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  1. Hi, cut a long story short an argument with my daughters mum escalated when she pulled her half of her family out of our daughters 6th bday party. Leaving us with no food party bags of cakes, therefore ruining the party forcing it to be cancelled. She ignored me and I got wound up and kept calling and txting her. I was very upset and angry and send a few abusive and threatening ones. She made a complaint to the police pure and simple to get back at me. This has all stemmed from me getting a new gf and not having my daughter one weekend when I was supposed to. I am being charged with harassment without violence. Due to attend court on the 10th Dec. Any advice moral support would be good, hat sort of punishment or mitigating factors will help. I have never been in trouble only a drink drive more then ten years ago. We have a hostile history but never gone this far. Never had a complaint.
  2. The fun never stops eh? Although this is on behalf of a relative, not me this time. As succinct as I can keep it: 1) Relative joins nPower January 2013 shortly after moving to a new property 2) Meter readings provided - nPower setup a monthly direct debit for £65 (dual fuel) 3) Relative became aware in June '13 that account had been setup incorrectly. Relative was only being billed for electric. 4) Took a couple of days to sort and more than one phone call, but a new direct debit of £90 was setup. This included the arrears as a result of nPower's mistake. 5) In September '13, relative had some maintenance work carried out on electricity supply. Discovered during this that they were still only being billed for electricity (although direct debit of £90.00 was being sent every month). 6) Relative was eventually told by nPower that there was a serious error with their account and the issue would be escalated. Was promised a return call - this did not happen. 7) Relative called nPower in December '13 as had still not heard anything. Was advised account issue still remained unresolved, and also that the account itself was showing as circa £300 in credit, plus a direct debit/dual fuel discount on top of this. 8) No return call from nPower. Relative phoned again - was advised complaints team were handling it and would get in touch the same day. This never happened. 9) Towards the end of December '13, relative phoned nPower to inform they would be switching to another provided because she was unhappy with their poor service. 10) Relative switched to another provider in January 2014, more or less 12 months after joining nPower. 11) Relative heard nothing more from nPower until April '14; they received two reminder letters from nPower for a combined total of circa £800. One letter was for gas, one for electric. 12) Relative spoke to nPower; disputed the sum and was advised that a full breakdown of charges, payments and usage would be sent in post (they initially refused to send this unless a letter was sent in, although they eventually changed their tune). 13) Relative contacted nPower again (need to check date but think June '14). Was advised this issue would be escalated to the executive complaints team. Was also advised more reminders would be generated automatically and that they could safely be ignored until the complaint was resolved. 14) Relative began to receive (what they presumed to be) nuisance calls that were essentially just prerecorded messages. As it turned out, these two companies (Westcot and Pastdue) were actually two separate debt collection agencies instructed by nPower; each sent a letter in September '14. Interestingly, some of the information printed on one of the letters was also incorrect (e.g. account number) 15) Realising now the earlier advice of nPower to ignore payment reminders was false/incorrect, a letter was sent to each of these DCA's stating the account was in dispute. A statement was also made regarding OFT debt collection guidance (unfair to pursue when in dispute). For good measure, Westcot had their implied right of access to the property withdrawn (as they had stated they would visit the property to collect payment). Relative also filed a complaint with the ombudsman around this time. 16) Pastdue wrote back to relative confirming they had received letter. Stated that account had been placed on hold and they would try and obtain invoice showing full breakdown of balance. No further correspondence received from these guys. 17) Westcot also wrote back. Merely stated the balance, that it related to the electricity supply and provided a billing period (which was seriously incorrect!). Stated they looked forward to receiving payment within 14 days. They have started phoning relative daily once again. 18) Ombudsman rejected complaint, stating that the date from the original issue was too far back for them to investigate. However, did advise that if relative obtained a deadlock letter from nPower they can then investigate. 19) Relative wrote to nPower towards the end of October '14. This outlined the dispute, a summary of the (in)action so far and a request for a deadlock letter. Sent recorded delivery, confirmed delivered, no response so far. 20) Relative wrote another letter to nPower last week (similar to above). Sent recorded, not showing as delivered yet. Considering resending later today if not arrived. --- Other misc. information: - Relative has log burning stoves and only uses anywhere from £6-10 a month in gas for hot water. No heating of any kind (excluding hot water of course) is necessary from ~March to ~September due to property being extremely well-insulated. - Current electricity consumption averages about £45.00 a month. - nPower is instructing two separate debt collection agencies to collect a portion of the "debt" even though the account was dual fuel. As per Citizen's Advice regarding harassment from creditors: "Using more than one debt collector at a time to chase you for payment" - so does this count? - Relative has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Self representation is unlikely to go down well. - Relative has sadly not recorded all phone calls. They have however, kept detailed notes, dates and times of each phone call with nPower - including the person they spoke to. --- Next steps: Should relative: a) Just keep sending letters to nPower at £1.72 a pop until they hopefully provide the information? b) Send a final LBA to nPower detailing the harassment (if applicable), filing a small claim if ignored? c) Wait for nPower to take relative to court (if ever) and potentially claim on legal cover provided by house insurance for representation? d) Something else? Personally, given the chain of events, problems with the account and overall billing issues nPower has had recently, it would sound like they are physically unable to account for the money they are demanding. Who knows.
