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  1. I have been done over by this company which sells off dryers which don't work for a hefty sum (considering that it is a second hand, possibly third hand dryer which doesn't work). The seller attempted to replace the first dryer which she has sold me with another in what said was an effort to 'repair the dryer' (I requested for her to perform her part when she promised a 2 months guarantee, well that went to didn't it). The second dryer didn't work either and when I sent her a message she never replied. She sells on Gumtree and goes by this number: ............... And all I was thinking of is just getting a cheap dryer sorted out as I would only need it for less than a year (11 months to be precise) as I'm only renting the place where I live now. I'm aware that I could lodge a complaint through the Ombudsman (Furniture, Adjudicator, or ASA -under retail goods). However I would also want to share this in my effort to stop other people from having to deal with such unprofessional people. I understand what the consequences of her replacing my initial dryer would be but as far as I know it does not constitute acceptance as the dryer did not fit the purpose for which it was sold and I did not keep it with me for a long time before making a complaint (it has only been 4 days since I the dryer was delivered to me). I have sent her two long messages which she never replied to and called her around 10 times. She dealt with my initial complaint about the first dryer, but she was cunning enough to use the pretence of fixing the dryer to come and replace it with a second non-functioning one. Since then she never replied me or picked up any of my calls. I've wasted a £100 pounds dealing with her and buying a non-functioning dryer. Wished I spent it on a cheap but small new dryer in the first place.
  2. Have just recieved letter from virgin about their unlimited sim deal. They are saying we are no longer offering the unlimited sim deal as it is uneconomical for us. They are saying keep the phone. they will down grade tto unlimited minutes and texts and 1bg of data and keep the tariff price the same. What are they doing ?
  3. Hello All, I discovered this site at the weekend and spent hours reading the post, its fantastic to see such friendly and helpful people giving each other support and I hope I can get some of that support here I have been going around circles with Vodafone, I have tweeted, called, been into the shop, sent letters, completed the online chat and all I seem to get ist he Vodafone run around, it seems there is no where you can turn for help and support. Even the feedback to the CEO's office that I found on the website returns nothing, the 48 hours that they promise to help has gone! I see that someone called Lee from Vodafone helps on these forums and I have seen the sticky thread about alerting him to a post but I have noticed that the link for the contact form takes you straight to the Vodafone homepage - can anyone help with that or alert Lee to my issue please. Anyone.... I am currently going back and forth with a few letters which I have copied and pasted below which explains the issues. The letters are not a full representation of all the calls and chats I have had with them as there is no amount of time in the world that I could detail every issue but I believe most of this is recorded on my account. LETTER TO VODAFONE JULY 2015 Since the start of my contract I have had numerous issues with coverage on my phone, particularly in relation to 2G, 3G and 4G. I have complained about this previously and have written to you before but I never had a reply, in honesty I didn’t follow this up as I felt I had nowhere to turn after 3 letters were not answered and the call centres didn’t help, so I relied on my Wi-Fi signal but now I have no Wi-Fi I am looking to use my phones more but am still having the same issues. When I took out the 2 contracts I was put on a 4G plan and was told 4G would bei n the area soon but I have never once had a 4G signal unless I was travelling to an area like London. My phones struggle to hold a 3G signal for longer than a few minutes, typically if I can find a 3G signal I will have a weak phone signal but after a few minutes the phone signal shows more bars but the 3G drops to either GPRS or nothing at all. My phone also cannot receive calls, I can be sat at home showing good signal and I get a missed call text message but the phone doesn’t ring. I am sure you will see I have made numerous attempts to get Vodafone to assist me on this however whenever I call or use the online help I get pushed from department to department and I get given information which is later retracted and I am given useless tests or tweaks to my phone which make no difference and are not followed up when I report a tweak has made no difference. I have lost count the number of times I have been told an update is being done on my nearest mast in 24 hours which will solve my issues – only to be told the next time that I call that there is no record of any work. I have adjusted the settings as requested and I have changed the sim card as requested – although I was only able to do this in one of my handsets as I was only sent 1 sim despite being told 2 would be sent. I have also been told a manager will call me back to discuss my complaint in 72 hours on a fee occasions but that never happens and I have also been promised compensation which I have never received. I have also been sent into the shop for help, only to be sent away from them as they told me there’s nothing they can do. The shop staff asked me to use the landline help