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  1. I am looking for some advice dealing with the DCA chasing after an alleged debt they say I had with Npower. I paid every month by direct debit and as far as I was concerned all paid off and sent the final meter reading on the day I moved out. I called them few months later and was told what the final bills was £36 and paid off. Now a DCA sending letters, but the company name is Npower Northern which I have never known. My bills had the name Npower and not Npower Northern. Have they changed names? How can there be an outstanding amount when paid by monthly direct debit ? I have read so many posts regarding their incorrect bills. I am going to call them today and send a SAR request and start the process from there. It is so unnecessary that we have to do this as when we pay every month and trust them to send correct bills.
  2. hi to all im a new user on here and need some advice please! here is a brief description on the matter back in 2013 i signed up with talk talk for phone bb and tv services, after approx 3/4 weeks of no services i rang them up and told them i would like to cancel the contract as they had not provided me what im paying for. after numerous phone calls about the above issues talk talk said the contract would be cancelled and that would be the end of the matter there would be no charges due to early termination of contract etc. although i never received anything in writing from them i left it as the matter was delt with. fast forward to two days ago and i got a claim form from Moriarty law working on behalf of jc international acquisition. they are claiming £572 for non payment of agreement from talk talk I'm confused about this as i was under the impression it had been sorted years back!. i have sent a reply to the court with a acknowledgement of service i can get some information about this as i intend to fully dispute this. how do i get information about this old account ? any letters that was sent to me , phone calls ?? how do i file a defence for the court I'm confused by all the info on this if anybody could help id be so grateful many thanks for your help
  3. Hi, Just wondering if I make a complaint about irresponsible lending will that halt any action being taken on a debt? Had 3 letters from Moriarty Law re Motormile for old payday loans with Northway Broker Ltd to my ex's mums house. This was in June! Have only just been told by ex's mum that she opened these letters and that she told them I dont live there anymore. The letter states 'In the event we do not hear from you within the next 14 days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself.' Now as I say this was in June. They havent been in touch since but worried about them going to another previous address and trying to do a ccj there. There are three separate loans -£286.47 £218.75 and £318.96 Not sure how to move forward with them any ideas would be great thank you.
  4. Hello CAG Members, I hope you can help.. I just returned home while being away for few weeks and I received 3 letters from mml and moriaritylaw. It looks like to me mml and moriaritylaw work together and this is in relation to the same debt. So 1st letter is from mmf - dated 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client 405.00 Then 2nd letter - dated also 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Then 3rd letter - dated 13/07/2017 - Final demand before proceedings, demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Long time ago i toke a Pay Day Loan with Mr Lender and I paid it off however i was late and I think by one month. I pulled out my recent credit file and Mr Lender is there and status of account is 'Closed'. I'm nit sure what to do next. There is no default on credit record, account status closed - settled. Please help I looked carefully through letters and it looks like those are for 2 debts.. So 1st letter (debt) is from mmf - dated 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client 405.00 owned to CFO Lending. Then 2nd letter - dated also 27/06/2017 demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Then 3rd letter - dated 13/07/2017 - Final demand before proceedings, demanding payment for their client PDL Finance Ltd t/a MR Lender £787.50 Looking into my credit report I have only entry from Mr L and as closed / settled. Nothing on CFO Lending. I think I might have this loan but then stopped paying as I was rolling loans to cover other loans... help please... Apologies, here now in one multipage pdf. Letters.pdf
  5. As the title says. This is not a final notice, but the very first. I'm not even sure what the debt's for, but I've looked at the template letter on here and I am going to send that. Just wondering if there's anything in the CCA that stipulates a minimum amount of time to pay back the debt. Cheers!
