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  1. Hi, I have a question regarding my credit file & 4 Lowell accounts which were closed as a "goodwill gesture" due to my ongoing mental health illness. Due to them constantly contacting me via telephone and threatening letters, I contacted them first email to request they stop contacting me via my telephone and also to try and setup some kind of affordable repayment plan to clear these accounts. I also explained my health circumstances and my very low income. They requested I complete a income/expenditure and some proof of my illness. I replied with my doctor's report and explained I will send a income / expenditure form once I have some advice from the National Debtline. One of the accounts was being administered by BWLegal who had issued a warrant of control which Lowell advised would be stopped and they would take over the account. A few weeks later, Lowell wrote to me to explain all accounts have been closed and no further action will be taken to collect any outstanding amounts. (Although they didn't inform the bailiff who turned up at my door and left a card, but having spoken to him he is now aware the debt has been cancelled, so all good) Should all these closed accounts (all equal around £1500 combined) be updated as "closed" on my credit file? Obviously I realise defaults / and the 1 CCJ remain on file for 6 years, but should the other accounts be listed as closed rather than as still active with there outstanding balance? (which they presently are) Lowell closed the accounts about 6 weeks ago, which did surprise me but obviously took a weight of my mind. Due my present circumstances I obviously won't be applying for any credit etc for some time, so I'm not too bothered about my credit file status but I like to make sure information on it is kept up to date nonetheless. Any advice appreciated, thanks
  2. Hi, hopefully this is is the right place to post. I took out a personal loan with Tesco bank back in 2014, Shortly after I ended up moving overseas. I continued to pay this loan but in 2016 I had a few personal difficulties and couldn’t make payments. I am currently still overseas and had an email recently come through from Lowell that they now have taken on this debt. i haven’t made payments since 2016 so just over 2 years. the amount was a fair amount £16000 left. my financial situation isnt great currently but I did contact Lowell back and explain to them the situation. I did offer some money I had received through a gift of £2000. As a full final settlement. They did not accept this as I thought would be the case and offered a 50% discount.T i explained again I really can’t make monthly payments and ended up emailing saying I can’t get this debt down currently and the £2000 is what I could give or monthly payments of £1 (supposed to be sarcastic) i found this surprising they emailed back saying yes £1 payment a month is fine? this has just set a bad feeling for me as I have no idea why they would want £1 payments it would never be resolved? I really do want to do the right thing and fix my mistake but I just have a bad gut feeling about accepting this £1 payment. is this normal and what should I expect going forwards?
  3. Good Evening I'll try and keep this short. I have been successfully defending Court claims from Lowell's with the help of this group, they usually give up when it gets to the stage where the judge tells them to supply the court and me with my cpr requests or file a properly completed claim by a certain date or the case will be struck out. Today they have sent me a curve ball for their latest claim against me. They have sent me a Tomlin Order to sign. They have not supplied all of the information they were told to supply. I'm guessing its their last ditch go at trying to scare me, they have 3 days left to supply the court with the information requested. Is it ok for me to ignore this letter? It's states that if I ignore this letter they will produce it at the hearing to prove that attendance costs could have been avoided. Thanks in advance.
  4. Having looked at partners credit file Lowell got A default ccj last year Paperwork sent to old address moved out just over 6 years ago. Forms filled for set aside hearing date end of this month. Lowell have e-mailed today We refer to the above matter and in particular your application to set the judgment aside which has been listed for hearing on ## november 2018. Upon consideration,our client is proposing to consent to the judgement been set aside and has instructed us to prepare the attached draft consent order for your consideration.we should be grateful if you could sign and return to us by e-mail if possible or post. Once we are in receipt of the signed draft consent order,we will also sign it on behalf of out client and forward this to the court requesting that the hearing vacated. Should the court approve the draft consent order we should be grateful ifbyou could provide a copy of your defence so we can take instructions. Once this ccj is removed if they send a new claim where would statue barred come into play Did the default ccj stop the clock and restart once removed? It was a shop direct account around 450 so not a big amount last payment would of been early 2012
  5. Hi All, Looking for a bit of advice. I am in the process of drafting a complaint to lowell about a 02 refresh bill which I had to default on earlier this year (out of work for a three months). Lowell are claiming £370.10 owed which when I looked at my 02 bills on 02.co.uk seems wrong. I think this relates to unpaid airtime till the end of the contract. I read somewhere that charging till the end of a mobile contract which is defaulted is deemed unfair under consumer regulations. Is this true? and if so can anybody point me to the regulations or relevant case law? Thanks Andrew
  6. Good Morning I have 3 accounts with Lowell im dealing with at the moment...one is a old mobile phone contract, a payday loan and a british gas account. I seem to everything in order but when i have sent the CPR requesting statement of accounts, loan agreements, notice of assignment, notice of default, termination notices etc etc. They have responded with its not legal for them to supply a notice of default or termination notice from the companys? Is this correct ? They have instructed me to go direct to the companys for this info. Thanks In advance
  7. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?272699-Help-Filed-CPR-31.14-request-no-response-..-now-what-(3-Viewing)-nbsp&p=5157422#post5157422 How did you get on with this? I know it's been 7 years but I am curious!