phone but I was kicked out of the shop after being on the phone for about 30 minutes as they were closing. I have also been “hung up” on 3 times by your staff. I am hopeful the notes on my account show the full details of what has been discussed as I don’t have the time to list everything discussed and I certainly think you wont have the time to read all of that If I did put it. I understand that signal can be tricky at times but the fact I am getting this issue at most locations tells me there is something seriously wrong and I feel these needs to be dealt with urgently, if not I feel we need to come to amutual agreement to allow me to end my contract with you. I would therefore appreciate it if you could answer the following questions for me Why am I being charged a 4G plan and why was I allowed to join a 4G plan almost 18 months ago when there Is still no 4G in my area? Why am I not able to receive a 3G signal? Why are your staff giving me conflicting information? Why has this issue gone unresolved for so long? Why have I not been compensated for this? Why has my previous complaints not been followed up? Why do you feel you can charge me for a service you are not providing? I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure REPLY FROM VODAFONE (let me remind you I wrote this letter and they wrote a reply in the post) Dear Mr White Thank youfor writing to Vodafone I apologise for the inconvenience caused to you I understand your facing network issues at your place and we apologise for this inconvenience. I checked our terms of conditions for cancellation of your contract due to failure of services as mentioned in your email clause 11 of the pay monthly airtime conditions does give you the right to end this agreement by writing to us ift here is a complete failure of the network for seven days in a row due to something we have done. I have checked the network at your location and found that the 4G network is available at postcode only. We always try to give you the services when and where you want them however due to the nature of mobile communication technology it's impossible to provide a fault free service. This technical fault which happened due to the failure of a local mast in your location is not something we have done intentionally to interrupt your services.Further more the fault has already been acknowledged and our engineers are already working on this issue to resolve it as soon as possible and ensure that the 2G services I was stored as soon as possible. We also understand that you did face inconvenience in terms of availability of our network services. Considering the same I would like to offer you to credit 50% of line rental for one month including VAT. If you wish to accept this offer please reply to this email with your confirmation and we will apply this credit on your account. I trust the above information helps please write back if you have further query Regards Jigish Vyas Vodafone customer services MY REPLY TO VODAFONES REPLY (I have also sent this to the CEOS office) Thank you for your reply of 18th July, a copy of which is enclosed I am somewhat disappointed with the reply received, and I am afraid some parts do not make sense, therefore I would like some further clarification. Paragraph 3 states “I have checked the network at your location and found the4 G network is available at postcode only” can you clarify what this means?,especially as I have outlined on numerous complaint calls that this issues is happening in more than one location. I have given at least 5 different postcodes where this is happening. Paragraph 4, In relation to the technical fault on the local mast I have been given continuous conflicting information on this, I have been advised 3 times previously that this fault will be sorted within hours or the following day. On other occasions I am told there is no fault at all, and we are referring to more than 1 mast here as this issue is happening in more than 1 location. Can you clarify and advise when this issue will be sorted. Paragraph 5, your letter continually refers to our communication being via email which It is not and that I need to reply to this email to accept your compensation offer. I am prepared to accept the 50% line rental for both handsets on my account and I would appreciate you confirming the compensation will be applied to both accounts. I am only accepting this compensation as a good will gesture for some of the faults I have experienced so far – I am not accepting this as a closure of this matter and the issue still persists. I feel that the issues I am having warrants cancelling both of the contracts and I would like this actioned, however if you are not prepared to do this I would like you to consider offering me a cheaper line rental of about £25 amonth for both handsets/numbers so I can use this money to pay another network to provide me the services you should be providing me. I have also asked a number of questions in my first letter and you have failed to answer any of these, I have enclosed a copy of these and I would appreciate a response or a reason why you are not answering these queries? Finally as I feel you are not taking appropriate action in dealing with this matter I have forwarded details of our complaint to the Ombudsman and I would appreciate a “deadlock letter” if you are not willing to either cancel my contract or reduce the line rental as outlined above. I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure in relation to the above Yours sincerely
  4. Well, a deal is there but the Israelis and senior members of a potential next US government say they will do all they can to cancel it.