  3. Hope someone can help me, my partner is being harassed by Erudio, despite giving them everything they have asked for more than once (and being subjected to a harrowing interrogation on the phone from a completely idiotic know-nothing for about half an hour!)! Are they allowed to demand (this time by post) a stamped SA302 form from HMRC to prove his self-assessed income? If HMRC electronically generates a completed form for you, why isn't that good enough? Are they allowed to change the T & C's from what he had in place with SLC since the late 90s re: deferment? Is there a form letter he can send them to tell them to knock it off? Thanks !
  4. hope this is in the right place, if not could a mod please move as needed. A finance company that I have had to have dealings with was constantly ringing me a while ago. I suffer with nerves and panic attacks at the time it was leaving me quite distressed, despite verbally asking them several times not to call they carried on doing so. After getting some advice, I sent them the template letter which is available on the internet regarding telephone harassment and the fact it is an offence. My letter was acknowledged in polite terms and the calls did in fact stop last year, they seemed to take notice of this and only communicated by mail for quite a while. Things now seemed to have changed and they have started ringing me again out of the blue, the panic attacks have started again. I would like some advice as to which body I can complain to about their behaviour as I think if they get a warning off an official body they may finally back off for good.
  5. Dear CAG I'm encouraging a friend of mine to sign up but while she's in the process can I get some advice for her please? Following substandard work completed at her house, it then transpired that the handyman in question had not given her the cancellation rights she was legally due, thus putting him in the position of committing a criminal offence. This has been confirmed by Trading Standards. The handyman is aware of this and admitted it in writing. In the same letter he confirmed that he was in any case putting this in the hands of a debt collection agency, which has been in touch with my friend. The issue is not the DCA but the behaviour of the handyman which is tantamount to harassment according to one informal legal opinion of another friend. Does my friend have a case to sue for harassment; what are the timescales and damages likely to be if so? Where to start please? Thanks for any advice Pinny
  6. Hi I'm not sure if I am posting in the wrong area so I'm very sorry if I have! I applied for a payday loan last night with Peachy loans. I was declined (I'm actually glad of this now) but as the page was loading it advised if I was declined it would send my info to another loan company. It didn't give me the option to stop that happening. it redirected me to Mr Lender website but I didn't want a loan from them so just closed the page. Within 10 minutes I had 3 emails and 2/3 texts from Mr Lender saying please come back and sign a credit agreement so we can get things started. I deleted them and didn't click the links. During the peachy loans application I had given my employer details which I assumed were just incase I got accepted and defaulted and they could chase payment with me there but today at work Mr Lender called me at work to ask if I wanted a loan still!! I am furious!! Surely they can't be ringing me at work to offer me loans? I work in a small office and one of colleagues called over to say a finance company were on the phone for me so everyone probably thinks I've got someone chasing me for debt!! I am so embarrassed and all the calls at my work are recorded! I told them to never call me again and hung up. When I finished work I called them and demanded to speak to a manager but they refused to put me on with anyone and I ended up hanging up on them. Who can I complain to about this? Surely they are not allowed to harass me to take out a loan with them?! Thanks in advance Charlene
  7. Here is the text of my post on another thread, suggestions please as to how to sort these persistent muppets: Just had an up and downer with Crapquest. had 25 calls from Capquest over the last 2 days many silent; answered one today, some muppet asking for a wench who has never been associated with my llandline number. The drone was most upset when i told him i would be initiating a complaint with the FCA regarding their calls as my number which I have had for 18 years was being abused by a bottom feeder DCA regarding a debtor with no connection to it. Told the drone that I would be turning up at his office with a film crew to fiilm their response to my complaint. He got shirty so i told him he was a expletive deleted and told him to get the police to arrest my sorry jive ass for abusing him. he