  8. Hi all. Brief background to my delimma; Opened up a vanquis account back in mid 2013, kept on top of it for a few years until I went through an extremely difficult time, they increased my credit limit to £2000 around the same time and I blew the lot and stopped paying because I didn’t care about anything. It was then sold to Lowell’s solicitors I ignored the first letters until I received the pre action protocol letter. I responded to that asking them to prove it. Today they replied stating they were waiting for response from creditor and my account is on hold in meantime. Total debt is £2396. But I also noticed some of the information on this letter is wrong. The last payment date and the amount is incorrect and also the default date. I checked through my bank statements and they’re a month out with the payment date. They have my last payment as November for £70 odd, but my last transaction was in the October for £30 odd. Then the default is recorded in May the following year. I’m wondering if it’s worth letting it go to court if they seem to have wrong information. Would be really grateful for any information or advice anyone has. Many thanks.
  9. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, I need some debt advice please. I've been receiving letters from Lowell financial chasing me for two old debts for almost 4 months now. They were threatening court action, so I finally responded . One debt is for an old Tmobile account, (which I remember), the other is from Shop direct (which I don't remember). I sent them a statute barred letter the shop direct debt because I couldn't remember anything about the debt, I assumed it must be a very old debt seen as It doesn't appear on my credit file. They have since responded to my letter saying I opened the account in 2004, last payment was in 2008. Apparently I made a payment between 2009 and April 2013, so based on the last payment of £10 in 2013 (which I don't remember) they state that the debt is not statute barred. The letter also states that a CCJ was issued against me in MAY 2014, with the terms to pay £50 per month (again I had no clue there was a CCJ) which is now in arrears. I need some advice for the best way to proceed please. I am now stuck, do I have any more leg to stand on, or do I just go ahead and make payment arrangement with them?. The total debt they claim for shop direct is £1180.23, I can't afford this now, I'm already struggling financially and paying other debts. Please help, what do I do next?, I don't want another CCJ or bailiffs at my door. Thanks in advance for your time. Jo x
  10. Hi I am having a very difficult time from Lowell . they have taken court action . I keep trying to explain that it is not my name on the so called debt but nobody is taking any notice I am having great difficulties with Lowell debt . the debt they are claiming is mine is not in my name or have they provided any proof of it being mine . they have now issued court proceedings I have tried to explain all of this to them but to no avail
  11. Guys, I am about to send defence to Northampton County Court, please I need your help. Claim issued 14/09/18, received it on 18/09/18 and acknowledged it same day on 18/09/18. I think I have till wed 17/10/18 to file my defence? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Claim is about HBOS overdraft of current account I held since 2003, I believe it's status barred judging from when it was closed... od fees was up to 100 pounds I couldn't maintain payment. I held 2 overdrawn current account but upon challenging for second account they recently sent me letter stating account closed balance is zero. If I had challenged Lowell for the one they raised claim for maybe they'd dropped it as well. But i didn't I just bin their letters as believe it's statute barred. Other points: 1, Account number they've been quoting is wrong 2, Despite signing for it and cashing statutory 1 pound, they have not responded to all my signed for letters dated 21/22 sept 18 : CCA, Cpr 31.14, etc. SAR to HBOS no reply yet many thanks for any help in advance
  12. Hey. Newbie here.. Okay, Sorry this might be a long one as I don't want to miss anything out! So over the 26 years ive been alive I have got myself in a pickle; default city to be honest, mostly low-level everything combined is under 8k. I have just got a lump sum of money to pay off my debts to help recover my credit score so I can one day buy a house. Now checking my credit score I started going through one by one going to pay them off, I got to Lloyds and they have sold my 3 debts to two companies ( 1 is Credit Security LTD and 2 is Robbins way ), I have had these loans outstanding for 3 years or so and they have never contacted me ( got 2 letters from credit security but nothing from robins way ) i only found this out ringing up Lloyds, the default shows up on my credit file from Lloyds and that's it. Do I contact these people or not? I can't remove the Default either way so what should I do? and if I don't do anything that can happen, the amounts of these are £1525. £870.00 & £1800. This is where my second question comes in, my old phone contracts ( yes I was stupid ) have been sold to Lowell, now I never ever saw them as a threatening as they would send letter after letter and that's it nothing came of it for a