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  1. Hi I am after any help or advice anyone can offer. I am so frustrated by this and the lack of effort on the part of vodafone to resolve it that I would like advice on how to take it the highest possible authorities. Hopefully this can prevent other people from being treated so badly by vodafone. I have had a long-running dispute with vodafone for three years now which has caused such a lot of stress and worry. Now it is seriously affecting my credit rating and I am unable to get an overdraft or loan – this is down to a £800 debt that is not mine. I have had years of correspondance with vodafone and at least three debt collection agencies yet this issue is no closer to being resolved as no one is prepared to address the problems. It is a long story, but please bear with me! I sold a phone contract on ebay (there is a specific section for this on ebay, and also Vodafone had a password system to transfer a phone contract). The buyer said she was changing the phone into her name that day, I still have these messages. Having spoken to her again, incredibly stupidly, I sent her the handset (I still have the recorded delivery). A few days later, she called and said that, in fact she would have to establish a 3 month payment record before the account could be transferred into her name. I had spoken to vodafone during this period, but had understood that this process was underway. (I do realise that these actions are far too naïve and trusting – I am truly suffering for it now) From then on things became much, much worse. The buyer contacted me again a couple of months later (I was away at university at the time) and said that she had set up another line on the account and the phone had been sent to my home address. By the time I got home, it was beyond the 14 day cancellation period, and I felt forced to send yet another handset to her, as I was very nervous that she would not pay the bills on the first one (still have recorded delivery slip for this one too). As I had feared, she then stopped paying bills on either handset and I got a letter asking for around £800 for call charges and early termination fees on the two lines. I tried to contact the buyer, but she always hung up on me. I wrote to the buyer but she ignored my letters. I did once speak to a very helpful man at vodafone, known only as Lee, who said (and sent me an email to confirm) that “per the guidelines from the CAB and Offcom, the users of the handset and telephone numbers on your account are liable for any charges that they run up in conjunction with the service, along with any disconnection fees despite the fact that the numbers are in your name” (this is a direct quote, I do not acknowledge the account as being in my name, since vodafone accepted instruction from someone else to set up another line, and I certainly do not acknowldge any debts on the account). Since then, unfortunately vodafone have provided shockingly poor customer service, responding very slowly, if at all, to my emails and letters. The replies also do not address the points I raise. This has now gone on for 3 years and I have had very aggressive calls from at least 3 debt collection agencies, and a huge black mark on my credit rating that is making things extremely difficult for me. I realise that vodafone has sent out 2 handsets and provided for calls that have not been payed for. I fully agree that they should persue payment from this woman. However, this is not seriously adversely affecting me. I need advice on the following things as the situation with vodafone has become awful and I am taking steps to report them Offcom, and any other regulatory bodies, as they should not be allowed to treat people this way. How can they accept instruction from someone else to set up a new line on an account that is still in my name? Vodafone have been incredibly evasive in replying to or even acknowledging letters and emails. I have sent everything by recorded post, but if I receive a reply, the (numbered!) points I ask them to address are not mentioned. The various debt collection agencies the debt has been passed to and from have been much more forthcoming in correspondence, and have returned the debt to vodafone, I assume because they acknowledge it is a bad debt. I am in the process of reporting this evasive approach to the relevant authorities. Is there anything else I can do to get them to address the actual problems? Any help would be really appreciated. If possible, don't focus on my stupidity at sending the phones to her in the first place – I am already well aware of this!! I have posted this in a few place as I want other people to be warned and also to receive responses. I will of course the posts when I have found someone who can help so I don't waste anyone elses time Thanks in advance for any help. H
  2. I have 3 work phones with vodafone and 1 additional phone for my girlfriend. My bills are paid via direct debit each month so to be honest i do not really check them. Since taking out the contracts in 2006 myself and my girlfriends phone have been on their friends and family tariff meaning we get free calls to each other as long as they do not last longer then 60 minutes. I upgraded our phones again in 2008 to the same tariff and again in March this year. However. When i upgraded the phones in March this year i was told that my phone and my girlfriends phone were not on the friends and family tariff meaning that between 2008-2011 we had been charged for all calls or they had taken up my free minutes. I was told that when the last phone was upgraded a different number was placed on the friends and family. I asked for a recording of the upgrade as i remember asking for the exact same deals, as i have done with all phones. The problem is vodafone only keep recordings for 6 months. They gave me a credit of £75 as a gesture but clearly told me that i couldn't prove their mistake and it was a gesture of good will. I have since ordered my statements and am going through them to find the charges and will forward them my findings but what i want to know is can i charge them for the 'free' minutes as this should not have been accounted for on the calls. Also can i charge for my time in going through the bills. I work as a personal trainer and charge clients £65 for 45 minute sessions and the final question is how do i take it to court if they do not refund me what i am owed. Thanks in advance for your help.