  6. Hi guys will start this " high level" but appreciate we may need to delve into the lower level detail too.. In April 2017 a case I was a defendant for was "struck" as an order placed by the judge upon the defendant was not complied with. Through the post last night I get a new county court for the same account, same claimant but different "solicitor" to send " payments/ documentation though to. Is this REALLY allowed? and if so in what cases? Just strikes me as odd Thanks
  7. Hi quite some time ago I got myself into some difficulty mainly as a result of several redundancies and a failed business venture. Due to this and feeling I had an obligation to pay my debts I entered into a DMP with Payplan. have been paying £150 a month again I'm finding myself in a redundancy situation have started to think I'm not doing the best for myself. I have a mortgage that I have never defaulted on and never had issues, I've never changed lenders whilst in the DMP, I have been making payments into since December 2011. I went with a DMP as I work in an area that any CCJ's/Bankruptcy would cause me to lose my job. In total I have a combined amount of just under £30k outstanding. Creditor Default Date Opened Date Santander 02/04/2012 15/10/2007 Loan Link 31/05/2012 02/08/2007 Credit Card Capital One 03/01/2012 13/02/2006 Credit Card RBS (Westcot) 20/01/2012 04/02/2006 Credit Card Link (CO-OP) 05/09/2013 16/02/2005 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 23/09/2004 Credit Card PRA (MBNA) 30/04/2012 01/11/1999 Credit Card Nationwide Oct 2011 14/05/2009 Subject to Tomlin Loan I'm thinking of stopping the DMP with payplan and potentially asking for CCA's from all of the creditors, apart from Nationwide as I think I've shot myself in the foot with the tomlin order. The balance on this is approx £2700 if I can free myself of the other debt I will divert the full amount to this and get it paid over 18 months. Unless anyone suggests anything else. My understanding of the CCA's is that prior to a certain date they are obliged to provide me with a copy of the original agreement but I might have that wrong. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
  8. Hi guys, I have been reading the forums and the amount of helpful information on here is amazing. I am hoping to get some advice about my situation. I am an Australian Citizen but recent UK resident and I am having some issues with a DCA at the moment called Credit Corp. Essentially they are chasing me for a 10k personal loan, that I wasn't be able to pay. I haven't made payments in the last 9 months to 1 year so I am assuming the bank very recently sold it on to them. They have called me at my place of work in the UK to identify me. I did not want them to call me at work again due to the fact that all calls are recorded and listened to by my boss and I work in quite a small company and I have direct contact daily with the CEO and managing director so I dont want this to cause problems. I have a few questions around privacy concerns and also am wanting some advice around what to do. I am not in a financial position to pay the debt at the moment and I am quite sure I will not be returning to Australia within the foreseeable future to live there. I don't want to skip out on this debt, but I am also not in a position to meet their demands or pay much money as most of my salary is eaten up by high living costs here. They have told me they expect me to pay £750-£1000 a fortnight, this is 4x what I was paying on the loan originally, and to be honest even if I could afford this I am debating if it is worth paying to this company. They have made out like the bank is saying that I have to pay this much, when further research shows that they buy debt for pennies on the dollar, so they are trying to make money off of it. I have had 2 discussions with the DCA, one telling me to pay a lump settlement and one about structuring payments. A few concerns I have at this stage around privacy and coercion are as follows : I believe the DCA found my employment details on Facebook as I made this viewable to friends and friends of friends a few days ago, however I don't add people I do not know, so I am concerned about how they have found this information, and if it is through Facebook if they are making fake profiles etc, as I know from a limited amount of research this is not ethical and possibly not legal. Is there a way for me to find out how they got this information? The DCA rep also asked for my address in the UK and I advised I didn't want to give it to them, they advised me this is required by law. I do not believe this is correct. Can someone please verify this? I have given a past address for now, and if it is required I can tell them I have moved and give them my new address. If this is a lie, then essentially what can I/should I do about this? Can I complain, or use this to assist me in getting them to stop contacting me? My main concern at this point is legal ramifications, which from what I have read for the amount of money I owe I should be fairly ok as they probably won't do much apart from make threats. I am only on a short visa, but I believe the company I work for will be able to assist me in obtaining a work permit and then eventually I will be able to get residency and a UK passport. This is a fairly recent debt, so they still have a long time to chase it before statute of limitations set in, do you guys think it may cause me legal issues down the track or that if they sell it to a UK debt collection agency that this will cause problems with UK credit? I don't have any credit at the moment, but this may be something that I need to look into further on down the track if I settle here. I am also worried they won't stop coming for me for the next 5-6 years at least, which would be frustrating and stressful, I guess feeling like I'm looking over my shoulder waiting for the harassment. My main concern is that they will keep harassing me and calling me at work, as letters emails and personal calls are easier to deal with. I have read on the ACCC website that if I write to them and ask them to stop all contact that they will only be able to send court orders etc. and only in writing. Is this accurate? Or will they continue to hound me, as this is the indication I am getting from other people's posts on here. If this is the case would it be better to ask them to contact me by email or post only? If they don't oblige I am gathering I can complain to the ACCC either way, which should help stop them for a little while atleast. I am assuming if I do this they will get their UK attorneys to send me threatening letters and start calling me, again from posts of people in similar situations on this forum. Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated. My main focus at the moment is just getting rid of them for the moment, and then looking into the legal ramifications and options and making a plan from there rather than being pressured into someone who is trying to meet their KPI target for the month and lying to me to get my money. Thanks to all the people that have posted similar situations, it's already been a massive help in easing my mind and helping me not stress about this situation so I can get it resolved one way or the other.