few years ( back from 2014 2016 2017), stupidly when I decided to set up a DMP a year ago it classed as I made contact with them ( so resets the 6 year time frame ), now they have now left 3 defaults on my credit file, why is it under THEIR name and not orange etc like the Lloyds? I paid them £50.00 today and going to call up to pay a payment plan, I do have enough money to pay them all off today but is it worth it or just paying per month and keep some money aside? (it's 2400 altogether), now reflecting back on that should I of paid them or just ignore them as it would have got written off? Why have THEY put the default on my account instead of the business itself and not the other company that's taken over my Lloyds account? Why is my Credit file showing nothing of these other debt companies, if it is not on your credit report does it really matter? Sorry, I'm a little bit of a newbie at this! I know when default goes on your credit file it stays there for 6 years and there is nothing I can do about that.. right?
  13. Hi, so I really don't know what my options are (if any) In 2014, when I was 18 my mum asked if she could open a catalogue in my name... I agreed as she told me it would help build up my credit rating. I specifically told her not to get in debt with it.... I had thought she'd stopped using it after that year. Background: My mother has C-PTSD and due to this is absolutely appalling at handling money- sadly for me I've only just realised how big an issue it is as she always seemed like she was dealing with any debts she has. She is not receiving any help with this at all as any health professionals involved in her care have never enquired and she's never admitted it as a problem (even now she's acknowledged it but not... if that makes sense?) The only professional she sees (she's just started another block of therapy after so many years) is a psychotherapist. Credit Rating: This month I went into my bank to ask for an increase in my overdraft. I'm a student and my loans are just about enough to cover my rent and placement travel this term, so finance wise I'm not in the best situation myself at least until the nee year when my term rent is a bit cheaper. I found out that the bank wouldn't increase my overdraft, literally not even by £100...due to my poor credit rating. This was confusing as I have 1 credit card and I always pay either the full amount or more than the monthly minimum. Went on and got my credit report from Equifax. I have a 404 credit rating and 'my' catalogue debt is £1500 now passed onto lowell with a default placed in March. My mum has said she must have had a default notice as she set up a monthly payment to lowell in July and has been paying this ever since. She was under the impression that the default would be removed if the debt is paid in full. That's obviously not the case. It lasts 6 years. My score has tanked and considering I will be qualified next year and want to start saving for a mortgage... it would be pretty impossible! Right now, I resent her for getting me in this as I didn't want to have debt like her (although this is my responsibility as well and I've been beating myself up about it) I don't know what to do Main Points *I had no knowledge of the default until obtaining my credit report... 1) The catalogue is in my name and I live at the same address as my mum 2) I've used my current bank card on that account to pay some money towards it (before it was passed to Lowell and had a default added to it) 3) 'I've' already acknowledged this debt as per the repayment plan with Lowell so there's no chance of the 'i didn't know' loophole working. 4) Even if my mum admitted to the debt, with her abysmal credit there's no way they would transfer it over to her 5) Even if she admitted to the debt, it's fraud. I would be utterly terrified of her getting into legal trouble about this! She's ill and yeah it's not an excuse but it's an explanation for her behaviour. She has a lot of trauma and controlling her money and spending money is a very big comfort to her. 6) I am not my mums carer my dad is but honestly, he's useless with money as well and just gets stressed and confused with it. My dad and I have just been ... I don't know, ignoring it kind of? And now I really can't and have to try and get this fixed. Questions A) Is there any way at all, or has anyone had any success with writing to Lowell and offering to pay the full amount owed immediately if they remove the default? B) I know if they won't remove it you can ask for an explanation for the default on your score but I wouldn't have a clue what to write on that? Or if it would make any difference C) Or if they won't remove it on offer of the money. Would it be worth writing to them explaining the situation as well as still offering to pay.. would that have any luck? *if I explained the situation to Lowell would it have to be reported as fraud? D) Does persistence work? If I kept writing and emailing them asking them to remove the default? How persistent, I.e: a letter every week? Emailing the CEO every week? Recorded phone calls? Or would they just claim harassment... E) If they don't remove it and I still pay it in full so it says it's a paid default on my account... There's differing opinions as to whether that will improve your credit score or increase