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  1. Dear Members, I hope someone can help me. I have just received my employment record for the last five years from HMRC and I cant see mention of my job for a specific company in 2010. I worked for a local company for 6 months but there is nothing in employment record. I am unable to contact my previous employer becasue the company has gone into administration. Could someone advise me what to do. I have a doubt that my employer did not show me as his employee and did not pay any tax on my behalf.
  2. Every time MMF call me - I tell them i am recording the call they then wont talk to me - I of course tell them its for training purposes and they put the phone down on me - I like having my little bit of fun with them!!! I have registered a formal complaint with the FO as they texted me at 1:30 am on one occasion - the FO is currently looking into this for me banking idiot
  3. Hello I just wanted some advice. I CCA'd RBS Mastercard, who came back and asked for a signature. I looked at a post on the forum with a similar problem to mine and used the letter saying that they had sent my statements to this address etc and included copy of passport (signature blurred) and utility bill. Today I received the letter back saying they still required signature, which is frustrating as I know they are just going to copy and past it onto agreement. I have a very big feeling they don't have a signed CCA. The card was taken out in 2007 so not sure if that's still within the time limit, but regardless, they should be able to provide me with some form of documentation. What's my next step? I really don't want to give them the signature! Thanks, Lou
  4. Hi everyone, Before Christmas 2007 I ordered an extra wii remote control from studio. You cant pay for it until after you have received it when you will the be sent an invoice When I ordered the webiste said they were in stock but after I ordered they advised it would not come until after Christmas. As I wanted it specifically for Christmas I tried to cancel the order but was told just to return it when it came. I ordered one off Ebay instead and sent the one I ordered from Studio back via registered delivery when in came in 2008. I am now being chased by Mackenzie Hall for the money. I have told them twice that I had sent it back but they wanted me to prove it by sending them a copy of the registered delivery slip I got from the post office. Obviously I dont have that now. As I recall the original prie of the wii remote was about £60 quid but apparently I now owe nearly £400. Im getting sick of the letters, texts and calls from Mackenzie Hall and dont know what to do next. Any advice would be appreciated Blinkin73
  5. We have had a reposession order suspended on our flat that we rent out for four months now while sale of the property goes through - we have had to extend the lease in order to sell the property...landlords gave us estimate and on that basis we agreed price with buyer...we have just found out that the actual amount they want is far higher and this puts us into negative equity alongside all the other expenses of the sale... We may have no option but to allow the property to be repossessed if thats the case what are the repercussions financially? Is our obligation to mortgage company satisifed on that basis? Thanks very much GIB
  6. I am suppose to pay money to Payday Express this thursday, but when i tried to login to my account on their website, it said my details been not recognised. Asked them to remind my password and it's the same story. Is it possible that they deleted me or is it normal thing for them? Haven't had that kind of problem with them before. Cheers for any help
  7. I have got myself in a situation I cannot see any way out of. My income dropped by about 40 about a year ago and since then I have been struggling to maintain my credit commitments. I often have to pay credit with credit but they are all approaching their limits and I don't know what to do. My current amount owing is approx.: 11,000 Barclaycard credit card 4,000 Barclaycard (was egg) 8,000 MBNA 4000 Next 4000 Very 1200 Argos As you can see this problem is extremely serious and I was actually shocked when I sat down and worked out exactly how much I owe. I have recently been getting treatment for anxiety/depression and while this is pre existing my situation is certainly not helping. I cant sleep at night thinking I will loose my home (owned but in negative equity due to house price drop) If I pay my mortgage/ council tax/ fuel bills ect I am left with around £200 per month to pay almost £1000 in minimum payments which is why the credit cards have got so high so quickly. If I contact everyone with an offer are they likely to accept? There is a PPI claim outstanding on the BC (was egg) and this has been with FOS since August 2011 I am so grateful for any advice anyone can give
  8. Vanquis of course is part of Provident Financial services,the doorstep loan firm recently featured in TV docs for its aggressive dealings with vulnerable people. There is no shortage of Vanquis stories on The CAG or indeed on the internet itself about Vanquis,and also Argos suspicions about passing details about customers previously to Vanquis. Do NOT be tempted by offers of vouchers !
  9. i received a letter from LOWELL FINANCIAL today saying i owe £70 , they saying its regards orange, and i cannot recall this. what do i do now, surely they will have a signature ?
