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  1. If you are going to Tribunal regarding ESA like me then you may need to request coppies of certain documents relating to said Tribunal. If this is the case then here is a Freedom of information – request form. Hope its ok for me to post this, if not then I appologise in advance. Peace and Love, unclebungee... Here is the link to the site a acquired this form http://www.dwp.gov.uk/freedom-of-information/#how-do-i
  2. Hi I work for a social care company. I have worked with them for 12 months as casual agency staff where I just took the hours they gave me, no work = no pay, no sick pay etc. In February my father died and I had to take care off his affairs, I was off work for 4 weeks. On my return to work they offered me a 6 month set term part time contract (classed as a probationary contract) which I have signed and the HR manager signed, this was due to start in a couple of week while I continued to work on the agency side. 2 days ago I fell at home and broke my ankle and am in plaster estimated to be off 6-8 weeks. I am not entitled to sick pay from work and presume I have to go down the DWP route, However, I am worried that they may see me as a liability and will want to withdraw the contract, sort of sack me before I start so to speak. Can anyone tell me the legalities of this please. Also I would be grateful for any info regarding sick pay entitlement from DWP and support for paying rent over the 6-8 week period. I am living with my unemployed partner who lost his JSA when I started work so I have been responsible for all household bills etc. Many thanks
  3. Hello, I have a few problems that are a bit confusing to me. I phoned DWP to find out what info they have on me, as I was recently called to an ATOS assessment, there is no way I could attended. DWP say they have a completed ESA- which ATOS now have. Which I wasn't aware of, as I've never filled one in? They said ATOS had it, so I phoned them to try to find out who did it. So I phoned ATOS who claimed that they didn't have an ESA, but had receive an ESA50 from me last year (interesting considering I've never even been sent one ever).So I asked for a copy of it, they claimed they no longer have it as it was done last year. Gave me ATOS records number, who say they have had it, but can't discuss it I must contact DWP. DWP refuse to acknowledge that I've not filled an ESA claim in & swear they have one. But now claim they know I haven't received an ESA50 in. I'm getting really confused because all I've ever been asked to do with this claim is my name/dob/gp. I was asked this by letter & by JC lone parent adviser. I really wish them to have the information regarding my difficulties, but it looks like they are doing everything they can to prevent me. They just claim it doesn't matter anyway as my GP would be asked to confirm my problems. But how are they going to do that, if they don't even give me a chance to say my problems? I have many problems, my worst are un-diagnosed- but just as debilitating none he less. My GP also thought I may have 'Hidradenitis suppurativa'. But refused to diagnose without seeing the private area, which I refused. I have aspergers & don't even wear skirts as it shows my legs! But after reading of someone else posting how they were diagnosed with it & it got ignored anyway, what is the point? If they contact my GP all he may confirm is depression/anxiety, migraines & aspergers. They will have nothing of the severity- such as the migraines causing loss of vision/agony. Or my other problems abscesses, black outs, incontinence etc. They really don't care if you kill yourself getting there or will sh*t yourself in the waiting room- do they! I guess if I had gone & killed myself on way, they would just claim I chose to attend! Is there anything I can do to make DWP aware of my difficulties please? As I will have missed whatever the JC adviser did by seemingly putting through the claim fraudulently without my knowledge- which seems to have got me paid WRAG ESA at present.
