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  1. My Mom seems to be in the early stages of dementia or has had mini stroke. She is 72 and has always been active until late 2013 when she became ill with a rushed diagnosis of a urine infection. She hasn't been the same since, not cooking, forgetting things, frequently repeating things and not eating much. My Dad has his own health issues and has tried to get her to see a Dr. I've also tried, several times, but she gets angry and doesn't want either of us to say anything or go in with her when she does see a Dr. She says she won't go if we do and thinks everything is ok and that her memory is good for her age. I have power of attorney over finances but not health, and she is still not at that stage if I had. As a family we are concerned but the Dr. will do nothing without her consent and Mom agreeing to let us in on it. I've been as gentle as I can and told her that it's nothing and it's pretty routine to get tested, plus the GP gets a bonus, (she likes them). Has anyone else been through this? My sister in Canada is coming over to try to help but I think she will be disappointed with how stubborn Mom is. I'm cooking meals for them and just trying to look after them. I'm not claiming anything for their care, ( just in case you wonder!). I give them meals but worry they aren't reheating them properly or storing them in the right way. They are always ready to eat when I take them but Mom doesn't want to eat anything other than crisps and bananas most days. I know I have to be patient. My Dad is not, and gets frustrated at having to repeat things. As an example Mom was insisting that the bills had to be paid at the Post Office. Great stuff but on New Years Day? Any suggestions are very welcome.
  2. Hi. I'm looking into this for a friend (yes, that's actually true). The scenario is this: In August 2014 a car was bought on a Hire Purchase agreement from Black Horse. My friend was in a relationship at the time and this car and the costs was to be shared between two people. However they are no longer in a relationship. I believe the HP is in my friends name and not the other persons. She does not want to own the car as a single individual though. So my questions: - If the other person wants to keep the car for themselves is it possible to swap the entire agreement into their name? - If neither of them want to pay for the car is there an option to A- terminate? or B- sell the car privately? - If C- hand the car back and allow Black Horse to sell it then I assume they'll end up selling cheap and my friend still has a lot to pay back? - Are there any options I haven't mentioned above? In a sense, any solution where my friend can gain more than 50% of the outstanding value back is a winner. Thanks.
  3. Help please! I took out a car finance agreement with Black Horse in Feb 2004. Towards the end of the agreement, I got into financial difficulty, and couldnt make the payments. I stopped making payments in 2008, the loan was over 5 years, and due to finish in 2009. I know the entry will stay on my credit file for 6 years from the start of the loan, but after the official loan term had finished, Black Horse then added a default to my credit file in May/June 2010. Are they allowed to do this? As surely after 6 years the entry should drop off my credit file so I dont see how they can then add a Default to the entry after this time has lapsed. Looking at the entry on my credit file, it doesnt even detail the loan agreement term, but its on the Agreement I had from Black Horse. I havent heard anything from Black Horse since 2008. Any advice would be much appreciated?! Thanks.
  4. Several months ago i received a letter from Idem saying black horse had sold my debt to them at the same time i received a letter in the same envelope from Black horse confirming this, Both letter stated that if i was on a scheme this would be honoured, Black horse froze interest rates on my account in 2007 i was on a repayment only scheme, i thought nothing untoward until i received a letter from idem saying to ring them to set up a payment plan, The amount owed differed from what i actually owed, i rang them and they told me interest was being charged, i explained i was on an repayment only scheme. They said they would write to Black horse, i left it 3 weeks and contacted Black Horse they have not received any letter, However they said they would pursue this and made 2 telephone calls to them i phoned Idem and they confirmed they had received the calls, Now 2 months down the line and 5 letters latter to Idem , they have not replied or made any effort the honor the agreement with them or Black horse, any ideas or help please both my wife and myself anr well into retirement age and don't want the aggravation of these types
  5. On Saturday I received a letter from Black Horse, completely out of the blue offering me a settlement of £830 as they had neglected to insert a right to cancel in a PCP car loan deal. I finished paying off the finance about 3 years ago and they wrote and said that in my annual statements they had neglected to inform me of a right to terminate the deal early and that they are no longer due the interest I paid during this period - £830 I didnt apply for a refund, or know I was entitled to one. They seem very keen for me to accet and cash a cheque quickly. Is this normal? Thanks
  6. Hi all, I'll try and keep this straightforward as best I can in the hope of advice please!! My partner took out a secured loan for £24,000in Oct 2007 with Black Horse. She defaulted on the agreement in mid 2008, fairly early on due to personal problems which I won't go into. She still, however paid what she could to service the account. Obviously, the account fell into arrears and was defaulted. Long story short, just after we got together, she was honest with me and let me know about the debt, so we agreed that we would start paying the full monthly payments as we could just about afford it now. Around about June-ish 2011, we had a Black Horse 'customer service adviser' turn up unannounced on the doorstep. We welcomed him in as we wanted to get the debt back on track. He told us that if we paid twelve months at the regular full repayment amount, he would 'sort something out' about freezing the interest on the debt until the arrears were cleared and then we could continue paying and although it would take us longer, the debt would run it's course. We agreed to this and continued paying until about six months later when