  10. Hi all I dont know if I have posted this in the right place, or if anyone will be able to help me. Im posting this on behalf of friend, who is quite upset with some glasses that she recently purchased to the value of £500. She felt that she was pressured into buying a rimless framed pair of glasses. She was invited into the shop for a free consultation with a representitve from Shilhouette. They then showed my friend frameless glasses who was very apprehensive about that sort of styles as she usually buys framed glasses. She decided to go for a pair of the glasses but had to wait over a month for the as she was unsure about having the frameless so they put a tint around the edge of the glasses. When she finally recieved them, she feels that the lens is too low and also too big and she really doesnt like them. Is there anything she could do? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  11. After previous disputes on this page regarding samsung r730 (which is working now).i got behind with payments and agreed to have a prepaid meter installed back in april/may no-one has been to empty it for weeks,and then this morning i get a threatening letter saying they are taking me to court over non payment,i contacted bayv over this this morning and they said letters had been sent out to me,which i have not recieved over this,bayv have had enough out of me after ordering a toshiba satellite back in june 2010 that was not repairable after having it long enough to nearly have paid for it,i was given the above said reconditioned one to replace it but had to take out another account for it,which i have since found out should not have happened, well bayv only want your money,money,money and dont give a s**t about there customers at all. And know i wont be recommending bayv to anyone i know. i have since contacted my solicitor regarding this harrassment from bayv and i am with in my rights to complain about bayv,its in my solicitors hands now.
  12. hi all A the beginning of july 2012 I wrote to santander cards related to 2 loans I had pay off with first national. The loans were made the 1st in 12/2001 with £ 33.99 per month with a time span of 48 months, this was to buy a PC from the extinct TINY computers. For this loan I remember like it was yesterday I was told I had to take the PPI otherwise I would not get the loan. I still have the initial letter they sent me with the detalis of payment and loan, but I did not mention any PPI, I know I bought the PC for £999 and the interest or was 26.9% or 29.6, but I am sure it had PPI. The 2nd loan of £500 made in 08/2002 also first national, of which I still have the original credit agreement where it clear shpws a £65 PPi premiun added to the loan, even I was never told or asked about it, you just presumed it belong to the loan. This loan also as been paid off. For my surprise on 18/07/2012 I got a a response from them saying that the older or the 1st loan they could see there was no PPI and oddly enough for the 2nd they say is too old and they do not have the file anymore, even after I sent them a copy of credit agreement. I can smell a rat miles away, 1st how come they saying the older file they can see is no PPI but the 2nd they cannot have it anymore , even though I sent them a copy of the credit agreement which clear shows the PPI policy? My question is what should I do? Sent a SAR to the data commissioner or what? Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks in advance,
  13. Well this is news to me,but according to the Marstons bailiff who I spoke to following being called by a relative after they turned up to execute a MCW it is too late to even challenge. On informing them that I did know about the rules given that I was a site team member of the CAG,the Marstons bailiff went on to say that this site is full of bad advice and wrong advice. I had to think as to whether I had told him CAG or else something which sounds like CAG that I had not yet seen. Here I am taking about a warrant that was passed following a fines order for no TV licence. The person concerned was in hospital for a lenthly period at the time of both the Mags hearing,and the demand to pay the fine. My understanding is that the costs/fine was around 120 quid. Marstons paid a visit when there was no one at home. After being asked to help out,Marstons was advised via their website (screenshot is available) that the person is on ESA benefits does not seek to evade paying the fine but that they should suspend action as notice was being made to the Court seeking time to pay. Yesterday Marstons turned up in a van with 2 bailiffs and a bill in excess of £500 quid. If you are reading Marstons,you have not heard the last of this. The 9 days you have given to pay your charges-will certainly be put to good use.
  14. We bought a washer dryer from a relative who had only purchased it 4 months ago. He doesnt know where the machine was bought as his other half had purchased it and was probably bought on her card. (They split up and not on talking terms) The machine now has a fault. So no receipt, although the warranty registration card was blank and we registered our details online. Am i right in thinking that because we bought second hand the warranty is void?
  15. Due to poor health, I had to take time of work, Jan and Feb, now from my wages I make sure I pay my Mortgage, Payment to the Debt arrangement scheme, and Council Tax Now I get weekly tax credits of £81, and around the 15 Feb, I received my bill from scottish Power of £298. Now from my tax credits, and working payments out on Excel, I have budgeted £30 per week to my account for Scottish Power, meaning by 5 May account should be paid in full On the 23 Feb, I emailed Scottish Power about my fiancial difficult, and included the payment plan for the account Now a few days later, I received a email, requesting me to phone them to discuss any payment plan I did this today, after receiving a third reminder this week, with " IF WE HAVE TO COME AND VISIT, YOU WILL BE CHARGED £37" Spoke to one of the Customer Service Advisors, explained my problem, have no suffiecent fund to make full payment as they requested, now she wasnt any help, infact all she was interested in doing , was to ask me if I was interested in a prepayment meter...quite honestly I dont want this Seems my problem is, Im a quarterly payment, and payment is due xxx date, and they cant change anything, as it is all down to the computer, I even asked before hanging up, if they would accept my offer of £30 per week for the next 6 weeks, but no I have even today, emailed Scottish Power for a second time, and expressed my concern, if I dont have the funds to pay of in full, but can at least budget £30 per week to my account, this should be good enough I have also pointed out, I find this very stress full, and because of heart problems, this going and coming dosnt help me, if we cant come to an arrangement, I gues I will have to stick it on to my remaining debts,and up the repayments
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