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  1. Ive recieved my yearly statement from Blemain today and shocked to see in 1 year all i have reduced my debt owed is less than £100 i took out the secured loan of 17k in april 2007 and as of today i owe them 19k with 2 years left on the loan!! currently have £7700 in fees which they are taking interest on every month. I knew it was bad, but not this bad! My monthly payment is £276 (normally) currently paying £354 to pay off arrears. This loan is crippling. i pay £220 on my £42k mortgage per month without problem and at least the balance goes down! so roughly ive paid Blemain 24k already since the loan started and they want another 19k off me. i dont ever see it ending as the fees are going on every month at 13.30% I just dont even know where to start with this. been reading lots on here and see conflicting things about Blemain not been covered by certain bodys or something? I obviously want to get a SAR submitted to them but seeing things about they wont accept postal orders etc for the payment. ive been niave maybe not seeing this sooner but they rarely send statements and they dont really make sense to me. i just assumed like my mortgage that for the first few years your balance doesnt go down as you pay the interest off first, but 19k after 7 years of struggling is daylight robbery ive noticed they are still charging me for their stupid house insurance and also a visit payment of £90 every so often, even though i have never had a visit! any help would be much appreciated thank you
  2. Hi I hope someone can shed some light on a letter I got from this company yesterday. In March this year my ex wife passed away we divorced in 2004 after sorting finances out and selling the house at the time. Now I got a letter from blemain finance saying they have a refund for me it was addressed to me and my ex. When I rang them they were unaware that my ex had passed away and asked if I could send them a death certificate as proof and my bank details as they have a substantial refund to pay back. Now if this was something my ex started to claim before she passed she did not tell anyone, also I can not remember who my mortgage was with at the time and blemain will only tell me that it is linked to a mortgage and a secured load as I did not have most of the answers to their security questions. They did say if I was not happy giving my bank details they could send me a cheque. So does anybody know if this is a legit or not as I have never heard of this company before and a google search just comes up with negative stories of bad practises and ripping people off, they don't sound like they would give refunds without being forced to do so and I do not want to send them documents like a death certificate. Any info would be appreciated.
  3. Hi I am hoping someone can help me. In 2006 I took out a loan with blemain finance, this was organised through a brooker being relax finance. The original loan was £10,000, I did get into difficulty with the loan due to three periods of maternity and other personal circumstances. I managed to get all the loan paid off with the interest. 5 years of payments of roughly £250. However once I had finished paying the loan I was advised that I still owed £5000. I am currently struggling financially, I have been throughout the loan and I have advised them of this. They agreed a payment plan of £60 per month. I made a £100 payment the end of June and i didn't pay July as I had made a large payment in June and then I paid in August. They have been sending me "loan past term" letters today I rang them. They have told me that my account is being passed for litigiation and unless I can pay half of the amount owing there is nothing else i can do except await a court date. I have concerns about the advice I was given at the onset as I have heard that Relax finance is linked to them and I feel the charges are unfair as they have been aware that I have been in financial difficulty. If they try to take me for reposession can HSBC dispute this as my mortgage is with them and there is no equity in the property. i am not in any arrears. Is there any point in trying to fight this, or should i try to borrow the £5000 from family members. Any help appreciated, Becki
  4. Hello to everyone and I wonder if you can give me some advice please. We took out a loan with Blemain finance in 2007 for £20,000 to finish our house renovation. We have been paying it for the last 7 years and when I received a statement form them it says we owe £27,000. I have worked it out that we have paid over £20,000 to them already so i am puzzled as to how we can still owe this much. Any help mill be greatly appreciated. Regards John
  5. I've held a secured loan with Blemain for around 5/6 years and had a few hiccups along the path. I'm on my second arrangement and two months into that I couldn't make the payment. I'm self-employed and have one client who is always on their last legs and late in paying me. In cases where I have to buy things for them, I have to insist they prepay, but they have a monthly standing and I recently did some work for them. The net result is they owe me £950 which should have been received by 12th April, but from what they tell me they won't be in a position to pay this until early next month. I have a monthly payment of £595 to Blemain on the 21st (today) and had been speaking to my problem client up until late on Friday to see if they could even pay parts of my invoices - enough to cover Blemain. I tried to call Blemain to explain the situation on Saturday when they are normally open 10am to 4pm only to find they were closed for all the Easter Holidays. By the time they reopen tomorrow the loan will automatically have defaulted and presumably they will give me 3 weeks from today to clear all the arrears which would be impossible. The problem is when they make a payment arrangement they request 75% of your disposable income to cover the arrears, which is manageable if you are on a set salary, but far more difficult if you are on self-employed and your clientbase contains of a couple of ********s. Any advice on how to tackle this? Thanks, Dave
  6. Hi all, we regrettably took out a secured loan of £6500, (which included broker fees etc.) with BF in 2007 to help deal with other debts. a stupid thing to do but at the time were in financial difficulty and thought it was the best way out. our loan period ended september 2012 at which time we were informed that we still owed £3949. to say i was gobsmacked was an understatement. yes we again got into difficulties with repayments but made sure we paid the arrears as soon as we could, {we were never more than 3 months behind } in fact we paid back more than the missed payments, missed payments amounted to £2136, the total we paid by other than the direct debit arrangemnet was £2288. I realise that charges were expected but the amount is staggering. plus the insurance block policy thing has left us with the huge balance. i tried to negotiate with them over the charges and made an offer of £75 per month while we fought the charges. to this day we never recieved any acceptance or rejection of our offer. I wrote to them was to ask for my account balance to be reset to show that the loan had been paid off and just outstanding fees and charges were due, also disputed the amounts charged, i.e. letter and phone call charges. obviously this was rejected and stupidly we stopped making the monthly payments after 3 months. i carried on writing and disputing till July 2013 when we didnt get any replies, just demands and statements. 2 days ago we were hit with a repossession court date for January. can they actually succeed in repossession for charges and fees ? we are obviously extremely worried at the fact of possibly losing our home plus there is no way we can afford a solicitor and are a bit confused as to how to answer the defence questions. any help or advice would be greatly appreciated but primarily, we need to find out if they can actually repossess over just added charges, and what are the chances of them succeeding at the first hearing.
