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  1. Following my inability to keep up with my council tax bills ,Harrow Council passed me unto Newlyn ,i received a letter from Newlyn stating that i owed them £997.50 and i reached an agreement with them to start paying off the debt by paying £200 monthly starting from December 2012.I started paying but could not keep up with the payment in February having paid just paid a little over £400 then because my wife was not working at the time and we just had a baby and that left me with the sole responsibility of taking care of all expenses. On the 20th of February i came back from work to find a letter from a Bailiff with Newlyn titled "Removal notice" and that i should pay £873.39 .He asked me to ring immediately which i did and was told that i have been charged £18.00 for a visit on the 11th and £42.89 for a visit on the 20th of February.He also charged me £235 for Attendance/Van visit on the same date.I told him i never received any letter on the 11th of February and i would have called them if i did receive any letter from them as is my custom.I asked them to check their records to see that i always rang them each time i receive a letter from them.But he called me a liar and said they have records to show that i was informed of their visit on the 20th which is entirely false. The truth is that they didnt send a letter to me as clamed but they are hellbent on ripping me off to the tune of £300:00 which is for their single visit on the 20th. I have fully paid £997:39 which is the original amount i was owing and i am disputing the £300 charge and the have been threatened with a visit my property if i dont pay the charge and that i will incur more charges. Please advise
  2. Sent this to Newlyns Date 07/01/2013 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Coventry xxxxxxxxx To: Newlyn Ref: Account No:xxxxx Dear Sir With reference to the above account, Can you please provide me with a breakdown of the charges. This includes: a - the time & date of any Bailiff action that incurred a Fee. b - the reason for the fee. c - the name(s) of the Bailiff(s) that attended on each occasion a Fee was charged. d - the name(s) of the Court(s) the Bailiff(s) was/were Certificated at. e - the date of the Certification. f - proof to be provided that all visits were made at the date and time stated. that would end disputes about ‘phantom visits’ . This is not a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act S7 1998 so does not incur a fee of £10. You are obliged to provide this information. I require this information within 14 days. Yours faithfully xxxxxxxx
  3. Does anyone have an active link to a letter chain for Newlyn Debt Collectors? I had a parking ticket from NCP a while ago and I've been ignoring their letters ever since. I've had a letter this week saying FINAL NOTICE - COURT ACTION. "We have no record of receiving payment despite out[sic] previous correspondence and now have no alternative but to pass the file back to National Car Parks Limited who will then proceed with court action. We would like to offer you one final opportunity to settle the outstanding amount prior to us returning the file. Unless we hear from you in the next 7 days with regard to paying your outstanding arrears, your file will be processed for court action. THIS WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL COSTS TO YOU. To avoid any further action contact us immediately on blah blah bah blah blah blah Anyway. I just wanted to check which part of the chain I'm at, and just be sure I'm still in the chain, as I had to write to them telling them I was the driver and wanted to ensure I met any action on their part properly.
  4. Hi , I made payments to Newlyn for council tax owed to brent in 2011 and have recently discovered that over £200 of the payments were for Newlyn charges. I queried the charges for Attendance to Remove as no levy was ever carried out as far as I was aware. I have attached the response I got back from brent and would like some clarification on certain things; 1) If a vehicle was levied upon, don't they have a legal requirement to store and provide the registration number of the vehicle to me. 2)In the attached letter it is stated "there was a vehicle parked immediately outside the property which the bailiff believed he had seen previously , This was subsequently levied upon ". There is no designated parking or drive way outside my property as I live in a flat, so the cars can belong to anyone who lives along the road. Please advise on what further action I can take, regarding claiming back both the Levy fee and the Attendance to Remove fee. Letter is attached below [ATTACH]40192[/ATTACH]
  5. Newlyn bailiffs have clamped my car twice in the past three months & taken a total of £2200 in the process. In september they clamped my car then released it ofter my mother paid them £750 they said there was a remaining £200 to be paid & agreed I could pay it by end of November. Instead in October I came out of my home to take my child to school only to find my car once more clamped now the same bailiff who'd agreed that I could pay the remaining money by end of November said no he had made no such agreement & that there was another ticket. I asked if they had sent a letter or attended my home, he said yes. No one had come to my home or left any letter re the parking ticket either from the coucil or bailiff. He now said I owed £700 for the ticket & that the £200 had now increased to £700. Then the bailiff added £100 for sending out a lorry to remove my car which was not removed. I've been told that if the bailiff was no a "civil" enforcement company he should not have been clamping my car & that they certainly should not have charged the £100 for the van to remove my car which was not removed & that the amount charged was extremely excessive. Can I get any of my mother's £2200 back? Thanks