  3. I had a contract with Vodafone back in 2009, I did missed two payments mid 2009 and therefore I was dealing with this with Vodafone. I had made payments to Vodafone as requested. My phone was cut off when I was told it would not be and I was continually told different things but different members of the customer support team. I HAD made payments to Vodafone as asked, and then a letter from the debut collectors arrived?????? I called Vodafone and they told me it had already been passed over and they could do nothing about it. Even though I had made payments when we had arranged. Therefore I should never of been passed to the debut collectors. The debut collectors told me to speak to Vodafone and Vodafone told me to speak to they debut collectors, they made attempt to help me with the error they had made. In the end after causing much stress I paid the full amount owed to the debut collectors to be done with the situation and stress. I since then have been refused credit by other network providers, banks and even unable to open a bank account. I recently applied for a loan with whom I bank with and was refused to loan. They provided me with some companies they used to check my credit and advised I get a statuary credit report. On dong so I see a default against me from Communications Supplier from Vodafone Ltd Gemini(i), unsettled. This incorrect information has been sat against my name for 3 years. I am disgusted. I contact Vodafone straight away (17.09.2011 a friday at 14:00) I speak with a lady who on that phone conversation confirms that I owe Vodafone no money!! She informs me that the people who deal with this are not available and she will contact them herself and they will contact me on Monday (10.09.2011). I am informed that this will be corrected and back dated. I hear nothing!!!! I am unable to contact Vodafone as I went into hospital for surgery on the 21.09.2011. As soon as I feel better I contact Vodafone (26.09.201115:00) I am told there was a problem contacting the people that needed to be contacted??? why was I not informed of this??? She sends the e-mails whilst I am on the phone to her and tells me that she will personally contact me as soon as she hears back from the I WILL NOT HAVE TO CONTACT VODAFONE AGAIN!!! I was informed this could take up to 14 days for it to be investigated (why was I previously told it would be sorted straight away?) So today (07.10.2011 16:22) I decided to call vodafone just to check the situation as on Monday it will have been 14 days. I get through to someone and have to re explained the situation (after waiting over 10minutes as usual) she put be on hold to look at my notes. After quite a wait she informs me that a e-mail has been sent by her colleague. I had already informed her of this and again said I waited to know what stage of the process we were currently at? I was put on hold again when she returns she tells me that there is a e-mail stating it has been sorted that it has been back dated and states that it is settled, im advised to wait 24 hours before checking my credit report (24hours from when??? I dont know when the e-mail was received). I then ask her why I was not contacted as soon as this was sorted, as PROMISED (26.09.11)?? She told me Quality assurance could not make out going phone calls??? I told her again that I had been expecting a phone call from her colleague that sent the e-mail? She told me on-one would contact me???? I now ask what Vodafones formal complaints procedure is? She told me they dont have one????? I informed her that it is a legal fact that Vodafone must have a complaints procedure??? I was told a manager would contact me within 24hours. I receive a call this evening from a manager, she asks how she can help. I ask her how to make a formal complaint and what is Vodafones complaints procedure? She informs me they dont have one?????!!!!! At this point she has raised her voice to me! she informs me She can deal with a complaint over the phone, I explain I want to do it in writing for legal reasos. She tell me to go to the website and send a email. she has still not informed me of the complains procedure, none of the staff seem to know what this is????? I seriously and disgusted that I have always been told conflicting information. Firstly I should never of had a default against my name!!! Just late payments and secondly why is it still sat against my name 3years later? I am also concerned that other people this has happened to it seems to of taken months to get this sorted and many pailed attempts??? Please please help Many Thanks Frances
  4. i have a blackberry bold 9700 the phone is broke and does not work due to me accidently dropping it into the sink WILL INSURANCE COVER IT AS I HAVE HAD PROBLEMS IN THE PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????????