  9. Update on General data Protection Regulations due to hit in may 2018 There is a overt permission of Data Subject to consent to processing of data, so a CRA processing John Doe's data without him knowing could fall foul. Likewise a DCA. Full implications are not yet known http://www.idgconnect.com/blog-abstract/26688/what-gdpr http://www.idgconnect.com/blog-abstract/24273/gdpr-probably-won-decimate-businesses-leave-burned Discuss?
  10. just found a letter which I knew was somewhere regarding amount due to Santander Thank you for recent contact. Please be adviced Robbinsons way is servicing the above account on behalf of hoist p holdings 2 ltd who purchased this account from Santander . Notice of assigment sent dec 2014 account defaulted 25 may 2011 second account same as above diffrent account notice of assigment sent out on nov 2014 defaulted 17 march 2011 I have sent them a cca for both the reply was as follows the accounts were put on hold temp pending recipt of this document we will contact you in due course question if the default was as state then one is statue barred the other will be am i right in this thanks
  11. A DCA, Moriarty Law has contacted me over a phone bill from Dec 2012 (so not a 6 year debt yet). It was for £300 and I remember a dispute over the final payment in 2012 that I was unfairly asked for as I had terminated the agreement over the phone, but this seemed to have not been recorded. This debt was obviously “sold on” as I received one letter from a DCA in 2014 at my previous address in Suffolk and then nothing until this one arrived at my new address in Sussex a few weeks ago threatening court action if I didn’t pay from Moriarty. I didn’t respond as I thought they would leave it and it was a new address and I was scared that it could be a trick to check my new address and other debt agencies could catch up with me, if the details were somehow passed on from Moriarty. Well now a court claim has turned up. I am in two minds what to do. At the moment I can afford to pay it (as for the first time since 2010 I have managed to start earning out my way out of poverty for the past 6 years or so), but don’t feel I should because it was unfair charge at the time. However I have alot of stress at work at the moment and don’t want the hassle or uncertainty of making a defence (see my reasons below relating to possible unemployment and further outstanding debts) , so I am thinking of just paying it anyway. But my concern is that the DCA (Moriarty) might think I am an “easy touch” and look for other debts from my previous address (I assume they can look these up on Experian – I have never logged on to this as you have to give your current address and other creditors could find your new address - which has happened to other people I know). I have a few other debts from that time period in 2012 (2 * £500 debts from a bank account overdraft and the same banks credit card) and a different DCA is sending debt letters to my previous address but has not found me at my new address) where I am going to try and negotiate a settlement now I have some money. I don’t want to potentially jeopardize these negotiations by paying up "without a fight" to Moriarty’s claim against me. there are two issues here that that I am trying to resolve: 1. I am worried that if I pay this amount to Moriarty, that they will look up my credit history via e.g., Experian and go after other debts as I am perceived as an “easy target”. Do others on this forum know of this happening? 2. If I defend the claim and ask for proof that I owe this money I guess they have the necessary documents proving the debt from the original phone company. Or maybe not. However if I make a defence and I lose it (because they can prove the debt – is this likely after a previous DCA had passed it on to Moriartys?) , then I may have a CCJ against me and my current contractor will no longer hire me as they have a clause stating they won’t hire people with CCJ’s. _ I will go back to not having money and not being able to pay off or negotiate the debts! 3. Do you get a CCJ if you lose the defence and still pay the amount owed (how much more costs would incur fighting the defence assuming it also done via paperwork and quickly – at the moment the court fees and legal costs on top of the £300 amount to around £100. Any comments or help would be appreciated asap – as I have to do something in the next few days as the clock is ticking. Many thanks in advance.