  6. Hi there, I am new this forum. I would definitely appreciate some advice, here is my situation. My car was clamped by Newlyn bailiff in a Morrisons car park (using APNR) for unpaid pcn that was on hold with LA pending appeal decision from TEC. I called the number on the bailiff who was said he could not come back to remove the clamp. My car remained in two hour max car park for the entire weekend. After several phone calls on Monday morning to TEC, LA and Newlyn my car was released. I thought that would be it until I hear from TEC but the on the Wednesday, newlyn bailiff turned on my doorstep threatening to remove my son’s car for a pcn he also had on hold pending appeal. After a three hour stand off with the tow truck ready and waiting, the bailiff turned their attention to my car and said they will take my car too because it has a warrant on it too. I said he couldn’t do that because my car was already seized once and subsequently released. He ignored me and proceeded to clamp my for the second time and left, leaving no warrant or levy. I think that Newlyn have acted unlawfully on number of counts, firstly, they should not have clamped my car in my absence and not at a location not stated on the warrant and should they be clamping my car for a second I assume with the same warrant they claim to have but I haven’t not seen. Does this make it invalid and illegal also with the fact no levy was made detailing my car reg. Is this a case of fraud by false misrepresentation? I have since spoken to LA and Newlyn and both say the clamp will remain on the car until final decision. I have explained that I am NHS staff and my car is for home visit to patients but again falling on deaf ears. They say clamp may be on there for weeks. Also, TEC say warrant was issued in Oct, will find out on Monday when LA actually printed and issued to bailiff, must they act within 7 days of it being printed? Not sure what to do now, any advice welcome. Sorry for long thread.
  7. Hi, I really hope someone can help as I really do not know what to do. I received a council tax bill (340 pounds) in May 2012 and then 4 weeks later a summons ande baillifs notice for council tax dating back to 2004. I telephoned the council and explained that whilst I lived there for a period of 6 months I had paid my council tax. The council started asking me for tenancy agreements for other tenants and bank details for the property. I explained that I would not have those details as I was not the owner of the property and have never owned the property. They asked for proof of this and I said that should be easy using land registry and I also gave them the owners name. I emailed them to ask them to update their records and hence I would not be liable for the council tax. This was all emailed. I did visit for legal advice and they said I would not be liable for someone else's council tax and if another tenant has not paid the owner would be liable. They also asked me for details of the liability order which I said I did not have (although I had requested this twice already). I received a 'notice of distress' hand delivered today (no goods seized or mentioned) and phoned the council. The council have asked for proof that I was not the owner (which they already know) and I was told to get a letter from a solicitor stating that ' I made no financial gain from the property when it was sold'.(has anyone else been asked for this, they said it was normal?). I still have no details of the liability order and I am not entitled to legal aid so can I write the letter they are asking for myself? I am really fed up and this seems odd, they should be able to found out who owns a property (they even have their name) and I can't afford solicitor's fees for strange requests (if this would resolve it, I would do it, BUT what they ask for keeps changing). What do I do about the notice of distress, can they levy my partner's car (not married) and he has a blue badge. Any help would be really helpful. Thanks
  8. my council tax account was passed to the newlyn but i have cleared the councill tax account but battle with bailiff is going on they trying to charge £162.50 . i covered my self by sending them proof that my car is private hire but they keep saying they still can clamp my car but can not take it . i also told them not to visit my house as my wife has mental history and she is till seeking some counseling for it and they said we will visit tell your wife not to open the door where before they was sending me the letters with both our names now they only start sending letters only stating my wife's name only. i am attaching recent letter they send me and in this they also said ( Goods maybe removed in your absence ) they never got levy on items as we never had them visit physically let them in or open the door for any bailiff so how can they say goods maybe removed in your absence . please help me thanks