  5. Hello all, So I am in a bit of a bind here. The basic facts are, I received nearly a £900 bill from Vodafone March, which mainly consisted of data ‘tethering’ charges, which I had no clue could go so high. Basically after I went over the 500mb allowance I got charged a whopping £1.95 per mb. Now before anyone thinks I was abroad, I was in central London and was not roaming. To complicate things further, this contract is under my name, but is a corporate business phone. I never received notice of this large bill and did not receive a paper invoice, so when it hit my credit card in late May I had no clue. The bill has automatically been paid and I feel that my only option is to take Vodafone to Small Claims Court or go to the press to get a refund (I used to be a political commentator for Radio 5 Live, so this may be the easier option), as I have exhausted all options with the Vodafone corporate team (got a formal refusal yesterday from the account team director). This has been going on for a month already, and I need to receive a refund. I suppose the question is, although the contract is assigned to my company can I individually take Vodafone to court? Any advice?
  6. Hi, I have just had my old landlord forward a letter from Vodafone to me that states that the have assigned a debt of £30.62 to Capquest. I did not hear from Vodafone prior to this and have just checked my Credit file and see a default registered by Capquest. I contacted Capquest and explained that I settled the account and also enquired why a default was registered. A gentleman called "Martin" explained that whenever an account is not paid and received from Vodafone, it is automatically marked as Default to the Credit Reference Agencies. My understanding is that issuing a Default was a legal process that required a formal demand and then a legal default notice. Martin from Capquest was unaware of this process and could not even tell me why or when a default was entered. He advised me to put it in writing. Although, I do not agree that I owe anything to Vodafone, without prejudice, I offered Martin at Capquest to pay the full amount if they agreed to correct their records and remove the default as it was never issued. However this was not something he could help with. And I was just in the process of considering a move back to Vodafone!!! Reading some success stories about the VF Webteam, I am hopeful that this can be resolved as I have been wronged and my CLEAN credit file ruined for a mere £30! I spend more on lunch sometimes!! Please help!
  7. A little bit of help / information would be welcome if any. Thanks in advance Briefly: Company – Vodafone – 18 Month Contract After 4 months, split with partner, left in serious debt (about £60k) Phone returned to Vodafone + explanation and minimal offer Vodafone keep phone and no response Passed to CrapQuest – Letter DEMANDING payment Letter + copy of Vodafone letter to CrapQuest Rejected by CrapQuest Letter to Crapquest requesting Statement, Letter of Assignment, T & C’s Letter from CrapQuest stating they did not require a Letter of Assignment, statement just a total on a pice of paper In meantime CrapQuest pass Debt to Scotballs Email to Scotballs telling them account in query. Get apology and a/c returned to CrapQuest Letter from CrapQuest offering 50% discount if paid immediately – Have they purchased debt As no Letter Of Assigment arrive requested CrapQuest to desease processing my data No response – Letter to CrapQuest indicating I would take legal action under the DPA Debt passed to Fredprickson Demanding payment or they will go to court As Fredprickson are not the account holder I know that any action will need Vodafone on it. My question is as this has been passed all over the place between mugs and thugs and with no letter of assignment and therefore breaching the Data Protection Act, not forgetting the offer of a 50% discount from CrapQuest, when / if this goes legal where do I stand as I no longer have the phone (can I request this back) as I would not have had the full benefit fromthe phone. I am not trying to dodge the debt but get a fair result
  8. I decided to purchase a PAYG 'phone on the Vodaphone website and pick it up from their Wakefield store. They promised to email me when it was ready to pick up- so far i've heard nothing. If I decide it's not for me, I want to be able to return it to another West Yorkshire store for convenience. I have emailed them THIRTEEN times for a simple answer to this question!!!! Due to a current disability, email is my only form of communication. They come back assuming that I have already bought a 'phone and/or that it is faulty, go on about contracts and one even asked for my details to verify my identity so that he could go into my account!!! They all had foreign names, so I assumed (as it happens correctly) that it was run by an overseas call centre who either can't speak English properly, are unintelligent or simply enjoy winding potential customers up! Their own customer forum stated that I should email them again and ask for a UK based manager to look into this for me. I did as I was asked and received further nonsense replies. After going back onto the forum to ask what to do next, I have been ignored. When I sent a separate email to ask why I hadn't received notification as to if it's in Wakefield or not, I received a very rude reply to the effect of "how should we know if you haven't supplied the order number, find it and ring us up (which they know I can't do)". I have replied with the order number. Is this a true representation of what to expect from Vodafone and should I use another provider?