a different 'customer services adviser' turned up unannounced chasing the arrears. We explained what the first guy had said and the second guy duly froze the interest for three months as a concession. After the three months we called him and asked where do we go from here? He told us just to keep paying and he would sort something out. A couple of months later we called again and he got the interest frozen for another three months. Then he washed his hands of us and referred our calls to the customer service centre. I called time and time again asking where do we go from here with the debt, we were happy to keep paying the full payment, but we wanted something sorting about freezing the interest until the arrears was cleared. They just kept sending arrears statements. I kept calling asking about the agreement we were promised with the arrears and eventually in January 2014, I spoke to a woman who looked at the account and said ' to be honest, it does look like your interest is a little bit high' and she proceeded to freeze the interest for six months. Fast forward to June 2014, and the end of the interest freeze. We receive a letter from Idem Servicing, saying 'Welcome to Idem Servicing' and they go on to tell us to keep up any 'arrangements' that She had with Black Horse with them and to make payments directly to Idem as they had bought the debt. In the SAME ENVELOPE and SEQUENCIALLY NUMBERED from where it had come off the same printer, was a 'Black Horse' forged letter, addressed to my partner NOT TO Idem (had they intercepted her mail?) saying that her debt had been sold to Idem. There was a scribbled signature on it but no name of a Black Horse employee for reference. We were dumbfounded and tried to make our payment online to Black Horse as usual that month, but couldn't log on and the system didn't recognise the sign on account. We didn't pay Idem because, we didn't trust what was happening, and after researching further trusted them even less. We have never tried to run away from this debt and have payed regular as clockwork for the last few years. At the point that when Black Horse 'sold' the debt £25,227.31 had been serviced to the account and obviously we are not willing to just write that off. Idem called and were told to correspond only by mail, so they sent us more letters sying that they were putting interest on the loan and that the balance was going up from the outstanding balance of £26,838.77. Myself and my partner were temporarily seperated at the time and she offered to pay Idem £275 per month if they froze the interest until the arrears were cleared. They wrote back telling her that they would let her know once they had referred the query to BH and they had a response?? We sorted our differences and we are back together for good, and I saw the Idem letters and started reading CAG forums and I questioned Idems legal purchase of the debt and asked them for a NoA and CCA. I also SAR'd Black Horse. I sent both recorded and they were signed for on 14th Oct 2014. Idem didn't acknowledge and after the 10+2 days, I defaulted them on the CCA (I got the template off here) and I told them that I doubted their legal entitlement to collect the debt, I acknowledged NO debt to them. In the meantime (since I CCA'd them) the phone calls have continued (I just hang up) and the demands for money have arrived. They threatened to send their field agents Excel around, so I sent them a don't bother letter, no legal right (got the template off here). Anyway, this morning, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DEFAULT from Idem plops onto the mat, informing the Mrs that; 'despite our attempts to assist you, you have failed to contact us to agree an acceptable payment plan' blah blah 'if we do not hear from you within 7 days of the date of this letter (dated 4 days ago), we will issue a default notice and then instruct the company's solicitor to commence proceedings for possession of your house'. Long winded I know, but can anyone give any advice as to what I should do please? Thanks, Dean
  7. Hi, this is my first post and I hope someone can give me some advice. In September 2013 I purchased a car on finance through Black Horse. I am self-employed and over the last few months my business has been faltering. It should pick up again but this could take about 2 months to happen. I have missed the last 2 monthly instalments and am about to miss the third at the beginning of next week. Today I had a visit from a guy who worked for Ascent. They are apparently some sort of debt collection/management agent working for Black Horse. He was very pleasant and didn't ask me for any money but said I needed to sort it out or Black Horse could repossess my car. Obviously I don't want this to happen and I really do want to sort it out but at this moment I don't have the money. Does anyone know how long it would take them to repossess the car or could it happen very quickly? Other information: The loan was a 4 year HP agreement and the current balance is £8000. The value of the car is approx. £7000 or thereabouts. I am nowhere near the 'half' rule. I haven't paid a third of the total amount. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
  8. word to the wise everyone my PPI letter was rejected by Lloyds as they stated that they didnt have any details about me (car loan with Black Horse from 1999). I did not have any bank statements from then, and Santander had told me in writing that they didnt have any either. However contacted Santander customer services (IN-BRANCH TELEPHONE - important) and they managed to locate the errant statements. (Important because this line of enquiry acually worked - use a telephone in-branch if you require statements) contacted Lloyds again who confirmed the account number on the statements was correct. They sent out a ppi claim form which was completed. Then rejected. I wrote back to them asking them to reconsider, and asking for a copy of the CCA. What was interesting was that the PPI box was pre-typed in with 'GOLD'. This was the age before online applications, and I argued that the PPI was not presented as an optional extra, but rather was not discussed before I visited the sales office. This is self-evident, and Lloyds know that they cannot prove that the PPI was discussed prior to me signing the CCA. Therefore they have agreed to refund the PPI plus interest. However, as a side note, the final amount is over £1300 short of what the PPI refund should be. Make sure you analyze any offer you receive.