  9. Thought I'd share this - more for the sake of sharing, although any advice appreciated. My parents received a visit from a Newlyn bailiff at their address for a council tax debt I'd forgotten about (with a liability order I believed I had paid, but I hadn't). The letter said it was their third visit and he had come to seize goods - however no correspondence had been received at the address prior to the visit and the bailiff did not ring the doorbell or knock the door. By chance, my parents solicitor was present at the time, and also witnessed the bailiff come down the drive, push a letter through the mailbox, and not knock the door. He put the walking levy on her BMW - which was pure comedy, really. Note - I do not live at my parents' address! But they let me know, so I paid Harlow Council what I owed them and contacted Newlyn. Newlyn claimed that they had visited twice before, and wanted to charge me around £160 in fees for these visits. My parents are over 80, so they do not go out much, and they knew for certain that they were in the house on the dates that Newlyn claimed the bailiff had visited the first and second time - but no correspondence had been left, and the doorbell hadn't been rung, and the door had not been knocked on these dates. 5 or 6 letters later, Newlyn provide me with the GPS reports for the bailiff that clearly show that his vehicle was right outside my parents' house on the dates they claim the bailiff visited. However, my parents are willing to go as far as making a legally sworn statement that they were in the house on those dates and times and that the bailiff made no attempt to contact them or leave any notice of his visit. They know they were in, and they know they had no visitors. Newlyn said the onus was on me to prove that the bailiff did not visit, but refused to accept an affidavit from my parents as evidence, as it 'could be biased' (because affidavits are just worthless???). They're asking me to prove that someone didn't visit a house I don't even live in. No correspondence had been received at any point before that alleged 3rd visit - from either Harlow Council who I owed the debt to, or Newlyn Plc. I wrote to Harlow Council regarding the matter of the fees Newlyn were chasing, and they never replied. This is what I've done: 1. I've complained to the court that Newlyn would not accept an affidavit from my parents, 2. I've complained to the local council omnibudsman that Harlow Council were avoiding entering into correspondence with me regarding the matter. 3. I've asked Newlyn Plc to provide me with copies of all correspondence they claim they sent prior to the visits, and the correspondence that the bailiff allegedly left on his first and second visits. Anyone with any similar stories? What was the outcome?
  10. Good day everyone, long time reader, first time writer. just thought I should share my experience, it might help some people. Newlyn has been harassing for quite sometime now, probably up to a year now. It is regarding a parking ticket from Brent Council. I have received numerous text messages from Newlyn bailiffs such as "bailiffs are in your area and will remove your goods, go home quickly", "we are coming today to remove your goods, see you at 11.30am", some distressing text messages as well as letters. Anyway, I kept ignoring them, but today (9 Oct 2012), I was paid a visit by a Newlyn bailiff, saying he is here to seize my vehicle unless I pay £431 immediately, I got my phone and started video recording, I first asked for his I.D., he showed it to me, I wanted to take a picture of it, but he refused. He said I dont need to record but I kept on recording, he said do I have the money, to which I replied no, but as I am not working, I am willing to make monthly payments, but he refused and demanded full payment. I said, I cant give you what I dont have, he then parked his vehicle in my driveway, saying he's not going to leave until the tow truck gets here, I said fine, whatever makes you happy. I kept on video recording, I went up to his face while he was in his vehicle and kept on recording, he said why am I behaving like this, that I must be suffering from a disease, I said thanks for the insult and kept on recording, he was in his vehicle for about 20 mins, and then came out and said last chance, the tow truck is coming, I said I dont have any money but I'm willing to make monthly payments. He then demanded I give him the keys to my car, to which I refused, he went back into his vehicle and I kept on recording, I then asked to see a documentation of how it mounted up to £431, and he refused saying that after I make payment, he will then give me the breakdown. I kept on recording, going round his car, recording everything. He then came out and said that he has to leave but he has called the tow truck and they can come anytime to collect the vehicle, then he left. I just wanted to ask you guys for your opinion on the whole situation. Also, I am going to send the documents, emails and video to the OFT and file a complaint as well. These guys have been disturbing my life, the bailiff today he insulted me verbally and was quite rude. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it, and I apologize for any typographical and grammatical errors.
