. He refused a payment of £200 per week and said that he would give me 7 days to find the total amount or he would take goods to the value...and this is where the dilemma deepens...I do not have goods to that "auctionable" value. He would have to even take the cat, it's that bad. I have just received my Decree Absolute (November 6th) after a two and a half year battle with my ex. 99% of the "things" in the house belong to my ex, as he has receipts to prove that he owns them, and he has already taken some of them away. He is coming back for his stacking stereo system and a huge TV that are his...and he can have them. Basically all that I can offer the bailiff is a three piece suite and an old table. I don't have anything else of value. My ex took back my engagement ring and also my 18ct wedding ring...yes, it was that acrimonious... I guess that what I am driving at is this...What can the bailiff legally take? Would that include things belonging to my 20 year and 16 year old sons who live with me? And if he does take these things and they don't reach anywhere in the region of the debt, what would his next step be, bearing in mind that anything of any value would be gone? I find it odd that something that could be settled within 10 weeks has caused so much chaos in my life, which I am slowly trying to rebuild for myself and my boys. I even spoke to Rossendales (who were as hard as nails and unrelenting on the phone) and they said that it was in the bailiffs hands. If any of what I have written makes any sense at all...YAY me...but if it has not, I apologize and will endeavour to correct it. Thank you for reading this post. Regards TLW
  25. Hi, I am new here. This morning at 7am a Rossendales bailiff hammered on my door. I was still in bed, didn't answer it. He put a "final notice" through the door and left. It demands balance in full in 24 hours. It is for Council Tax. I set up a payment arrangement about a year ago for £899.40 including costs, when a Rossendales man came to my door. This included a list of stuff they could take if I defaulted. I kept up with the payments then was late with one in July, but they restarted the scheme when I rang them. I was late again this month due to being skint and lost track of how late. The total was down to £231 including the costs for the previous late payment, and I was paying £78 per month. The Final Notice demands £406.20 (more costs of some kind) which I simply don't have. I rang Rossendales and offered the late payment but the (brusque) lady in the office said I have to talk to the "enforcement agent" on his mobile since she could only take full payment. I asked why on Earth I cannot talk to someone in the office but she just kept repeating I have to either pay her or talk to the "enforcement agent". I am loathe to do so until at least I know more about what to do. I really don't know what to do. I am beside myself. The only money I have in the world is £83 until next Wednesday, and not much more then, so paying this month's payment would have wiped me out and I was going to have to do some creative thinking just to buy some food. The Final Notice says 24 hours I presume he will be back tomorrow. I have no idea what to do, I hope somebody on this forum can help me. The irony is that without costs I have paid the vast majority of the original debt, not that that is any use I know. Any advice will be gratefully received!
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