likelyhood of lenders approving you for things like cc/banking/mortgages/finance. ? Not sure whether it would change anything on my credit and make my bank more likely to increase my o.d. my mum is under the impression that it would... So yes... I fully am more than aware I messed up as well. I didn't bother to keep track of something in my name and it was a big mistake I'm clearly paying for now. I'm just very anxious. I'm 22... I really wouldn't want this hanging over my head til I was 29. It's one blip on my credit score compared to the past nearly 2 years of good credit and now it's totally ruined. I still have my credit card and obviously I will continue building up credit ect... but it all feels for nothing knowing I'll have the default hanging over my head. I just feel so depressed and anxious with it all and I can't talk to either of my parents cause my dad doesn't know or want to know and my mum already feels awful enough as it is about it.. Hopefully maybe someone can please start pointing me in the right direction.. . I'd be very grateful. Thank you...
  14. Hi all, I know there are numerous threads on here but I’m going to post my story to see if I can get some personal advice regarding this. Lowell are chasing me, I have read all your views on how people shouldn’t pay them a penny or worry over them. They are chasing me for a Littlewoods debt, I have requested proof which to my surprise they provided. The debt was from 2012 (ish) but the latest payments were made 2017. I have no problem admitting this debt ( I lost my job and whilst I was in between work I couldn’t afford to pay ) now I had been a loyal customer with Littlewoods and after a few missed payments the debt was sold. My issue now is Lowell are on my credit file, ( Littlewoods were but it has changed ) I am wanting to get a mortgage eventually within the next year and I know this is going to hinder me. Is there anything I can do to get them off my back? The debt is roughly 4,000 however half of that is interest as purchases were made with buy now pay later so actually only about 2000 is actual debt. I am sure Lowell will add their interest too, so I’m guessing to them I would be worth a trip to court? Thankyou in advance
  15. ive been receiving letters from Lowell asking for payment of an old debt. I think I owe the money but im not too happy about the amounts they are saying I owe, and im not going to pay a figure that they say I owe don't they by law have to send me proof of the actual true amount owed before they can threaten me with court. any help out there would be very much appreciated thankyou.
  16. I had an account with Very which was Started 16/10/02 Defaulted 26/08/11 Default Balance £2130 Last payment 02/07/12 The last payment was made through a DMC to Lowell Portfolio Ltd. I received varous letters from Lowells and at some point remember receiving letters from bryan carter solicitors. I ignored them! Then i get a letter from Lowells saying that the account has been returned from the solicitors to them and that as i have not made any payments on my ccj they would be taking action. Apparently BC solicitors took me to court. I never received any papers from the court. My address never changed either. I checked online and found that i would have received a big package of blue(?) court papers, did not receive them. Because of this on 31 July 2016 I went online to RTL to check the Register of Judgments - There was nothing registered for me, at my address. In Nov 2017 my Experian credit report showed the very account gone and no ccjs were on there. Today i have received a letter from Lowell Solicitors stating, second notice of county court judgment arrears -£1900.00. The reference number they give refers to the Very account. Are they pulling a fast one, trying to get me to contact them. This account is now statute barred I believe? very lowell.pdf
  17. lowell dca help Im hoping for some advice on an old 5 year defauted overdraft debt that lowell purchased some years ago total £!2k. I had my home repossesed at the time and never gave my new address to either original lender or the dca. Ive never had any contact from either but im aware they can still apply for a ccj at the old address they hold. My dilemma is do i contact the dca with my new address and try to deal with it or hope it slips past six years. They have never credit checked me to get my new address. So really i want to know do they usually wait till last minute for court action also are debts over 10k dealt with differently by courts than debts under 10k ? thanks in advance