  9. Had a serious letter from what appears to be fredricksons debt collection telling me i've fallen behind with a couple of vodafone contracts and I now owe them £1600+!!!!! How should I handle these?? They are telling me I need to pay within 7 days or I'm going to court!
  10. Hi CAG, I am having major problems with Vodafone, ever since last July and upgrading my phone to iPhone 4 Vodafone have constantly billed me incorrectly and every month they manage to suspend my phone services, and cancel the Direct Debit that i've set up with them over the phone. My wages get paid on the 1st and I always try and get every bill paid on or around the 1st, every time I phone Vodafone they say they have changed the billing cycling and the money will come out on the 1st of the next month.. My partners phone around the 25 of the month gets a text message saying you're bill is overdue please arrange a payment. What I can't figure out for the life of me is why after almost 10 months of constant phone calls and speaking to different members of the Accounts / Collections team they can not get a simple thing right such as taking the money on the 1st of the month. Last month I actually spoke with a Manage who assured me that everything was sorted. And tonight I have had to phone them again, and asked for a manager and NO ONE called back I am really starting to lose my rag with this situation and may have to cancel my service with Vodafone as this is getting beyond a joke now, and there seems to be no resolution in site I have been a very happy vodafone customer for 7 years and I still have a good 14 months contract left, but I need some help with this.
  11. I have recently started recieving phone calls 4-5 times a day by FPC. I have also today recieved a letter saying i owe 191 pounds because of a debt i have with vodafone. I asked for a vodafone internet stick in September 2010 whilst i was moving and wanted a temporary solution for the internet was told the first month was free and then i could cancel the contract. I called vodafone and cancelled the contract and thought that was that. Apparently not though as i now have this debt and have no clue what else it could be since im not a customer. Is there anything i can do to get out of this? I am a student and dont have that kind of money to give, especially when i have done nothing wrong! thank you
  12. I purchased a contract phone through phones for you in august 2010 and ordered the phone over the internet. In doing so i supplied my bank details with the knowledge that phones for you would instruct vodafone to setup a direct debit on my behalf. On receiving the phone i was also given the usual direct debit guarantee as proof in a customer agreement form on vodafone headed paper that proved that vodafone had setup the direct debit with my bank. After one month of using the phone i was curious as to why i was not being changed. after further investigation i realised that vodafone had not created the DD with my bank. After speaking with my bank, they informed me that no DD instruction had been setup from Vodafone. I then phoned vodafone to manually setup the direct debit with them. They have now set this up. After checking on my credit file i was made aware of a notice of a default for a late payment, which has now been paid. I phoned account management and spoke, with some difficulty, to ******** (10/01/2011 @ 7.41PM) who instructed me to speak with Quality Assurance. He also advised me to fax over my customer agreement to them. Reference : ************ In reading posts on here, i am not confident that they will respond to my contact with them. ** NOTE ** I have submitted an email to vodafone as CAG suggests and i have an automated email back with the reference: #5357587 I feel like this is not my fault as i have chased with phones4u who have told me that they set up the contract correctly. Vodafone have obviously not setup my DD as instructed as i have a customer agreement with them stating the DD that they should have setup. I feel as thought i have been punished, via a default, because of my faith in vodafone to do what they should have done. Any help would be much appreciated
  13. Can anyone help please or provide me with the contact details of someone who can? This all goes back to November 2008 when my wife's mobile phone contract was due for renewal with Vodafone and she thought she might as well call them up and get a better deal for being loyal with them, unfortunately it didn't work out quite the way she thought it would and now needs help to defend herself with what seems to be a trivial case of being mis-sold a mobile phone contract. She was told she would be charged £15 a month on an 18 month contract but when her bill came through she was being charged £35 and was put on a 24 month contract. No evidence has ever been provided by Vodafone despite numerous requests and my wife ended up cancelling her direct debit but was given a default notice in August 2009. A company called Capquest bought the debt and has now made a claim in the county court and so she needs to defend herself, read on for the full story. In November 2008 my wife rang up Vodafone to get a better deal as her contract had expired. She was offered a new mobile phone on the same package she was currently on as long as she agreed to an 18 month contract, which she accepted. She called back later on to check something and was told that no upgrade had been taken and so it was all done again. Now my wife thought this was a little strange so asked for