  5. Hi guys I'm new to this forum so I need a little help. My sick father received a letter from 1st Credit ltd out of the blue and asking him to contact them as soon as possible. The letter states; "1st Credit Limited is attempting to contact the above named address regarding a personal matter. Your address been supplied as a possible address for our subject. If you are Mr Blu, bluh Please contact our offices immediately on telephone number 01737235203 and quote the above 1st Credit reference number at which time further information can provided. If you are not Mr Bluh, bluh If Mr Bluh, bluh is no longer resident at this address we would appreciate you calling us at your earlier convenience on 01737237376. This will enable us to update out records and thereby avoid our contacting you unnecessarily in the future. Please note this telephone is manned between the hours of 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday. Any information provided to us will be treated in the strictest confidence." My father took out a £10k Bank loan 10 years ago and was paying for it until he got very sick and had to be hospitalized. He moved couple address in these 10 years and he hasn't worked ever since due to illness. He hasn't informed the bank of where he was all this time so I'm very surprised that 1st Credit located him somehow. I haven't replied to these annoying people yet but I need advice on how to deal with them effectively? Thank you in advance.
  6. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I bought a car from Arnold Clark yesterday andthe signed vehicle order agreement. I am still awaiting to hear of approval hasbeen granted for the credit however on leaving sales room I am not happy with what’sin the agreement. Initially I was quoted a price, £167 pm that included all their extras(warranty, service, road tax, fuel and mats and VIP insurance). I said no andthe deal was lowered to £157 pm. I left and went back the following day todiscuss. They then offered £146 pm but the VIP insurance was removed and the warrantyreduced to 1 year. The service agreement was still included. I was advised a costof £136 if all extras were removed. I was also told that I would maybe get thewarranty (FOC) if it was a deal breaker. Anyways, long story short, they agreed to giving me the road tax (only £30p/a), the petrol and mats for free. We signed up. We didn’t actually get to seeanything though and did the electronic signature that they look for on thevehicle order agreement. Now looking at the agreement, I have paid the stickerprice (no discount at all), have no extras and have paid £30 road tax and £25for fuel (was initially £50 for fuel and mats). No mention of the mats. I feel like I have been done. Wherewas the £167 pm price initially from? Can I do anything? I thought I was makinga saving somewhere and do not even seem to be getting what was discussed (mats etc.).The agreement refers to Terms and conditions but none were attached. Can anyonehelp? Thanks
  7. I left Sky last year and re-joined a couple of months after, which saved me roughly 50% of the monthly cost, fixed price for 12 months. I've just had a price increase letter from them - increasing the price by about 10%. Can they do this half way through a fixed price deal which they gave me to win me back?
  8. Evening All, Does anyone know how the energy companies are supposed to inform you your tariff/deal is coming to an end?? Mine (Scottish Power) came to an end October 31st 2014 but i didn't receive any letter/email 42-49 day prior to this date informing me it was ending. I received (via SP online portal) an annual statement on 4th November and included in this was one line stating 'you may want to think about changing' Then on the 2nd December i received an email (again via the Scottish Power portal) that my tariff had changed!! I know its March now but i didn't read the Statements at the time but if there had been an email telling me that my tariff was ending then i would have changed straight away! I'm now stuck on Standard online tariff paying through the nose and because i didn't notice until now and i'm in debt as i haven't paid enough on my direct debit each month so if i want to change then i've got to pay up £200!! I phoned SP and got fobbed off by telling me a load of bull which was total lies, so much so that the woman i spoke to hung up on me as she knew she was lying!! unbelievable!!!
