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  1. :mad2:I was promised by Barclays customer service advisor on March 1st 2011 if I made a large overpayment of £5046 I could have new loan of £6000 or £7000 for 10 years for interest rate of 11% or 12% for £104 a month, but if I was declined I could have my overpayment back. I paid £5046 off my loan to get the new loan, but when I was advised that the offer didn't exist, I was told that I can't have my overpayment back. I took it to the FSA they favoured Barclays because they send inaccurate details of me being declined a loan ehen I wasn't. I have threated them court still no reply. I have asked for transcript of that call, they they havn't got record of it. So what can I do urgent please help ?
  2. Wow well this has been going on for almost 2 years now - they are a bunch of incompetent a.bums. Under an SAR they have sent me about 20% of the information I am entitled to. I am now in the "decision making process" - they have until 8th March to deal with my complaint. On 26th of Feb I had 4 missed calls from a blocked number - finally got round to answering on the 5th one to a guy from Barclays asking me all sorts of questions about my claim. I had stated on my form that I didnt need the insurance as I had other insurance policies, redundancy cover, critical illness cover AND savings of my own. They asked if I could provide proof of all this and given that it's going back to 1998-2000 no I actually cant. I had more missed calls yesterday and I rung them today to find out if it was them - yes it was - another guy told me that they are requesting proof of my savings from 1998. How the heck?! - I haven't even got bank statements from 6 months ago let alone all that time ago. I do feel that they have behaved really badly - aside from witholding my information they have dragged their heels from start to finish. My question is what if I can't prove where I had my savings etc. - basically my parents "gave" me £7k and kept it (in their names) in premium bonds - this was to prevent me spending into it - I withdrew it eventually and used it as the deposit on my first house. So technically although the money was mine it was never saved in my name. Opinions please? - do you think they will still uphold the complaint? - I don't understand why I am being basically investigated (it feels that way) - I believe it's down to them to prove that it wasn't missold not the other way round. I've told them that I didn't need it, surely that should be enough?
  3. Howdi Folks Long Time Fan Fkofilee Here.... Heres one for the books. Went into Barclay's to ask for a standard current account with their Chequebook and Contactless Card Facility. The Sales Guy; Manish.... In all his glory, went through the application and there wasnt a problem. And he tries his usual contents insurance sale ^__^, which i decline as Im not interested. Now i leave the branch with my Sort Code & Account Number, But Before I Leave I Ask About The Cash Card Account. He says its a normal account and no charge. I get home and I speak to CS regarding this and they say the following; - No Overdraft - No Contactless Debit Card - No Chequebook - Debit Card Is Limited And the cheek of it is , the guy ive just spoken to has just tried to sell me Contents Insurance Again?!?!?!? Under what terms do i have the right to challenge this as a mis-sell as I specifically requested a Standard Current Account. He Hadnt advised me a credit check had been run and also didnt say that I had been accepted only for a Cash Card Account? (Its almost like i should assume XYZ when applying for certain things). Luckily for me I'm quite knowledgeable about internal processes and can see how its done but shouldn't they make clear to me that certain things cannot be offered to me? Filee
  4. Hi Everyone, Good Afternoon. I am going through my dads paperwork for a loan he took out in July 2006 and noticed a few details which i need your guidance on. He approached Barlcays for this Loan and he clearly remembers them saying that to be accepted for this loan he will need some sort of insurance, and in this case, Barclays introduced him to Norwich Union for life insurance which he took out ont he same month as applying for the loan. Now, what i am trying to get my head around is the following what they wrote on the documents: 1. In Norwich unions documents they state: "How much will the advice cost? The amount will depend on the size of the premium, how old you are and how long you pay the premium for. It will be paid for out of your premiums. For arranging the plan, we'll pay a commission to MT BARCLAYS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, your financial adviser of: £2,758.73 immediately then £2.86 a month from month 49 until