  18. Hi everyone, any help would be highly appreciated Back in 2010 I arrived in the UK to study, me and my friends rented a flat in Brighton and I signed with TalkTalk for a broadband plan (1Year). The account was under my name and it was paying it from my personal bank account. End of 2011 I finished my studies and went back to my country, but before I do that I contacted Talktalk and told them that I am leaving and that my room mates will be paying from for this plan from now. (Kindly change the account holder to them and hereby I inform you that I am not longer responsible of this) "for sure there is no proof of this as it was a phone call" Time passed then in 2017 April I returned to the UK with my family to start my new job. Surprisingly I received a letter from Lowell demanding me to pay an outstanding amount of 240GBP for an old account related to TalkTalk. I ignored the letter as I sincerely forgot that I ever had a TalkTalk account! on the end of 2017 I relocated to the northern side of London the somehow they got my new address (I am guessing through the bank as I still use my old account since I was a student) and demanded me again for the same thing so I gave them a call and asked what is this about, they then explained that this account still under my name and it has an outstanding amount since Dec 2013. I asked what account was paying for all these payments since 2012 they explained that it was someone's else account (My room mate). I then explained that I left at the end of Sep 2011 and since then I was away, I have all necessary stamps of exits and entries on my account which validate that I was out of the UK for the past 7 years. They took all these notes from me and were very polite with me, then asked me to wait for a month or too for feedback. Today I received a letter saying that TalkTalk said the following: TalkTalk has advised us that they received change of ownership forms on 09/11/2011; however this could not be completed due to arrears on the account. They state that they received further card payments from a third party, but the name on the account was never changed Lowell then continues the letter saying that I need to pay this and that they will place this account on hold for 30 days for me to review in case they missed anything. Can anyone explain to me what is the best root to take next? As it is obviously not my responsibly to pay especially that i was not informed that the owner ship change did not happen? Bare in mind that my credit report has a note on it from TalkTalk since 2011 apparently which prevented me from taking any credit plan with any type of business in the UK since i got back and i am not quiet sure about the impact on my credit score after this issue is sorted. Kind Regards
  19. Hi, I know there are a fair few similar threads here about the same type of things but I wanted to put down my details here in case there is any guidance with my specific situation. I recently started looking into my credit report after being refused for a credit card. I generally don’t use credit products but was advised that I should as I’m looking to get a mortgage in the next 2 years. I found I have 4 defaults on there. 2 From Yorkshire Water. One from Lowell (relating to a BT account). One from Hutchinson 3G (Lowell). The 2 Yorkshire water default are being removed after conversations with them. These were at 2 addresses I was registered at living in but never actually did. (A bit complicated, I rented a room in a property but was living with my girlfriend at the time. Early relationship, needed back up) The Lowell default relating to BT is from one of these properties, but I put my name on the account so I accept this one. The Three one is where it gets a bit more complicated. My Mobile Phone contract is with Three and it has been for 7 years. I have never missed a payment or been late with payments. The problem with the default is that it’s showing separately and is registered at my parents address. I live there when I was younger but not for about 12 years. My father has the exact same name as me and lives at this address. I believe this default is related to him in some way but I have tried contacting Three and they can’t find any record of the default. On the credit report it looks to be linked with my DoB but once again, I have no idea why. It’s getting increasingly difficult getting any information out of Three in reference to this so I’m a little bit stuck. Any advice on what my next steps should be in terms of both of these outstanding Debts would be great.
  20. Hi all, I have for the past few months been in dispute with Lowell regarding an old Studio account, now because they now have confirmation of where I live - they seem to have linked a really old account from Cabot (this was an old Barclays overdraft from over 10 years ago) which i'm sure we haven't made contact or payment on for well over 6 - however i can't be 100%. Is there a way of finding out for definite? The first letter went along the lines of 'now we know where you live blah blah - you owe £***'. Two weeks later another letter arrived saying we will accept £55 to clear the balance lol - why would they do this? is it because they know the debt is unenforceable and are out for any amount? The debt doesn't show on any credit report. .. what's the best course of action? Thank you in advance M
  21. Help needed on lowells fastrack 14th sept '18. lowells are chasing me for £15,500 for a non secured lloyds loan. i defended a lowell ccj in northampton ccbc via mcol and aos, i have received notice of assignment but not deed of assignment, lowell are going for the jugular and i have had enough, not just of lowell but the depression i am suffering is stopping everything but work and worry. I have redacted copies that will give details of everything and my poorly advised (i think but not sure) fast track response denying debt which I'll upload either in pdf or jpeg format as needed and an other info prior to the upcoming case. needing best advice available on cag in the final stages please. jazz.