  9. I bought a printer from Amazon on 22 Jan this year. It was advertised with £60 cashback if you also bought some ink to go with it. So I did. To claim the cashback you have to register at the EPSON UK websites (allowing them to use your data) and provide proof of purchase that shows all the details. I provided my Amazon order acknowledgement and my Amazon invoice. Each document showed all the details being requested by EPSON. Both were rejected with no explanation. I have asked Amazon 3 times to provide me with a VAT invoice, it has not been forthcoming. I know I am being yessed to death so that I cannot claim my cashback. What course of action is open to me. I am absolutely livid. I'd be very grateful for any suggestions
  10. This is my first post. I've had mental health problems for 40 years since I was 11. They have sabotaged my life. In May my GP finally accepted that I have a rare sleep disorder and prescribed additional medication. I've been back at work since June although I am still learning to cope with my condition and I've additional help to come this year in the form of psycotherapy. Lovely In 2007 I put a company I ran into voluntary liquidation. I had signed some personal guarantees with two companies. They went to court and have Restrictions on the jointly owned home. I ran up some credit card debts at the same time (in my now ex partners name). I am reasonably sure I can remove them this year with full and final settlements. The debts were Company 1 - £43K (interest now added) Company 2 - £36K (interest now added) I wasn't able to attend court to defend the charging orders. Far to ill. Only really understood how ill I have been in the last month. The family home is now going through contracts to sell. My solicitior asked for redemption statements from the two companies. I understand that his proactive approach may well have not been in my best interests. I have asked him to inform me how that can be mitigated. I want to understand what options I have to deal with these two debts please. My equity in the home is £25K so I will not be able to pay off either creditor in full and I have a seven year old daughter to think of. And before anyone berates me for running up credit card debts in my (ex) partners name I am ashamed of that and I am sorting that out from my own pocket. I've not been in the best place to make good decisions due to depression and sleep deprivation. Thank you in advance for any help / advice. Nuttymut
  11. Thoughts needed please. I was tasked with item to buy for Xmas on the list was a Xbox one. I sourced a deal on amazon with a healthy 20% discount but as its a black friday deal you have 15 mins to purchase. My issue started when I noticed my discounted "star buy" rate was now the regular selling price some 24 hrs later. Is it against consumer law to offer discount based on false headline price? Headline price was only charged on black friday day of reduction. Headline did not match individual selling price or RRP. I asked for a breakdown of how headline price was calculated but amazon stead fast refused to provide information.
  12. A new fee-free template for basic UK bank accounts has been revealed by the Treasury after a deal with major banks. Basic accounts do not offer overdrafts or cheque books, and may be given to those with a chequered credit history. Some holders of these accounts have been hit by initial fees of £30 or more after a direct debit or standing order payment has bounced. The cost can then escalate if the fees are unpaid. Under the new terms agreed, these one-off fees will be scrapped. Economic Secretary to the Treasury Andrea Leadsom said the new accounts would give basic bank account holders "certainty and clarity". "It will end people being effectively locked out of their basic bank accounts due to high fees and charges when their payments failed," she added. Account holders should also be offered a debit card, in order to withdraw cash from the UK's ATM network. Andrew Tyrie, chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, welcomed the move but said it came a year later than planned. Inside a debt charity: Matt Barlow, chief executive of Christians Against Poverty, says: We ask all our new debt clients to open a basic bank account with a bank that they don't owe money to. It is often not an easy business, especially for vulnerable people. In some cases, staff at the local branches are unaware of the basic bank account and we have found they inadvertently up-sell, offering the client a current account which results in rejection when they carry out a credit check. This is especially hard on someone who is trying really hard to get their finances back on track and take their first tentative steps to addressing problem debt. One of the other biggest stumbling blocks is that the banks want photo identification, which can be too expensive for someone without a passport or driving licence. There are only one or two companies which allow other forms of ID and we would love to see the Treasury tackle that issue. Another difficult element is the lack of a debit card with many of these accounts which really hit people in rural communities who end up travelling to a cash machine out of their immediate area and are unable to do shopping online. 