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  1. Hi assisted blond, Thank you for your reply. In answer to your question, no I did not write to the surgeon’s sec. This is because I was not of sound mind at the time. It has taken almost two and a half years to get myself mentally fit and in a position to do something about what I deem to be a disgraceful way to treat a patient. Yes I did tell my Doctor and his reply was this...It would make no difference as it is my word against his, I told the Doctor that the facts speak for themself and what more proof would one need to prove what happen did actually happen. I mean you have the proof that I had the flu and then Swine Flu so where is the problem. He recommended that I leave it for a short time so as to give the surgeon time to calm down so to speak. Personally speaking I don't think you will ever get any one Doctor to help you fight your corner if it involves someone in the medical profession. Needless to say I now have a different Doctor who has referred me back for the original operation, and when said appointment comes through I will be seeing the very same surgeon and think there may be a hint of an atmosphere. Peace and Love always, unclebungee.
  2. Hi Invalidation, Thank you for your reply. I don't have anything upside down or back to front as you so politely put it, I have copied this as it is. In the ESA50 forms it does give you the option to decline this contact permission as well as giving the option for the DWP permission to contact your GP, many chose the latter but then don't realise what they are letting themselves in for which is why the horror stories emerge. In the end we all think we are doing right by choosing this option, it is the aftermath which then follows. The point I was trying to make is this, yes I signed my ESA50 so the “DWP” can contact my doctor, NOT ATOS. If ATOS request any information from my doctor then I have requested that he contacts me first before releasing said info to them. It is my GOD GIVEN RIGHT to ask what information ATOS are requesting from my doctor, before He/she sends said info, moreover if I don’t like what ATOS are requesting then I will tell him/her not to disclose that information. My Medical records are for me and my doctor’s eyes only, that is why I opted out of the system that asked for my records to be transferred to computer thus ensuring my records stay in paper form. As for me wanting all the help I can get to help me with my Tribunal, well do you honestly think for one moment that Atos would do anything to help you win said Tribunal…I don’t think so. If and when I require a Medical cover note for my Tribunal then I can ask my Doctor for said info myself, what I will not do is give ATOS any ammunition to put in their gun and then shoot me in the head at my Tribunal. I would not trust ATOS with anything, nuf said. Love and Peace always unclebungee:wink:
  3. I was due to have an operation at my local hospital and was to present myself at the specified ward at 7:30 am on a Monday morning. The Saturday before my operation I came down with a bad case of the dreaded Flu so I telephoned the hospital reception to speak to someone on the ward dealing with my operation but was informed that said ward was not open over the weekends so I couldn't be put through. However the receptionist was able to put me through to a different ward so that I could at very least ask that ward nurse if my cold would jeopardise my operation Monday morning. She said if I still have the flu Monday morning then I should contact the ward nurse dealing with my case and she would advise me what to do. I asked her could she make a note of my call and she said she would let them know I have phoned. So Monday morning came and I still had the flu, I phone the ward nurse at 7:am and informed her of my condition and was promptly told not to come anywhere near the ward because I would not be admitted for obvious reasons. She also told me that she would inform the surgeon and his secretary would be in touch with me. 5 days later I was diagnosed with swine flu and confined to my home for what seemed like an eternity. 2 days after this I received a short yet abrupt letter from the surgeon’s secretary stating that the surgeon was not a happy chap and because I missed the appointment for my operation he would not be sending me another. I got the impression that he was not aware of my flu or of the fact that I was told to stay away from the ward. Two and half years later and thankfully I have now been referred back to the hospital for the same operation. I have suffered immensely because of this oversight and have gone through Two and half years of immense mental stress because of this. My question is this, do I have grounds for compensation of any sort or at very least an apology. All replies greatly appreciated. Love and Peace Unclebungee
  4. Came accross this and thought it important enought to post. Make sure you tell your Doctor that he must contact you personaly for consent if ATOS are requesting any Medical Reports etc. Consent DWP obtain consent (1) from the patient (2) to approach you for the release of clinical information. Therefore you can rely on an assurance from DWP or a healthcare professional working for Atos Healthcare that consent has been provided and there is no requirement for you to ask to see a copy of the patient’s consent. 1. Consent may be provided either in writing, electronically or verbally. DWP has procedures in place to ensure that consent is valid. 2. Occasionally consent may be provided by a third party acting on the patient’s behalf. • If the patient is mentally incapable of managing his own affairs, and there is power of attorney or an appointee is acting on behalf of the patient, as permitted in legislation. • If the patient is potentially terminally ill and the claim to benefit has been made by a third party on the patient’s behalf, as permitted in legislation.
  5. If you are going to Tribunal regarding ESA like me then you may need to request coppies of certain documents relating to said Tribunal. If this is the case then here is a Freedom of information – request form. Hope its ok for me to post this, if not then I appologise in advance. Peace and Love, unclebungee... Here is the link to the site a acquired this form http://www.dwp.gov.uk/freedom-of-information/#how-do-i
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