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  1. Carphone Warehouse - on 12th September myself and my Partner pre-ordered the Iphone 6+ 64GB from CPW on the O2 Network. both orders was for the 64GB on 4G Tariff with 20GB Data Issues 1. Due to a system error at CPW, they placed the order with O2 but with only 5GB of Data and this effected a large amount of customers. We both received a text message saying they are aware of the error and are working with O2 to resolve this and would be resolved on Monday 22ed September. however this has not been resolved, near imposable to get hold of any one at CPW and when you do the phone goes dead mid call or they keep transferring you form person to person with no one aware of the issue. Contact O2 of which refused to deal with the issue as they are not point of sale. 2. my partners phone never turned up and not even an email or update. Contacted CPW of which keep passing us around again and said it would now be 13th October before the phone would arrive of which we then told them to cancel this order and went into store this sunday to order directly in store and walked out with a phone. 3. my brother placed an upgrade over the phone via CPW - however they made a mistake and instead of doing an upgrade they did the order as a new phone contract and O2 are now refusing to transfer the existing number over. the existing number is out of contract. again O2 Referred them to CPW as they are point of sale. Am i going mad here, O2 are the service provider and doing the billing and therefore are jointly responsible for dealing with issues? O2 said we can cancel under the cooling off period and then do a new contract. are they serious? if that was the case, i would not go back to CPW or O2 as both have let us down.
  2. Almost a year ago a Gym I was a member at ceased trading and another company had taken the gym over. After it had all quieted down I went into see the staff and asked about the membership and they informed me if I wanted to continue the membership with the subsequent company I needed to change the direct debit to start paying them I asked if I did not want to do this what my options were they told me just to do nothing and I would not be enlisted as a member with the new company. Taking the easy option I chose the do nothing choice I've just received a letter from a company called Credit Resolution Services referring to a membership arrears and their charges of £102.50 and an apparent balance being due of £240.48 referring to previous letters being sent of which I have not received any, this letter has arrived at my parents house. It's not clear from this letter if it is the original Gym or the takeover company that this has come from. Can anyone advise if I'm responsible for any of this, arrears or charges and the best way to deal with a company like this its the first time I've had anything like this??
  3. Good afternoon everyone, I'm just after some advice really, back in April I cancelled my membership that I had with a gym due to a recent work redundancy at the time, and at the time I stupidly thought that just cancelling the direct debit would be the end of it. Anyway, I got a phone call a couple of weeks later from the gym stating that they had detected that my direct debit had been cancelled and I discussed the matter with them, they were totally fine about my reasons to cancel but they just wanted a £30 fee to cancel the membership and be done with it. Unfortunately at the time I did not have the spare money and I explained this to them and I was told by the member of staff that this was totally fine and gave me 4 weeks grace to try and get myself back on track to be able to afford the fee. Anyway, 4-5 weeks had passed and I stupidly forgotten all about it & I never even heard from them at all after that, I also managed to find another job at the same time too. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago (10th July), I received a letter from this company called Credit Resolution Serves - stating that they've been "employed" by my old gym to chase up arrears and the fact that this is because I've ignored all previous letters that I was supposedly sent (this is total rubbish, as I never heard from the gym again and I've never received a letter from this CRS company before!) Anyway, the bottom line is that somehow they have managed to cook up a calculation that in total, I now owe them £216.50 !! They have stated that this needs to be paid immediately and if I pay it early, they will offer a discount from the outstanding balance. There is no way that I am paying these con artists £216.50. However, I am at a bit of a loss end as to what I do now and how I should proceed, I haven't had the time to contact them yet as it stands because I work 8.30 to 5.30 Monday - Friday and their office is only open on them days between 9 -5. I really need to do something now as they are texting me on average 2-3 times a week now and I am getting sick of it. I understand fully that I should of been more vigilant and more aware of this beforehand so it didn't get to this extent, but I feel that their ridiculous fees and the total figure that I apparently owe them is absolutely scandalous. I'm half tempted to go back to my old gym and try and work this out and offer them £50 upfront (£20 extra is included as a gesture) to resolve the matter and be done with it but I imagine that they would probably won't want to know because they have already sold the debt on. If any of you on here could offer me some advice then I would greatly appreciate it. Many thanks - Liam.
