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  1. Hi My housing association employee wants to take facial photographs of us for their tenancy audit after 38 years of residence. Is this allowed?
  2. My parents are long standing members of bannatyne gym. To date they had used swipe cards to access the gym. Now they must use a pin. The gym requested that they provide an email address to send the pins to. My parents requested that the pins be sent via post or alternatively collected in person with ID. The gym refused their request and said it had to be an email address - if they didn't want to provide theirs then a family members would do. They have since spoken to another member who was permitted to collect theirs in person do it can be done!!. They went back again. Again they were refused. They've been told that unless they provide an email address to send the pin to then when the gym pin switch program completes even though they have several month membership left they will not be allowed in until an email address is provided to send the pins to.
  3. Hi, I am trying to finally sort my debt out after years of paying StepChange. My vanquis debt went to CAPQUEST. I sent cca request but all I got back was my electronic application and terms and conditions. I read through this site and saw someone else had same problem I then sent a letter to them saying they have not supplied what I asked. Etc etc and sent the t&c's back. I used the letter that was on here Then today, 2 weeks later they just send me the same stuff again. What is my next step Thanks
  4. Insurance companies could be forced to provide clearer information on renewal quotes, after coming under pressure from consumer groups. When consumers are informed of a new premium, they are not usually reminded what they paid previously. As a result, some customers may not even be aware that the cost of their insurance policy is going up. Now the City regulator is drawing up new rules to ensure renewal quotes include previous premiums as well. That would enable policy-holders to see whether, and by how much, their bill had risen. The Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) decision follows pressure from consumer groups, including Which? The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has proposed the change itself, and has written to the FCA suggesting it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28229282
  5. my friend cancelled his JSA claim today and has appointment booked with his ingeus advisor tomorrow, he has asked me if he can still get sanctioned for not attending as he is switching from JSA to ESA? sorry to keep going on but he keeps asking me.
  6. Hi all I have a problem with a store that wont provide the goods that I paid for. It was a TV and I asked and paid for it to be delivered. It was a really good deal and the price may have been a mistake, However I have paid for it but now they are saying that they cant get it any more and are trying to force a refund to me. Can they do this?
  7. I requested the security cctv footage on a friend and myself from a major supermarket under the freedom of information act (he had started to go into a diabetic coma and they claimed he was drunk) and they have refused to furnish it. I am aware at one time there was a maximum fee of £10 and it could take up to 40 days. Is there anything I can do?
  8. Hi all, First post on here, so please go easy on me. My situation: Currently residing in family flat (NOT the owner), and finally bought a car. (Full time student at the moment.) The flat owner (aka my parent) has access to ONE off street parking space in the complex car park. Applied to the council for a residents permit to park on my street, where most of the bays are always empty. Told that as this is the inner town zone, and demand is high, there is a 6-12 month waiting list. In the latest email, they are now refusing me a permit in this zone (the inner town one), stating as I already have one off street parking space (I don't, my parent does?!) they are unable to offer me a permit for this area. They said they are only able to offer me an adjacent zone (meh, fine by me I guess), but the zone they offered is not the second closest one, it is the third closest one!! Arggh!!! This third closest zone that I speak of has over 90% of its bays almost half a mile away from my house, which is frankly ridiculous. Some of them are almost a bus ride away. So my question is: Is the council LEGALLY OBLIGED to provide me with a residents permit, and for what area? Are there any laws regarding this? If there are any laws that deal with this in my favour, I would like to quote these. With all my work (and dealing with my minor lifelong health condition), I am absolutely sick and tired of being pushed around by the council.
  9. Hello This is my 1st post to the forum and need some advice. Cabot Financial have taken over 2 of my credit card accounts from Co-Op. Both accounts were defaulted but I have been in a payment agreement with the Co-Op for over 2 years. I have requested full details of credit agreements and a copy of the 'Deed of Assignment' but Cabot is refusing to provide this saying and I quote... " These documents are confidential between the original lender and us and as such, is not available for disclosure" Could someone please advise on my next steps for me to obtain the deeds of assignment. Many thanks
  10. hi all and hopefully someone can help, here goes august 2012 i was a new employee for a liverpool building company, after a few months i found work elsewhere and informed them i am moving on, they wanted me to stay but the lure of more money and better prospects was to much, soonb after i recieved a notice forwarded from them of north wales police saying my previous company had named me as a driver with no seat belt, i asked for photographic evidence which was supplied this photo did not clarify anything (to blurry), anyway i recieved a summons from mold magistrate court informing me i was attend a hearing on 15th may 2013 charged with failing to giver driver details, even though i am not the registered keeper, i wrote a letter back to the court telling them that my previous employer are the registered keeper and i could not not name the driver because i have no idea who was driving at the time of offence, june the 14th 2013 i have recieved a letter of the dvla asking for me to surrender my licence, because i was found guilty on 4th june 2013 for failure to provide driver details, i have rang mold magistrate and asked what was the outcome of the hearing, it was 6 points and 503 pound fine, when i told them i was not aware of the hearing on the 4th june they said a letter was sent, which i did not recieve, i asked could i have a statutory declaration, this was declined because they said i knew of the initial hearing on the 15th may 2013, i have today wrote a letter to the magistrate court as advised by the clerk i spoke to, she informed me the letter would be looked at by legal advises and they would decide whether my case should be re opened, this is a copy of said letter