  4. Evening all, Im in a bit of a muddle. DWP wrote to me stating i owe them around £600 from social fund from a couple of years back. i set up a standing order for £1 per week on a pro-rata basis, to be reviewed in 3 months with all my other debtors, and i wrote to them to let them know. Since then i have recieved several letters saying thanks for the £1 payment but we want £50 per month off you and if you do not respond within 7 days they will start legal proceedings. now i only recieve the letters on the day they demand me to make contact by, even though i keep writing explaining my situation and asking that they give me longer to reply because i want everything in writing so i have hard copies of all correspondance, but they ignore me blatently, dont even register my letters, so i gave in and rang them. i did record the call and didnt know i had to inform the woman who i spoke to, but she was so rude before she'd even asked for my name and reference number. So she tells me that they are the DWP i have to pay £50 a month or else. and i have to fill out an expendature form. i told her i didnt like to fill those out because its no ones business what we earn but ours. she told me that if i didnt fill one out i would be taken to court for none compliance. Any way as soon as she found out i was recording the call she said my manager has told me to hang up now, goodbye. Today i recieved a letter telling me that im to make them aware that im recording a call or its illegal, and i can only use the recording for my own use or i can be prosecuted, and if i dont write back aknowledging that i understand the letter they are going to 'alert the information commisioner of my unaceptable behaviour'. I feel like im going around in circles, all i want to do is for them to accept my offer of payment, which i will review every 3 months, and to be contacted in writing. Any advice please? Thanks, danielle.x
  5. i made a request under the Freedom Of Information Act on the DWP DATED 22ST DECEMBER After repeated requests for them to comply with my request, i contacted the information commissionaires office. The ICO gave the DWP 10 days to comply with my request which expires this friday. I have now received this from the DWP IN THE FIRST SENTANCE, THE DWP mention correspondence dated 21ST January. That is when i submitted a complaint as to my original requested dated the 22nd december. You requested an internal review of DWP’s handling of FoI request, “Information and details of Universal Jobmatch”, due to delayed response in your correspondence dated 21 st January, 28 th January and 4th February. The review was conducted by an independent official of the Department, of the relevant grade and authority to carry out such requests. The case has been examined afresh, and guidance has been sought from domain experts to ensure all factors were taken fully into account. I acknowledge that in this instance, the Department failed to respond within 20 working days and the DWP apologise for the delay. This is due to a number of factors including the unexpected level of correspondence received by the team. FOI requests are often complex or require input from a number of different areas e.g. policy, commercial, design teams who need to be consulted to ensure that all FOI requests are fully considered before being responded to. All FOI requests are dealt with by individuals in addition to their day to day workloads and in some cases this will lead to delays . Accordingly, I hope to let you have a response by 19 March 2013. If you have any queries about this letter please contact the DWP Central FoI Team quoting the reference number above. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team This FOI SENT IS POSTED BELOW Dear Department of Work and Pension Please supply information & details on the universal job match program instigated by the DWP in line with this Freedom of Information Act Request 1/ If a job seekers claimant declines access to the job centre advisor to their universal job match account, will they be sanctioned. 2/ is it mandatory or voluntary and part of the job seekers agreement to comply with a request for registration to universal job match by a job centre adviser 3/ Why are claimants not being told that they will be giving a waiver to the DWP to override their Data Protection Rights in signing up for universal job match 4/ The universal job match system uses tracking cookies to monitor claimants behaviour on the universal job match site. Do these tracking cookies allow information to be gathered on other non applicable web sites not related to universal job match. 5/ In signing up for access by DWP personal to the claimants universal job site, is that not in contravention of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights Act "the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence (please supply exemptions) via a threat of sanctions for non compliance. 6/ Is not signing up for the universal job match program, and allowing a third party access not in contravention of the Data Protection Act 1998, and EU Law, in that a data subject cannot be forced to sign anything in direct contravention of the said act by way of a sanction for failure to comply with an instruction from a government official. 7/ is it not fact that UK legislation has to be compatable with EU legislation in regards to the Human Rights Act and Directives in respect of Data protection 8/ The company chosen to host the universal job match system is a US company called monster world wide. Will the data collated on the monster world wide hosting site (universal job match) remain in the UK, or transmitted outside the European union, and if so, where will that data be stored. 9/ Will the data gathered on the universal job match site be accessed by third parties, including different departments within the UK and foreign governments yours faithfully it seems the DWP just does not want to answer my questions, comments please and the DWP now expects me to wait a further 4 weeks 22nd december request made, 20 working days to comply new date for a possible compliance 19th march Thats a total of 58 WORKING DAYS