  7. Hi, im new to this but am having problems with Blemain. My loan was 5k in 2006 now out of term and they say i owe £6500 still in charges, late payment fees etc etc. I have started a PPI claim against them already as it has come to light they never cancelled it when i requested they did but now would like to see if i can make them reduce/wipeoff their enormous charges - any advice would be apprecited as these people are beyond reason ... .......... thanks
  8. Hi everybody, starting a thread regarding Blemain finance, took a loan out for £5k over 5 years secured on my house, had problems keeping up repayments for reasons that Blemain were informed off. Just managed to clear the loan and the arrears on the account but they have taken advantage of my unfortunate situation with crippling charges and legal costs. I am now going to send a SAR and fight them if i can for the charges to be either cancelled or reduced if possible. As it was a joint loan with my wife we have received in some months 5 letters each at £35 each making them a tidy £350p/m. Update when I get more info. Thank for reading
  9. "What if Blemain went to court and got possession, take someone’s home, all without the right documents. Legally they were never entitled to go to court and claim possession. This would have defiantly happened because Blemain sent out thousands of faulty DN (they were a standard computer generated document)   If Blemain repossessed your home after issuing you with a DN like the one I post up then I strongly recommend you research what I am saying, you maybe entitled to a lot of money back. (CCA regulated loans only)" What if Blemain repossessed a property even though the amount Rob owed included late fees and Blemain's fantasy charges? Why would a judge grant an order knowing this? I've been looking at this for Rob now for a couple of years and feel sure Blemain shouldn't have done what they did. SAR time if Rob wants to, although he was saying he might get a bank charge claim solicitor to go for the charges first. Good luck to all taking these ******* on, I will be doing so myself soon.
  10. To keep it brief. I had a secured loan of £5000 that I took out in 2006 with the ever delightful Blemain. Many crazy things happened to me over the course of the loan and I did fall into arrears on occasions and did have to go to court once for repossession but the contractual amount that I was scheduled to pay on the loan has all been paid back now. It was £7520, all done and dusted last October. After I finished paying the loan Blemain sent me a letter telling me that I still owed them another £7000 (not unexpected) but the nice thing was there was a "goodwill gesture" of £1500 deducted from the balance and now I only owe them £5500, which was nice! I did ring them and I complained about their fees etc and they put me through their internal complaints procedure and they have gotten back to me and they have found numerous errors in my account and have identified £1200 of excessive charges so they have taken them off my account... ..... but hilariously they have deducted it from the "goodwill gesture". I intend to fight the remaining charges on the account, and put up a good fight too with these bas#ards, don't know if I am in the same league as Welshperson but then who is, but I'll try. What I really want to know is now I have finished paying my contracted loan amount what recourse do Blemain have to collect the money they say they are owed. Can they repossess my house still, I think they may still have a suspended possession order or do they have to go down the more usual debt collection route, CCJ, bankruptcy etc. I have looked all over these forums and others but I cannot find the answer. I have paid the loan so I cannot be in arrears, they say they I owe them further money but that is in dispute, this is not a delinquent account just one in dispute. Any help would be much appreciated. It would just be nice to know what threat they can use to get the money out of me while I fight them.
  11. We have had an eviction date given as we were late paying our monthly payment. It was late due to it being due on the 8th and we don't get paid until the 15th. This is the second time this has happened and the company have forced us to pay the next month installment before they would stop the eviction. This is Blemain finance by the way. Now I have just had a long conversation with one of their advisers, which may I add didn't have a clue to be honest and I am not holding out much faith in what he has told me. This morning we were £49.97 in credit and the next payment off the secured loan is due 8th which is also the date of the eviction. They told me unless we paid the difference before the morning of the 8th, they would not stop the eviction. It has now been paid as a member of our family has loaned us the money until the 15th. Can they do this or are they telling me lies. If it is a case of the latter can some kind person give us some advice on how to complain about them.