  11. Hi everyone, this is my first post and I need some urgent help please. Earlier this year I was contacted by Newlyn about an unpaid council tax bill dating back to 2005. I asked them in writing to produce proof that I owed this money (£400), which they haven't done. I don't believe I do owe it hence me asking for their proof. Recently a bailiff has visited twice leaving letters. Last night I returned home very late to find a notice to remove goods for auction to the tune of £668.00. There was a hand written note on it asking me to call the bailiff urgently as the council haven't heard from me to discuss the debt. This notice wasn't dated or timed and wasn't in an envelope so a friend of mine (cat sitting) has now seen it and I'm deeply embarrassed. I no longer live in the area where this 'debt' relates to. The removal notice quotes a liability order, but the first contact to chase the debt has happened 7 years after the liability order was lodged. This morning, the bailiff called at 08.10. I was just leaving for work so I ignored it. After 10 mis (thinking he had given up) I left for work, he had hidden nearby and I ended up sprinting for my car because as soon as he saw me he started running at me shouting my name. Again I'm deeply embarrassed as I live on a farm and all activity can be seen and heard by neighbouring occupants. I understand my rights with regards to not letting him have access to the house, but my big worry is my car. I need it to get to work and I have no-where to hide it. As the bailiff has now seen it he would probably spot it if I left it nearby anyway. I am now terrified to go home. I am on medication for depression as it is and this has really shaken me up and left me feeling really iill. Is there anything I can do today to stop this bailiff whilst discussions are ongoing with the council concerned? I'm suspecting that as I'm a woman living alone they'll see me as a bit of an easy target. I've been told to not even communicate with the bailiff so I'm confused as to what steps I should take now. So grateful for any advice..Thanks
  12. Hi there, Have recently moved to the UK and have been stung with £240 of Bailiffs fee's after having not paid council tax. The Bailiffs went to our landlords house after I never registered for council tax, our Landlord paid the bailiffs fee's and council tax, I registered for council tax and paid the owing amount, the landlord has since been refunded except I now owe £240 of fees for a single visit. This seems excessive. What are my options here? Ask the landlord to send of a template letter for a break down of the fees? I guess the letter needs to come from the Landlord since she has paid. What should I ask the council regarding these costs? I also feel like the Landlord must have had warnings from the council and obviously did not notify me. I never received any mail or warnings. Is that normal? Any advice is appreciated
  13. Hi all, I had a knock at the door this morning from an employee of Newlyn High Court Enforcement limited. I answered the knock from an upstairs window to see a van parked outside my front door, although there is no roadway and is only accessable to pedestrians. A man introduced himself and asked me for "a word." As I made my way to the door, he helped himself and walked in. He told me a CCJ had been lodged against me last week and that this was now a High Court Matter and if he did not receive full payment he was going to call another truck, I would be liable for more costs, and he would strip most of the belongings in my house. My costs are approx £1400 for judgement debt, and £1000 Execution costs, although he put £90 on this for being with me for the hour. I explained that I had not worked for around three months earlier in the year as my other half was mentally unwell and had tried to take her own life on more than one occasion. This meant savings had dissapeared, debts accrued and I had no way of paying the full amount. He had me ringing round family and friends pleading for help at his suggestion only for everyone to be in the same skint boat as me, and me left feeling completely belittled and helpless. He has left me with a Notice Of Seizure with the details of my goods on it, and gone away with 2 post dated cheques amounting to the full amount to be cashed in two weeks and 4 weeks. No details of the execution costs are broken down. I do not want him back at my house as I worry greatly for my fiancee and her state of mind, but wonder what I am legally able to do in order to: 1) Challenge the £1100 they want for scareing the life out of me(although they did a good job) and making a list of my goods. 2) Make a more sensible repayment plan if possible. No cliches intended, but all and any help is really appreciated as I just don't know what to do.