  4. Hi All any help would be appreciated. I have purchased an item on ebay, and the seller asked for payment by Bank transfer. I (stupidly) sent him £260 from my nationwide account. He then gave me a fake tracking number for the item, and of course nothing arrived. I have contacted him about this, telling him I will contact the police etc and he could not give a flying.. . To be fair his English makes me wonder if he is about 7 years old. contacted my bank. Won't help, cannot get the money back. I mean I am guessing my money is gone. Forever. But I have this guys details from ebay, all the emails, what can I do? I don't want him to get away with it..
  5. Hi I have made a complaint to O2 with regard to not being given a discount that the sale rep promised us in store. The discount was meant to be 30% off airtime from the April. The rep was so confident about giving the discount he wrote the discount on the top of the contract and stated that should the discount not be applied he would offer us a 50% discount. After complaining the discount was applied from June's bill but it should have been applied from April as agreed in store. I have also been having signal issues and keep receiving text messages stating I have missed a call when the phone has been switched on and next to me, the text arrives in the very same minute the person has called. I made an official complaint along with some other issues and O2 responded by stating the discount had been applied from June's bill and offered a good will gesture of £30 for the failed promises to ourselves from the store. After taking into account the 2 months the discount was not applied to the account the good will gesture amounts to only of £13.02. What irritates me here is that they offered a good will gesture for failed promises and this mostly covers the discount I should have got, I might have been more happy to have just received the discount as agreed and an apology but they have dressed this up as a good will gesture. Also they have not answered any other the queries relating to the missed calls, nor have they answered why the discount was not applied at point of sale. Am I being unreasonable here to want them to apply the discount as per contract and to assume that the good will gesture should be for the inconvenience caused. Should I take this further or would you agree O2 have resolved this issue appropriately.
  6. I have a charge order placed on my house by Bristol & Wessex Water for £1800. They recently sent me a letter stating that if I don't pay the full amount they will be taking legal action and apply for an order for sale. I then will be sent an order to vacate my property within 28 days. My house is owned outright with no mortgage and currently valued around £200K. I am living on a small private pension with no chance of paying back the debt. I went to the CAB who told me that I will end up homeless and living on the streets as there is no social housing available for single men. The Water company placed a CCJ on my credit record so it's impossible for me to borrow money to pay back the debt and keep my house. I could never understand why there were homeless people on the streets, but I do now. I will be joining them soon. What an idiot I was buying a house. If I had a council house I would have nothing to worry about and a safe roof over my head. I know a chap near here who lives in a housing association bungalow. He owes banks £73k and will not end up homeless. Comments welcome.
  7. on August bank holiday Monday my shower screen exploded. Whilst having a shower it genuinely spontaneously combusted. At no point during the shower had I touched it. I'm covered in little cuts and my bathroom literally looks like a bomb site (literally not just literally) We spent most of bank holiday clearing it up and I called both the manufacturer and the retailer when they opened on the Tuesday. Manufacturer tells me to call the retailer (fair enough Sale of Goods Act etc) but I wanted to know if it had happened before. Receptionist when I mentioned what I was calling about said "oh yeah that's happened a few times. I think it's the weather". Speaking to the customer services bloke he insists it's never happened on my model apparently, although very rarely (but not never) on other models. Retailer asks me to send photos which I do. No acknowledgement by email of having received them or what kind of refund/compensation they will offer I bought a new screen and had it fitted (paid the plumber £45). Since then I've cleaned the bath several times and it has lots of little rough jagged bits where the glass has scratched it. Plumber has quoted £550 to refit the bath as it has boxing at the end. That's before we buy a new bath. He has tried to 'wet and dry' it to smooth it out but it's still rough. Retailer called to me to say the manufacturer says it's out of its 12 month warranty so no refund although they'll sell me a new screen at trade price. I think that shower screens should never explode whether within 12 months or 12 years! I decided to call my home insurance legal advice line who advise I have a claim under Sale of Goods and negligence. I write a letter before action to the manufacturer and retailer and get a letter from the manufacturer today saying without prejudice they'll offer me a new screen replacement. Now the way I see it they've kind of shot themselves in the foot because I would have settled for that before getting legal advice. The advice says the manufacturer has been negligent and is therefore responsible for the damage to property (screen and bath) and personal injury (my cuts). My letter before action set out the costs for the new screen, fitting it, new bath, fitting it and personal injury compensation. They've obviously been frightened that I've got legal backing and are offering the minimum to shut me up. Their letter says "In very rare