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  1. Hi there, I’ve been reading these forums for some time now, and find them extremely helpful and informative . I have a long-standing loan for a substantial amount (student loan: over 30k including interest and counting) with Natwest. They’ve recently passed it on to Capquest, who have been inordinately unhelpful and obdurate to say the least. (Listening is not one of their strong points evidently.) I’ve sent the CCA request already, as well as deed of assignment request. The CCA came back already as requested, and the deed of assignment was not provided as they say they are acting on behalf of NatWest. I’ve offered Natwest token payments; offered a full and final settlement amount; and have made clear to them that I am in no position to repay such a vast amount, as I am unemployed. Moreover, Natwest refuse to freeze the interest charges, so the amount just keeps snowballing further. I’m not sure quite what to do at this point, except that I would like to have the matter passed back to Natwest, as CQ are very unreasonable and have already harassed me several times with nuisance calls and doorstep visit threats. Would it be best at this point to: • Offer token payments to Natwest again? • Offer a full and final settlement to Natwest again? • Actively petition for my own bankruptcy? (I am reluctant to do this, as I am afraid it may affect my career chances in the future). Any and all advice would be much appreciated. Cheers.
  2. Hi all, This is my first post and am looking for a bit of advice. I have 2 Natwest credit cards and a natwest loan, The two cards are approx £1300 each on them and the loan is approx £9.5k remaining, I have not been able to make the last few payments to natwest on all 3 of these due to a downgrade in job/pay at work. I spoke to natwest about this BEFORE i missed any payments to let them know that in the coming months i would probably be having difficulty meeting payments, I have now missed serveral payments (approx 4) on both the cards and the loan. Today have recieved letters headed from a company called "resolvecall" basically saying that the bank have lost touch with me and that i need to contact them in the next 3 days or they will send someone to my house, Now up until now i have (propably quite wrongly) been ignoring them but want to start to contact them but still cant afford to make the payments. How should i go about this, should i call natwest so that i dont get some guy turning up on my doorstep or is there another way? Im just really wanting a bit of advice on this as i probably could ignore it but then who knows what may happen. Any advice ASAP would be really appreciated and thanks in advance for any replys posted.
  3. Hey guys, First of all, I'd like to thank all the people here who do a bang-up job of helping others with their issues. Unfortunately, it's now my turn to ask for help because while I think I understand the basics, I need some support with this issue. I've recently gotten a letter out of the blue from Triton Credit Services demanding that I pay them £450 immediately. They have not yet threatened court action, but they're robocalling me 3-4 times a day often at obscene hours (such as 7am all the way up to 8pm). This debt was originally a Natwest Student Credit Card. Like I said, this was literally out of the blue, no warning from Natwest at all. Most of this (especially given the credit limit was £350) seems to be Natwest's lovely £12 charges every time you annoy them. The life of a student, eh? Anyway, I'm going to proceed with this on the basis it isn't enforceable to start off with. Am I right in thinking there are 3 things I need to do? 1) Send a CCA request with a £1 postal order to Triton 2) Send a cease-and-desist letter telling them to stop calling me and to use letters instead 3) Send a SAR with £10 (does this need to be a postal order too?) to Natwest. Any help here would be much appreciated - rest assured that if this works in my favour, a donation will be made when I am able!
  4. Hi there, I hope you can help; CCJ has been in place since 1997 and has been paid all the while. Original Claim form has Mr & Mrs names on as debt is joint All of a sudden, NatWest have passed Mr to Regal Collections (As I "am a homeowner" - haven't been for 12 years!) and Mrs to CapQuest. I'm concerned that if a CCJ is being paid monthly effectively in two 'installments' that everyone is going to get totally confused. Both collection companies are asking for the full amount (£19k) so how does that work?! Any help or advice massively appreciated. Cheers
  5. Hiya, Im not sure if anyone can help, but im currently disputing an arrangment to pay registered against me by Natwest. This was recorded in Feb 2008 on a loan account i had with them with has now ended. I am completely baffled as to where this default has come from, as i never entered any plan with them to make payments and always made the full amount each month. I believe in this particular month, i was slightly late with my payment due to being out of work, but i believe i resolved this with them within a week and i was completely up to date. I have sent a complaint letter to Natwest, but am yet to hear anything. I have also registered a dispute with Equifax, however the reply i got from them was to contact Natwest directly, something which i have tried with the telephone number given, but the call centre didnt seem to have a clue and were unable to help. Equifax have now closed the dispute. I would be grateful if anyone has any further contact details for me to dispute this as i feel i am completely in limbo at present. The arrangement to pay is greatly affecting my credit file. Thanks in advance
  6. I have been arguing with natwest about a default notice they have placed on my file for a disputed debt. I would like to know if they can do this whilst the the debt is in default and is this letter a valid default letter. It has made me remove the link anyone know how i can show you this letter without using a link or picture?