said he doesn't have my address, so i offered to give it to him so he could send the police to arrest me for abusing him and causing undue distress., so i could have a holiday from their spurious calls and get their muppetry in the press. At that point he got all apologetic. what a cretin. Phoned them back on a withheld number, and a supervisor said she would remove my number from that debtor's records. Told them that one more call and I would initiate action for harassment contrary to the law. Come on 25 calls in 2 days, and I am not even the debtor they want. A pox and jihad on you Crapquest, by the way I am not joking about turning up with a film crew so hope you are ready for me you muppets, you are going to be on YouTube and I hope it goes viral. Guess what? 5 more calls from Crapquest today for that debtor not at my number. Looks like I will be going to Crapquest HQ at Capquest Group Rye Close Fleet, Hampshire GU51 2QQ with a camera, a crew and a boom mic with a dead cat* on it. * A furry windshield over the microphone on the boom to cancel out wind noise, It resembles the cat silencer from the game Postal 2.
  8. Hi there, New to the forums but always find quite a lot of interesting reading. Recently, I have been receiving calls and text messages from motormile finance, regarding a debt for some woman (I have no idea who she is). I have debts like most, but are all well within my means and my credit profile reflects this! I have sent them a couple of emails telling them i'm the wrong person, and it has been ignored. I'm not prepared to call them as it mentions about a premium rate number. I'm at a loss of what to do really, they call all times of the day (while im at work, in work related meetings of all things as well), and quite frankly its royally p***ing me off. I can't really see where else to go other than reporting them to the Police for harassment, I have kept all text messages and any voice mails they have left as evidence. Can anyone suggest what I should do to stop this? Thanks for your help, Adam
  9. I'm a single parent of a wonderful 12yr old . I unfortunately became unwell & had to undergo the ordeal of claiming ESA. I failed the atos medical assessment, appealed & won only to have another atos medical assessment sent to me a few week later. Even though the GP & Medical professionals had written to say my recovery would take no less than a year the job centre was told by atos i would be better in less than 3mths! I was then referred to Ingeus. Ingeus gave me forms to sign & I didn't sign any of them. The jobcentre gave Ingeus details of my address & phone numbers. I attended Ingeus only once every couple of months as they could see I was too unwell to work & two of the ingeus advisors kept deferring the work programme so i could get better. Unfortunately those two advisors left & I was given a different advisor who has made my life hell. He has insisted that I have signed all the documents but I know i didn't as i have them in my possession unsigned. He called me 6 times a day every day (Mon-Fri) from September 2013 to Dec 2013 each time asking the same questions, even when i was in hospital he would call 6 times asking why i was still in hospital & sending me appointment letters & sanctioning me whilst I was in hospital. I had had enough and asked my previous employer if he would give me some part time work & explained everything going on with Ingeus. He couldn't believe what i was going through so organised a lot i could do from home. Unfortunately due to my poor health i'm only earning £60 a week a lot less that what i was getting on ESA & sometimes I earnt nothing especially when in hospital & am now having to get prescription vitamins because In jan & feb I kept collapsing due to not eating properly as my son comes first for me to provide food. Thankfully I've been able to earn £60 a week every week from March so I'm making sure I eat as well now & its been 18mths since my first medical & slowly getting better yay!!! I wrote to the Jobcentre to complain about Ingeus but no reply as yet & also cancelled ESA on 1st Dec, they cancelled it without asking me for any job details. I told Ingeus not to contact me again & stopped answering calls but since December 2013 to present they have called me several times during the week every week, I have blocked all the numbers I know belong to them from my mobile but still receive some calls & appointment texts every week & my landline number was changed for free as telephone provider classed it as Harassment calls. I am unable to change my mobile number it is on all my business cards & would cost me a fortune to replace them all. 2 weeks ago i received a letter stating that Ingeus has been unable to contact me & must keep in contact so would conduct a home visit. I ignored it & didnt think they would turn up but they did. I told them at my door "you have been harassing me with calls, texts & letters do not contact me by any means ever again & do not attempt to visit me again" I then closed the door not allowing them to speak. This didnt work & Im still getting calls & texts from them. I know ive gone on a bit here but please please please can someone help me its making me very anxious & I jump out of my skin every time the door or phone rings!!! how do I stop Ingeus calling my mobile, texting me, sending me letters & coming to my house. I just don't know what to do Thank you in advance