  6. My friend, yes its a friend has had a fraud investigation from DWP round, they said they had evidence of she was not living alone and talked to them, she also had an interview under caution at the job center i think, one of thier offices anyways. this was 9 weeks ago. in the 9 weeks they have stopped all her benefits of child tax, housing and income support etc they have now said that their are no grounds to support their case and is waiting for it to be finalised! whaterver finalised means maybe someone can explain they have also said to her that she can re-apply for the benefits after 6 weeks have passed after the case is finalised , but their will be no back-payment of any money while the investigation went on and she is not entitled to anything. is this correct
  7. Hi I would greatly appreciate some expert advice on my case: money is being forcibly removed from my benefit for a debt more than six years old which I don't think I've ever acknowledged and I think I may already have largely paid back through an earlier forced benefit deduction. I received a letter from ESA at the weekend telling me £8.50 will be taken off my benefit every week for an unspecified debt to the Social Fund. I have just put a DRO through and thought this debt would have been included on it, but after several phone calls today, I learnt that this debt is APPARENTLY for a budgeting loan I had in 2005 for £327 when I was a single person briefly in receipt of JSA. The man I spoke to from DWP debt management told me I have nearly £250 outstanding on this figure and implied it was because I'd stopped claiming JSA to start work (which I did in the December of that year). I have no recollection of having been loaned this large amount of money. I was told on the phone they had written to me about it on various occasions over the years, and I have received various non-specific letters about moneys owed to DWP, but I'm sure I haven't acknowledged this debt to them in the last six years, which would I believe make it a statute debt? Is this correct? The man I spoke to from DWP debt management sounded surprised when I told him that I'd had £9 a week forcibly deducted from my maternity allowance in 2011 (for about 6 months) for an unspecified debt to the Social Fund. I told him that this high amount had driven us as a family into homelessness through poverty and, having since learnt that DWP can not deduct more money from your benefit than you can afford, that the amount being deducted should be reduced to something more affordable. The man I spoke to gave me the address of a Jobcentre in Balham London to write to to appeal the amount being deducted from my benefit. I'm thinking of writing the following to them (in brief): 1) that I can't afford to have anything more than, say, £4 a week deducted from my benefit 2) that I do not acknowledge this debt 3) that unless they can provide evidence to the contrary, this is a statute debt and all deductions from my benefit should therefore stop 4) can they tell me what the £9 a week they deducted from my maternity allowance was for? Does this sound like the best way forward? Can I stop them from taking money from my benefit for this debt? Many thanks in advance for your advice on this matter Lilys
  8. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmpubacc/744/74402.htm It's a doozy! "damaging public confidence" "most of the problems lie firmly within the DWP" "Poor decision-making causes claimants considerable distress" "83% increase in the number of people asking for support on appeals in the last year alone" "Department's decisions were overturned in 38% of appeals" "Department unduly complacent" "disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable claimants" "standardised "tick-box" approach" "not using all the mechanisms it has at its disposal" ... and that's only on the first page!
  9. Around 15 years ago I was on job seekers - or whatever it was called back then - and at some point applied for a social fund loan. Some time later I found a job and signed off and was later informed by letter that there was part of the loan outstanding. There was little contact after this and I then forgot about the loan until about 4 years ago when I had a letter chasing for the money. As it had been some time I send a letter stating that I believed there was a limitation on how many years later they could chase and was told that as it was DWP it was in the public interest to recover the money and the limitation would not apply. I then had no further letters from the DCA. A few weeks ago another DCA got in touch about this debt so my first action was to email them and request they send me evidence to prove that A/ I owe the money and B/ they have made attempts to contact me as they claimed. The response I received said they had checked and yes I do owe the money, so I called them. The person I spoke to said that they had been told by DWP that they could not provide any form of proof due to data protection. They have issued me a 10 day notice today for intended court action and I was hoping for some advice as to what rights I have considering this was such a long time ago. On a side note I have requested the DCA to provide me with a geographical telephone number instead of an 0844 number as I cannot call 0844 numbers and stated that I could only make contact if they provide such a number - no alternate number has been provided, and there has been no response to any further emails I have sent. Thanks in advance
  10. Just wondered if someone could give me some advice, I like many thousands of others have been placed in a work based group despite telling the the woman i had a hip replacement op looming amongst a whole load of other bone problems and well bottom line was she just wasn't listening she had her script to work too and that was that and i wanting to appeal this even though am not sure if its too late and how do i do this from what Ive been reading my first port of call is my gp and get him to fill in the form Ive printed off the site about regulations 29 and 35 of the ESA act any help will be most appreciated as im a little out of my depth here xxxkia