your premiums stop." This to me looks like i have some sort of protection incase i couldn't pay or die? I even have a letter from Barclays "Financial Planning" that says "we have enclosed an application as Norwich union have requested some further information to support your application." Which to me, looks like to support the loan application? The other letter from barclays says: "if you have chosen to take advantage of barclayloan protection and the insurer accepts your application, a policy certificate will be sent to you shortly. We suggest that you look through this to fully appreciate the peace of mind this policy can offer you in today's uncertain world. The loan started in July 2006 and has finished, on the last statement of the loan it says: CASH LOAN: £22,000.00 PPI PREMIUM LOAN: N/A The Not Applicable part, have they in a way not sold me the PPI but got Norwich union to sell it to me? P.S. When i took the policy out with Norwich union in 2006, i am still paying this and the term finishes in 2021... Any help would be much appreciated and you will most probably have more questions for me.... Thank you, Mehdi
  5. Hi all, I recently contacted Barclays about my Additions account, received a response and would be interested to hear people's views. A quick potted history - I had an account with Barclays since 1990, and at some point in 1997 I was upgraded to the Additions account; I don't believe I ever requested this, and they confirm they have no proof I ever did. I only used the account as a secondary bank account once I got married, so it was hardly used. The only outgoings from the account were the account fees and interest, which I paid so as to not get into trouble. I had no idea there was ever any alternative to this account. Around 2004 my debit card expired on the account, and they never replaced it. I did contact them on 3 or 4 occasions to ask when a new card would be issued but they never replied .As the account was not really in use, but was in overdraft, I guessed they weren't giving me a card until I came out of the overdraft (it was an agreed overdraft), though they never said this. At the end of last year I decided to make a formal complaint about all this, essentially telling them I never asked for the account, have never used any of the features associated with it, have been unable to use it as a working account since 2004 when I never had my debit card renewed. I can't even log in to my online account! They replied by saying they have no evidence they upgraded the account without consent; would that not mean they should therefore HAVE evidence?! They state that I had a debit card that I used in 1998 in ATM's (er, I know that), and that a complaint from me in 2001 about unpaid fees charges was enough to show I should have been aware of account charges. They are unable to show any proof I have received welcome packs, or updated terms and conditions (after I moved in 2006 I received none) but just say as they send them out automatically I must have received them. They can find no record of me being advised there were free alternatives, though I 'must have been' (I wasn't, I'm sure) And, when I asked why no debit card, I was merely told they note a debit card was in use until 2004 (which I told them , it was before it ran out) and that regular credits have been sent to the account (every month I paid in £25, to cover the account fee and interest as I didn't know what else to do) So, in conclusion, they do not agree my account was mis-sold or mis-run, and it was my responsibility to make them aware in the past if I was unhappy! (er, I did). They offered me £162 as a goodwill gesture. Now, to those more in the know than me, what should I make of all this? just seems to me to be an almighty fob off. Is it worth going to the Ombudsman? shall I send them a letter before action just to see what reaction I get? am I bsarking up the wrong tree? Any questions/ advice/ help of any kind would be gratefully accepted!
  6. Can anybody help? I have an account with Barclays without overdraft limit. Few weeks ago I received phone call from Barclays fraud department, that somebody tried to withdrawn money and they blocked the card. They issued me with new card, all was well or so I thought.... During the weekend somebody managed to withdraw just over £400 and when I called their call centre, I was told that just because the card was cancelled doesn't mean it can't be used. Well, I thought that's the main reason why the card was cancelled in first place. And I just checked my account and yet again another £400 is missing and I am currently £400 in overdraft that I didn't have in first place. I don't know what to do, Barclays refusing to stop the payments and to be missing so much money is unbelievable.
