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  1. I have been told by every single company/bank i had protection with that due to being self employed it would never have benefitted me .I have all the offer letters sat here 7 of them Heres the rub and I suppose I'm seeing it only from my POV but I was sold this on advice , I mentioned I was starting a buisness and told that it would cover me if the company ran into trouble ,peace of mind etc , when it did run into trouble and I tried to claim this led to me being in the finacial mess , I lost my house ,Car the lot because none of these policies were valid, no money no payment no roof essentially was the chain of events despite being told i was protected So the culmination of events cost was far more than the paltry 1000 quid here or there I'm being offered, could I now claim damages after all the insurance would not have covered me and i had done all i could to protect myself leading up to this? The wording on the letters states I accept this as full and final redress for the PPI and in signing i can take no further action (Natwest in particular)in relation to this, surely this cannot be correct they have admitted they were wrong and now owe me the money i shouldn't have paid in the first place? In reality (or maybe im daydreaming here) the redress would be to put me back in the financial position I was in , where if i had been financially covered i would still be living in a house and had time to find a new position without being placed in such an untenable position it was literally hell on earth trying to get out of. the irony of it was the letter i received stating after 1 months missed payments that my insurance was now null and void . ..you couldn't make it up plus there was literally hundreds in charges both bank and credit card for missed and late payments eventually I just dissapeared I had no address for them to send threatening letters or abode it took years to get back on my feet before the letters started appearing, too late BARRED BY STATUTE WAS THE REPLY Any ideas or advice would be greatfully received or am i just after an unlikely revenge, should i just let sleeping dogs lie
  2. Hi can anyone help me? I transferred my British Telecom line rental account several years ago when I moved home. The account was transferred to my brother's name after he became the sole occupant of my old house. The transfer was effected over the phone with BT, and it seemed to go smoothly. A few months ago I learnt that BT had sent a bill to my old address, in my name, I emailed them via their website and told them that the bill was erroneous because I ceased to be a BT customer years before. This email went without reply. I then phoned their customer service help line and explained the situation to them. I told them that I wasn't really bothered about the fact that they had billed me, because this was an error which could easily be sorted out. What really concerned me, I explained, was that if the problem wasn't resolved in good time, my credit rating could be affected, owing to any perceived late payment of their erroneous bill. After checking their records, customer services acknowledged BT's mistake and assured me that the problem would be taken care of. They also told me not to worry about my credit rating, because BT had not yet refered my case to a debt collection agency; standard practice on their part after bills are continually ignored by their customers. However, some time later, I received another bill, a final reminder, I contacted BT again. Once more, I went to great lengths to make them understand that my credit rating was very important to me and that I was extremely anxious that it might be affected. I was then given the same answer as before: I was told that the matter would be sorted out and that my credit history would still be unaffected because they had not yet referred me to a debt collection agency. This whole scenario was repeated when I received a final reminder from BT. This time, though, when I called their customer services helpline and was told that they would rectify the problem, I explained that I wasn't prepared to take their word for anything, and insisted that they email me, telling me exactly what steps they had taken to resolve the problem. I gave them several days to reply but, true to form, their email never arrived. Shortly afterwards, I returned home from work to find a letter from a debt collection agency, acting on behalf of BT, and demanding money for my unpaid phone bill! I contacted BT again, this time via their website's Live Chat facility, and asked them what assurances they could give me that my credit history had not been affected. They told me they couldn't give me any assurances and suggested that I contact a company called Equifax and ask them. I'm still in the process of registering with this company, so I'm yet to find out if BT's negligence has impacted my credit rating. If it transpires that it has, then I think I'm in trouble because I've been advised that this is irreversible, even if BT were to formally admit their mistake, and that my credit rating will remain tarnished for several years. If it so happens that my credit rating has been affected, does anyone know if I am able to seek any redress from BT? Could I, for example, sue them in a small claims court? I am livid about this, absolutely livid, not just because my credit score might be seriously undermined, but because this outcome was so avoidable. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you Redquasar
  3. Just sent SAR off for some missing statements but I do have about 90% of them from 1998 to 2005 when the account was settled and closed. I cannot find anything on my agreement details with my signature agreeing to PPI as it was automatically added when I took out the card. My questions are, will I be able to reclaim from 1998 and what are the correct redress spreadsheets that I should be looking at in the meantime ? Is there one for all of statements and one for some missing statements ? Thanks for any assistance.
  4. Hi Friend just had her ppi claim upheld, sent her an offer of £3200 minus £417 for tax base rate at 20% for 8% compensation, she is just a normal tax payer is this about right. Any thoughts please Tinks
  5. I have just been advised that my PPI claim with RBS Mastercard has been upheld. I have most of my statements just a few missing and wondered if someone could kindly advise what is the correct spreadsheet to use in calculating amount of rebate ? I am just awaiting an offer from bank but wanted to have a benchmark figure in my own mind. Thanks
  6. anyone do a favour please... I have a return offer from MBNA obv some £400+ lighter than what i'd roughly done. they've not sent any breakdown yet, that will be asked for on Monday. 1, the neighbour in question needs the money if he accepts it as it stands , can he argue the rest later. 2. can someone do a better job with the way I calculated the redress [CIsheet then stat] have all the statements. dx siteteam
  7. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?372400-MBNA-PPI-Award-“Interpretative”-Calculations/page25 The long running thread above is dedicated to the bizarre way in which MBNA calculate their PPI redress awards. The FOS apparently do not see the figures, so from what I understand, they are just confirming that PPI is due and that MBNA will provide them with a figure. One guy (next post) decided to investigate a little deeper and discovered that the original award of £3,000 was INCORRECT. This was confirmed by Ian Doherty(head honcho at MBNA) and he was advised there was another £8,000 due to him. He is waiting on his cheque to be processed right now.