  22. I have received a pre court paperwork from Lowell Solicitors to fill out and send back. I am disputing the debt as belonging to them but not sure what I need to do next. the debt was assigned/Sold to Lowell 18 months ago they are claiming the full amount outstanding to Vodafone, but on checking my credit file bot Lowell and Vodafone are marking my credit file as the debt belonging to them. the other thing I would like to get hold of is how much Lowell paid for the debt because this debt is subject to VAT and if they only paid a percentage of the debt, they can not claim full amount because of the VST debt relief Scheme if Vodafone used this to claim back VAt on debt Lowell can not claim the part of the debt claimed back by Vodafone. any ideas what to do next
  23. Hi there, Yesterday I received a letter from Lowell & 118 (together in one envelope) that Lowell are now the new owners of a 12 month unsecured loan I stopped paying in November 2015. During this period I also defaulted on 4 loans with 4 different payday companies however by now I have taken care of all but this one. I fully intend to take care of the last of my mess which rules out the PROVE IT route but there are a few stumbling blocks before I can do so. After checking my credit report I notice a second default has been placed on my account. How do I go about getting this removed? After also checking my credit file I notice that the original default placed on my account by 118 was not placed until 28 months after the account went delinquent despite ICO guidlines which state that 'accounts should be defaulted 3-6 months from last payment date'. How do I go about getting the original default accurately recorded to early 2016? (Giving me a clean slate in early 2022) I would like to thank you ever so much for taking the time to read through this thread and any input will be greatly appreciated.
  24. My partner started to receive letters from a company called Lowell financial a while ago. When I saw them alarm bells started to ring and I did a bit of research on here. From what my other half tells me, these debts were from well before we met so are probably 10 years or more old. The debts were from capital one, three, jd wiliams, and shop direct. We sent a cca request and £1 postal orders for all the debts. Lowells have acknowledged all the cca requests and closed the three account. It has now been a month since we have heard anything from lowells about the remaining 3 accounts. We have checked on experian and it seems lowells have 2 of the named accounts showing as in arrears for about 4 years. From what I read on another post, my other half should not pay them anything ever. They have failed to provide any of the original documents so as far as I can tell they are unenforceable and should be off her credit record after 6 years. Am I correct And should we be worried about it?
  25. I received a Letter of Claim(pre action claim letter) from Lowell Solicitors on 03/06/2018, and have 30 days to send them the reply form, but just saw it today. Very worried if it is late. The Account start date 14/01/2013 Date of default 14/12/2013, the original company name is THree mobile, regarding 385.51 balance., so maybe a mobile contract wih handset. Then I sent the reply form back to the solicitors and CCA request to Lowell portfolio I Ltd, On 26/07/2018 received these letters from Lowell solicitor today( please see attached pictures) It says: "As this is former telecommunications matter it is not regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the original creditor is therefore not required to retain a copy of the Agreement, Subsequently, we are unable to request a copy of this document. A default Notice is a technical document that is applied to a Credit Agreement should a customer fail to repay the account.. As mobile phones have a Service Agreement and not a Credit Agreement, a Default Notice does not apply and is therefor not issued. " Since then they only enclosed a simple bill which is only 92.17 pounds from 3G, but Lowell asking for 385.51 pounds now., there is no other document for how it comes to be 385.51. It is not on the Term and conditions they sent neither. Also, on all the 3G letters, there is no 3G address at all. They said they hold my case for 30 days, otherwise will take court procedure. I am not sure about this phone contract, and not afford such big amount. What should I do next please? Anyone could give me some advise plz, what is my next plz? Should I send SAR to 3G? how can I find the address of 3G which I should send to plz? How should I reply letter for Lowell solicitor letter on 26/07/2018 plz? Thanks a lot for any advices! Thank you
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