  12. I have a debt under my DMP that is now with NCO Europe I presume they are merely the collectors for the original business-Direct Line Loans. Can anyone offer advice about this?
  13. Hi all, Bit of background ... I fell into a bit of money trouble back in 2011/12 and fell behind with a multitude of things, which manifested in 7 defaults being placed on my credit file (I know, right?). I'm glad to say that all is reformed, I'm in stable employment, my finances are doing great (aside from not being able to get reasonable credit, of course) and the defaults have started to drop off (3 down, 4 to go). Once I had gotten myself back into full time employment, I settled all of my debts outright. One in particular was a credit card with MBNA/Virgin. I settled this directly with them. On review of my credit file, I noticed that MBNA and PRA Group were reporting two entries for this same debt. I wrote to the CRAs and they removed the MBNA entry, leaving PRA, which is showing as settled. My question is, if I settled the debt with MBNA directly and they registered the default, do PRA still have the right to process my data and keep this default on my file? Surely if any default should have remained, it should be MBNA, since they are the only company I dealt with and the creditor with whom I settled the balance? Thanks for your help!
  14. Hi guys, sorry, the first half of this post has disappeared. My second question is basically, is it worth sending Vanquis an SAR because they are likely to have made punitive charges and penalties when my card went into default. This is with a view to claiming them back. Thanks, Mikey_L
  15. Good afternoon. I owe a trade supplier £200 for goods I have received. I have returned stock to the value of £139 which they have agreed to credit me with. Therefore I owe the supplier £60. However they have got a DCA to chase me and the DCA are claiming £566 presumably made up of some jumped up charges. I have asked the DCA to confirm what I owe for Goods supplied but was wondering what else I should do? Thanks in advance
  16. Hi, I just wanted some advice please. My husband passed away 2 months ago. He had an old santander card which was taken over by capquest. I wrote and told them what had happened and sent a copy of the death certificate. I received a letter from capquest today addressed to my dead husband saying they are sorry for the delay and are waiting for santander to get back to them and they will contact him soon. I am so angry and upset I just want to know who I can complain to. I am going to write to capquest and send the original letter to santander and I also though the fca? Just wanted to see if there was anyone else I should write to or if anyone has had anything similar happen. It's been a struggle to come to terms with my husband's death, it was sudden and completely unexpected. I know dca's are the lowest but this has upset me so much. Thanks H
  17. RBS got a DCA to chase me on a 12 year old debt but I kept ignoring the letters. It's now gone back to RBS and they've instructed Moorcroft. There's nothing on my credit file, probably due to the time scale. Do I just ignore them or issue a CCA straight away?
  18. Hello. Im not sure if im posting this in the right section: My wife was 3/4 way through her 12 month car insurance policy (second year with company). We wanted to add me to her insurance when she phoned she was told by the lady that as I am diabetic she wasnt sure if I could be added. She was told we would have to ring again next week to find out if I could be added. We thought this was absurd as I have already been driving for over a year no claims etc. We also needed me to be able to drive by the next week took out insurance with another company who insured us both no problems. Go skippy contacted my wife several times for the remaining £35 of the policy, which with one thing and another has not been paid yet. Today she recieved a letter from "ICB - insurance collections bureau ltd" saying "our client has appointed us to recover the amount of £148.20 to prevent further action being taken" My wife has said she will phone go skippy and offer to pay the £35 to them. i told her never to pay a DCA but shes worried etc any advice please ? Thanks.