  10. Hi, I've joined this forum to try to get some help for my husband's elderly parents, who have been receiving frequent messages from these people, and are causing a great deal of distress. They have been hounded by nuisance calls generally, which lead to them reporting it to the police a few months ago, and getting their phone number changed. My MIL almost fell foul of a 'Microsoft' fix-your-computer [problem] call, which we think might have got them put on a sucker list. Anyway, they have a new number, and have gone ex-directory, but have since started getting calls from MMF that are recorded messages, threatening to visit them if they do not contact them about a 'matter'. My in-laws do not, and have never had any sort of debt - they pay cash and don't even have a bank card or use cash machines. They recently purchased a BT call blocker phone, but it doesn't stop these people, and they seem to be calling from a different number each time, so it feels like £50 down the drain, plus my in-laws now feel that there is no way of escaping from these people. I have found the website and an address, and would like to send them a letter telling them to stop, but don't want to give my in-laws details, as they don't appear to hold any information other than the phone number. Also, whilst I am going to write on their behalf, I don't really want to give them my details either. I have made a complaint to the ICO via their website today, but would really appreciate some advice on how we can make these people go away. The distress they are causing is really severe and I need to try and stop this now. Please help!
  11. Hi, can a manager be asked to either resign or be sacked for continual harassment, victimisation and bullying of staff. The bullying and victimisation is being done by the manager in front of other staff members and customers of the company. This is not being done in front of the MD who I have written to and await his reply due to be given in a face to face meeting. Does the managers actions constitute gross misconduct and would he have any claim against the company in the event of him being asked to resign? This has been going on for some time now and is getting worse due to the fact that the manager has no managerial ability, unfortunately the MD listens to the manager who will continually blame everyone but himself for the problems of the company. Any advice?
  12. I have an agreement with Brighthouse and I have fallen behind by one payment because I was away visiting family over the new year, now I'm being constantly called 12 missed calls since Saturday from 8:30 in the moring to 7:40 in the evening. Would this be breaking the Protection From Harassment act 1997 section 1 prohibition from harassment which is below. Prohibition of harassment. (1)A person must not pursue a course of conduct— (a)which amounts to harassment of another, and (b)which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other. (2)For the purposes of this section, the person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it amounts to harassment of another if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other. (3)Subsection (1) does not apply to a course of conduct if the person who pursued it shows— (a)that it was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime, (b)that it was pursued under any enactment or rule of law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any enactment, or ©that in the particular circumstances the pursuit of the course of conduct was reasonable. I also have dlc and osc but I have tried to cancel the osc with it being "optional" I thought I could but was told by staff that I can not cancel as it is now law that I have to have the cover in case anything happens to item I thought the dlc covered this side of things. Any advice is greatly appreciated thanks
  13. I have significant debt in uk. I don't currently have any funds and will be looking for a job before i can make repayments. I need advice on how to avoid harassment by debt collectors during this period. For example if i were to take out a phone contract , will the debt collectors be able to find me by searching my credit file. Should i avoid getting into any new contracts until i have finances to negotiate with debt collectors?