  7. Hi Everyone, Have recieved SAR back from Barclays today. Alot of information they have sent regarding Statments all the way back from 1998 to 2006 when the account was closed. They also sent Service Point ODP, regarding to a credit card. Dont know where to start with this all doesnt make any sense apart from the statments. Been looking through but there is nothing containing Overdraft limits etc. Can someone help please and point me in right direction. thanks gchads
  8. I do most of my self employed as a buyer for second hand cars and machineries and sends them to clients outside EU who also banks with Barclays. I had a barclays current business account that I've been using for the last 8 years got closed a month ago for 1 year dormancy without my knowledge. So un-aware of this, I gave the client the account number that was closed and when the money came to UK I couldnt access it. When I explained this to my business manager he suggested that the money could simply be transferred into my Business saving account that I've never used. So the other Barclays had to send amended SWIFT to Barclays UK with new instructions (the money should simply be paid into the Business Savings) In the meantime Barclays apologised and offered to open a new business current account which I accepted under condition that once I get the funds then I shall deal with opening a new bank account. So far its been 4 weeks back and fourth between making calls to the international payments, sending e-mails and of course being spoken to like a kid by my business manager and branch managers. In the end (two days ago) i found out that they were all giving me the same standard answers as to why they money isnt into my account. Apparently Barclays is withholding this money as they are investigating the source ( the gentleman works for an International Organisation in that country and banks with barlcays) and he sent the money through Barclays. So the most I could think of is money laundering, but I've received more money into my business current account that they closed than what's been sent into the savings. So far he says he is losing £2500 per day this issue delays as I cant buy him the equipment from here in the UK. He has presented the Invoice and additional information and also has confessed that Barclays at times withholds his own salary upto 2 months for no apparent reason. As it is, I'm aware I can easily report this to Financial Ombudsman as I'm also losing money every single day this money is withheld by Barclays and my business reputation with customers is also on the line. Can anyone advise me on legal or otherwise options, and how best I should handle this matter.
  9. Hi Can anyone please advice. I had sent a SAR to Barclays in relation to a Morgan Stanley card that I had back in 2004. They sent me three letters saying I had not provided the correct information. The final one they have sent is asking for the account number and the address where the card was issued even though the SAR had all of this information on it. Part of the letter reads "The right of access under the Data Protection Act covers information held electronically and in certain highly structured manual files, information that is not held electronically or in a relevant filing system will not be covered by this request. Please note this is particularly likely to be the case with older accounts. Is it worth still pursuing at this stage or should I just give up. What would be the next step? I am also considering claiming back PPI on a loan that was taken out through Halifax in 2006. It has been confirmed that I had PPI but I am certain that I would not have opted for. I have been asked about PPI by other companies particularly when buying something on HP and have always said no. I also work for the NHS therefore I wouldn't have needed it. Would this be a valid reason to claim?
  10. I think Barclays may be up to their old tricks, or should I say a new trick, which may be pocketing them a lot of fees. Background: I have 2 Barclays account, one with a small o/d of £200 + Reserve of £300, one with a massive mortgage-linked o/draft. Because the household income & outgoings fluctuates, never twice the same date or amounts, I check my current account every morning, without fail. If the money coming out takes me into the Reserve, I immediately transfer some money from the mortgage account to put me back under so I don't incur the dreaded £22 Reserve fee. Bear in mind that Barclays says that if you go back under the Reserve before the end of the working day they won't charge you the fee, this is important. This has worked beautifully for years now and apart from a maybe once-a-year blip where I couldn't get to the account in time (illness, travel etc), I have had no charges whatsoever. However... For a few weeks now, I seem to have slipped more than usual, straying and staying in the Reserve, not because I haven't paid money in, but because somehow I seem not to have put enough to bring me back under. Odd, right? but ok, I am no maths genius, and I am on heavy medications, so I thought it was me losing it, swore at myself and thought of tackling the unfairness of the charges at some point in the future but nothing urgent, kind of thing... So I got more careful and still it happened. By then, my suspicions got worse, but again my memory can play tricks on me. Last week, I was certain I had put enough and I still ended up over when I checked the next day. So yesterday, I took a screenshot in the morning, which shows I was just over the £200 limit and I've transferred £20 over to make it under. That's it, no other transactions. (Remember that card transactions, cheques, d/d etc, ALL get taken out at about 2 am that day, which is where they used to get you with o/d charges that even if you went in at 9am to pay money in, the'd already have bounced the transactions?). This morning, screenshot. THREE card transactions have appeared on yesterday's date, putting me in the Reserve by nearly £100. BUSTED! Soooooooooooo.... I'm going to give it a few days, do a few more screenshots proving that Barclays are being very naughty, and then get the whole lot back, even the ones where it may have been me at fault then again it may not have been, who knows how long they've been doing this, hoping that most people wouldn't cotton on and blame themselves instead? I will of course keep you updated, but meanwhile if you too have thought Alzheimer's was setting in early, you might want to double-check your statements. For me, it will be easy as I can show where I transferred money every time and still somehow managed to not pay enough to put me back under the line.
