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  1. 'Martyn Uzzell, from North Somerset, was thrown into the path of a car after hitting the pothole. An inquest heard North Yorkshire County Council had missed opportunities (even reported to them by the police) to repair the A65 in Giggleswick....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-32215664 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033555/Widow-cyclist-killed-hitting-pothole-Land-s-End-John-O-Groats-charity-ride-wins-six-figure-compensation-payout.html also, Mrs Windsors designer killed whilst cycling to work http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-arts-visionary-moira-gemmill-killed-by-lorry-while-cycling-near-lambeth-bridge-10167161.html
  2. A member of a religion called the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is lodging an appeal against the DVLA for not allowing him to be pictured wearing a colander on his head. A musician has accused the DVLA of discrimination after his driving licence photo was rejected because of the 'religious' head-gear he was wearing - a colander. Ian Harris, 51, is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - a 'religion' also known as Pastafarianism - that regards colanders as sacred headwear. Mr Harris has lodged a third appeal against the DVLA after it refused to accept the picture of him wearing the kitchen utensil in his driving licence photo. His so-called faith, which is widely considered as legitimate, is a light-hearted take on religion which opposes the teaching of creationism and intelligent design. It believes Fridays are national holidays, pirates were the original 'pastafarians', and that beer should be celebrated. The religion argues that belief in a flying spaghetti monster is just as valid as any other - although critics claim it is just a parody religion. However, in April 2013 a court ruling was overturned in Poland, allowing the church to apply to be registered as an official religion. Mr Harris, from Hove, East Sussex, says he was "insulted" by the DVLA after their response to his driving licence application implied it would damage their credibility. "Who are they to decide which religions are true or valid?,” asked Mr Harris. “Our religion is a minority, but the DVLA is discriminating because it allows people who practice major religions to wear headgear in pictures. "The letters implied the picture would damage the DVLA’s credibility because the religion has a comic element to it, which I found insulting. "Other church members have been very supportive of my complaint, and have said the headgear is allowed in photos in other countries." A letter from the DVLA said: "Unfortunately the decision remains the same and you will be required to make a new application for a driving licence with an appropriate photograph. "You will appreciate that we must work within a framework set by law and the decisions we make have to be in line with the relevant legislation, therefore, we may not always be able to meet your expectations." Mr Harris, who plays the banjo for successful busking band The Iron Boot Scrapers, based in Brighton, East Sussex, has no intention of submitting a new picture. He said: "I will continue to fight the good fight for our savoury Lord. I have checked, and their guidelines do not say I cannot wear my colander." A DVLA spokesman said guidelines on acceptable photographs were the same as those issued by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.
  3. There are so many press reports recently of debtors being arrested and in this case, found guilty and sentenced to 8 months in prison (suspended). In this case the debtor's car had been moved onto a vehicle trailer by bailiffs from JBW Group and the debtor set the car on fire. Link and word version of story below: http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Plymouth-man-set-car-seized-bailiffs/story-26217852-detail/story.html Desperate Bekim Recica, aged 42, set the Vauxhall Zafira ablaze as a recovery company prepared to remove it from outside his home, Plymouth Crown Court heard. The father-of-five had earlier threatened to kill anyone who came near the vehicle. Nobody was hurt but the car was wrecked and the low loader where it was sitting was damaged, the court heard. Handing him a suspended prison sentence, Judge Paul Darlow told him: “It was explained to you that once the car was seized, it no longer belonged to you. “You clearly armed yourself with petrol and made very determined efforts to set fire to the car despite very clear warnings.”
  4. Hi, i am i am hoping someone can help me. My husband has a full time job, which he absolutely hates...he's been there since june 2014 Without going into why he hates it, i was wondering how long before he should be able to claim benefits? Btw i am not working and i dont claim any benefits...
  5. Hi all again, After I started taking steps to claim back my littlewoods charges, my friend wanted to do the same. I told him to get a SAR off and take it from there. His SAR came two days ago, I told him what people told me on how to look for the charges. After adding all the charges up he found he had been charges £384 from 2010 to late 2014. I gave him the website for converting interest rate into compound interest and he found as high as 6.000 for his interest on the SAR so when he converted that the website said annual rate (when compounded) was 103.51%! So when he put that into the CISheet it said littlewoods owed him £3,433.35 in interest so with the charges that £3,817.35! Now can he claim that? I know the math may be right, but something tells me the court won't be happy with such a high compound interest rate. Thanks Andrew
  6. Hello, Pretty simple question really. My father died a few weeks ago, I'm his oldest daughter (not even 30 yet, never thought I'd be planning his funeral at this age). We've since discovered he had three credit cards, and has three interest only mortgages, and two repayment mortgages (4 were buy to let properties, bought so mum would have a bit of an income should anything happen to him - all pre-2008 so needless to say selling isn't an option). Dad was quite financially savvy so it's very unlikely he'd have paid PPI - but we'd like to double check to ensure he wasn't paying for something that wasn't needed. Best case scenario - we find evidence of missold PPI and reclaim for mum to use paying off his cards. Second best case, PPI covers his loans/credit and are paid off in the event of his death. Worst case, there's nothing, in which case we lose nothing. Any thoughts on how to start the process, and what he may have been missold on? Is it simply a case of checking his bills and seeing if there is an itemised charge for PPI? Or will it have been included in his interest rate/total charge? Credit cards and mortgages would be the first starting point, but I'm assuming it could have been anything? Also, I am executor of my parent's will in case they were to both die, however in the event of my dad dying he didn't (as far as I'm aware) have a specific executor. Would mum as his spouse be entitled to claim/investigate on his behalf? Thanks so much for your help in advance. I've got a lot of reading to do, but hoping to get it all under my belt after the funeral.