  14. Please can someone help us? We are sick of BG and their letters/emails saying we have cancelled our payment plan with them when we have not. We are in arrears on both Gas and Electric since Pete ( Bobcat ) lost his job and have never caught up so we pay them £15 every 2 weeks for gas and £15 for electric, never miss a payment, have got receipts but they keep saying we have cancelled the plan! The latest sage is they are now demanding we pay £36 on both every two weeks. The told us that as long as we did not miss any payments that we would not get any more letters or email demanding payment but they keep sending them. had one today from a Annette Hardcastle. We just can not afford any more even though Pete is now working he is on low wage and we get no benefits at all. We are sick of this and do not know where to turn as we have not missed a payment, we only ever write or email them not phone, please if anyone can help it would be much appreciated Sorry for being so long Sandy ( Bob cat's o/h )
  15. Hello, This week a BAYV rep called at my home to speak with friends who are visiting me for a short time. The BAYV rep spoke with my friend and then spoke with myself. The BAYV rep said he would get the police to let him in the house if I did not let him in. The BAYV rep freely discussed my friends personal business with myself as well as letting other people outside hear. There was even slander - the slander was that I am a criminal and that I had just assaulted the BAYV rep! I just laughed at the BAYV rep when he said this and again said to him that I am asking him to leave and adding that everything is on CCTV, so, if he would like to make a complaint of assault then I would have the CCTV to show that this was just a lie, made up by himself. When the BAYV rep finally decided to leave, I called one of my German Shepherds outside to underline the fact in bold that the BAYV rep would not enter my house. BAYV will not confirm that they will stop their visits. What is the next step I can take? I do not mind taking this to Court etc, injunction? Any help appreciated, thanks! Since reading this site today, I have learnt that other people have been accused of assault by BAYV! I have sent emails to BAYV requesting that they stop their visits. They have replied to my emails saying that they can not confirm that they will stop the visits to my house as they need to speak to their customer. They have also stated that this is their final response.
  16. Hello all, I hope I've posted this in the right place. I need some advice/general pointers on an issue a friend is having. He's Autistic (Aspergers syndrome) and has been a BG customer since May 2010. So it's a rather long story but I shall try to give the key points as best I can, if more info is required then I'll be happy to fill in the blanks best I can. He switched over to BG on to a 'web saver' price plan on moving into the property. Web saver offered online billing, energy monitor, was slightly cheaper deal than his current supplier. All seamed well he received the usual welcome letters and confirmation of switch over. However two weeks later he received a phone call from BG stating that they could not be placed of this 'web saver' tariff dual to the type of electric meter - it's a dual read Day/night meter. So was being placed on their standard tariff. Energy monitor was never received and his online account was deactivated. (Now I fail to understand why this wasn't noticed at sign up and I think it a bit dodgy that they waited until after the switch to tell me, but there we are.) In September 2010 he received 'notice of disconnection' letters and demands on payment for electricity used. However he hadn't received any bills for electricity use. He paid and told BG that he hadn't had a bill they claim they had sent one. He thought it might have been his mistake. January 2011 another notice of disconnection followed by multiple calls, actually and excessive amount of calls, from the BG collections debt. Again he had not received a bill. Outstanding balance was paid and and a complaint was made to BG by his mental health worker who explained that he has Aspergers and letters of disconnection and the like can and is causing worry. Yet again no bills and the threats of action moved on to visits from debt collectors, Richburns visited 4 times, B.C.W visited 3 times and Power2contact sent 3 letters and may have visited once. This was all in the space of a month. This course of action has continued. Attempts to switch have failed due to blocks being placed on his account. This repeated, No bills but Notices of disconnection, applications for warrants of entry, calls from BG collections. Complaints were ignored. This all came to a head in January this year when during a compliant to BG they admitted the reason that no bills had been sent is was due to his account being set to paperless billing. This is an after affect of the cancelled web saver plan. He was assured that this was now corrected and he would be placed on a cheaper tariff and would be set to paper billing. September 29 (2013) he received yet another notice of disconnection. His mental health workers stepped in and spoke with BG on his behalf. To find he was still on paperless billing and still on the standard tariff. All the stress of calls from BG collections debt, threats of legal action, debt collectors letters and visits has taken toll and he is currently rather unwell. And is currently being seen by a mental health crisis team. BG have contributed significantly to this due to the course of action BG have taken and their failings in customer services. My question is.. where to go from here ? 3 years of complaints to BG have gotten nowhere. I'm a bit lost as to where to go next in terms of making a complaint or taking legal action (if there are grounds). Thanks in advance.
