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  1. Hi everyone, I have just spent a good few hours reading all the threads but find nothing that suits my situation. So I have loans from 98,99,00 and 01. I live abroad, Europe but non-EU. I have been deferring all my loans since they were taken out. Then it all went wrong, I informed the guys of my change of address and they never noted it. After it all went crazy and to cut a long story short i have ended up paying the arrears on a loan in small installments. They have also slapped a load of charges on for good measure. So, I guess that asking for the original loan agreement will only work for one loan and not the others, so maybe i will try. But now for my real question, I notice that many people take SLC to the small claims court in the UK. Can i do this from outside of the UK? Can they do a CCJ on me if i am outside of the UK? Its all a bit complicated now and the pressure that they put on me is getting me down whenever i have to communicate with them. I will never live in the UK again, my family are here and elsewhere, i have not even visited in the past 2 years. I am almost tempted to ignore them. Any helpful advice would be appreciated. Pete
  2. I was sick with panic when Link Financial rung me regarding a 97 Student Loan. I have found the correct Statute Barred template and sent it Special delivery to PO Box 141 Caerphilly, CF839BX I have tracked it and its status is only delivered and not yet collected. I am concerned about this. Should I also fax and email? Is there a better address to send it to - how long should I wait? I really appreciate your help on this one to alleviate the worry. many THanks, Clear 33 --------------------------------
  3. Hi hope someone can help me. We had a loan with future which was taken out in Nov 2003 and the broker was Purple Loans which is now part of GE Money. We wrote to Future before Christmas with regard to mis sold PPI they got back to us and told us it was Purple we had to deal with as they made us take the PPI we wrote to the address then we had to write to GE as they now own Purple. GE have replied to say as it was before 2005 and as more than 3yrs has passed we should have had cause to complain also since it was more than 6yrs they or the FOS are unable to help or to do any more and this is the final response letter. We are owed over £1700.00 of this PPI which we know now was forced on us the loan was paid out in 2006 and no rebate or any thing was ever paid back. So what we need to know is there anyone who can help as our next step is or where to go.
  4. Hi everyone, So in October 2003 I obtain a loan from First Plus. I used loans.co.uk as a broker and applied - they suggested First Plus as my best option and I obtained a loan for £42,000 over 10 years to consolidate a massive pile of smaller short term loans that were crippling me. (Yeah I know I should have done different things now but here we are, bear with the story if you can). At the time they mentioned PPI to me. I told them I havd critical illness cover and income protection cover but they said at the time that I would probabyl get the best chance of a good rate if I opted for the PPI. I said ok. I received the papers and signed up, though at the time I never even noticed that when the papers came through, they had a pre-ticked box telling me that I had selected PPI. I mention this as it was not drawn to my attention and un-ticking a printed box is quite hard to do anyway... That is besides the point, at the time I did't notice and just got on with it. It added over £14,700 to my loan and was cover for 5 years at the end of which I would receive a lump sum of the whole amount back less a small admin fee. The only way I would not get the money was if I was in arrears or so I thought. About 40 or 45 days later I called First Plus and asked them about cancellation of the PPI as it seemed like a lot of money and I really wanted to keep my payments as low as possible. I was told I would only get about £300 and the amount would remain part of my debt. So I declined to end it and thought, "look forward to getting the cheque back". Swing forward to October 2008. My 5 years is up. I can claim for the refund. So I do and get rejected. Even to this day I still do not have a full reason given to me why I was rejected though I suspect it is because I was late paying a couple of times, even though I was fully up to date at the point at which I claimed So now as you can imagine, i'm quite upset and complain to First Plus and get told to go to loans.co.uk, I go to loans.co.uk and now get told that I agreed to all this and I should go away. I write to the FOS and send everything off, they send it back because I haven't had a 'final' answer from loans.co.uk or First Plus. I then chase for a final answer and resubmit to the FOS who say they never received my papers so I send it all again. During this time they state they have no jurisdiction over the case because of when it was sold to me and that they will try to establish if the insurer is worth pursuing. This is the first point at which I find that I had an agreement with a thrid party insurer. I only ever signed an agreement with loans.co.uk and First Plus. Finally the FOS start to look at it and time goes by... bascially, they have just (last month) contacted me to say that they cannot uphold any complaint against anyone. I have asked for a review of matters with the FOS and for the case to go to an Ombudsman (quite why it hadn't already is beyond me). The bottom line is that I was sold insurance I plainly didn't need, that was front loaded to the loan, that was for only part of the term of the loan and that after re-reading the terms of the PPI, it would not have paid out anyway for any circumstance that could have befallen me. It was basically, no insurance at all and did not provide a cover appropriate