circumstances we do occasionally get defective pieces of glass. However these, as well as being rare, are very fragile; most of them have already broken by the time we unload the goods in our warehouse. I would consider it beyond the bounds of possibility for a screen with an intrinsic defect to survive being shipped to our warehouse, being picked and loaded in our warehouse, being transported to the retailer, unloaded and handled at the retailer, transported on to site, installed and then used for four years. For a screen to shatter the way yours has would need some agent acting on it after it was installed. In view of all of the above I would say the screen has shattered for some other reason than an intrinsic defect" Some clear facts only I can verify. It was fitted by an experienced plumber. No one was touching it at the time of the explosion. The conditions in the bathroom at the time were no different from any other day. What reason other than a defect is there? It's never been knocked or hit hard and certainly not at the time of explosion. My concern is twofold. Firstly I want to know why it happened so it doesn't happen to me again and secondly if there is a hidden problem it should be found so other people are safe. By fobbing me off in the manner above it suggests the case is closed as far as they are concerned. There's no defect therefore no problem. But I know I didn't touch it! So I know it could happen to someone else! I've posted to ask for advice about pursuing it further. Obviously I can call my legal advice line but I wanted other consumers' experiences of chasing companies based on defective goods issues so I know what lies ahead in reality rather than the clinical version I will get from the legal line. Thank you in advance.
  8. Hi - sorry this is long. After being a loyal customer with an energy company for over 10 years, with only a few blips now and then, I have hit a brick wall since my last tariff ended and the new one I chose began. The problems, misinformation, errors, failure to correct errors, and confusion over the accounts piled in. I had been dealing with it over the phone but the CS rep just was not making sure the agreed actions were actioned. eg - gave her the meter readings for the change over which she said she had entered and agreed would be used, only to find the company used their own hugely reduced estimates so I was charged far more at the new higher prices. More phone calls and agreed outcomes failed to resolve matters - the situation remained the same except for the meter readings being adjusted. So I wrote to the Director of Customer Services Office - sent by RD. No response. Sent another letter three weeks later to ask for a response. No response. 18 days later, sent the email to the office asking for a deadlock letter. Found a very 'pushy' voicemail on my phone a couple of days later - exactly the kind of communication that I find very stressful as it's someone who just talks over your head and doesn't listen. On Monday I received a letter from the same person and I was really annoyed with it because not only did he admit dropping my case, but he went on to muddle things further, failed to address the specific concerns, stated refunds had been made which simply do not show up on the statement, couldn't find whether another refund had been made, offered 60p extra as a result and then offered £20 broken down into £5 for not getting it right, £10 for phone calls and £5 for not responding promptly. The worst thing was I had just 4 working days to respond or else he'd assume I was happy and close the case. He took over 6 weeks and only responded when I emailed, and then he gave me just 4 days to reply. I could have been away and found the case closed whether I was happy or not. Anyway, I responded in a letter detailing why I was not happy and what had not been resolved and why he had added further to the confusion and that I wanted the matter to be escalated to a senior manager for review. I sent it by email as I had not time to get it in the post without incurring a lot of extra costs to get it there on time. I received a reply by email that said he would escalate it but I had to phone him to discuss this. I was extremely unhappy as I had already made it clear I did not want to be having any more phone calls and I felt I was being manipulated by this person. So I repeated that I had asked for it to be escalated and saw no reason why I should have to call him. This is the kind of person who you find working for DCAs - pushy, shoving, no respect for people and I am not upsetting my health by having phone calls that are just a means to intimidate a customer. He suddenly emailed me to say that he would now send a deadlock letter and will not escalate the matter for a senior manger to decide. So, sorry about this, my only experience with an Ombudsman other than the FOS, has been very damaging both in morale, outcomes, and failing to actually even follow their own agreed procedures - ie changing their mind in favour of the Telecoms company despite all the evidence supplied to show I had given more than enough time for the matter to be resolved. I lost out considerably over that and it left me feeling very ripped off and allowing a company who were blatantly breaking the DSRs and contractual law to get away with it. So, as I am now being pushed to go the Ombudsman route, which will cause me more outlay and stress (I'm on pension credit as I don't get the full pension as well as being disabled so mobility is an issue) how do I go about making sure I present my case so that it doesn't get chucked out again, and, in anyone's opinion, am I likely to be awarded more for their repeated failures to sort things out than the £20.60, and, is the Ombudsman likely to address the other issues I have raised about their billing and changes to the agreed contract? Hope you're all still awake.