  17. I used to have a credit card with Vanguis, and for two and a half years have had all kinds of problems with them. In 2011 my income dried up as a result of government cuts which removed my workstream. I was unable to pay Vanguis as a result; prior to this I had paid my balance in full or near enough every month. I started to receive telephone calls from them up to 10 times each day, and each time they called they demanded money on the spot. The sums varied and every time they called I had to explain my circumstances afresh. Their staff were in general abusive and unco-operative. This continued for well over a year. Despite my paying PPI to the firm every month, they delayed sending me the forms to claim for several months. When I finally received them I returned them, and discussed the case with them over the telephone at which point I was assured that there was no problem with them. I then heard nothing for approximately three months and the telephone calls continued. One afternoon I received a call from them and I mentioned this policy; they told me that I could not claim under it as I was not eligible to claim, and their representative atempted to intimidate me. During a heated conversation with them I began to suffer severe chest pains which continued after the call ended. I called my GP and was seen shortly afterwards. For two to three weeks afterwards my left arm was numb and I suffered 'pins and needles'.. . the classic symptoms of a stroke. I logged the calls from this firm over a sample period and they were being received at a rate of six to ten per day. I estimate that I have received over two thousand calls or attempts to call me from them. In 2011 I reported them to the Ombudsman Service, who sought 'permission' from Vanguis to pursue the case; needless to say such permission was not forthcoming. After my stroke in 2012 I complained again to the Ombudsman who rejected my complaint on the grounds that Vanguis disallowed it as my response was 'out of time', despite my having received no correspondence from them to respond to. Finally, the Ombudsman agreed to look at it again. By this time the telephone calls had stopped, yet Vanguis continued to charge me increasing sums every month for their Repayment Option Plan despite them plainly having no intention of honouring it. In summer 2013 the telephone calls began again, and somehow they managed to get hold of my father's telephone number and began to call him. His telephone account is in his name, he lives nowhere near me, he is a war veteran of 87 and in poor health. While visiting him, I learned that they had been calling him; he was distressed by the calls and harrassment from Vanguis, and the stress it caused him led to him being admitted to hospital where he remains. Vangius has damaged the health of two people; myself and my father. I have been informed by that I have absolutely no legal right of redress against them for the actions they have taken against me. I have sought additional advice and help and none has been forthcoming. Requests I have made for help have not been answered. In Britain in 2013 outfits like Vanguis act with impunity the authorities appear to have no powers over them. Complaints are ignored or casually dismissed and we, the victims of their greed, suffer. The Ombudsman is no help.
  18. Hi there - I'm an American, now married to a Brit, who lived in the UK for about 10 years. In my first few years in the UK I did not make very much money and foolishly ended up getting into debt with credit cards and a loan in order to keep my head above water. I ended up amassing about £10,000 worth of debt, which I ended up facing up to in 2006. I contacted creditors, set up payment arrangements and all that stuff. Thanks to the help of this forum I ended up getting several of them written off, and I paid the ones I believed I was legally obliged to pay. In January 2012, I moved to the United Arab Emirates with my husband, and late last year I realized I was living in another country and had been paying those debts for over six years (original plan was to pay for five). So I stopped paying them. Fast-forward to yesterday. I received an email from my in-laws in the UK, who have received a letter from MK Rapid Recoveries, claiming I owe £1500 for a Barclaycard debt from 2006! I did have a Barclaycard debt and had reached an arrangement with another DCA in 2007, and paid them until late last year. I investigated this today and have discovered that Barclaycard listed me as "in default" in 2009, in spite of the fact that I had been making regular payments on the debt, and now list the debt as settled. Interestingly though MK Rapid Recoveries have ALSO put a default for the same amount and the same year on my record! I know this was not there before. I have never actually lived at my in-laws but I this year I did work a temporary job in the UK this summer and I had to be CRB-checked. For paperwork purposes I needed to give them an address and so I had to put my in-laws down, and this included updating a CC address. I then forgot about it and I am certain the DCA found my in-laws' address by pinging my credit file. I intend to post some letters stating that I do not acknowledge the debt, have never lived at this address and requesting that any correspondence regarding this account be sent to my UAE address. I updated my in-laws and was thinking that was the end of that. BUT THEN this afternoon they contacted me to say they have received ANOTHER post from ANOTHER DCA (Moorcroft) attempting to confirm whether I not I live at this address and sniffing around in regards to a Nat West debt which I believe I have paid off - it is not even on my credit file! I know I am responsible for the debt I accrued back in the early 00s, and I am willing to deal with the DCAs. But I do NOT want my in-laws dragged into this. They have been frugal all their lives, have excellent credit and I know are terrified of being dragged due to debt they had nothing to do with! I do not believe I owe either DCA anything and am unafraid to get in correspondence with them or give them my UAE address. But I definitely do not want them bothering my in-laws! What can I do to ensure they do not harrass my in-laws? Thank you for your help!