  11. what legal duty do atos and the dwp have to record and tell the truth of the proceedings of a ftw assessment , by record i mean in writing.. i had one nov last year and made an audio recording (un authorised) the report that was sent to me appears to have been from someone elses interview i will of course appeal the decision and have allready taken legal advice (free) from a barrister who deals with welfare rights. having read most of the threads on atos and dwp it appears they are a law to themselves, i forgot to add the "person" who carried out the assessment claimed to be a nurse, not true
  12. All my problems began when my husband (who is Tunisian) came over to UK in August 2010. I have had a continuous nightmare with TCO (working tax) and DWP since then. The problems have both been continuous and many. TCO are saying i owe several hundred pounds from 2010 as they are saying i did not inform them my husband came to live with me. This is COMPLETELY incorrect. They have a letter which i sent in August informing them of ALL changes in circumstances and including my marriage certificate. In fact i have a letter from them dated September 17 2010 saying thank you for your marriage certificate which proved they received the letter. And to add to it they are now saying i owe a payment for around one of the times i was made Redundant in January 2012. I informed them immediately and was told i would received a "4 week run on". The last payment i received from them around that time was February 7th 2012 which would make it completely correct as i was made redundant on January 7th 2012. So 2 payments they are saying i owe which both i and them have the proof of that i did all the correct things. My MP has been helping me with this and it has been passed to an Adjudicators Officer. One for 2010 and one for 2012. Now as if that isnt bad enough i received a letter a couple of days ago from DWP saying i owe over 800.00 for social funds they gave me July 11 2007, October 11 2007 and February 5 2008. I was working in October 2011 and February 2008 so how can they have sent me a payment from the Social Fund as they do not give payments to people who are in full time employment. I called them today and asked the advisor by what method these payments were made to me. The first payment for over 640 she said she didnt know. How can they not know if they paid it to me. I said i needed to know so i could check my bank statements. The minute i said this she immediately said the other 2 were sent by Giro. She said someone would call me tonight before 5pm which no-one did. I wasnt working in the July but was on sick. Plus if i already had eg 1 or 2 loans why on earth would they have given me a 3rd and why has it taken nearly 6 years for them to ask for this back with no correspondence from them about it whatsoever. It is more strange as it comes at at the EXACT same time when both myself and my husband have just received a small redundancy payment from the Government as one of the companies we used to work for became Voluntary Insolvent. Can i demand proof that i received these payments they are saying i received? She said we know because it is on our "system". Anyone can say that and after what i have been through continuously with TCO i dont trust anyone. They wanted me to pay back ech week more than i can currently afford so the Advisor said today "you will be sent a letter with a reduced amount and even if you think it is still too high you still must sign it and return it or we will not be able to consider reducing it again if you still feel it is too much". How can this be right because obviously if you sign an amount on a letter you are agreeing to pay back that amount! I cannot see them sending me a Giro for over 640. and my bank has told me i did not receive this amount around this time! I will certainly be requesting a SARS but apart from that is there anything else i can do? Seems to be becoming the norm this type of thing! Would appreciate immensely any advice.
  13. Hi, I have made a claim that has been rejected by DWP (regarding my eligibility for esa ('right to reside')) and I have just made an appeal without my local citizen advice bureau (their next available date was in a month...). Also I have ticked 'No' for the question 'Have you arranged for someone to represent you at your appeal' but due to my health I am not sure that I could attempt this hearing. - What are my chances that the appeal to be fair without my presence? - Should I still searching a cab adviser that could represent me at this appeal? - How many times this appeal will take before a date for the appeal? Thanks in advance for your help, MoonTop
  14. Dear all, The Mrs got the attached letter today. After calling them to clarify it turns out it's for 'overpayment of income support' from 1999! I've been with her for 8 years so I can vouch that this is the first contact about it. Can they do this? TIA
  15. Hi all, I am presently self-employed but on JSA since few months and have applied to a ESA a week ago. Originally, when I have applied to JSA, Job Centre Plus had wrongly make me an Habitual Residential Test (that I had succeed) because I have told them that I worked for three months in/with an EEA country (through my limited company). After the Habitual Residential Test, my JSA claim had been however wrongly rejected twice on the basis that I was not able to provide the further 'Home Office' document they were requested. Then few months later, using a Citizen Advice Bureau, my new JSA claim has been accepted (because I am a permanent UK resident for more than 5 years (despite of my travel in the EEA) and Job Centre Plus didn't have to ask me so much documents). Unfortunately, I have received a letter from the ESA department this week requesting the documents below but this does not seems wright for me. Also, I would like to know your point of view the below. Thanks in advance for your help,
  16. Hi, can anyone help i have been under investigation by DWP fraud investigators since Nov/Dec 2011 my case went to the indipendant assessors in July 2012 but i have not heard anything of any use since, i have sent a few letters to try and find out what's happening but nothing IS THIS NORMAL i heard DWP are slow but this is rediculous. Anyone had anything similar.