  14. Hi there, I have had to deal with Newlyn for council tax and paid them but the last payment directly to the council. Newlyn asked £249 fees so I asked them to break down their fees, and they dared sending a letter with total and absolute LIES. They have only posted 1 letter in person and they pretend: -2 visits -1 Levy -1attendance for removal !!! They LIE. They have never come more than once at the begining with the first letter and since I paid all the time. I am chocked that High courts work with people and companies who LIE. Can anyone help me in choosing the words to answer back. How can I confronte their LIES. Many thanks. xx
  15. Hi I was wondering if I could get some advice please. I had a council tax bill from 6 years ago and got newlyn round I paid the money without checking anything and after looking through the forums found that they charged me illegally and will do some follow up letter, this however is not the issue. Today I had a letter through my door explaining that I owed £246 on the bill that was payed. I received a letter confirming that it was paid full and final. On investigating the main office had no idea what the debt was and on first call nor did the "bailiff" and replied later saying the councill had added £100 to the bill on July 5th 6 years after the debt was made. I have received no correspondence from the company letting me know I owe an extra £100 just a bailiff at the door wanting £246. Any advice or need more details please let me know [Name Edited] Also they can provide no proof that the council had asked for the money.
  16. hi all i am desperate i have gone to my car this morning to take kids to school to find my car has been clamped i called the number on the big red and white sticker and spoke to a balliff he said it was for unpaid parking fine from december i need some help i had no knoweledge of this no letters can they do this he didnt even knock on the door help please......
  17. Firstly i am new to this forum and hoping that someone can give me some advice. My situation is that I had a payment plan in place for the an outstanding parking ticket while on a work visit to the same local authority. I thought that my final payment was made to Newlyn plc on the 30th March this year. After this I have heard nothing from them until my new mobile had received a text message from a bailiff acting on their behalf. He has given me until 5pm tomorrow to make the £67 payment. No matter how many times i have asked for an extension until the end of the month I am being told no. The guy is an absoluet A*^ HOLE. Do i have any rights to be able to make the payment at a later date? The staff in the newlyn call centre are no good and keep referring me back to the bailiff. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. N
  18. Hi All Below is the LAST LETTER SENT TO NEWLYN with whole history of events took place in the account and charges. ------------------------------------------------------------ I was on Holiday from 18th May 2011 till 5th June 2011 but my property was occupied by my mother in law & brother in law during this time. When I returned from holiday after going through all my mail’s I find 1 letter from Newlyn PLC for amount of £138.44 and there was no notification. 9th June 2011 I called to make an automated payment and found out that the outstanding balance on the account was £384.44. There is clearly a mistake, I called to speak to one of the Newlyn Plc staff and find out further £246 charges was added to the above account for two visits by the Bailiffs on the dates quoted below. I requested a breakdown of all the charges in writing and did not receive the breakdown charges letter till 16th of June. 27th of May 1st Visit 4th of June 2nd visit Please confirm the above are the two dates that the Bailiffs had visited the property? Having checked with my Mother in law & my Bother in law I am sure there was no “Bailiffs” visited on 4th June because it’s was a Saturday and they were present in the property, also there were no “Note” or “Card” left at the property as a proof that a bailiff had visited. Newlyn Plc to answer the following Question: 1. Please confirm were their any “Note” or “Card” left in the property by the visiting Bailiffs? 2. Do you have any copies of the “Note” or “Card” left in the property? 3. Did you sent any letters to inform the additional changes added to above account before 9th June 2011? 4. Do you have any other proof for the bailiff visits and what is it? 5. Please confirm you sent the fist ever “breakdown” changes letter for the above account dated 13th June 2011? 6. Please confirm that I have not been informed of the additional charges, in writing until 16th June 2011? 16th June 2011 For the first time that I received a letter of “Breakdown” and additional charges that had been added to the account and total amount of £384.44. The Breakdown charges letter did not provide dates of when the charges were added. Instead it was just list of description and amount. Below are the listed charges totaling to £384.44 Original Charges • Council Debt £125.00 • First Letter £11.20 Additional Charges • Visit fee 1 £39.00 • Visit fee 2 £61.00 • Enforcement fee £105.00 • Vat £43.24 Additional Amount Total of £248.24 Failing to see the dates on the letter for when the charges had occurred, I called Newlyn Plc and have asked the staff again to confirm the dates for the “Breakdown” charges, but Newlyn staff quoted details listed below and also confirmed by Newlyn staff, that they had copies of the “Note or Card” left by the Bailiff & a GPS tracking of the visits. 