  9. Hi guys, please bare with me as I am new to the forum, I have read numerous posts about these Idiots, I do apologise if I am posting this in the wrong place...anyway here goes... On 8th June 2013 I received a letter from BCW group/Red Castle Recoveries/ Gothia. Letter stating "We have written to you previously in regards to your outstanding loan with Motonovo finance, which despite numerous attempts to resolve with you the above balance remains unpaid." They then go on to tell me how lucky I am and that this is a great window of opportunity for me to write off the balance with any realistic offer. It was car finance I took out on 24th March 2009, the car I bought was falling apart from day 1, Car was on road for approx 3 months then was left in garage where purchased as I refused to pay a £1000 to have vehicle repaired. (long story) I had the Financial Ombudsman involved in a case of which I can't remember the exact details, and the car was taken back by finance company on 16/6/2010 , I can't remember any more details from back then unfortunately apart from I had received some calls off Gothia and I told them all I could afford to pay and i'm pretty sure they closed the account, I made a payment of £660 on 8th July 2010. After I received this letter 8/6/2013 I looked online for help and found this letter... Dear Sir or Madam: ACCOUNT NUMBER: XXXXXXXXX YOUR REF: XXXXXXXXX I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY Despite my previous correspondence, a copy of which is enclosed for your reference, you continue to bombard me with unwanted phone-calls and letters in regard to this alleged debt. Therefore, you leave me with no alternative than to request that you send me a true copy of this credit agreement before I will correspond further on this matter. This is my right under the legislation contained within section 77 (1) and section 78 (1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, and I am entitled to receive a copy of my credit agreement on request. Your obligation also extends to providing me with a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order, which represents payment of the statutory fee payable under the Consumer Credit Act. I understand that a copy of my credit agreement should be supplied within 12 working days from the date of this letter. I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act, creditors are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under these sections of the Act. Also, since you are a Debt Collection Agency, I would also ask that you supply a signed true copy of the executed deed of assignment for the above referenced agreement. This is an obligation, whether you are the original creditor or not, under section 189 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. For the sake of clarity, may I also draw your attention to the following: Consumer Credit Act 1974 s.175 Where under this Act a person is deemed to receive a notice or payment as agent of the creditor or owner under the regulated agreement, he shall be deemed to be under a contractual duty to the creditor or owner to transmit the notice, or remit the payment, to him forthwith. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities. In summary, I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THIS DEBT AND THEREFORE REQUIRE YOU TO SUBSTANTIATE THIS BY PROVIDING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION BEFORE I CORRESPOND FURTHER : 1. True copy of original signed executed credit agreement 2. FULL Statement of account 3. Copy of the executed deed of assignment from CIT and Red Castle Recoveries. 4. A fair processing notice. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. Take note at this stage, that any legal action you may contemplate will be both vigorously defended and contested. Further to the above, please ensure that any contact by yourselves is made in writing only to the above address. Telephone calls and personal visits will not be accepted and viewed as harassment, and will be reported to the relevant authorities. I look forward to hearing from you within the statutory time limit. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully In reply to my letter I have received a small note saying thanks for your letter of which the contents have been duly noted (yet they have tried contacting me through another number and company RESOLUTION, ringing off a local number) , a photocopy of what looks to be the original agreement with original creditor and a copy of the statement from original creditor, 5 days later I received a copy of the statement from original creditor, I have NOT received a deed of assignment or a fair processing notice (not sure what this is). Is there anyway to find out if they actually own this debt? What steps should I take next? This is all in my grandmothers name and she is getting very worried about it, Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance guys, hope to hear from someone soon
  10. Dear all. My tenant are asking me to repair the rear fence. However, because of the different configuration of the garden behind us, our rear fence is actually the neighbour’s left hand fence. If this is the case, then are we still definitely responsible for this fence? The deeds do not say whose fence it is! Does anybody have any ideas please?