  9. I have sent the SAR and received it showing my name and signature. My question is this; if I borrowed the money from Black Horse, surely my debt is with them and no one else. I am also a bit peeved as if the SOLD the debt to Hillesden, then Black Horse has decided that this debt is a bad debt so got rid of it and as such have put the amount . .. some £3900 against their annual tax and I assume Hillesden paid between 10 p and 2p in the pound to buy the debt. My question is who is the debt with? I believe it is still with Black horse which makes Hillesens claim irrelevent. Am I right?
  10. Good evening all. I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this as its stressing me out beyond words. My health is not fantastic at the moment and i am having to take numerous medications. In Sept 2005 i had some windows from Crystal windows. The man who came to do the financial forms etc asked if any one was on the mortgage with me, and i told him my Mother was, he took her details and address, saying it was his companies policy to do so. I made it quite clear to him that my Mother had nothing to do with the loan. She does not live with me, but somewhere else. The loan agreement went through and the windows were done. i received letters from Black Horse and they had my Mothers name on, i contacted them to be told the loan was in my Mother's name! I asked them how that was possible when i had signed and filled in the forms. they would not have it. i took all the paperwork i had to their local office, and they said they would sort it out. They never did and the office closed down. This was 8 years ago and the problem is still going on. I have been paying the loan from my bank, since then. Even though it is in my Mother's name. Recently i was hospitalised with a suspected Brain Tumour and was off work for 6 weeks and unable to pay this loan, they have sent a letter saying they will put a default on my Mothers credit report. She is elderly and very upset by all this. I have repeatedly contacted Black Horse, and both my Mother and i have sent in copies of our signatures and my paperwork. They sent me back paperwork for the loan that is quite different from my copies. they still insist my Mother took out the loan! I contacted Crystal Windows to see if they could help. I was told that the loan did go through in my name but was refused, then put through in my Mothers name! How can they do that! My Mother did not sign anything! It would seem the man who did the papers, afraid he would lose his commission, put the papers through in my Mother's name, and changed the initial in front of my signature to match her name. We share the same surname. I asked for contact details for the man that came but was told they had none for him as it was over 6 years ago. Black Horse want me to report it to the police but i have no name or details for this man. Also it is clear this man forged the forms, as Black Horse have copies of 2 direct debit mandates, one in my name, signed and filled in by me, and another with my Mother's name and filled in by someone else, not by my Mother, with my bank details. It is quite plain to see the writing is nothing like mine. This is becoming a nightmare, as the loan is mine, with my signature, but with my mother's name and my address. Can i go to court and have this cancelled as non executable as the details are all wrong? And would i have to do it as i signed for the loan, or my Mother as her name is on it? Many thanks.
  11. I am new here but I have been reading about Idem. They have written to my husband only regarding our joint loan being transferred to them. They have given us a new account number and some basic info regarding paying. They have not confirmed what we should pay, or given any in depth info about the balance. What should we do? Is our loan still secured even though we have not agreed for Idem to have this? Is this even legal as I thought the homeowner has to agree security or the company has to get a court order? I am really confused and need some help as from what I have been reading about Idem they are really nasty and add alsorts of defaults to the account.