31st May visit fee £46.80 31st may Van hire fee £126.00 6th June visit fee £73.20 Total of £246 Clearly there are discrepancies between what Newlyn staff quoted over the phone & breakdown letter details. I wrote to Newlyn PLC dated 16th June 2011 to request all the details as per “Data Protection Act 1998” and requested for all the information held against the above account. I have sent two cheques on 16th June 2011 for the following amounts; • £138.44 - Original amount owed on account • £10.00 for the statutory maximum fee for Details to share under the Data Protection Act 1998. 22nd July 2011 Received letter from Newlyn PLC with the following information; • Copy of transcript of all calls made up to 20th June • Copy of new balance after receiving the payment of 138.44 • New balance as of 22nd July 2011 is 246.44 • Copy of Warrant of execution for the amount of £125 (which is already paid by cheque dated 16th June 2011). Within all the information provided under the “Data Protection Act 1998” there were no real evidence to back the claims of Bailiff’s visit to the property. Please confirm evidence that you have provided that proves that a bailiff had visited the Property on the dates quoted? According to the information that you have provided there was the hiring of a Van on the 31st May 2011, where are the receipts? And why was it not included as part of the “Data Protection Act 1998” information shared? Where are the Notes, Cards and GPS tracking data you confirmed as a proof of bailiff visits? 1st of Aug 2011 Letter was sent to Newlyn PLC detailing my concern regarding the additional charges. 2nd Aug 2011 A letter was received for an amount of £315.84 without any explanation of further charges, also the letter seem to suggest Bailiff Removal visit to seize the car and household possession. 1. What are the further charges? 2. On what circumstances was the charges added? 8th Aug 2011 Threatening text message received that a bailiff visit was scheduled at 5pm. Why did a Bailiff scheduled to visit while I was in communicating to resolve the account? After reviewing the information that you have provided, I can clearly say that you have failed to provide any supporting documents that proves of the bailiff’s visits. The details of the charges on the transcript & breakdown letter have conflicting information as indicated above therefore either of these documents/letters are not valid as a proof. I like Newlyn PLC to provide answers to the all of the above questions and to review the charges added to the account. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Answer from Newlyn for the Above Letter is Bailiff will be visiting in 14 days to remove goods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am tempted to pay and end the nightmare but I know NEWLYN are -[problem]- hiding under the legal system and I don't want to pay them. I have to find way to beat them and if I find and answer just tell every one how to fight these Pests. I am thinking to pay if they turn up on my door. what should i do?
  19. Greetings All, Just received a 'Seizure & Distrain' letter through our door from Newlyn plc marked for my father's attention, chasing some £300-worth in items from our home over some "Road Traffic Contravention" charge held against his final car from way back in October 2010. The joke of it? My father died in April 2010. His final car was sold to someone else a good 2 months before he died... a good 8 months before the "contravention" charge was incurred. Oh... And the letter doesn't even have any signature or local authority/county court stamp. Any thoughts on how to deal with this nonsense swiftly and effectively? Along with how the hell a charge incurred by someone else could come back to our doorstep? Please let me know, people. Cheers.
  20. hello! bailiff have seized my car for unpaid parking tickets which were in dispute as i had sent a witness form by recorded delivery and i did not recieve a reply. i then called newham council to question why i hadnt recieved a reply and they told me to call the court, which i did, though its all automated. anyway, two months later, bailiff have taken my car with no prior contact!! AT ALL. no letters, no visits, NOTHING!! i thought my car had been stolen and called the police wh then told me that the bailiff had filed to them that they had taken the vehicle!! why couldnt they tell me!! they are now demanding £1500 for me to get my car back. i am a single mother with a small baby and its money that i simply just dont have AT ALL!! i know that the bailiff handeled this job incorrectly thus them taking my car was illegally done and i will file a formal complaint but i need help as i dont know what my next action is, would i have to pay for the car and then complain or can i somehow get any further action frozen? please help, i am a mess about this!! I sm not the first person they have done this to, please help me fight this. I have filled out a TE7 and TE9 in order to freeze any further action and have sent off a subject access request but how does this stop them from selling my car after the decisions have been made. i will launch a formal complaint. what are the processes of getting my car back without having to pay there illegal fines. what are the odds that i will get my car back and how long do you think it will take?? should i rent a car and then claim back expenses? Thankyou.