  17. Morning everyone, Just received my post and I've had a letter from DWP about an old social fund loan I have with them, I know I have this and it needs paying back, that's not the issue, I'm willing to pay them monthly when DH gets paid however they want almost £20 per week and we just can't afford this, do we have to pay them back at that amount or could we pay them less? I'm disabled so can't work so DH is the only income we have for now until my illness stabilises and then I'll be wanting (needing haha!) to find a part time job. How do we go about telling them that they are expecting too much? Thanks to anyone who replies.
  18. I recived a phone call today and it was from the DWP wanting to come to my home to talk about my income support claim, i started my claim in December when my ex husdand left me pregnant and with no money has anyone had this vist? what happened? really worried about it do they think iam a benifit cheat? all these things are going through my head making me very scared, iam now 36 weeks pregnant and feeling scared and stressed. Please can anyone help
  19. Hi, please bear with me I am new to this forum. I hope I am posting in the correct place. I've been charged with "failure to promptly notify the DWP in the prescribed manner of a change of circumstances which you knew would affect your entitlement to Carer's Allowance, namely that you were earning in excess of theh permitte amount Contrary to section 112(1A) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 (SS92042). This Charge letter came to me in early Jan 2013. I had attended an Interview Under Caution in February 2012, after I had received a letter from the DWP to attend. So, almost a year in between. Long story short, in March of 2009 my disabled daughter had surgery that required me to take unpaid Parental Leave to be in hospital with her (3 weeks) and care for her afterward (recovery, pain management, learn to walk again, loads of physio). I applied for Carer's Allowance to help out for the few months with full intention of going back to work, and informing DWP. On my application form, in the back, I explicitly state in my own handwriting that "I do not yet know how long I will need to care for {daughter's name} at home, and I will contact the DWP Carer's Allowance to discontinue when I go back to work, as I have done in the past." [the past referring to an instance in 2007 when I returned to work after receiving CA and informed the DWP by letter wiithout incident]. Also, on my letter to DWP I state that "she will be at home under my care for a period of 2-3 months...." and asking for CA to be reinstated. On April 6, 2009 I started a new job (since my old one had asked me if I could extend my Parental Leave because the company was struggling). On that very same day I popped into the post a letter to DWP saying simply that my circumstances had changed and to please discontinue my CA. No reply came from the DWP, and I hadn't expected one since I never got one when I cancelled the first time in 2007. So, I never questioned it and carried on with my life. Then in Jan/Feb 2012 I receive a letter out of the blue from the DWP about possible benefits fraud and the Interview Under Caution. Unbeknownst to me, I had been receiving CA all that time! The Interviewers stared at me in disbelief, saying how could I not realise about the payments. I explained that my husband and I both make a very good wage, when working our full time jobs, and that we don't live or rely on benefits in any way. So the small amout of £50 coming into the bank account was not noticed. Furthermore, we only do online banking. We do not receive monthly statements, nor do we receive notification if a payment is received. The online statements are full of outgoings and someone would have to scroll back many pages to come to an 'incoming' payment. Something which I just simply never did. There was never any need to. Now, when the overpayments allegedly started, I was still caring for my post-op daughter, but had also started a new full time job. It was a full-on period of time for me, constantly on the go. The last thing I was doing was checking the bank account. I didn't need to. My husband and I both receive paper payslips when we get paid, therefore I don't need to check the account. Everything else is 'outgoing' and as we live within our means, there simply wasn't any reason to keep an eye on the statements. 2009 was full of teaching my daughter how to walk again, loads of physio, and managing my 3 children and full time job. I am the 'family business manager' for our family, so I am the one applying for things like Carer's Allowance and also doing the banking, etc. in addition to caring for our children. I'm a busy lady but I like it that way! By end of 2009 it was clear my daughters situation was not improving. In early 2010 I was already researching another surgical operation and in the spring of 2010 she was accepted for spinal surgery in America (because the surgery was not offered in UK or Europe at the time). Therefore, 2010 was full of this activity.....and not checking the bank statements. So, basically, (and I really am trying to keep this short) approx. 3 years went by and we were receiving CA without realising it. The Interviewers seem to think it impossible that we would have missed this. Perhaps I confused the CA payments with the higher rate Care component of DLA (disability living allowance) that my daughter had been awarded -- we literally got the letter informing of this that DAY AFTER the same date that DWP is accusing me of beginning to receive overpayment of CA. My hindsight is definitely not 20/20, but if I ever questioned the weekly payments (and I don't know that I did) perhaps I thought it was the DLA??? I'll never know. Anyway, I want to plead Not Guilty as I don't feel I've done anything wrong. BTW, after the IUC I received an Overpayment Letter of £7,900 in May 2012. I repaid this IN FULL a week later. This information has not been acknowledged by the DWP nor was it included in the very large packet of 'evidence' (payslips, transcript of my interview, etc) against me to substatiate the Charge. I'm looking for opinions, advice, etc as I have never broken the law, not even a speeding ticket, and am Really Scared about this. Thanks in advance for your help.