'Fair fees' Some banks have, at times, withdrawn or reduced basic account holders' access to cash machines, prompting criticism from campaigners. There are an estimated nine million users of basic bank accounts in the UK. Nine High Street banks have signed up to the deal, accounting for 90% of the UK current account market. Access to basic bank accounts is extremely sporadic across the sector” says Mike O'Connor Chief executive, StepChange Banking industry body the British Bankers Association, which worked with the banks to develop the new template, said the revised account was aimed at people who might not be able to open a standard account and customers in financial difficulty. "These basic accounts will make it easier for more people to manage their money. They will have many features that will help people to budget, pay bills and save up," said BBA chief executive Anthony Browne. The EU authorities agreed a directive earlier this year that said all residents should be given the opportunity to open a basic bank account, with fees that were fair, and allowing people the opportunity to switch providers. Kevin Mountford, head of banking at price comparison website Moneysupermarket, said: "While the main banks have always borne a degree of responsibility to provide such facilities, these have often lacked clarity around fee structures and uncertainty as to who can and cannot apply, so this should now change. "It is essential that all banks fully enter into the spirit of this ruling and create basic banking products in order to help those customers who have been badly underserved in the past." Mike O'Connor, chief executive of StepChange debt charity, said: "The experience of our clients is that access to basic bank accounts is extremely sporadic across the sector, and things like high charges and limited access to cash machines can cause real problems on a day-to-day basis. "This move will give hope to the millions of people who currently feel locked out of the banking system, and help them to regain control of their finances. "However, signs of financial difficulty should not be ignored. We would urge banks and those across the credit sector to do more to recognise when people are falling behind on their essential bills and credit commitments, and signpost them to free independent debt advice as early as possible." More ...
  13. Just been on the phone to PCWorld as the Ipod Touch we ordered on the 28th November has not arrived and I was told that they are awaiting stock and it's unlikely to be back in stock before christmas I have just seen that it is in stock at my local store and online and I am wondering if they are trying to worm there way out of selling it to me at the offered £100 price tag... What should I do? I felt pressured into opting for a refund as it's a Christmas present
  14. I discovered two years ago that for 6 years I had been paying day time rates for my E7. They admitted and promised to refund within 7 days. A tear later they were denying it and saying there had been no error. By this time the records had been destroyed forever after a system upgrade. I had calculated around 2000 in overcharges in the 6 years and stopped paying them until they sorted it out and refund me whatever I had not gotten back that way. After a few months I sent details to the ombudsman who acknowledged my complaint, but then lost it and never acted. I then became suspicious when I was turned down for a job and found that BG had defaulted my credit record every month and had me down as heavily in arrears. They used that false information to illegally get a warrant rubber stamped by magistrates and turned up one Saturday morning and began drilling my door lock to break in and fit a coin meter. (This pushes the cost up considerably apart form the inconvenience) I had to pay them most of what they demanded there and then to get these heavies to clear off. The following Monday I received their letter threatening to break in if I didn't pay. I then got the ombudsmen involved again and they apologised did noting and eventually sais they found in favour of BG, but gave no grounds for that decision. I am determined not to be bullied but they continue threatening and sending make believe debts to debt collector firms.. I am paying 2000 a year to heat a two bedroom flat and I cant switch because they claim I owe them money. I find it hard to believe they could be given such power to ignore normal law. I simply said, send me a statement proving what fuel I used and how much you charged me for it and if that is correct I will not argue. They are unable and unwilling to do this and seem to be able to use to the system to simply make up a sum and demand it with the backing of the state. Does anyone know the true position? I cant afford to employ lawyers, but at this point the principal is as important to me as the money. Any suggestions? I eventually got them to clear my creit file
  15. Iv'e got 3 pay day loans and am struggling to pay them off. whats the best way to go about dealing with them? I'm trying to avoid going to court, ccj's etc but cant afford to pay them off in one go.
  16. I have a loan with PDE which started at 645 but it now up to 870, I want to reduce how much I owe to them threw negotiating, could anyone give me advice on how to deal with PDE?
