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  1. ims, thanks v much for that advice I think what I'll do is two sets of calcs. One using FOSClsheet for the regulatory interest. And a second set adding the 8% to the sum of each PPI prem plus the reg interest. As you say, that second calc is bound to go over £5K so I'll ask a solicitor friend of mine to look at the papers and advise on going the court route. If he says dont take the chance, I will just go with the output from FOSClsheet. Hope you think that's sensible, and thanks again for all the help. It's much appreciated
  2. Thanks very much everyone, I am now much clearer about what I'm doing. dx, sorry but I cannot paste the address bar as the forum won't let me do it (you need to have posted more than 10 times to include a link). Basically, it was just saying do the contractual interest calc and then add 8% to that as well. Whereas the s/s FOSClsheet just does the contractual bit. Hence my wondering about whether to add the 8% separately. IMS21 - what would be my chances of winning in court if I went down that route and added the 8% to my court claim? It would make a big difference to the claim to add it on so I wouldn't rule out submitting court papers if there was a chance of it being successful. The card provider was Lloyds by the way.
  3. dx, many thanks indeed for the help. I will use the FOSClSheet (which interestingly gives slightly higher interest than CISHEET) and use an average for the missing months. FYI, I found the forum page that I recall reading previously which seems to suggest adding 8% stat as well. The thread is on 249257-PPI-interest-calculator (sorry I cannot post a full link, im too new here and the site wont let me do it!) Is this other post wrong or am I reading it incorrectly??
  4. dx, thanks v much for the quick reply. I don't have all statements so the FOSrunning sheet isn't an option. I did use CISHEET for the first stage of my calc to work out the account interest. That gave me interest of £121.70 plus my PPI premium back of £34.50 for a total of £156.29 I guess then I should leave it at that, and not run this amount through and 8% simple interest calculator as well?? Im sure I read somewhere I should do this as well, but I'm not 100% sure I understand what Im doing and why! Sorry to be asking what must sound like stupid questions. Do I just leave the calc now at £156.29 then and move on to the next month's PPI premium and not add 8% simple to any of the results from CISHEET? Thanks again
  5. Hi All Thanks for the incredible help on this site. I'm just trying to calculate the amount to claim back on my credit card. Ive read some posts on the site and followed the links to the calculators but, having done some sample calculations, I am wondering if I have done it right. The amounts that come out seem incredibly high. Eg 1st payment was 24 June 2002. PPI premium £34.50 I put this into the first calculator for the account interest. The APR was 15.94%. This gave me an interest amount to reclaim of £121.79. Added to the premium it is £156.29. I also read that I should add 8% simple to this. So I did that too. 8% simple on £156.29 from 2002 to 2012 came to £144.01. So the grand total is £34.50 + £121.79 + £144.01 = £300.30 Can this really be correct??? It seems very high to me. Many thanks everyone
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