to my needs. Secondary to this is that I was lied to upfront about why I needed the PPI (to get the best lender's rate). Finally, I had no idea I had made an arrangement with another party (the insurers) and if I had known I would have approached them myself for mroe information about rejection etc. Basically loans.co.uk and First Plus have played a blinder in deceiving me about everything and the FOS say there is nothing at all that can be done. Since I was rejected, I had a couple of more months where it was difficult to pay so I asked if they could extend the term and they have do but the whole debt has been re-factored and now it looks like if I pay the full amount, I will end up paying back something over £260,000 to have borrowed £42,000. I've calculated that even at the higest interest rate, if you take off the amount of overpayment made by paying each month for PPI, I've already repaid the loan. The rate just keeps going up and up and it's now at 15.9% (actually i'm sure it just went up again). What else can I do? Who else can help? In the time between the first sending of information to the FOS and now I have lost my copy of the loan agreement - it's probably me that's in the wrong there. But First Plus were unable to provide the FOS with any paperwork showing I had signed up to a loan. I'm about to send First Plus a subject access request to get all records from them. Hopefully this will help me sort out what atual agreement I have with them. I've followed what was apaprently good advice to manage my finances better but i've been left high and dry. Does anyone have any advice? I shall now be spending the rest of the weekend reading this forum to find out anything else I might need to know. Thanks for reading this far. If you have further advice then let me know. I woudl love to hear from others who have delat with First Plus and can give me any inside track. Rob.
  5. Hi this is my first ever post on this site,please be gentle My sister had a LARGE refund on mis-sold PPI due to this site so I thought I'd give it a go. In August 2006 I was made redundant with a £12000 pay off from work, while living it up, the Halifax kept contacting me about the money in my account and offering appointments and advice, so my wife and I went to see them and during our advice meeting we got round to the talk of loans, we spoke of home improvements etc.etc and somehow we managed to walk out of the branch with a freshly signed loan for £28000 for home improvements. It wasn't a 'straight' loan, i believe £15000 was added as a 15 year mortgage and £13000 was a loan. What my question is should the Halifax have checked that I was actually in employment ie. Pay slips,contacting my employer etc.etc.?? Any advice would help me greatly Ps I am in the process of writing for the original agreement,should be with me next week Kind regards Jamie
  6. Has anyone had dealings with capital finance one? They are a complete shark of a company, I originally applied for a Payday loan with them, then cancelled it within a couple of days!! Basically they took the interest that would have been due on the loan from my account, without my authorisiation!!! Now if they had just refunded it, their wouldn't really be a big issue! But they are rude, full of rubbish about one thing or another, and don't answer the phone, at all. Or respond to e-mails, if..(and I use the word IF carefully) they do answer the phone, they just feed you nonsense about this that or the other. They are a very small outfit, maybe 5 or so people working there. You no this because its only ever 1 person that answers the phone!! But I have been gathering a case against them, to take to the FSA! I know this might seem petty, but I will NOT be taken for a MUG!!!! So I have also reported them to the police, and emailed them this below letter : ************************************************** ** Well done!!! after repeatedly ignoring my e-mails and refusing to answer the phone, I have now taken the matter of you taking money from my card without my consent into my own hands and 32 other people, (so far) and coming up with a load of !!!!!!!! about refunding it. I have now gathered a group of people who have all been messed around by you, namely you taking money from peoples account without authorization etc... which is fraud and theft!! Which I have done through an internet forum. I have taken the names, numbers and testaments, and have taken the case directly to the FSA, Trading standards and I suppose the best in my opinion! I have reported you for theft, and fraud to the police, as the other agencies are notorious for delaying processes with "white tape" I have already given my statement to the police, and then I presume they will take the matter further with your local police, as I am up the other end of the country, although I know your area very well. I have also set up multiple web forums to encourage anyone who has been messed around by you to go to the FSA, contact me, and anyone who has had money taken without their consent to go to the police!!! In the past 2 days, 3 people have said they will go to the police with fraud / defraud & theft allegations!! I have given them the number of a DI, that I have been given who deals with financial crimes, and based in London, if your reading this Barry, you are the name they have as I have never spoken to anyone else at your offices, and really very much doubt their are any more than maybe 5 of you there anyway!! You are also breaking the law, as it is impossible to view the T's & C's through your website, and I and many other people cannot do this either. Don;t worry Ive highlighted All this because you wouldn't refund my £31 ????? In case your wondering its ****** *** from Oldham, and i'm personally going to make sure that you either cease to operate as a business, or you give people their money back!!! You can't run a business! You couldn't even run a public toilet!! ************************************************** I just want to know peoples experiences with this company, and also want to warn people not to deal with them!! If possible! I know its tempting to get a payday loan! But if you value your bank account and the little money in it! then don't use these or they will drain it randomly!!! oricle