  19. This co has been ringing roughly 2-3 times a day for about a fortnight. Only one of them calls actually had a human at the other end, all the others were an automated service. They use two diff nos (i have caller i.d. and have saved one in my phone under 'do not answer this call') They are after my husband and i do not believe that they have our home address and I do not want to give it to them. My husband rang them yesterday and they wanted to confirm his address but he said he would not due to the fact he didn't know who they were and that they could be easily be an identity thief so he asked that they tell him what address they have and he will say if it correct or not. She couldn't do this and because he wouldn't provide this she couldn;t state what the call was about so he told her to write to us only and if they cannot then tough as we wouldn't be ringing them again. I have written a telephone harassment letter to them last week yet they still hound me. We have a DMP which we have had for over three years and every debt is inc in it. what do we do now as the constant ringing is driving me nutts as sometimes it at about 7pm when my twins are in bed - resulting in waking them up!
  20. I received this email from my landlord " I will issue a writ at the studio where your where you have not given notice. when I get judgement I will make application for bankruptcy and then see if you think it’s amusing" The landlord terminated my assured tenancy agreement on the 12 th August 2013 which gave me 2 months to move out, which I did on the 1 October 2013. His claim is that I didn't give him notice that I was moving out. The guy is crazy that is for sure. He is also holding my deposit which he did not lodge with any of the organisations that you have to.I owe him nothing. His plan is painfully clear, he threatens to issue a writ against me in full knowledge that I no longer live at the address, in fact I moved back to Holland on the 6th October and is where I live, my only reason for being and in the UK and renting a property was that it was I had a 6 months contract in the UK. My concern is that I want to know if he goes ahead with his threat, there is no way that I will know, and the process will go on without my knowledge and he will proceed with a claim against me. It could be said that as I live in Holland I shouldn't care about it, but I still travel to and from the UK on business. My question is can he do this, and is their a public database where claims are filed that I can access online.
  21. Hi all, I have made an injunction under Section 3 of the Protection from Harassment Act, against a tenant that harass and intimidate me since several months but the County Court has now ordered me to make a Claim Form and Particulars of claim. Also I would like to know : - if the right form to file is the Claim Form N208 and that the my witness statement could be consider as Particulars of claim or if there is a specific document I equally have to file for this purpose (Particulars of claim). - Should I make the claim 'for damages for Breach Of Quiet Enjoyment of Property under Section 3(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act' or just 'for damages for Harassment under Section 3(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act'? - the tenant (we live together in the same sharing house) was destroying my postal mails and I sent emails (and fax of this email with confirmation of receipt) to the landlord regarding this matter but the landlord replied to these emails by talking to something else (never respond to the fax sent) and never denied my sayings regarding the destruction of my emails : Will this be enough as proof for my claim? Thanks in advance for your help,
  22. Can anybody please advise. Tonight I had a visit from the police asking me to sign a harassment warning, which I refused. I am supposed to have harassed my neighbour by photographing a courier van parked on my property and then contacting the courier company telling them not to park on and block my drive again. Should explain the neighbour has a right of way over my drive but no right to park on my property. That I am harassing my neighbour by his garage door being within the area of my cctv camera capture. Thats about as much as they would give me, am I not entitled to know all of his claims.