  17. The Government’s flagship energy efficiency scheme is at risk of being undermined by [problem]mers trying to make a quick buck, reveals new evidence from Citizens Advice. Seven in 10 consumer queries to Citizens Advice about Green Deal are about [problem]s. More than half of people caught out by these [problem]s are contacted out of the blue, either over the phone or by door to door sales, and offered thousands of pounds worth of home improvements for free. Citizens Advice wants to see a ban on cold calling and doorstep selling of Green Deal to protect consumers from fake firms. New analysis from Citizens Advice finds people are losing up to £500 after paying a fee for an assessment that never goes ahead or, if it does, the company then doesn’t get in touch to do the work. In some cases people are asked to provide their bank details for the assessment fee to be refunded only to find more money is taken from their account without their permission. Under the actual Green Deal system you may be asked to pay an assessment fee but any costs should be explained and a Green Deal Advice Report provided after the assessment. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/pressoffice/press_index/press_20140424.htm
  18. Hi, I've been receiving letters from debt collection agencies for several years for a barclaycard debt. I did take out a barclaycard 10 years ago and I fully paid off the balance and closed the account. The card was never activated so could not have been used to make any payments, it also had an interest free period of 18 months, the debt was paid off before the interest free period ended and no payments were missed. There could not have been any interest, fees or other charges on the account. I have always disputed this debt as not being correct. Each time I received a letter from an agency I sent a prove it letter, I would not get a response and I would usually not hear from that particular company again. The last company to contact me was Aktiv Kapital, I sent them a prove it letter and they responded with a letter stating they have no copy of an original credit agreement and would no long be pursuing the debt, this happened about a year ago. Recently I was enquiring about remortgaging the house to fund an extension and failed the credit check. I looks on experian and equifax and saw that a default had been listed on both accounts from AK. I contacted the CRA's and AK, all of whom refused to remove the entry from my report. While on the phone to AK I was informed that they do have a copy of the credit agreement and I asked it to be sent to me. I've now received the original credit agreement which is for the barclaycard I had, it shows I requested to transfer a balance of around £2600 from another card, the debt AK are saying is owed is just over £600. AK have not provided any other evidence such as statements or letters. I have also complained to the Financial Ombudsman and received a response from AK stating some of the above information. I have not progressed the complaint on to the next stage at this time. I'd like some advice on what to do at this stage. I want to have the default on my credit report removed and for the debt to be officially acknowledged as having been paid off as I don't owe this money. I also would like (if it's actually plausible) to have some form of compensation for the time and stress this has caused over a period of many years. In addition it has caused significant issues as we are now unable to extend out home due to the default on the credit reports. Furthermore I took out a loan around 3 months ago and I will have undoubtedly received a higher interest rate than I would have done had the default not been on my credit report. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
  19. Hi guys, My other half, as detailed in another thread, is off work on SSP and is having direct debits bounce because I'm just not home enough to go and stick money into the account. This is incurring loads of bounced DD charges and interest on his overdraft. Is there a letter I can send detailing this to Barclays and possibly some legislation relating to this so I can stave them off for a little while? Until the legal side of things is dealt with, we've got no way of paying the overdraft or these charges as I'm the only one winning bread right now. TIA, Yukiko
  20. Hello All, Over the last few years i have received many letters from different credit agencies chasing me for an old debt owed to Lloyds credit card. All dealt with by filing in the bin. I have never contacted any of them or admitted the debt. Wrong, I know but that was how I decided to do it after reading some of the advice here. Thank you for all your reassurance. However, Lowells have now sent a county court claim form. I have read some of the posts here and again am grateful for the advice but would like to know how to deal with the specifics of this case. I believe the debt is over 6 years old as I think the last time I used the card was November 2007. I have checked my Experian credit history and there is no default registered (In fact my credit rating is good!) there are many address checks from Lowells and Lloyds and several others. The details of the claim Form are as follows: Issue date: 12/2/14 (I delayed posting this until now as i had to wait for my Experian pin number to check my credit rating) from: BW Legal Leeds 1.The claimants claim is for the sum of 397.41 being the monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a credit/store card agreement regulated by the CCA 1974 between the defendant and Lloyds TSB bank PLC under the account ref *********. 2.And assigned to the claimant on 30/06/13 notice of which has been given to the defendant. 