everything to be confirmed over the phone before she hung up and once she was happy she ended the call. Now the mobile phone was received the next day, as promised, but at the end of the month she received a bill that was for double the monthly charge to what she had agreed. She got on the phone to Vodafone straight away to complain and was told that if she could return the phone unused then they would cancel the new agreement. As the new phone was still sitting in the box it had been posted to her in, she accepted their offer and the person on the phone arranged for a courier to collect it. A day before the collection date my wife had to call them again to reschedule the collection date, but instead of rescheduling the advisor told her that no collection had been booked and that as it was almost a month since she had received the phone it was impossible for her to cancel her new contract and she would have to pay the monthly charge as accepted by her. She then explained how she hadn’t accepted this new contract they kept mentioning and she hadn’t even been sent a copy of this new agreement, but it made no difference and the advisor refused to listen. Over the next week or so, my wife called Vodafone several times spending hours on the phone at a time explaining the situation and mentioning how she didn’t agree to the new contract again and again to but she found none of the people she spoke to seemed to understand English and just kept saying tough luck or kept passing her to someone else. Now in December 2008 my wife had a miscarriage, the stress Vodafone had caused obviously didn’t help, so she asked me to call them and deal with the matter while she recovered. When I called I found at first that they wouldn’t even let me speak to anyone about the account despite me having her details and account PIN until my wife gave them the authorisation and even after she did I found I was having exactly the same problems. As a side note my wife kept all her documents filed so it was quite easy for me to go through it all and this is where I noticed that despite having a text message allowance every month, she had actually been charged for text messages every month for the previous 12 months so Vodafone had been ripping her off for a while. In January 2009 my wife wrote a letter to Vodafone detailing her problem and basically saying that despite spending so much time on the phone the matter was unresolved and she requested that unless they could provide proof that she had entered in to an agreement with Vodafone that she wished to close the account and they could collect their unused phone as well. An advisor then wrote back accepting Vodafone should have dealt with the matter better but as a contract was agreed to in JANUARY 2009, she had to stay with them for the 24 MONTH period she had agreed to, although they would offer her a discount for a ten month period, and could not find any record of Vodafone billing her for texts. No copy of any agreement was attached either and now the date of the start of the contract as well as the length of the contract had changed too, great she thought. She then called back asking to speak to the advisor who had written to her as he seemed very confused, but she was told no such person worked for Vodafone. She then spoke to several other people who seemed very intellectually challenged and after several hours passed the phone to me. I then spoke to a manager who seemed to have at least more than one brain cell and helpful too. She went through it all with me and couldn’t believe the response that had been sent to my wife, but rather than dealing with it over the phone she promised to call back within 48 hours. Unsurprisingly that didn’t happen and despite my wife cancelling her direct debit and both of us making even more calls, Vodafone didn’t seem interested in getting this resolved nor could provide us with any proof that a contract had been accepted. Then in August 2009 Vodafone sent my wife a default notice through the post, but were still unwilling to discuss anything other than how she was going to pay. We went to trading standards, consumer direct and even OTHELLO, the mobile phone regulator, but they said as it had been longer than 8 months since the start of the dispute they could not help, and the others were completely useless too. After that my wife has had bailiffs calling her every day, harassing her and threatening her with court action, repossession of personal assets and extra penalty charges. Now each time she’s told them to take it to court as she doesn’t owe a penny and after a while she refused to answer the calls. Fast forward to November 2010 and a company called Capquest seem to have bought the debt and have decided to make a County court claim against her for £299.99 on the 15th. The original amount owed was £639.29 and it went up after that but now they’ve somehow worked it out to be that plus £65 for court and solicitor costs, when I call them they don’t want to explain why they want that amount either. So can anyone help? My wife wants to defend herself and just put down for her defence what’s been said above really as it’s so clear who’s in the wrong and we can’t really afford to get a solicitor to defend her properly with one young child and another on the way. I however don’t care if I have to beg and borrow to pay for a solicitor and want to fight this properly just out of principle, this is a classic case of a large corporate company trying to bully an individual and I’m not giving in. Thanks for reading.