  19. Hi all, I cancelled my vehicle insurance over the phone and was told that there was nothing more to pay, which surprised me as I thought there would be a cancellation fee, even though it was only 6 weeks until the policy ended. I then received a letter in PDF format via e-mail stating that I had cancelled my policy with a breakdown of how much I'd paid etc and then it stated that there was a NIL BALANCE. It was signed. I then received another letter in the same format telling me I had to pay a cancellation fee of over £150! I phoned them and they said that this was an error. 2 months later I received a letter from a "Solicitors" (DCA) saying that I owed this amount plus fees. I phoned them and explained, and then e-mailed them with the attached PDF stating I owed nothing. They then replied saying that because the letter stated at the bottom "this is subject to change" then the debt is enforceable but they would speak to the OC and get back to me. They have got back to me saying that the original letter was an error and that I do owe the amount stated. Here is a copy of my e-mails to them and the ones they have sent back. "Dear Ms XXXX * Further to your recent email, we have been in contact with the client and this is the response we have received:* * 'The letter attached to your original email was incorrect, this letter was followed by the attached letter advising of the outstanding balance'* * Please see attached document.* * You have an outstanding balance, therefore please contact us on 01707 XXXX to discuss payment methods, quoting your reference number:*XXXX Kind Regards, * Insurance Collections Bureau. " My reply to them. "Dear sirs, * I have spoken to my solicitor about this and showed him the attached. * He has advised me that, although the original creditor states it is an error, one cannot just send out a letter stating that there is no debt, and then simply decide that there is. The letter is signed and dated. * I therefore consider the matter closed and any further correspondence from you will incur a*charge of £12.50*for my time. However if you would like to discuss this further with my solicitor, Mr. Andrew XXXXXXXX, would you be happy to contact him directly in writing? * Regards, " Their reply: "Thank you for your recent email. With regards to this, I advise you or your solicitor to contact the client directly as we have advised you of their response, we will continue with our process until advised otherwise by the client.* Additionally, we do not have a contract with you, therefore you cannot charge us anything. Kind Regards," My question is, shall I ignore them for now? Or just send them an invoice straight away? I don't believe I owe them anything at all. Also I am considering sending them a section 40 notice (administration of justice act) but I will of course be sending that by recorded post.
  20. Wonder if BiliffCos and DCA;s will suffer on this one? EU GDPR on data processing regs might make it difficult where a debt and associated data is being passed around freely, also implications for Credit Reference Agencies, and Marketing companies as Data Subject must give explicit consent for the data processing From the article link below: http://www.idgconnect.com/abstract/24102/from-insular-us-firms-spammy-marketers-who-gdpr-hit-hardest ‘Privacy by design’, ‘access rights’ and ‘breach notification’ “One of the changes due to be implemented in GDPR is the explicit recognition of the concepts of ‘privacy by design’ or ‘privacy by default’. Businesses will now find themselves subject to a specific obligation to consider data privacy at the initial design stages of a project as well as throughout the lifecycle of the relevant data processing. Overlay the current privacy requirements in individual countries and you have a whole new box of worms. “Under GDPR individuals will have the right to obtain confirmation that their data is being processed and have access to their data. GDPR clarifies that the reason for allowing individuals to access their personal data is so that they can verify the lawfulness of processing. This in itself will pose huge challenges for organisations with the whole process of giving access to data subject and providing proof of legitimate processing. “This will incur the highest fines stipulated in any legislation. Organisations are notoriously bad at detecting breaches and the average, only 20%, are detected by organisations themselves, the rest are notified by third parties.” Rashmi Knowles, Chief Security Architect EMEA at RSA
  21. Hi Can someone please advise on whether a DCA can reconstitute a CCA and DN for a credit card taken out in 1999 and if they can use it to enforce in court. Many Thanks