  7. Hi guys, Bit of a strange one possibly! My Dad had 2 reasonably large loans, as he has been permantly signed off as unable to work again, the PPI he has is actually paying these off until clear, have it in writing and a few years to go on them yet. This is obviosuly very good and peace of mind. Now I believe the PPI could have been misold, but are obviously being used and needed now, however there have been several loans prior to the current two, each time clearing the old and borrowing a bit more. Really makes me cringe and wish I had know each time another was taken to help undo the mess. I am thinking is it worth looking into the whole PPI issue, maybe not for the current ones as its being used and I fear it could rock the boat, but moreso the older ones which have been closed? Am totally new to this side of things so dont want to go and open a can of worms! Would appreciate any thoughts from y'all. Cheers E
  8. Same old story I'm afraid..... We had a loan via GE Money/Home lending for £5500 and had only managed to make a few payments on the account when i lost my job. We spoke to GE and advised them of the situation, that the problems were only temporary and that we would make arrangements for the arrears to be cleared as soon as possible. The call taker insisted we make a payment arrangement but as we were living off thin air I was unable to do this. I offered £5 a month token payment which was refused and advised i couldnt do anymore at the present time. The debt was subsequently sold to Link Financial and shortly after recieving a letter from them we received a very rude call from someone at link who advised me "We own the debt, you owe us £6600 (or thereabouts) can you make full payment now?" I advised that I didnt have £6600 knocking about and that we would be able to make a payment offer but was just advised "we'll be sending you court forms" and the call was ended by them. Duly the court forms arrived and unfortunately due to fighting repossession we did not attend the hearing. CCJ granted and now they are going for charging order THIS FRIDAY 12th (in a court 60 miles from our nearest court!) . How can i avoid a charging order? Postpone the hearing?? It is in our mortgage terms that if someone applies for second charge they can cancel the mortgage/sell our house!!! I have just started a new job and could not get the time off to attend. Any payment would have to be small due to arrears on water/elec/gas etc and we do not currently have the money to pay court fees to have set aside???
  9. Hi, I'd like to formally introduce myself, I have been in the Financial Management business since 1996, and unfortunatly due to personal reasons, lost my business in 2007. Instead of helping people and businesses in financial difficulty, I was one the in trouble! Anyway, I am experianced dealing with people in financial trouble, dealing with banks, credit and finance companies, debt management, and very experianced with Payday Loan companies!!! I have also dealt with debt collectors and various creditors, usually very successfully. I have dealt with properly every PayDay Loan company out there, many are the same company under different names. I am at present in the process of having Debit Card Loans/Cheque Book Loans investigated by the FSA, and have reported them for breach of the Data Protection Act and what I believe, fraudulently attaching a Standing Order to a Bank account. This company needs dealing with their underhand deeds! I have found that most PayDay Loan compaanies will not take you to court, although they will be a pain and ring you at work. My advice is to ring them first when you cannot afford to repay your monthly loan, and be strong. Do not back down, do not pay what you cannot afford, and always keep the bank account with your wages being paid into secret, and do not disclose your debit card details to anyone!!! I have sent a few CCA requests, only to find that none of them replied! The only ones that have ben a pain to deal with, apart from DCL, has been Swift Loans, Chantry Collections, the're all a pain at times! If anyone wants any advice or help, please ask and I'll do my best.
  10. How do these work exactly. I have a loan with Mobile money but they don't have the log book as they gave me the loan when I first had the car and had sent off for the log book. As I am now in financial difficulties with them, how can they seize the car without the book? Also, could I still sell the car and then pay them back rather than them seizing it and selling it cheap?
  11. Hope this is the right place to post for this! If you took out a secured loan with insurance, and the company didn't make it clear to you that this would be treated as an additional loan (the insurance part of things), has this been mis-sold?
  12. Sent of D P A letter, just recived letter back from G E saying this is not their account and returned the £10 I sent it to Sarah Wainwright GE Money Data Protection Administrator PO Box 700 Leeds LS99 2BD Does anyone know if this is correct address.
  13. I have sent my first letter off to the Yorkshire bank today. I have been with the Yorkshire bank for aprox 20 years and over that period I must have paid out a lot in charges especialy when the children were younger and money was a bit tight. Does anyone know if I can claim for more than 6 years or is that the maximum time I will keep you informed as to how things are going. regards david
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