  20. Hi Guys this might require someone with an inside knowledge of DWP going back a few years. My wife went back to work in 2005 after a year out and in her signing off interview the advisor said to her she was entitled to a clothing & footwaer grant and this was subsequently given. Now today almost 8 years later a letter has turned up from DWP collections telling her she has to pay back the sum of money and upon calling they advised it was a social fund loan. This was definately not what she was told and they specifically informed her it was a grant and no other correspondence has ever come to us regarding this and yes we are still at the same address so no issues there. In simple terms what can we do? Surely there should be some paperwork surrounding this after all this time? Really appreciate any help that can be provided on this as with most people these days every penny counts and certainly if it was owed we would pay it back but we do not believe this is the case. Thanks
  21. Recieved a letter today from DWP i will tell you what it says then maybe i will be able to get more advice. I AM CONDUCTING AN INVESTIGATION INTO ALLEGED CRIMINAL OFFENCES IN RELATION TO A BENEFIT CLAIM. THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER WHICH I NEED TO DISCUSS WITH YOU URGENTLY. I called them to tell them i will attend the interview but obviously they wouldnt give me any clue to what it was about, im pregnant with twins at the minute due to be born in 4weeks and this is really stressing me out i would be greatful if anybody could help me. Thank you
  22. Does anyone know when they finish their holidays and re-open?
  23. A few weeks ago someone on this forum noticed, when logging in to a DWP website, that they were receiving HTTP redirects to an IP address outside the UK. Unfortunately I can't remember who it was or which thread - sorry folks. Anyhow, the worry was that data was being stored on server farms in the US. Obviously this would be a concern since the nation where the data is physically located would have jurisdiction. I thought the concern to be unfounded - I was fairly sure it would violate the DPA - but hey, Freedom of Information requests don't cost anything and take five minutes to send. So I asked the DWP about it. The short version of their response is that no, data is not stored on servers outside the UK.
  24. Pretty annoyed, partner and i have just moved into together and i have got a letter for money he owes them, £2311 they have never written to him about it since it all happened which was 4 years ago, but now we are claiming joint tax credits, this letter has come through the door, i dont know what to do, as annoys me as not my debt, but i know living with someone means i have to take their debts on board too it says we have to pay by 31st december and if we dont they will consider taking further action to recover, i rang them just for advice without giving my details and they said they would take ALL our income into account, My childrens child benefit, my carers allowance, my family child tax credit and working tax, any income that comes in then i would have to prove outgoings then they will decide a payment plan not sure what to do as clearly they will take near enough all the spare cash a week, please help with advise if you can
  25. Hi I've been unemployed since February and am on JSA. i applied for help with my mortgage and a consolidated loan on the house. After months of going backwards and forwards, I finally have the decision that they will help with my mortgage but not the loan. I have been paying minimum amounts on the loan each month, but now they're getting grumpy as I owe over 1k. I had hoped that the DWP would be willing to help me out on both counts. However they've said that they won't pay towards this as it's debt consolidation and not considered essential under their rules. I can't afford to pay the loan company, so want to/need to urgently appeal against their decision, I have the form, but I really don't know what to put in for my appeal? Can anyone give me any suggestions? I could end up losing my house over it all and it's really getting to me as I fought hard with my ex over keeping the house and now I could lose it. Please can someone give me some idea/help with what I can use to appeal? thanks Mary
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