Dear sir/madam My name is ***EDIT OUT PERSONAL DETAILS ** , case number **EDIT ** in 2012 my employer c*****in ltd sent me a letter informing me i had a ticket isseud from North Wales police that i had been photographed not wearing a seat belt, i questioned this because i always wear a seat belt since i was in a very serious accident with a lorry in december 2005 when i was the passenger in a pile up, that occasion the seat belt saved my life. Now have asked for photographic proof of last years incident to which this was supplpied and still it did not clarify whether it was me, the picture was very blurred. I was then issued a summons to appear at Mold magistrates on the 15th of May 2013 i sent a letter back saying i could not make that date due to work commitments, the letter also asked me to name the driver of the offence, this i could not do and still can not, the vehichle is not registered in my name but C*****, also i feel i was not driving the vehicle on the day of the offence, i would have thought C**** have a driving log, The next communication i have had since the 15th may, was friday 14th June of the DVLA asking me to surrender my licence because on the 4th of June 2013 i was found guilty for not supplying the named driver, i was unaware i had a court hearing on the 4th of June or i would have attended to give my version of events, i recieved no letter informing me of the second court date, and now i have six points and a 503 pound fine, would it be possible to re-open my case, i have rang Mold magistrate and was informed i cannot have a statutory declaration because i was aware of the first hearing, but the first hearing does not make me aware of the 4th of June date, even so i feel there as been an injustice because i could not possibly know who was driving the said vehicle because it belongs to my previous employer and as to be collected from their yard every morning by numerous people, i hope you can help me with my dilemma, i have moved away from my family in Liverpool for a better upbringing for my children and the only way to see my family is driving, i also work throughout the North West of England, changing sites on a weekly basis and would not be able too with the added premium on my insurance. i have not had a driving offence in 15 years and would ask you please look into my case, i was told when i rang the court to write a letter and the legal advises would look, this is my only chance, thank you for your time **EDIT** i hope someone here can help me
  11. Good Evening, I sent a CCA request to Natwest in January in regards to a loan I took out in 2005. I was under the impression that the loan was initially for 5,000 and being very young and silly I couldn't cope so ended up going through a DMP and paying monthly payments until Jan of this year. However, when I closed my DMP they sent me a statement saying that I still owed Natwest almost £9000. Natwest have played their usual games so far, demanding a supply a signature etc and eventually providing me with a "true copy" which states that the loan was for 10,000, my address spelt completely incorrectly and my signature was nowhere to be seen. I have since put the account in dispute but they have passed the debt on to Westcott and are claiming they have complied with the CCA request as they don't need to provide a signed copy???? Can anybody help with my next steps? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi there I originally had an Egg Credit Card in 2002,they issued me with a default notice in 2004 and subsequently they passed the account to their recovery agents Moorcroft whom I have been repaying ever since. In 20010 the default notice was removed by the CRAs as it was over 6 years old. I'm still paying Moorcroft. In 2011 I received a letter from Barclaycard to say that they had taken over the account. Last month I decided to phone Moorcroft for a copy of my signed credit agreement and asked whether any PPI was added. They said I would need to write to Barclaycard for that information. So I wrote to Barclaycard and received a letter to say that they were unable to provide a copy of the agreement and therefore they cannot enforce the agreement. However they continue by stating that they can and will continue to take any action short of enforcement, which includes reporting to CRAs without also telling them that the agreement is currently unenforceable, demanding payment from me, issuing a default notice and instructing a third party to demand payment or otherwise seek to procure payment. Can they really report me to the CRAs although the debt is over 10 years old and can they issue another default notice after I already had one in 2004? As I currently not showing any default with the CRA's this is going to jeopardise my chances of getting a loan for another 6 years. It's just not fair. Your help is appreciated.
  13. This is written on behalf of a very worried friend who fears she will lose her licence. There are two counts which allegedly took place within about an hour of each other. Originally, she asked for evidence as she did not know who was driving. The evidence showed nothing so she replied saying she could not confirm whether she, or another driver, was driving at the time. Cops did not accept this so she wrote back saying 'As you have threatened “prosecution for failing to supply” the details of the driver, I will be returning your documentation naming the following person as the driver:' She provided the name and address of the driver. This correspondence was in October, November of 2012 and the summons was received today. Any advice gratefully received.
  14. Hi all, just a quick question. Advantis sent me a letter regarding an old debt (not staute barred) that came about when I was unwell and not in a place to make good choices re my finances. Any way, I requested a copy of the credit agreement which they failed to provide. I sent the follow up letter and now nothing. What does this mean? That the debt is uneforceable until they produce the cca or is it uneforceable period? And is there anything else or any other letter I should send. Your advice would be much appreciated. Thanks guys, sabby
  15. Hello, Can any please help, i received a summons for failure to provide information to an alleged speeding offence, i did not receive anything but the summons. I wrote back pleading guilty but putting in mitigating circumstances that I had not received anything but the summons, i received another court date saying i had basically made a contridictory plea. My court date is the 6th Aug, but im seriously considering writing and pleading guilty, I was going to get a statement from my local post master for court, but he has since passed away, I have one from another address that I receive post for and the receive post for me, there is another address but there's never anyone in when I call round. Please can anyone help, its making me ill im that stressed. Thank you in advance
  16. have just posted my SAR, so started a thread just in case i need any help in the future...
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