  11. Has anyone ever heard of this company? Short & sweet, a mate got into trouble with credit/store card in 2005, heard nowt since 2006 and knows for certain that he has had no correspondence with OC since 2006 and is stat barred. Stat barred letter has gone off today, just wondered who this company are. Registered Office: Jubilee House, 32 Duncan Close, Moulton Park Industrial Estate, Northampton, NN3 6WL. Reg No 041111298
  12. Hi everyone, first time poster here, and am drastically needing help please. Basically I joined my local your gym, in April last year. Come to November, and I hadn't used it for one reason or another for a couple of months. My husband, was going through the bank statements, and saw a DD to Harlands, didnt know what or who it was for, and then cancelled the DD. I then start getting letters off Harlands, from Nov '12 onwards chasing payment; they added £25 admin fee each time. We didn't respond to the letters (first mistake I know). I then receive a letter off CRS, stating that the balance due was now £195.45, which includes a £65.00 fee as CRS are now handling the case. I now know that CRS and harlands are one and the same company, and its probably someone sitting at a desk opposite, who work for harlands. So following slick132's posting in the other CRS/Harlands thread (sorry unable to post links), I sent them the same letter as slick first wrote. This went off to Harlands on the 6th March '13 recorded del. I hear nothing off anyone until today, when I receive the following letter. - See attached. Together with this letter is a whole heap of printouts from CRS, to do with the Ashbourne case. Everything can be seen on crs005 pdf. Now we know that we should of not simply cancelled the DD, and once hubby finding out what harlands was, to continue the DD. I have no problem in paying what I actually owe (6 months of the remaining contract). But what I do have a issue with, is paying either the £25.00 admin fee, not to mention the £65 recovery fee, or what ever its called. Could someone please put my mind to rest here, and inform me as to what I can do, as I am having many a sleepless night over this. I suffer from psoriasis, and this is making me even more stressed out... Thanks to anyone who can help. [ATTACH=CONFIG]42747[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42748[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42749[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42750[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42751[/ATTACH]
  13. Hi there. In 2009 I got a 12 month membership at my local gym, however because I soon was made unemployed I couldn't keep up the monthly payments of £28 and so the outstanding balance of £325 was passed to CRS. I then set up a £10 a month direct debit payment with them for which these highway men put an additional bunch of charges on which the outstanding balance then became £627! Now to the present time I have been paying these direct debits of £10 regularly each month however last month my bank delayed the direct debit to a day when there wasn't enough money in my account to cover the direct debit. I then got a nice letter from CRS saying they were putting an additional £25 admin charge and will reschedule that months direct debit for £35. Now I refuse to pay that as I cannot see how they can justify such a charge considering how much the bumped the balance on the debt up anyway so cancelled the direct debit. My question is this. the orignal debt was £325 and I have now paid CRS a total of £320 which is nearly what the original debt was. Where do I stand by just paying them the £5 and then telling them where to stick the additional amount of money they bumped on the original debt? Thank you in advance! Duckers
  14. Hi guys im in need of dire help. Extremely stressed i have no real idea of what to do. I had a gym membership with gym4all which i could not attend as i moved to Manchester for a year. The total debt i had with them was for 180 pounds. What happened was that this debt was sent to CRS Credit Resolution services i agreed to pay 10 pounds per month as im a student i really can not afford to pay any more. I paid this for a total of 9 months and on the 10 month i missed a payment. I then received a letter stating than i was to be charged a 25 pound administration fee and the next payment was for 35 pounds and on the letter it stated that the account balance to be paid is still remaining of £312.44. At this stage i was stressed and confused thinking how can a debt of 180 