  12. Happy Christmas, I’m new to the Forum, Just wanted to share my experience with Blemain and hope someone can suggest some options, I will briefly explain my situation. I took out a loan in 2010 for £29500, With the fees the opening balance was £33815.00. After paying 22 monthly payments totalling £8300.00, I enquired to them enquiring why I have not received any loan statements and was advised its not something they normally send out but has to be requested. I then requested my redemption figure and to my surprise my loan has somehow gone up even though I am on a repayment loan. Anyway the figures quoted by them Balance outstanding £34,241.80 Redemption Admin fee £195.00 Early repayment £2705.20 8% Total £37142.00 Now the early redemption figure I knew is quite high and at the time I needed the cash so did not query this. But what gets me is I don’t understand why my loan has not reduced, They have sent me a statement of my payments and something called Acturial Interest which changes every month. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi all, newbie to the site and require help. Already searched many of the threads and a lot of information to digest as well as it all being abit confusing. I have 2 secured loans with blemain finance they have county court orders dating back from 2010 for arrears of aprox £2000 on each account (£4000) was ordered to make payments of £200 on each account to pay off the loan as well as the arrears. I have maintained these payments month by month but i still occurred monthly arrear charges of £46 if my payments were a few days late and also interest on the outstanding arrears. I have notified them that i may be few days late with payments, to which they say 'nothing can be done as the courts have ordered for payment on the specific date'. I made a complaint and spoke to a manager in the collection department who told me that the charges were fair and regulated by OFT and were not excessive and reflect the cost for being in arrears. He took my complaint and advised methat the response i will receive will be no different from what he has already told me (very arrogant of him). I have done a sar ( thanks to the advice i have read on this website as unaware of it previously) and will be anticipating for the information. I believe £46 is excessive and unfair for monthly arrears and also read elsewhere that another borrower is being charged £35. Could blemain justify charging me £11 more? Also has anyone successfully claimed these charges back from blemain? Can i also claim back the interest charged on these arrears? These arrear charges and the interest on the arrears are never ending and putting myself into further debt. I dont think i would ever be able to pay off the loans with this arrangement.
  14. I took out a loan in Sept 2006 for 5 years. Norton Finance were the brokers involved. PPI was paid as a single premium at the start of the loan. The sum being £3700, together with interest paid to the finance company pans out at around £8000. Naturally Norton Finance claim in a letter to me it was not mis sold, although a "corruption of computer files" has ment they cannot produce a recording of the telephone sale. I have asked for any evidence they have of any signature they may have from me with regard to me agreeing the PPI but they have not responded. I am in the process of complaining to the Financial ombudsman, but in the meantime will be issuing a County Court Summons. Any ideas on how I should tackle this. I am not legally qualified but do have some experience of issuing summons. Would appreciate any feedback of others that have had complaints with Norton Finance
  15. I had a loan with Blemain about five years ago. The loan was secured against my property. After two years I remortgaged and repaid the loan. I have checked the paperwork recently and noticed that I was charged £4,681 for collection costs. I have now written twice to Blemain asking for a detailed breakdown of these costs. The reply I had today said, the costs were "as a result of administrative costs applied to the account". I know that! They don't seem to want to give the details of the charges. I don't know what to do now. Shall I write again or what? Please can anyone help me.
  16. Firstly a bit of background. I have a secured loan with blemain finance (we all make mistakes:-x) It was taken out in may 2007 and is for £10K also it is cca regulated. They have added over £4K in charges in just 2 years, I have requested the charges back and after lots of letters i have they're final bog of letter. so i am now debating whether to take then to court for unfair credit agreement or go to the fos, i have phoned the fos and they have taken details and sent me out the forms to carry on with my complaint,but as yet i have not sent them back.so i have all options open to me and some advice in which way to go would be appreciated. Also i have a suspended possession order after they went for repossession, now the thing is i think when they took me to court they first sent out a default notice, but i think that it is non compliant and would like a second opinion,and some advice on how to deal with a suspended position order that they got on the back of a dodgy default notice. my issues with the default notice are a]That they didn't give me 14 clear days to rectify. b] No specific date to remedy (they say 14 days from date of letter) c]The paragraph saying that if you dint understand this then seek advice from CAB is missing the following is word for word what it says on the default notice and the only date on the notice is at the top of the page. 1] To remedy the breach you must pay the total arrears of £xxx within days of the date of this letter. 2] If the action required by this notice is taken before the 14 days, no further action will be taken in respect of the breach. 3] if you don't take the action required by this notice before this date then the further action set out below may be taken against you. 4] FURTHER ACTION: on or after the date shown above we shall apply to the court for an order for possession and sale of the mortgaged property. so any advice on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated and thanks for looking. welshperson (from bridgend:-))
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