  12. Hi All Please bare with me here. I had a car finance in 2007 and in around 2009 I gave the car up because I was made redundant which I thought was the best thing to do. As I had paid less than half the loan back they sold the car and I was left with an outstanding debt of around £1500. I still believe to this day that I have was well and truly stung because the price they sold the car at. Fast forward to June 2014 and I receive a letter from Idem servicing saying that they are taking the debt on and that my normal payment plan will continue. Reading some of the other threads I have seen this company pop up but it seems to be only dealing with MBNA and Loans that are secured on properties. I have tried to contact Idem by email like it stated in the letter but to this day have had no response from them. I have drafted a letter together for a CCA request but in the past I know that this doesn't always help because of the case between someone and HSBC with the judge stating that a copy is enough evidence to prove. Im slightly worried that they have not contacted me further by phone or email to try and arrange further payment. Also I have a mark from black horse on my credit report which will be in the 6th year in July 2015. Will idem put another mark on my file or because its the same debt will it still disappear after July 2015. Any help would be appreciated at this moment in time Tom
  13. Hi this is my first post so i apologise if this is not done correctly . I was a bit of a fool in 2005 and took a car on finance that i couldn't afford, the car was repossessed and a CCJ issues in 2007, there was also an attachment of earnings completed at this point and it has been paid every month since to black horse. I have not heard anything regarding this account for a few years now and i was only thinking yesterday i wonder what the balance is on the account. I contacted black horse and they advised me that the debt was sold to a debt collection agency in october 2011 due to non payment. I then contacted the agency it has been sold to and they advised the payments were all up to date and that the debt was simply transferred to themselves as black horse have sold it on. I was wondering can a debt be sold on if an attachment of earning is active and no payments have been missed can the debt be sold on to another company? Also i am now thinking of contesting the figure of the debt and i have requested this information from the third party company and they are sending me this information. Any help will be appreciated. cheers shaun
  14. Hello, I've started chasing BH over a couple of car finance agreements I've had with them over the years, one was with Chartered Trust it goes back a while. I've written the standard letter to them giving as much information as I could (vehicle reg, previous addresses) they have come back and said that as the agreements have been closed more than three years they can't find anything on their system and so they can't do anything unless I have an agreement number, which I don't. Sounds to me like they are just trying to bat me off. Surely a financial institution has to keep records for more than 3 years? Can anyone advise on how I should proceed?
  15. hi received letter of assignment last year from mortimer clarke re an old black horse loan. i sent them a sar request with £10. they have just returned my £10 and have confirmed the following 'we are not holding copy credit agreement, statement of account or any other documents relating to the credit agreement. we confirm we have requested these documents from our client, but that we have not yet received them. they also go on to suggest that in future i direct and further sar's direct to their client which is now marlin II ltd. should i simply sar them or wait for mortimer clarke to respond. if the debt has been assigned to marlin have they purchased the debt? cheers
  16. Hi Guys, I have been reading these forums for some time, however cannot find a thread with a similar problem a nd was wondering if someone could offer some advice. I took out a loan with Black Horse, but had a medical condition, which while wasn't bad at the time, it could get worse over the course of the agreement. The agent on the phone advised me to take out PPI, and assured me that because I had told him about the exsisting condition it would be covered. Well, the worst happened, I became ill and couldn't work and Black Horse said they didn't cover pre-exsisting conditions! I've been arguing with Black Horse for coming up on 6 years now regarding this, and I just want it to go away. They have offered to refund the PPI plus 8% statutory interest, but I'm not happy with this, as the outstanding balance is around £4700 (even with the refund), however I have calculated that if all interest and charges were refunded, I'd owe them around £850. I have no issue paying this, and have told them I can do that immediately if they accept it. I know I have had the use of their money, and want to do the right thing by paying it back, but their agent bare faced lied when I took out the loan, so I don't see why they should be able to do whatever they want and hold me to my end of the agreement, when they aren't sticking to theirs! I have advised them that I believe the agent misrepresented the loan, and I just want both parties (myself and Black Horse) to be in the position we would have been in had the loan not been taken out. All they do, is write back telling me that if I want an up to date balance, I should write to Hillesden Securities, which is another issue. Black Horse KNOW that this account has been in dispute, so I am completely perplexed as to why it's been passed to a DCA! Do you think I've got a leg to stand on here, or should I just cave in and pay the £4700 (I don't have it to hand, I'd need to set up a payment plan, I could however pay them the £850 I believe I owe.) Just for other information, the loan was taken out in 2004, so none of the regulators are interested in helping, as apparently Black Horse weren't a member back then. Any advice anyone? Many thanks.