pounds raise to £402.44 as i have been paying 10 pounds a month for the last 9 months. So in my stress i called to talk to them 5 days prier to the date that the 35 pounds was to be taken form my account. I called 5 days before because it stated on the letter that i needed to contact them at least 3 days before payment was to be taken from my account. I was then told that someone will be in contact with me soon as the person "DEAN" was not at the office however i told them that i will be cancelling the direct debit on the account until i can talk to "DEAN". I was then contacted 1 week later by "DEAN" I was contacted after receiving another letter saying that i have encored a further 25 pound charge as they were not able to take the 35 pound out of my account so now the next direct debit will be for 60 pounds. When i talked to dean he stated to me that only £7.50 of the 10 pounds per month i have been paying was to pay my debt and the £2.50 was for my admin charges. I then asked dean for the following: True copy of the original credit agreement The statement of the account Copy of the executed deed of assignment from Gym4All to Credit Resolution Services which he replied by laughing at me and saying that they dont apply to my account and i should not be using information from the internet and i should get some real legal advice. I have no real idea of what to do. I sent the following email from information i managed to find on the internet. Dear Sir/Madam Re: CRS Ref No: / Gym4all Ref No: I am writing this email on the advice of my legal aid. I am disputing the charges that have been added to my account. I would like a copy of your complaints procedures and information on who you regulators are as well as the following: True copy of the original credit agreement The statement of the account Copy of the executed deed of assignment from Gym4All to Credit Resolution Services I have paid 10 pounds per month for the past 9 months which comes to the sum of 90 pounds. I am willing to come to an agreement to settle this account which was for the 180 pounds that I owed gym4all however i am not willing to pay the current account balance of 312 pounds and 44 pence. Or the balance which was quoted for me of 264 pounds and 64 pence. At this stage any legal action you may contemplate will be both vigorously defended and contested and consider this matter to be “in dispute”. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, I am now waiting for a reply. Thanks in advance for every ones help. I know it may not seem like a huge amount of money but it is when you cant afford to pay it. Thank you KRezaie
  15. Have been getting a few calls on my mobile recently from this outfit. Two numbers 008442451235 and08442451235. Was just ignoring them but today I was having a strop so decided to answer it. The bloke on the other end asked for me by name and I just told him that I never heard of that name! He questioned me by saying 'are you sure?' to which I replied 'Yes mate!' 'Ok' he said and hung up! Who are they acting for? Anybody know of any payday loan companies that are using them?
  16. Hi I hope someone can offer me some advice on my predicament. I have read a lot about CRS and I found these forums and thought my best chance of finding out the best next move I should make would be to post here I am being bothered by CRS for membership to a privately run Gym, who dealt with memberships through Harlands. Basically I moved Jobs and was informed by someone there to just cancel the direct debit, it would be fine. Around the same time I moved out of my house, rented it out and moved in with my fiancée. I forgot about completely until I got a letter from CRS. Obviously Harlands had been chasing me with letters to my old address, then sold the debt on to CRS who somehow got hold of my new address. The first letter is attached as CRS1.jpeg After consulting Google I found a few people with similar issues and I compiled a letter and sent Recorded delivery which is attached as djc1.docx. I didn’t hear anything for about a month so I thought (and hoped) they had given up haranguing me. But then I got a letter back from them. The contents of the letter are attached (in the next post as can only do 5 max per post) as CRS2.1.jpg (The letter), CRS2.2.jpg (agreement?), CRS2.3.jpg (payment history) and CRS2.4.jpg and CRS2.4.jpg (DD email). So my question is, what should I do next? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Daren DJC1.doc
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