  7. Hi all, I'm just looking for some advice on an issue I am having with Natwest. I held a current account with them for a long period of time (from being a teenager) and this account was still active when I moved to the Republic of Ireland 8 years ago. I used the account to make small direct debit payments and always ensured that there was sufficient funds in the account. There came a time when I no longer needed to make these payments and cancelled the direct debits. Unknown to me, one of the creditors attempted to take one extra payment (for £5). Natwest returned the direct debit as there was no money in the account. To cut a long story short, before this matter had come to my attention (almost a year later!!), Natwest had applied a returned direct debit fee of £22 which had taken the account into an authorised overdraft. They had then been applying a monthly charge for this. When I realised I contacted the bank to dispute these charges and fees (for the sake of a £5 direct debit) but got nowhere. I refused to acknlowledge this debt and thought very little of it as I was living out of the country. The last contact I had was a letter to my mothers address in 2009 from Regal Credit Consultants informing me that I owed £709.42. I have now returned to the UK and this debt is showing as a default on my credit file. Do I have any legal grounds for disputing this and having the default removed?? Many thanks for your assistance
  8. Yesterday, some money - cash - was paid into my account via a cashier in a branch. I checked my online banking later and sure enough the money appeared in my account as you would expect. However, this morning I checked my bank account and saw that the cash I had paid in the day before had mysteriously vanished! I went into the branch and they told me not to worry - apparently the NatWest branch have just "borrowed the money to balance their branch books" and that the money will reappear in my account by the end of the day. Sure enough the money has reappeared today and is marked as "Transfer" with yesterday's date. Obviously I'm not very happy about this at all and before I write to my bank I just wondered if anybody has experienced this before. As far as I can see, there's no small print on my bank's T&Cs which say that NatWest can take my cash as and when they want! Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.
  9. :-)Hi Have 2 NatWest credit cards taken out about 1995/1996 - on which I have been making token payments of £2 per month which just jogs along. £1400 outstanding on one card - £2200 on the other card. Token payments commenced about 2 years ago as lost job due to illness and have not worked since. I am 65 and now have heart failure problems - so trying to sort out affairs in case of further problems. I know I should CCA them - but what then. Do they write off debts? My GP can confirm my health position. It's crazy really - we all bailed out NatWest during banking crisis to the tune of some £20K+ each - so in effect they owe us! Your advices how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Would it help to go through Citizens Advice or similar? Let me know what you think.
  10. I've been doing quite a bit of reading on here about CCA Requests and, swamped by debts I thought I would give it a try. I've read some conflicting opinions on whether the 77/78 letters work or whether they give rise for banks to provide a modified copy etc. First I'll tell you a little about my situation: I have most of my debts with Natwest - 2 credit cards, 2 unsecured loans, 1 overdraft and a mortgage. I've moved my main bank account to another provider to protect my income. I also have credit cards with Capital One and Tesco (also run by RBS/Natwest I believe). Could you please advise me on the following: 1. Would I be better sending a Subject Access Request or one of the CCA template letters to Natwest? Can anyone point me in the right direction of a good example of a letter to use? 2. Can anyone tell me of their experiences/success/failures following this process with Natwest. Tesco and Capital One? Many thanks
  11. As detailed in other threads in the debt forum I made an SAR back in April and for one reason and another which i wont bore you with I only received the data from the bank on Friday last. I have been with the bank since 1997 and requested all of the data including all copy statements and used a template from the forum. I was astounded to see just a handful of statements from various years but not numbering more than 5 pages. I also got copies of letters I sent them - I am really angry and fed up and realise they are just doing this to put me off but could you please advise me of my next move options? I initially sent them stiff letters (again from the forum) when they started messing arond with not wanting to send to my address as they couldnt verify it or that my sig was not the same as the one they had on record so I've already threatened them withe reporting them to the relevant authorities. Please help a frustrated and angry man!! Best GIB
  12. Hi, I've copied & pasted all my transactions into a spreadsheet. However I'm now stuck with trying to find out past APRs for overdrafts. According to their website, the current EAR (which I assume is the same as APR) has been 19.89% since 2nd August 2010. The previous EAR is stated as 19.24% from 28th April 2008. I have downloaded the spreadsheet (CompoundSheet_v1.8.xls - not sure if that is the up-to-date version?) to calculate what the bank owes me. However I can't figure out which percentage to use. There is a field at the top of the sheet for the APR, however it seems that it is changed every year or so, so I am clueless as to what figure to use, especially as I don't have the figures for the period before April '08. I have checked the forum for information on this but haven't had any success. Over the last 5 years since I have had the account, the bank has taken over £1,200 from me and as I am on benefits due to my disability, this is a huge amount of money to me! Thanks for any help with helping me to reclaim those fees.