  14. Hi, About a year ago I bought a Sony Ericcson Satio Vodafone contract with Phone4u from their store in my local town. £40 a month (this was my 1st mobile phone contract). The next day, I realised my mistake at making this purchase due to my current financial situation (loss of job) and so went into the phone4u shop to with the phone still packaged and undamaged, I stated I had made a mistake and asked for a refund. They then said sorry but we've introduced a new in store policy stating that we will not give refunds and they said that I would have to wait out the full 2 year contract in order to cancel. When I got home I made various phone calls, Vodafone told me that they were fine about me cancelling the contract but phone4u wouldn't allow it. It is now a year ahead and my finances are getting slim. Is there anyway I can cancel the contract or reduce the monthly cost down from £40 a month? Thanks, Marcus
  15. I left Vodafone about 3 months ago, and guess what came through the post? A £633 bill for early termination of services despite me cancelling both my phone lines before any dues had to be paid. I upgraded my primary line and didn't like the phone and sent it back, but thought that I would like the HTC Desire and signed up for a second line due to the fluctuating stocks. Hence, I ended up with a second line. But, being an iPhone fan, the HTC never really compared with the iPhone 4 and I decided to return it within the 7 days policy. So that wasn't the issue, got sent the bag, sent it back special delivery, and rung to confirm they actually had the handset and all was cancelled. Off with my PAC code to another network for a cheaper iPhone. When I rung yesterday, they said that there was no record of my phone going back into the warehouse and the person I spoke to didn't record it on my phone notes (###### incompetent customer service fools), and now I have to wait the weekend whilst this £633 looms over my head. Like seriously, VODAFONE?! Also, I asked for my NUC for my iPhone 3gs given that all dues had been paid and it was unlocked. So why does Vodafone suddenly turn round and say 'oh but you still owe us'. I think it's Vodafone's [problem] of trying to claw more money out of me, but beware Vodafone, you've messed with the wrong person. Smear campaigns and possibly a law suit will be coming your way... Now because we're going back 3 months here, I have chucked away the receipt after speaking to the customer service agent who CONFIRMED THEY HAD MY HANDSET AND THAT ALL IS CANCELLED. I've had 2 contracts with Vodafone (12 months and 18 months) and always paid by direct debit, and never had an issue with them till today. I've sent back faulty handsets and now they are turning back and saying oh we never received it. I'm definitely not paying this stupid £633 because I have no phone of Vodafone's and I've returned it ages ago. Why now, Vodafone? The letter also stated that I have been sent a final bill- no such thing. Liars. Seriously, Vodafone, I'll never ever sign another contract with you ever again. And I think you should stop hiring customer service agents who don't do what they are supposed to do! PS: they deleted this from their eforum. talk about rights of expressing discontent.
  16. Hi caggers I'm VERY new to forums so i apologise if i have done this wrong. Please can someone help me??? I have recently been turned down for a mortgage due to a default on my credit report from Vodafone for £21, from 4 years a go. i vaguely remember taking a contract out with a company called singlepoint who have now been acquired by vodafone. the contract was for 12 months yet the default was only put on after the 12 months were up, so technically i was in no contract with them at the time of the default. ( i know this is being very naive) - and not once did anybody from singlepoint or vodafone or anybody try to contact me to advise that they were putting a default against me. i have always lived on the Isle of Man and it was only after i had taken the contract out that i found out that the phone did not actually work on the IOM, as there was only 1 network provider here at the time. Singlepoint, surely should have known the service did not work over here, yet still sold it to me anyway. i contacted them via phone numerous times to compain that i did not get any service and they still kept charging me. This cannot be completely legal?!? once the 12 months period was up i assumed (like most contracts) that it would be nullified and cancelled.... this was not the case. I wrote to Vodafone quality assurance dept well over a month ago and i still haven't had a reply. not even an acknowledgment. I hope somebody can give me some advice as i am desperate now as it is stopping me getting the mortgage that me and my daughter need. and all i need is this default for £21 removed. (i know it is difficult) Thank you all in advance. Bernie (gazzazz is my boyfriend)
  17. Starts at 8:30 this morning I get a text about a "personal matter" that is "urgent". I google the number, and up crops all that bumf about FPC. Phone call from two of their numbers, 6 times today! I called up, and all I said was "hello this is blah blah from blah, its to do with one of your managing staff, please pass me through to relevant person" within TWO minutes I was on to a "Michelle". Explained calmly I had got these calls and texts today. They said some name, I didn’t know who, and then I mentioned that I got the phone from a market stall. "Michelle" mentioned they get a lot of "recycled numbers". And I heard tapping away, and that was it, she took me off the system not to get calls again.. All it takes is a little confidence
  18. Being driven crazy by VODAFONE at the moment - For a telecoms co they sure don't want to be contacted. I had a call from them at beg. Sept offering a renewal on my contract (which I declined) had two weeks with no internet on by BB and then when I went to the local store they advised me that they believe a phone has been 'lost' by someone changing my address to somewhere in Harrow. They promised to call me with 7-10 days to sort it out (it's now 3 1/2 weeks with no contact, my bills are going to a bogus address and me potentially incurring costs of a phone in my name. I have tried emailing, using their online chat option on their site, calling them and nobody will help. Has anyone else had this done to them? I think they are hoping I'll just go away....currently expecting a huge bill (that's not even mine) got no internet on my BB still, not received my Sept bill so worried who may use that for ID now. Can anyone help? Who should I contact?