  21. I have recently joined the large number of people like you who have been stung by clamping of my car by Newlyn bailiffs 100 miles away from home for an unpaid parking ticket from over 1 year ago that i never even received. Being part way through the process with the TEC, I have only recently discovered how unfair traffic enforcement legislation is and Bailiffs get away with criminal behviour as most people are too scared or cant be bothered to fight. So after much research I have started a petition, contacted MPs, ombudsmen etc with a view to making a big fuss and causing CHANGE. Please support me in this by signing my petition; unfortunately as a new member I am unable to post a link so if you search petitiononline.com/dbcc33 on google, you should be able to find the link. Once I am able to post a link here I will try and repost. Many thanks in advance!
  22. Hi guys, I've been reading a lot of previous posts and it's really helped me to deal with the people at Newlyn. I've got a couple of specific question I'd be grateful if you could help me with: Newlyn's dealing with my debt to Lewisham council for 2009/2010 Council Tax for £1326.72 Never opened door or talked to bailiffs. 1st visit -> 17 Aug 2010 - no response 2nd visit -> 24 Aug 2010 - no response 3rd visit -> 2 Sept 2010 - no response - Van attendance charge (ATR) - Levied neighbour's car parked on street outside house. We don't own a vehicle. Oct 2010 - we contacted Newlyn and agreed payment of full amount owed in 3 instalments including their fees @ £345.69 Since then we missed some payment (Newlyn website not taking my payment, tried various times and then forgot about it) 4th visit -> 5 Jan 2011 - Reattendance charge (over outstanding amount) Contacted Newlyn to pay full amount owed in one payment with bit card on the phone upon clarification of their admin/fees charges. Since then I found out these charges are not quite right. Payments done so far: £263.89 - 25 Oct 2010 (+ charge for use of debit card of £7.69) £772.50 - 4 Nov 2010 (+ charge of 22.50 for payment with credit card) Breakdown of Newlyn fees £345.69: £24.5 -> 1st visit bailiff £18 -> 1st visit bailiff £105 -> Van attendance ATR £63 -> DVLA check (they haven't done it yet and car is not mine but already charged for it) £105 -> Reattendance charge £7.69 -> charge for use of debit card for payment 25 Oct 2010 £22.50 -> charge for use of credit card for payment 4 Nov 2010 My dispute: I am ok to pay: Outstanding amount for council tax + 1st and 2nd visit of bailiff Not prepared to pay: 3rd visit - Attendace van. I believe they cannot apply an Attending to Remove charge unless the have a valid levy which they didn't, actually, as they didn't levy anything or got access to my property on 1st or 2nd visit there was no point in sending a van over on the 3rd visit as they wouldn't be able to collect anything. So I dispute this charge. Also they confirmed on the phone in this 3rd visit with van they levied the neighbour's car. I believed they have to send bailiff round first to levy goods, then send a van over to collect? They say they have done both on the same 3rd visit? Is this possible? 4th visit: Reattendance fee as we failed to pay as per agreement. I believe in any case they can only charge two van/removal fees but if second charge is made goods must actually be removed. Car levied on 3rd visit is not owned by us so levy is not valid. I agreed to pay outstanding amount of the council tax debt and 1st and 2nd visit charges but refuse to pay. van attendance fee DVLA check reattendance fee They refuse to take anything but the whole outstanding amount including all fees. They explained the DVLA check would take 6 weeks so better to pay the £63 and they call back to claim the money back. What do you guys recommend to do? I don't want to pay extra to these people. Is it better to find out how much of the paid monies went to cover council tax debt and pay the rest to the council? Not too sure if Lewisham council will accept this. Thanks ever so much in advance for your help.
  23. Hello, A few months ago I visited this forum as I (well my wife did as she was driving the car) received a parking notice through the post. I took the advice of the forum and basically ignored the letters. Then I basically stuck my head in the ground! It has now got to the stage that another company have got involved which are demanding £178.13, the company is Newlyn. To say I am worried not is an understatement as they are saying in their 2nd letter about going to County Court and (in bold) stating 'Considerable further cost to you'. Are they allowed to do this? The cheek of it is that they have spelt my name incorrectly in all correspondence that they have sent me! Anyway, could someone please advise to what I should do now? oh, and your earliest reply would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Rob
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