  13. Hiya, I appreciate any help that I can get with this natwest bank closure issue and i'll try and keep it as brief as possible: I got scammed (job [problem] which i believe to be an escrow [problem]) earlier in July A transaction of £911.00 was place into my account As part off the 'job' i transferred £426 to Western Union and 312 to my natwest credit card As soon as i realised it was a [problem] i notified the bank (this occurred on the same day about two hours after the funds left my account) I managed to get the transaction reversed from western union minus the £26 transaction fee I tried to reverse the natwest credit cards but they said that my account had been frozen I attempted to maintain contact with the fraud team but i was consistently fobbed off, i sent them the emails detailing the [problem] and made several attempts to replace the funds. On two occasions a debt collection agency came to retrieve my bank cards and cheque books *despite notifying natwest that i would be in Italy and never receiving a letter in regards to my bank account closure. I recently received a letter asking me to repay my student overdraft within 21 days which was not possible I attempted to make a payment plan within that time but yet again i was told that it would not be possible as my account has been transferred to the debt recovery team. I have contacted the financial ombudsman but i have yet to receive a reply from natwest I really do appreciate any help you can give me atm i'm stuck and cluseless....thank-you any way for reading this long thread
  14. Hi all, I’ve now been a CAG’er for almost 2 years and during this time I’ve been very grateful of the help, guidance and assistance (and success !) that I’ve been fortunate enough to benefit from. Unfortunately, for the first time (in absolutely ages !) I’ve just become a worried man, once again ! The reason for my worry is due to a longstanding, Natwest (joint) Account and specifically the overdraft facility. This overdraft has gradually crept up to its current level of approx. £4500. The reasons were due to redundancy and a huge amount of bank charges. Despite my desperate plea’s Natwest wouldn’t entertain freezing charges / interest – when in fact all other institutions did, on request ! (At this point I’d like to add I issued a claim for approx. £800 of unfair bank charges, in early 2008 AND superseded this with an additional approx. £200 claim (thus making just over £1000, in total) in the middle part of this year (2009). This remains on hold !) Over many months Natwest have ‘harassed’ me prior to shifting this to their representatives Triton Credit Services, Irwin Mitchell Solicitors and Shoosmiths. All these institutions have been CCA’ed BUT Irwin Mitchell have now decided to issue proceedings ! I have, today, received a “Claim Form” for Northampton County Court “Bulk Centre”, however, this has been issued specifically to my wife, as opposed to me ! If it was to me I wouldn’t have been so bothered ! I should add that when Triton were CCA’ed DIRECT all I received was a reply from Natwest (not Triton !) returning my £1 postal order AND stating they weren’t able to action as they didn’t hold my signature on record and wanted another form of identification. Furthermore despite me quoting them the EXACT SAME REFERENCE, that they quoted me, they then claimed they couldn’t relate this to any account and therefore wanted me to provide a sort code and account number ! This was the last I heard, from Triton. Next came Irwin Mitchell who were also CCA’ed DIRECT. Again all I received, initially, was a reply from RBS (not Natwest OR Irwin Mitchell this time !) returning my £1 AND stating they weren’t able to action as they didn’t hold my signature on record and wanted another form of identification. Furthermore despite me quoting them the EXACT SAME REFERENCE, that they quoted me, they also then claimed they couldn’t relate this to any account and therefore wanted me to provide a sort code and account number ! This was (so I thought !) the last I’d hear, from Irwin Mitchell before Shoosmiths then tried. Shoosmiths were CCA’ed too and I still await any reply from them. Unfortunately, today, the “Claim Form” arrived, from Irwin Mitchell, on behalf of Natwest. I’m afraid this is the point that I now become ‘snookered’ ! Sorry this post has been so lengthy but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can someone advise how I proceed from here – I guess I’m now left with no choice other than to respond to the Claim within the 14 day timescale ? Do I still have any other options ? If I defend what is the likelihood of them not actually turning up, to court ? Can I attend in lieu of my Wife – who I’d like to keep out of this ? Can anyone offer me any guidance and also does anyone else have any experiences of Irwin Mitchell Solicitors ? Thanks, R
  15. I had an overdraft with the NatWest when I was at uni. The account was taken out in 2002. Last year, after advice found here, I sent a couple of letters in reply to one sent from Bryan Carter asking them to stop harassing me & for copies of the original agreement & notice of assignment. I just found the copy of these and they were sent in April 2007. Still waiting for any kind of reply at all. Today I got a letter from Capquest regarding the same debt. I was told that they have bought the debt from NatWest, but they don't appear to have the paperwork & would have to request the paperwork from Natwest. Now, are my thoughts on this correct; 1. there are no words to describe the people working at Capquest. 2. They really buy debts without any kind of paperwork (my imagining tells me that they buy a figure and a name). 3. I can contest this debt as Bryan Carter acting on behalf of NatWest have acted illegally in failing to supply these documents requested well over a year ago. I have been told to request the documents in writing from Capquest, who bought the debt from NatWest but have nothing to do with Natwest but have to contact Natwest for information they should actually have. If I request them again, how long do I give them to reply and what do I do after the time has elapsed? I'm absolutely confused and sick & tired of the whole thing. I'm sick of the 'you owe this but we're not going to accept your payments because they're not enough' letters. Can anyone advise me on what to do?!!
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