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  1. I was given a weekly travelcard by a very kind passenger leaving Liverpool street station and travelling to the airpot. He said 'please use it or give to your family or a friend' 2 days later day ON A LONDON BUS i was informed by a ticket inspector that it should be accompanied by a photo card, it was confiscated and I received a letter saying that I may be prosecuted, what can I do, I accepted the 'gift card' for 2 days and was totally unaware that it would lead to this stage. I would appreciate your advice. I am so worried.
  2. Hi all, I have around £500 gift vouchers for HOS, they expired on Nov 2011. An initial call to HOS, and they said "we will not renew the vouchers they are not valid anymore"."It says clearly that they have expired" My question is are they allowed to get away with this. They have my £500 pounds and effectively have withheld my credit. Can anyone tell me what the law on this is and how I can proceed with Dealing with HOS? Best Wishes BB
  3. my debitcard recently got refused when paying for shopping obv on a tight budget, but i knew i had money left got back home looked at my online portal found a payment called Amazon prime for £49 debited 28/1/13 at xmas i got given a £50 amazon gift card/voucher as a thank you by someone i looked back at the emails/order details when i used the giftcard on 2.12.12 it had bit right at the bottom about auto sign-up to amazon prime scheme if i did not cancel in 30days. bit cheeky. but had info to cancel membership etc straight on the website to amazon unticked and cancelled it, however gave no indication about the return of the money taken. on the phone to amazon explained the scenario operator on a very poor IP phone sounding like a dalek stated that because i had purchased previously [2011!!] and paid by the debitcard [even though that item was super saver free postage] i had enrolled myself in the prime scheme. any subsequent orders activated the prime scheme and thus the card give almost 2 yrs before was debited with the £50 [incidently the £50 item i just order was free postage too on the ad] stated i was none to pleased about this, a bit of a sharp practice after a wee bit of to'n'fro, where i was told there is nothing that can be done i needed to read the small print!! i said ok i'll goto my bank and get it back under the chargeback scheme 'we won't allow that' said the bod.. i said you've no choice, you can't just decide almost 2yrs later to debit a card without any notification. said email was sent on the 3rd jan i said no nothing received etc etc went over again how can you charge me £50 for this prime scheme about instant express postage when both the items i've had from them were FREE POSTAGE. eventually got somewhere when i said i was going to terminate the call and expose them on their twitter feed and do a chargeback. told the money had been recredited there and then. i'll wait and see if it appears if not watchout amazon..incoming!! after all that i did a quick look around and found lots of people have had this problem so if you've ever used amazon and given them your card number and then ordered again check your bank statement carefully. DX
  4. Hi hoping someone can help. I bought a pay & go mobile phone on o2 shop online and part of the deal was a £20 Argos voucher. It took a month and several phone calls to actually get the voucher and then when I tried to spend it I was told by Argos that it was part of a batch which had been re-called by o2 and I'd need a new voucher with a different code. I spoke to customer relations and they said just to use the chat on o2 priority and they could sort it no problem. Long story short this was beginning of December and despite several phone calls and a 3hour online chat on o2 priority I am still no nearer, they just keep sending the email with the same voucher code. Last time I spoke to them, last night they said they had sent a new code but I haven't received it so obviously a lie again. I have had the same one 7 times now. Spoken to customer services again today and they say all they can do is fill in a form to give to the back office, to re-issue which they already did last time, same code again. I pointed this out and they agreed but said that's all they can do. Totally fed up with the issue now, it's the principle of it. Am I right in thinking that as the gift voucher was part of the deal I am within my rights to tell them I want to return the phone for a full refund as it was in my opinion mis- sold, so I can buy it somewhere else. I intend to speak to customer relations again on Monday but want to know my rights before calling them if possible. Hope someone can give me any pointers.
  5. Just wondered where I stand with this legally. I bought a necklace for my other half for Christmas, but she doesn't really like it and will never wear it so we decided to return it and get something else. It's from a gallery shop where they sell handmade jewellery by local artists, and we couldn't find anything else suitable so I asked for a refund instead. The shop refused, and said they don't do refunds as they have to recoup the money from the artist. However, they did say they can exchange it before the 12th January. I don't really understand why there would be a problem with recouping the money in the case of a refund, and not in the case of an exchange which could be for something by a different artist. Are they obliged to give me a refund if the item is in perfect condition and unused and I have a receipt? Or is it up to them? Thanks in advance.
  6. I bought a subscription to 'The Spectator' magazine as a christmas present, including their offer of a christmas gift of a half-bottle of champagne, pocket diary, and money-off voucher. This was clearly stated on their website before Christmas. However, on confirmation of the subscription, the gift of champagne and a diary (worth £30-40) have been replaced by the gift of a previously unrequested paperback book (worth about £10). It seems that they can do this because the 'gift' is subject to availability. Anyone else have any experience like this, and suggest what further action I can take? Are the promises made about gifts worth anything at all? Thanks in advance!
  7. obtained 2 money judgments last year and have started enforcement action. judgment debtor has now issued proceedings against me for sums that have already been decided in court. this has now delayed order for sale for another three months. judgment debtor now has an unless order to file a further statement of case and set out full particulars of the claim. what if they are still identical to what has already been dealt with?
  8. Good Morning, Sounds stupid I know but when I retired in 2007 I was given an envelope with about £300 worth of gift vouchers. I put them aside until I could find something to buy. I forgot about them until this week and fetched them out again. It turns out that the vouchers have an expiry date about 12 months after issue (expired Sept 2008). I spoke to the Customer Service people and they simply said that there is no further action they can take as the deal the gift voucher company has is that once the expiry date passes then that's it. Given that my employer spent almost £300 with this company it seems a bit unfair that the money just goes to the gift voucher company without any goods being supplied. Has anyone come across this before and found a solution? thanks
  9. I have a credit card debt originally Halifax which has for some time been with Blair Oliver & Scott. 25/11/2008 write using template N requesting CCA Today receive a letter dated 05/12/2008 informing me that as of the 28/11/2008 my account has been sold to Cabot. What now? do I have to start back at the beginning and CCA Cabot Any advice much appreciated
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