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2881419/Man-appears-court-charged-murder-neighbour-stabbed-death-way-work.html
  8. Banging my head on a brick wall here. My ex is self employed. He owns the business, building, land and has around 6 employees. He lives with his partner who only works 2 to 3 days a week. their house is mortgage paid. They have a car each, numerous holidays, all mod cons and can afford expensive concert tickets. He only has my son overnight around 3 nights a month, he has never bought him clothes, paid for school trips etc or even attended a parents evening. As he's told the CSA he pays himself between 0 and £100 a week, he only has to pay me £5 a week.(He does his own accounts). I know he's lieing but the CSA's hands are tied as he's self employed. I was advised by CSA advisors to appeal via the Gov CSA online re: ex living beyond means. There is absolutely nowhere on the site to do this! I rang the advisors back and even they looked online and agreed. I've sent an email to the site to complain about this problem but haven't heard anything back yet. Has anybody got any ideas or advice?
  9. A young chap , 25, has lost almost all the sight in one eye. He can still drive, for now, and he works for a large betting company. He went to one hospital and they delayed treatment and told him that if he was 16 he'd be a more urgent case. This was 2 years ago. He's been referred to another and told that they have to go through the whole evaluation again as they can't use what the other hospital has sent them and that will take 2 years and he will be completely blind by then as he needs cornea transplants amongst others. If he were a private patient he could have it done for £5000 within 2 weeks to save one of his eyes. The mods. may wish to put this on another forum. I'm thinking that he works for a large company and they would have to make provisions for his sight and can't just sack him so why not ask them to fund the operation rather than spending the money on aids for him to work there and he is a valued member of staff? He's not in their healthcare system and can't join now as it's pre-existing but he has been employed by the company before he was diagnosed. I need to check if he's in a union but asfaik he's not got anything insurance wise that he could fall back on. If anyone can think of anything and a way forward for this lad then do chip in and say.
  10. Hi all need some quick advice as what to do. This concerns my ex partner who i am quite happy to try to help out with this matter as we split up on good terms. Today she has recieved a letter by 1st class post from a process server who claims he called to her property twice in one day a few days ago (once in the morning and once in the evening) she was out at both times so cant confirm whether he actually did call or not. The letter goes on to say he is calling back in a few days time (he does give a specific date and time but i dont want to put too much detail on here for fear of prying eyes) with a view to serving a SD, he also says that if there is no one at home he will post thro the letterbox and deem it as being served. I have read around a lot on this forum but sometimes advice can be conflicting. She is not sure whether to answer the door or ignore ??? Is service thro the letterbox by hand really deemed as served and would it stand up if their was a petition ??? Should i answer the door and politely ask him to go away inviting him not to come back unless wearing a crash helmet lol ??? Seriously though the ex is quite concerned should she CCA or SAR if yes how urgently ??? This guy is due back early next week so advice on what to do if anything before then or when he turns up wouuld be hugely appreciated. Any questions or info please just ask many thanks.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22025035 it looks like osborne is hoping to capitalise on the nation's repulsion of the philpotts as another way of turning people against those on benefits has he so little shame that he would attempt to use 6 children's tragic deaths as a vehicle to attack benefit cklaimants
  12. Martin has two brothers. His older brother David, and his younger brother Andy. Andy has just opened a Twitter account Here - https://twitter.com/AndyNdrw
  13. My wife and I moved out of our previous house early last month. My wife then cancelled the tv license, after trying to transfer the account into the new flatmate's name. The new flatmate had been away travelling, and hadn't had time to ring them alongside my wife to transfer the account over into the new name. The flatmate suggested that my wife just ring them and cancel the account, and that she would get a new account later. My wife did that, and then told the new flatmate, who incidentally never responded to say she'd understood. Anyway a month later and the flatmates are complaining that they are on a higher tariff because they had to start a new account, and are demanded that we pay the difference (which is about £70 altogether). Do they have the right to do this? It seems to me like we are essentially just helping them pay their bills, and that the new flatmate should've thought about this before suggesting that we just cancel instead of being together with my wife to transfer the name over the phone (as they had planned to do). If you could give me any suggestions here I'd be really grateful. Can they sue us? Thanks a bunch.
  14. http://www.homesandproperty.co.uk/property_news/news/millionairedebtcollectordigsdeepinsouthkensington.html
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2188437/The-Dandy--Desperate-news-Dans-eaten-cow-pie.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
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