3.The defendant failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. 4.The claim also includes statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 a a rate of 8% per annum from the date of the assignment of the agreement to the date of issues (10/2/14) being an amount of 15.82 I would like to ask the best way to proceed with this? Should I register a defence straight away citing the statue of limitations? As I said, I am not 100% sure of the date I last used the card or when it was registered as a default. I was living abroad at the time so don't have ay of the documents. Or should I send the CCA letter to Lowells and ask for a delay of the court proceedings whilst I do this? Will this be dealt with in time? My concern is that this is a new tactic by Lowells to get you to confirm your address and/or the debt. Many thanks in advance for your advice TMTF
  21. Hi, I have been with Orange for more than 10 years and every upgrade we always have a bit of a haggle, as annoying as that is I have accepted it. This time they have really annoyed me and now they have not responded to my complaint - after 8 days! here's the story: I have upgraded from an iPhone 4s to a 5s. When negotiating the deal with the chap (whose name and extension have gone in my complaint) I told him I don't pay for phones and what could he do. He set out a deal which was acceptable (not as good as the deal I had agreed with the person I spoke to the day before of which there was apparently no record!). When I queried what size 5s he was giving me he said 16gb. I said I wasn't sure that would be big enough as I think my old one is bigger, he says he has checked the system and my old phone if a 16gb - OK, go ahead I say. my pics and music will fit on so that fine. I create a back up of my 4s and then go to upload to the new 5s. There is not enough space to put stuff on. I end up having to delete loads of photos and can still only fit a fraction of my music on it! Something seemed wrong so I had another look at my old phone, dug out the box etc and determined it is a 32gb!! hence twice the size of the one I have been missold! I have called orange and was advise to email my complaint to XXX @ orange (last Tuesday). I got a read receipt on Wednesday last week but have not heard anything since. I am sat here with a 4s I want to get wiped and sold, but I can't do that until I know I have everything transferred to a new phone and back up copy! Today I have forward my original complaint to the email address they list in the Code of practice so will see how they respond! Am I within my rights to cancel the whole contract and take my business somewhere else?. I can't stand being lied to and ignored. Not after 13 years of paying on time! Cheers
  22. The Green Deal is a government backed scheme that can help you make energy-saving improvements to your home or business, for example: insulation - eg solid wall, cavity wall or loft insulation heating draught-proofing double glazing renewable energy generation - eg solar panels or heat pumps You have to pay back the cost of the improvements over time because the Green Deal is a loan. The BBC has found that some firms promoting the scheme are mis-leading consumers by claiming the Green Deal was free and that they qualified for the scheme - even though they needed to have an assessment. The word 'loan' was never mentioned in their sales patter. Some consumers were told that their council tax bills would be cut if their homes were more energy efficient or that they would get a new boiler if they paid the assessment fee. Across Wales and England only 219 Green Deal plans have been completed but BBC has received more than 250 complaints from viewers who say they have been misled by cold calling companies http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25290101
  23. Both my wife and I took an online flash deal (limited time) on 2 smart phone upgrades on O2 but through The Carphone Warehouse, for £17/month each with no upfront cost. When phones arrived on Friday, they charged us each £99 upfront (taken from our accounts). When asked, they said we were "not awarded" the deal even though we entered into the agreement within their timescale. They were happy though to "award" us a higher cost deal and take money that we have not agreed to. At no point did they made it clear to us that they were changing the agreement. Nor did they make it clear in the advertising that we somehow have to compete for the offer and may be charged a higher amount. When our bank details were asked, it was clearly stated that this was for verification purposes only and that no money would be taken from our accounts. We are each out of pocket and could not accept the phones on those terms. The very helpful assistant in the shop where we were supposed to pick up the phones (they were actually there) tried to sort this with retail and customer service as she could clearly see that a mistake has been made. Even she was astounded at what she was quite bluntly told on the phone. No idea how long we will have to wait for the money to be refunded. I want to emphasise: At no point did we give permission for the deal to be changed or money to be taken from our accounts other than the £17/month agreed. My advice is stay as far away from this terrible company as you can.
  24. I've been offered the following by a mobile reseller, on a £15 SIM-only, non contract, pay as you go deal: - Unlimited calls to all networks at all times - Unlimited texting - 1 gig of internet usage - Vodaphone network I am tempted to go ahead, but does anyone know of any better non-contract SIM-only packages? Thanks, Jeff
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