  17. Hi All I would be very grateful if anybody can advice me what to do next with my PPI claim. I received a letter from Black Horse some weeks ago saying I could be owed PPI from a loan for a car. I filled the form out and noticed that the term of the loan was incorrect. I checked my own records, which as this was from 2003 was not much, and found a copy of a credit report from 2010 which showed a loan starting in oct 2003 running until apr 2006 and then been replaced with a loan running from apr 2006 running until Nov 2011. I informed Black Horse of this on the claim form. They have recently sent a reply saying I am entitled to a refund on the second loan but not on the first. When I contacted their helpline about this they explained that the initial loan had been paid off and replaced with the second, as they termed it Refinanced. This was nothing to do with myself Black Horse just did this. In fact I cannot remember this happening. My question is did they refinace it to include PPI or did both loans include PPI but as the other is older they don't have any paperwork so they know they don't have to pay out? I have both policy numbers but no paperwork. Thanks in advance for any advice. Rob
  18. Car on HP with BH. Some way in to the agreement finances crashed and couldn't pay. Defaulted and taken to court. But BH didn't get a court order for repossession, and I avoided a CCJ. (Mostly luck, and a sympathetic judge.) Instead BH & I agreed a Tomlin order with minimum repayments, which I kept to. Final payment made recently. The Tomlin order explicitly said 'There is no order made in respect of costs.' BH have still added solicitor fees, court costs, and other legal costs adding up to a few hundred to the balance. Do these fees count as unreasonable costs? Can I reclaim them? I'm already planning to reclaim the usual BH late/returned payment fees and it would be useful to know if I can include these fees too. All help appreciated!
  19. Just beginning the process. Realised, very late on in this whole PPI saga that I need to get myself in gear and get SARs sent off. two x SARs sent off today. 1. Blackhorse Finance. Car Loan taken out October 2002 - last payment March 2008 (no missed payments). Be interesting to see how much the single premium and interest was on a £17,000 loan. I wasn't even offered the option as the sales person, at CarCraft Newport on a Sunday said they were due to close and to just sign the agreement if I wanted the loan. 2. Nat West - this one will be harder. The loan was from 1993-1997 and was eventually 'transferred' to First Direct when I changed banks in 1997 - PPI all the way through. In 2000 I was offered a First Direct Gold Card (PPI added again) and when I missed one payment on the third reconsolidated loan with First Direct in Jan 2008, First Direct rolled the credit card balance into the loan and then served a default notice on the total and called it a loan. So I expect a long battle on this one but will update regularly as I (hopefully) make progress.
  20. Hi All, I am looking for some advice I have recently just got my full statement fromBlack Horse on a finance loan I took out in 2006. After examining the statementI have come across quite a few fees that have been added e.g Collection Activity Fee, Late Payment Interest, Charges Adjustment. The Collection Fees Total - £421.56 Late Payment Interest Total - £42.56 Charges Adjustment Total - £1235.26 The original Loan Amount was for 8949.24 with the payments I have made takenaway the above I have paid £8979.86 so have paid £30 more that I should have. In 2007 I lost my job and was paying PPI but after trying to claim on thepolicy I was rejected. I contacted BH regarding my job situation and asked forreduced payments witch they have help me with but at no point in time have ibeen informed of the charges they have applied. The charges Adjustment was appliedin 2010. Just wondering if the above charges can be claimed back Any help would be appreciated John
  21. I am looking for advice regarding, removal of black horse finance from my credit file. It's in relation to a car I bought in 2003, payed regularly every months for a couple of years, I then had problems making the payments. Roughly about a year or two later the car was handed back. The rest of the debt remaining from the car was included as part of a protected trust deed in 2008, which was successfully discharged in 2011. It is still showing on my credit file but only defaulted in 2012.
  22. Hello I had a loan with Black Horse in 2005 and lost my job in 2007 and had to stop paying. They kept chasing me and I started making reduced payments to them, until late 2008 when I just couldn't do it any more. Click on the icons for more detail as required. My credit file reads 6 from 2007 until 2013 when they defaulted the account. I called them and asked when the account was defaulted I was told the account defaulted 14 days after April 2007 When I said it was done again 2013 they just said yes. How can they do this?
  23. I sent an acknowledgement to say that I am happy with the offer, but they say they have not received my letter. I just wondered if they are saying that to delay payment. Has anyone else had any problems with them?
  24. My husband current has a car loan with Black Horse. It has been on going since 2008. He now has 2000 left to pay and they have decided to take him to court regarding this matter. (Due to his own fault of not paying on time etc etc) There is however a number of charges on the account that they have added. He got behind on the payments due to other bills and finances etc etc. Is there anything i can do about this?
  25. Hi I have just received a letter from Mortimer clark regarding a secured loan I had with Black Horse. It says they are working for Marlin and have submitted a order of possession with the court but they also give me 21 days to complete a budget form and make an offer of payment...confused, can they go through with the possession order as I read on another site that only the loan gets transferred and they cannot enforce anything? The other site also mentions a novate agreement can someone explain what this is?? thanks
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