  23. Good evening, I am off from work ,signed off by doctor due to stres at work already twice in row, first for 2 weeks and again for 2 weeks. I am witting the grieavance to our HR but I am scared what will happen to me . I know I will lose my job if I return to work ,they will do their best to put me down. The grieavance is about bulliyng me ,ignoring me,removing my reponsibilities,overloading me and etc. I work for them over one year. Do they pay me full paid while I got doctors notice that is wok related? Can you advice me about my rights and what I should do ? To be honest I feel pushed to the side and I do not want to come back as I am scared what they will do to me. Thank you for your advice. Many regards Lea
  24. My mother has been renting a house for just over a month now. Yesterday evening she arrived home from work to find a letter that had been personally delivered (envelope contained no stamp or address) that had written on the front 'the tennant - important legal'. The letter was from a company called Ascent Contact, whom are a debt collection agency I believe specialising in the area of mortgages. Basically the letter stated that they had been instructed by Birmingham Midshire to possibly start the proceedings of Law of Property Recievership. The letter continue to states that a man called Ian Guthrie has been round to the house numerous time but has been unable to make contact with my mum (the tennant). The letter demands that my mum must give information to them on 1) Her name 2) Her letting agency 3) How long her lease is 4) How much she pays and how long she has been paying 5) Provide evidence of written tennancy agreement ???? It states that she will possibly have to start paying her rent directly to them. At the very end of the letter it states (the part that worries/angers me the most) that if my mum chooses to ignore this letter, then they reccomend she contacts a solicitor. I'm extremely confused as to why on earth they are writing to my mum regarding this issue and why are they visiting the home? Are they allowed to do know this when they know that the debt is not hers and is her landlords? Why would they need this information from her? They are fully aware she is only renting the home. Also why would they be suggesting she seeks legal advice if she ignores the letter? Any help on this matter would be much obliged because I cant help but feel that considering the debt isnt my mothers and they know it isnt, then surely they are not allowed to act this way (visiting the house). Should she contact this Ian Guthrie as his mobile number has been provided on her letter or would this encourage him to show up at the house? Basically what I'm asking is - why would a debt collection agency harass and threaten legal action towards a tennant over a landlords debt on the mortgage? Is a debt collector allowed to visit the home when they fully acknowledge it is the landlords debt and not the tennants. Thanks in advance.
  25. Hi everyone, I'm asking this on behalf of my sister - she can't get onto the CAG website at work. She is frantic - any advice would be very greatly appreciated. This is a long story but I'll try and summarise: My sister and her other half bought a house from OH's parents 18 months ago, and her OH's parents moved out. My sis and BIL live there with their daughter, who is almost 2 years old. Her OH grew up in the house - his parents lived there for over 20 years. The next door neighbours have a long history of harassing her OH's family. The neighbours are council tenants. Past harassment includes verbal abuse (with lots of swearing, including against her OH's parents, and her OH and his siblings when they were growing up), playing very loud music at ridiculous hours of the night, and one incident where the neighbours were very drunk and tried to kick the door in. The police were called - the neighbours had gone home by this time. They denied everything. Nothing more was done. The harassment caused distress to my BIL's family, but the council said it wasn't serious enough for them to step in. The harassment did die down at once stage, and everyone hoped this was the end of it. This is the only reason my sis and BIL bought the house. My sis and BIL try to ignore it and be polite when they see the neighbours. If someone knocks on the door with a delivery for next door, my sis will accept it and one of them will politely drop it off when the neighbours are home. They have never retaliated. Last weekend the neighbours were playing very loud music, with lots of drunken shouting and screaming. At 3am this woke my niece. Considering the neighbours' behaviour when drunk, my sis and BIL were afraid to tap on the door and ask them to quieten down, so they asked the police to tap on the door. They emphasised they were not making a formal complaint, they just wanted a bit of peace and quiet. The neighbours have now retaliated - they've called the dog warden claiming the dogs are left alone constantly and bark all day (not true), the garden is like a rubbish tip (not true) and they also called child protection and said my sis and BIL neglect and abuse my niece (obviously NOT TRUE). The dog warden came round - when my BIL explained that he works nights and my sis works days, so there is always someone with the dogs (unless they pop out shopping for a couple of hours), he seemed satisfied and left. Child protection visited to inspect the house - they left after saying there are no problems, my niece is well cared for. They are satisfied the allegations are false and were made maliciously. My sis and BIL are extremely upset - as are all of our families. If these people will do something as serious as make formal accusations of child neglect and abuse, what else might they do? They obviously don't like the dogs - would they throw some poisoned meat over the fence? Will they start screaming abuse at my little niece, like they used to do to BIL and his sisters when they were little? They can't relax in their own home and are terrified for the future. I don't like to imagine how low the neighbours might go, when they see nothing wrong with attempting to get their child taken away by social services. My sis and BIL want to write a formal letter of complaint to the council but have no idea of the procedure, or how it should be worded. Do local authorities evict tenants who are harassing their neighbours? Is there a formal investigation procedure they have to adhere to? Is there anyone here who may be able to help with this? Any advice would be much appreciated. EDITED TO ADD: And they've just had a 3rd official visit - BIL rang my sis to say someone from Environmental Health turned up to inspect the garden an hour ago. The Environmental Health inspector said there is no problem with the front or back garden, he cannot see how anyone could think there was a problem and said he's baffled as to why he was sent out. The gardens are fine.
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