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  1. Hi this morning I received a letter from Blackhorse thanking me for my request for a settlement figure, it then goes on setting out how much I owe and how much I pay every month etc. At the end of the letter it says "A copy of this letter has been sent to :fao:Kevin Dudley, cathedral motor company ltd." I never asked for a settlement figure, I have also never heard of Kevin Dudley or Cathedral motors!! I am absolutely horrified that some stranger has now got my account details and my address!! What can I do? Should I ring Blackhorse or write to them? Im really worried about this. Thanks.
  2. I have multiple credit accounts dating back 12 years that I'm constantly getting into trouble with. I've just been issued a CCJ from MBNA and am currently filling in a form to request a low monthly playback. My question is should I as to see my original signed documents, some of these accounts have been passed from one debt collector to another if I do ask would I ask, the current company who's chasing the debt? If the can't find the documents what would happen? I'm in a situation where I feel I'll be paying these debts forever. Also I have been issued the CCJ but it hasn't yet showed up on my credit file. How long does this usually take? Many Thanks. Tom
  3. Have been recently made aware of this. It concerns a driver accused by one of the regular name Parking Cos on here. Case is in Court and accused has been sent a letter asking for them to provide proof of sig by way of copy of passport/driving licence etc. They are saying that there is a possibility that another party could have registered the vehicle using their name etc and its their policy to report these suspicions to Police vehicle crime unit so they can check if the registered keeper insured the vehicle or if its been used in a crime. They go on to say that they have observed variations in the sigs used in the court forms...and say they want to compare these with the one shown on the V5. Anyone heard of this one before ? Why would the Police want to get in involved in what is essentially a civil case where the alleged driver who has been summoned for failing to pay a PPN has denied having any knowledge of the incident,has nothing to do with the vehicle cited or has ever had any vehicle with the registration named. Surely it is for a Court to be making any orders or requests for documents to be submitted and NOT a PPCo ?
  4. Hi All, I have had the misfortune of working for Motormile Finance but it was only a 2nd job for extra cash on evenings/weekends so don't shoot me down - I am here to help and give you an inside of what it's really like in there aswell as tips. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks
  5. Hello everyone. Here's my problem: I deposited a few days ago 100€ via credit card at bet365 online sportsbook. Right after, they suspended my account because of IP issues, though they don't say in their terms of use one can't use a proxy. But anyway, all I want now is for them to refund my 100€ on my credit card. They asked me for an ID scan (though it isn't written in their terms of use either that they will ask for ID scans to be able to make a withdrawal). I sent them a scan of my driving licence, but they refused it and asked for a scan of my ID card or passport. I gave them a scan of my ID card where I darkened all the security verification numbers (to prevent ID theft) but where all informations about me were intact (photo, full name, date of birth, address, even signature, etc...), which they refused, saying that it has to completely unaltered... Now I know that in France, for instance, it is forbidden to ask for a copy of ID by anyone but a governmental agent. I'd like to know what the status is in the UK. Is it forbidden as well, to prevent ID theft, or are they allowed to refuse to refund my money if I don't give them my complete ID scan, making myself vulnerable to ID theft? Thanks a lot in advance and have a great day.
  6. In simple terms this is 1 of my 3 accounts, its literally used for a couple of direct debits that I want to keep separate. Having second thoughts considering I keep missing them. I had a direct debit come out this morning which I had forgotten about, checked my bank and it had been paid so I thought best transfer enough in so i'd not go overdrawn which I did. And being extremely cynical of banks I take screenshots of everything just incase. Interestingly I just checked back and that same direct debit has now been bounced and if you have a look at my screenshots from lunch time today and this evening you will see that they prized the bounced dd between the dd and the credits. Naturally i'm extremely anoyed about this and you can bet that if i'd not of credited the account they'd of paid it and charged an od fee. I will be charged £25 for this so naturally if I can get around this i'd like to. I should add that there is no charge for being less that £10 overdrawn and they do not charge for being overdrawn if you are bank before 3.30 that working day. Any ideas much appreciated. Screens Lunch : http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/before.jpg Just now: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/after.jpg
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