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  1. We have 2 letters, one from each company, neither of which mentions a notice of assignment. I would assume B/H is the client, but they state that they have transferred the ownership? In the small print on a copy of the credit agreement it states in the general terms and conditions that they may transfer any of their rights under the agreement, but we can't transfer ours. We took out the loan on 15 November 2006.
  2. Hi DX We went into arrears a couple of years ago because of me being made redundant. We have been paying extra each month to clear the arrears for about a year now so the arrears were coming down. I don't think we have every single statement but I believe we have the original loan documents. I would have to check them as I can't remember exactly when we took it out but they have added interest every month and it seems to be taking forever to pay. As far as I know, there are no PPI or anything like that attached. To say I was shocked by this is an understatement. What are Idem, a DCA? What can I do, I don't want to deal with them, I didn't give them permission to have a charge on our home, plus I am pretty peeved they have not even bothered contacting me, just sent my hubby a bog standard letter. Sorry but its really got my goat.
  3. I am new here but I have been reading about Idem. They have written to my husband only regarding our joint loan being transferred to them. They have given us a new account number and some basic info regarding paying. They have not confirmed what we should pay, or given any in depth info about the balance. What should we do? Is our loan still secured even though we have not agreed for Idem to have this? Is this even legal as I thought the homeowner has to agree security or the company has to get a court order? I am really confused and need some help as from what I have been reading about Idem they are really nasty and add alsorts of defaults to the account.
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