  19. Hi there, wondering what advice there is out there... I recently received a letter informing me that a large sum of money has now been passed onto CapQuest due to Airtime debt and Early Cancellation Fees. It is to my knowledge that this contract was cancelled in writing a long time ago (over a year ago). I have since moved house and, as i thought my ties with Vodafone were now severed, I did not feel the need to update them with my new address. Therefore this is the first letter I have received about this 'debt' and I dont even know how they got my new address anyway! They are asking me for nearly £800 with no real breakdown of this cost and the telephone operator at CapQuest was very unhelpful and practically bullied me into paying a first installment, threatening court action if I didnt! I can see from previous posts that if I call Vodafone, they are only going to tell me to speak to CapQuest. Help!
  20. At the end of my partners VF contract the decision was taken to cancel it in favour of a better deal elsewhere, however despite telling them this verbally, sending and email as instructed to do, and putting it in writing they still do not appear to have acknowedged this. She again spoke to VF today and she was again told that there is no record of this communicated to them at any time prior to the end of the initial contract or since. Despite the fact the phone clearly has not been used other than to ring VF on once after the contract should have ended to find out why it was still live, the best they would offer was to end the contract as of today! While this was an improvement on the end of the month which is what they orginally insisted we are really not happy about this. Can anyone suggest what the best course of action to take would be? Could simply cancelling the DD at the bank be enough to force their hand? Any help would be appreciated. Mark
  21. Hi, I have read this forum with great interest and was really pleased to see how pro-active Vodafone are in doing what they can concerning specific cases highlighted on here. I have been filled with confidence that they may look at my default marker (they only blemish I have on my file) which is stopping me from getting even the most basic in credit lines. As requested so that people can keep up to date with my progress here is the email I posted through their webform with WRT135 in the title. ----- Default Removal Request - WRT135 Hi, I was a customer from '04 until '06. In '06 I moved to Dubai, whilst there a cash amount left in my bank to cover my phone bill was eaten up by an unexpected payment on my account. I did not become aware of this for 4 months. I spoke to the Vodafone team on a number of occasions to clarify the bill and to make a payment from Dubai but without success. The account lapsed into default regardless of what attempts I made to pay the balance. I was eventually able to get the balance settled by having someone in the UK pay it in person. The account was settled in Sept '06, but shows a default. Given the circumstances, lack of visibility to my account and immediate settlement once aware, I am asking that the default be removed as it feels unjust given all I tried to do. Any help would be much appreciated, ------ I found it difficult to get all the details across in the space but think I managed to get there. I am sure if more detail is needed they will be in touch.
  22. hi don't know if anyone out there can help. i see from your site that cj garland have done into administration.... thats why they haven't been contactable and i have searched internet and only your site mentions it.!! anyway i had an agreement with them thanks to the lovely vodafone.... long story but basically i was disputing bill they would not listen to amend it this went on for months and then they kindly sent to dca. anyway i had no choice but to make payments as didn't want a ccj. i was making monthly payments then suddenly cj garland took over. they then had no record of my payments so i made no more until the problem was sorted.!! no i had only one payment left to make and find they too have gone bust..!! aarrghh on my credit score it shows as about £400 outstanding when it is in fact £127. any ideas what is going to happen?? obviously no point in contacting vodafone they wont have a clue and are absolutely useless. does this stay on my record as £400 outstanding or who can i pay the last £127 to clear it?? or shall i do as i am at the moment and ignoring it.. .had no contact from anybody to tell me what has happened i only know as i pay on line and the website became non existant..!!!! i want this debt off my credit score..!! argh..!!
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