  22. Hi, Just wanted some advice/reassurance so I can be prepared when eBay's dca try and contact me please. Sold a car in November, buyer didn't pay or collect. He bid and won the auction at £350 then messaged me to say he'd just checked and only had £230 in his bank account I opened a dispute and he never responded. Once a certain amount of time passed eBay automatically resolved the dispute in my favour and said they would refund seller fees. To be honest I thought that meant all seller fees. through December I've been getting reminder/suspension emails to pay £10 fees (listing fee I think) I started a new job which pays 2 months in arrears so I've had nearly 2 months without being paid and obviously had to prioritise my spending I removed my automatic PayPal payment. In fact I think I may have removed automatic payment when the dispute was open but the guy wasn't responding to stop them taking £45 when he wasn't going to pay. To be fair I was quite annoyed about paying anything in the first place after getting messed about. I had a voicemail and email yesterday from transcom. The email said I owed £18 (£8 fee on £10 "debt"... I don't think so...) I logged on to my eBay account today and had a message from them yesterday, same day of transcom email saying pay today to avoid further action. my dad lent me some money yesterday to tide me over till payday I've just been on and paid eBay direct and my account has now been reinstated and showing a balance of zero. What do I say to the dca now for them to leave me alone? They've tried to ring me again this evening. I don't want to be continuously contacted or them to mark my credit file for the sake of £10. Thanks
  23. Hi New to the forum but have reading through a lot of related threads and now i'm a little confused as what action to take (if any next). I have spend the last couple of years fixing my shambolic credit history, got myself into a right state back in 2010/2011 with debt totalling around £12k with various creditors, defaulted on everything and avoided by ignoring letters/moving, etc. Over the last 2 years I have been tackling them one by one arranging settlements and have a single creditor left totalling just over £4k. This debt is related to a Bill of Sale Agreement for car finance. I paid the agreed amount for nearly 2 years of the 3 year agreement before I defaulted. They ended up taking the vehicle and sold it at auction. I later found out that I could of contested them doing this since no Bill of Sale stamped by the court was produced. They also never provided me with an auction receipt to prove the amount the car was sold for. This was back in 2010/2011 but can't remember the exact dates. Fast forward to now i'm being chased by a DCA to pay the outstanding amount. They have sent a few letters which I have ignored up until now, letter essentially reads that if I do not contact them in 28 days then my account will be reviewed for legal action. Previous letters up until this have all been very nice. Considering the age of the debt, it's very close to being statue barred which could be why they are now looking at escalating. I have a default registered on my credit file from the DCA (not the creditor) dated 05/2011. I don't have any paperwork relating to the agreement or statement of the account so can't check if this date is true. So far I have not responded to any letters but I did call them around 6 months ago and tried to offer a settlement. They said they would call me back if they accept the offer but never did, nor have they attempted any other phone calls in attempt to recover. No subsequent letters have been in response from the phone call. So a few questions on this if I may:- 1) (In relation to SB) Have a shot myself in the foot by offering them a settlement over the phone? Haven't confirmed anything in writing. 2) What should be my next action? Continue to ignore or send a prove-it letter or CCA request? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  24. Hi I am new to the forum but have been looking at similar posts etc to try and get my head around my situation etc. This site is incredible and has given me the confidence to fight my alleged debts. I entered a DMP in 2004 as got into financial difficulty due to numerous factors. all the debts were obviously taken out prior to this probably late 1990s or early 2000s at the latest. I have dumped the DMP as 12 years on nothing seems to have changed. Was originally told that I would be debt free in 6 years but that's another story. I have SAR'd the DMP company. I am sending CCA requests for any credit card/loan debt. Also have a overdraft debt with Lloyds - sending then a SAR. List of debts below any advice greatly accepted. All below defaulted 2004 M and S Loan now Robway £8k Halifax CC now Cabot £4.5k Lloyds CC now PRA Group £4k MBNA CC now Link £4k Barclay Card (EGG) CC now Cabot £3k Barclay Card (Morgan Stanley) now Link £2 Capital One CC now Lowell £2k Lloyds Loan now Cabot £580 Lloyds Loan now Apex £400. Also my DMP provider put my Lloyd's current account/overdraft on the DMP without informing first saying because I had debts with Lloyds on the DMP then I couldnt bank with them - that was in 2007. I am more than capable of handling the CCA requests etc but will probably need some help with checking the agreements when they come back. Also seems like the DCA's are escalating a lot to court these days. Again I will have no issue defending any claim that can be defended with some assistance if possible. Thanks in advance.
  25. I've actually put the whole question in the title. I am repaying a debt which went to court mediation and I signed a Tomlin agreement. Over a year later the DCA sold it to another DCA. For about a year the new DCA accepted my payments but are now writing/ attempting to phone/ wanting me to phone them, and saying there is not an agreement in place. I have written a letter of complaint, and am waiting their reply. But what is the LEGAL situation of my Tomlin agreement and the new DCA? Thank you
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