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  1. My employer has declined my request for flexible working and I would like to appeal. Before lodging an appeal, I wished to take union advice, but my union caseworker fell ill and there was a delay until someone else could be found to take on my file and provide advice. Unfortunately, by this point, the 14-day period in which appeals must be made had elapsed (it is day 15). Can I claim that I am entitled to an extension on the grounds that employees should receive proper legal/union support? I can't find anything legal about this on the internet. Any advice appreciated!
  2. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/fscp-banks-must-fix-claims-handling-for-ppi-deadline-to-work/1067726.article
  3. Hi there fellow CAGgers, Some really quick advice would be appreciated from any of you that have knowledge or experience of the following. I am going through an ET regarding disability discrimination that I was subjected to from my line manager(who now, strangely, has been made redundant :o?). We are past the deadline from bundle collation as I've asked my employers on numerous occasions for a document that is crucial to the case - I've been told that the Companies archive system is difficult to use and they can't find it! I've persisted regardless as I am suspicious why they couldn't recover this. Anyway, as far as I was concerned, everything was in order apart from this BUT this morning their legal eagle has sent through an amended bundle with new evidence that they have added which I do not agree they should use at this late stage. What can I do as I feel they are being very trixy?
  4. Hi, I took my Triumph off the road in 2003 and informed DVLA it was SORN. I thought that was that until I wanted to tax it again. Wrong!! I read in the press that new rules insist you declare SORN every year otherwise your car could be crushed!!! This is where it starts. Informed DVLA in 2011 I wish to renew SORN, they can't find any record of my car and want V5, birth certificate etc to reunite my car and me. DVLA sent confirmation of SORN but did not return V5. After a couple of letters and about 6 months I receive a new V5c to my disgust, wanted my old one back. Anyway I was happy because now everything was legal again. Then the June 2012 deadline passed and I completely forgot to declare SORN again as there was no reminder. This was until I received a late licence penalty in Sept. This is when I made my mistake, I told them I didn't want it taxed, didn't have insurance or MOT and the vehicle is off road, and submitted a late SORN.....If only I had said I had posted it.....But I guess I'm too honest! I now face a fine and arrears of duty for a car that has not seen tarmac since 2003. If I take this to court, do I have a leg to stand on? Or should I just pay-up?
  5. Hi, I'm new to this and forums, so forgive me if I've put this in the wrong place. My ET1 was accepted. The employers submitted an ET3. Due to 'an administrative error' (Employment Tribunal's phrase), there has been a very long delay between my being physically attacked by my employers and the submitting of forms by them and the employers. I have literally just received the hearing and due process dates and today I have received a letter from my now ex-employers' solicitors, asking for an unbelieveable amount of information, that I would have to get together by this coming Monday. It would take me more than three days under perfect circumstances, but I am on new medication, from the GP, and have been referred to crisis intervention and a psychiatrist, as well as other health care professionals, as in their words, I am very ill, due to the stress of the attack, incidents leading up to the attack, subsequent court case and continuing intimidation and threats. I am too ill to get this replying information in this time frame. How do I word an email to the Employment Tribunal people, to ask for an extension, to get myself together enough, to answer all these questions? I am also suffering side effects from the medications and clinical depression. Also, I have been asked by the tribunal people to describe my disability (also present at the time of employment) under some kind of regulation rules. Do you know how I do this please? I take about ten medications to maintain my hormone levels, including Metformin as I am pre-diabetic and I am diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder, which is triggered by things like stress, including someone trying to kill me. At some point, I will post a full explanation as to what happened, but I need to first remove the stress of being expected to answer a whole heap of intricately detailed questions by Monday. Thank you for taking time to read this; I hope it makes sense (it's hard to concentrate at the moment) and if anyone answers, I thank you, in advance, for your help. If possible, I think I have to ask for the extension today. C
  6. Hi everyone, Just a really quick question. My 'advisor' who I've recently appointed to assist me with my claim says I'm in time but I just wanted to double check. I've started a tribunal against my employers for disability discrimination - I think it is as clear cut as can ever be in this situation as I've had 'advisors' desperate to represent me. The last incident of discrimination happened on the 24th April 2012 - my advisor submitted my claim today at 5:10pm - the simple question is this within the time limits? I know it's three months minus one day but when is the cutoff time? TBH the only reason it's got this far is because my employers performed a wholly inadequate investigation - not even asking the people involved the issues raised in my grievance. So, if I am out of time, is there anything I can do? As always, thanks for any help to reassure me.
  7. Have a look and let me know what you think. Any help will be appreciated. http://s911.photobucket.com/albums/ac318/zentrix9/MR%20VIRGIN%20MNBA/ I will be sending a SAR request tomorrow to see what I get back
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