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alun bryant

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  1. Hi, I took my Triumph off the road in 2003 and informed DVLA it was SORN. I thought that was that until I wanted to tax it again. Wrong!! I read in the press that new rules insist you declare SORN every year otherwise your car could be crushed!!! This is where it starts. Informed DVLA in 2011 I wish to renew SORN, they can't find any record of my car and want V5, birth certificate etc to reunite my car and me. DVLA sent confirmation of SORN but did not return V5. After a couple of letters and about 6 months I receive a new V5c to my disgust, wanted my old one back. Anyway I was happy because now everything was legal again. Then the June 2012 deadline passed and I completely forgot to declare SORN again as there was no reminder. This was until I received a late licence penalty in Sept. This is when I made my mistake, I told them I didn't want it taxed, didn't have insurance or MOT and the vehicle is off road, and submitted a late SORN.....If only I had said I had posted it.....But I guess I'm too honest! I now face a fine and arrears of duty for a car that has not seen tarmac since 2003. If I take this to court, do I have a leg to stand on? Or should I just pay-up?
  2. In the words of Victor Mildrew, "I don't believe it." Lloyds have deposited into my account a "bank claim refund", just 5 days after receiving my court date. I hav'nt started to get my court bundle together, yet. It seems they've finally come to terms that this is not going to go away and started paying up en-mass. Good luck to the rest of you with your claims. Stick to your guns and the money will come. Thanks to you Gary for your help and advice. It is much appreciated. Alan.
  3. Yes Gary, got to get my bundle off by the middle of April, but i'm not expecting any thing from Lloyds.
  4. I havn't written for a while because of the 'stay' imposed until 1 March, but whether the court missed the date or not, my case is not due until 30 April. All this since I sent my claim in, in Sept 06, over 7 months to go to court! I've just checked on my interest and it's pushed up the final figure quite a bit though. Good luck to you all and hope you get your money back quicker than me.
  5. Hi Gary, sorry for the delay in replying, i was waiting for the outcome.Yes, the order of stay was for proceeding of the test cases and was at the courts discression not SC&M. I applied for stay to be lifted but judge at Trowbridge CC did not agree!! Their letter states "Upon reading a letter from the claimant requesting the stay be lifted, it is ordered that the order of the judge do stand".So i guess i'll just have to wait until March.I wonder if this is happening more widespread.By the way, how did the protest march go on Friday, if you managed to make it?RegardsAlan
  6. Just received a letter from the District court at Trowbridge saying that they have decided to order a stay on my case until 1 March 2007. I have just gone to the library section and downloaded the "removal of stay" letter. This will be going in the post ASAP. Seems like this is happening quite a lot, but I am determined not to give up! Watch this space! ALAN
  7. Yes Gary, you were right. 4 weeks have passed and only got an AQ. Lloyds defence is that their charges are fair and that I havn't supplied enough evidence to support claim. I sent the claim with the standard wording that I am claiming charges levied against me over 6 years plus interest. As you suggested, this could take a little longer. Regards
  8. I have been registered with this site since April 2006. Took a while to read the FAQ's, and get myself sorted. Sent off for statements - duly received Sent letter asking for it back - received standard "sod off" Sent letter before action - received another "sod off" and this decision is final It has taken me 5 months but Yesterday 19/9 sent off Moneyclaim. Now, hopefully, i only have to wait another month for what is rightfully mine. All thanks to this site and the people who put in so much effort and advice to keep it going. Thank You.
  9. Sent off Moneyclaim today after sending letters out to Lloyds TSB. Keep you posted as to what happens. Good luck to the rest of you. Alan
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