  8. Hopefully I've managed to attach the document ok. Both myself and my wife were lucky enough to receive a cheque straight off from MBNA without any fighting. I didn't know at that stage that MBNA workers didn't do maths at school, so pocketed the money , no questions asked (6 months ago). Following advice on here, I wrote to MBNA asking for their calculations, which they've sent straight away (I was expecting them to tell me to clear off as I got the cheque so long ago!!). I've included their calculations as a document. I've put the figures into one of the spread sheets and it comes out fairly close to the cheque I received. Can someone run their experienced eye over their calculations and see do they see anything amiss? Many thanks in advance. I intend to pursue the charges end separately, but AS PART OF THIS CLAIM what could/should I realistically be pushing for by way of return of late payment charges. I know the account SHOULD be left as if I had never paid PPI in the first place, which would mean the return of ALL charges, but what are people ACTUALLY getting in this part of their claim. Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance guys.
  9. Hi A Little advice please I'm happy to say that withe the help of CAG and FOS I have success with all my PPI claims. Barclaycard paid me more or less what I had calculated which was over 10K MBNA on the other hand have paid roughly the same amount of 10K but I think it should be at least double that. I have been unable to do the calculations myself as they have only sent me account information from 2005 and the card was opened in 1998. So there are almost 8 years of missing information and missing interest on ppi. I have recently written to them again with my concerns but have not mentioned the missing info, although I have requested a new complete SAR with a further £10 fee. Is this the best course or can any of you lovely experts point me in the right direction. Thanks xx
  10. Hi all, i am new to this site and would just like some advice. I have been trying to claim my ppi back since the beginning of April. This was for personal loans dating back to 1998. It was for three separate loans one paying off another. I received a letter yesterday saying they uphold my complaint, but are offering an alternative redress rather than paying back all premiums paid. I have received bank statements from them but i find them very unclear as to exactly how much i have paid in premiums, they also say that the final loan did not have any pii added. I have had lots of mis-information from then since the beginning of this whole saga so was just keen to know from yourselves if they can do this. I did not want any of the policies but was told it was compulsory to have the loan. Also the statement shows on one of them that nine hundred pounds was deducted as single premium then refunded ten days later which is strange as i didnt cancel it as i thought it was compulsory, im just a little confused and any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  11. Hi, Having issue with HFC put in ppi claim they amint they mis sold offer sum then say they will take it of the debt owned hfc sold debt to tbi and they have not forward the money to them just want to take of the debt owned to them. Question if they sold the debt then how can they still have outstanding balance second question do hfc own TBI Help pls spoke to FOS there cases are 12-18 mths behind
  12. Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this. I have received a letter from Egg regarding my PPI complaint, they have upheld the complaint and are stating an amount to refund me. That is all perfectly fine. However they say later on "As you account is still open, your account will be credited with £xxx to put your loan in the position it would have been if you had not taken PPI. This is in line with the FSA guidelines." The account went into an IVA in November 2005 and I have the certificate of completion of the IVA dated June 2011. So effectively the account is closed? They are wanting to credit over 50% of the refund back to this account that now i think is closed, is my thinking right? I have started a letter to them asking for clarification, as the phone number they supplied is only a recorded message, but wanted to check that my thinking is correct - or if not just accept what they have offered. Thanks
  13. Hi All Thanks for the incredible help on this site. I'm just trying to calculate the amount to claim back on my credit card. Ive read some posts on the site and followed the links to the calculators but, having done some sample calculations, I am wondering if I have done it right. The amounts that come out seem incredibly high. Eg 1st payment was 24 June 2002. PPI premium £34.50 I put this into the first calculator for the account interest. The APR was 15.94%. This gave me an interest amount to reclaim of £121.79. Added to the premium it is £156.29. I also read that I should add 8% simple to this. So I did that too. 8% simple on £156.29 from 2002 to 2012 came to £144.01. So the grand total is £34.50 + £121.79 + £144.01 = £300.30 Can this really be correct??? It seems very high to me. Many thanks everyone
  14. Hello! My mother recently reclaimed her PPI payments from Barclaycard (it was an old LPF card) and it was upheld. The only issue I have is when running the figures through the spreadsheets you guys provide. When I put the figures into the FosCISSheet I get one figure, but when I use the FOSRunningPPI sheet I get another amount. I'm just wondering which figure is more accurate as there is a large difference between the two. For the record the account was opened in May 2004 and the last PPI payment was made in January 2007. The account was closed only a few months ago, but no PPI was deducted as the balance was low enough for this not to matter (I think it was 9p). I assume the difference in figures is due to the interest not compounding, am I right? Thanks!
  15. Hi, I put a PPI claim in to the FOS on behalf of my husband October 2010,at the time he was still managing to pay his CC and loan, however it all went belly up in April this year and as I have heard nothing for months from the FOS I'm wondering where it will leave this claim when the HSBC take action against him which from the letters received yesterday could be soon Ro
  16. Well I never thought it would happen however after a rejection letter I challenged the decision and I am awaiting my offer. I have been advised that it will take two weeks anyone any idea what i could get. Four loans one ppi valued at 6k however blackhorse advises me its 3k on a 15k ppi at £1000 and two others at £300 however all loans were settled within the first year. All the loans date back to almost seven years but i settled at 12 months. Can anyone give me an approximate value. They also advised they are going to compensate me for the distress caused.
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