  11. Whilst I am in limbo waiting for some results on my PPI claims I thought I would attack my OH's Executive loan PPI. We have the policy and the date the loan was taken out (2001) but no account numbers. We do have the current account statements for that period. It would appear that the PPI was paid monthly separately to the loan payment, around £30 per month over a period of nearly four years. Do I really need to SAR the bank for the account number? Can somebody please point me to a template that I can use for this - have found a few but all the threads seem old. Are there any updated versions. Can somebody also tell me how to calculate the PPI refund - do I take how much we paid and then out 8% simple per annum on it ? I also had an old loan agreement with PPI but I know that this one was paid early - but I do not know if I had a refund of part of the PPI - again do you think I can just go for it or should I SAR them. Thank you GS
  12. Hi, I'm new and maybe in the wrong place but I'm sure someone will help me there. We started a business with a loan from Barclays. The business plan showed a period of 3-4 years to go into profit. It involved converting a country house into self catering holiday accomodation. During the six months it took to sell and purchase properties the interest rate doubled. We were on target time wise and were due to open in the summer, as in the plan. Obviously we were struggling with repayments and had extended the overdraft. On the Friday of a bank holiday weekend we received a letter out of the blue informing us that,words to the effect, 'in our best interests', they had frozen our account. We were still building, so couldn't open and if we sold, we would have lost thousands - and we had four children and nowhere to go. The interest rate being charged was around 20%. The year was 1987. Now I know this is probably too long ago (not long enough as I am sweating thinking about it again) - but Appropos LIBOR fixing I am sure I heard that it has been going on for ages and had influenced those excessive interest rates in the 80's. My question is, if it did and if B did, would the likes of me be entitled to a piece of compensation that sufferers from the last decade will no doubt be getting? Our business never recovered and although we ran it for fourteen years it was always at a loss and had to be subsidised by salaried employment.
  13. Hello All, I need a bit of advise. I lost my phone in Sri Lanka as it fell out of my pocket in a cab and then the cab drove off before I had realised. I read the website, which stated i needed to contact the police within 24 hours and obtain a crime reference number. I was not sure if Sri Lankas crime reference number was sufficient and so I contacted a friend in the UK to ask if they could contact lifestyle services group for advise. The advisor stated that I should contact my airtime provider to block the sim and then I can wait until I am in the UK to get a crime reference number if I felt the sri lankan police could provide what was required. They also said I had two weeks to log a claim from the incident. As I was using as sri lankan sim, I did not need to contact the airtime provider as I still had the UK sim. Within 24 hours of my arrival back into the UK I logged a claim and went to visit the police station. Today, I have found out my claim has been rejected because I did not log a claim with the police within 24 hours and therefore did not meet the terms and conditions. As you can imagine I am left furious as I was advised by there representative of what to do and now the company have rejected my claim. Lifestyle group services state that at first they look to see if the terms and conditions have been met and accept/reject on that basis. An appeal considers any personal factors. Thankfully my friend noted the time, date and person he spoke to and they have the recording available. I have appeal, forwarded the email correspondence between my friend and I when I was out in sri lanka and explained why I could not log a call within 24 hours to themselves and how I was advised that I could sort out the police reference in the UK. I am awaiting a response from Lifestyle services group which could take 5 working days, but am expecting rejection as I dont see how they can give fair consideration when they are a profit making organisation. Do you think I will have a chance to take them to a small claims court?
  14. My wife took out a 4 year interest free loan from BPF for the purchase of a mobility scooter in December 2008. The first point is that she was told that this was a Motability Loan which I subsequently discovered was not true - like the motability loan it was 0% interest, and seemingly they gave the loan on the basis that the repayments would be met from her higher rate disability allowance, but as I later learned, a true Motability Loan only runs for a maximum of 3 years. The second point is that she does not appear to have a copy of the Loan Agreement - to be fair, she has very little idea when it comes to these things and she may simply have misfiled this or destroyed it without realising the documents importance. Thirdly, during the term of the Agreement, there was a period where late payment penalty charges were levied at £22.50 a time. I believe that, in total 8 charges have been levied on the account, which I do not consider fair or reasonable. Fourthly, the only correspondence my wife has had from them has been an Annual Statement and the penalty charge notifications. The 4 year Term of the Agreement has now been completed and, due to the added charges, there is still an amount outstanding - BPF have not written to her about this as I would have expected - they have simply indicated on the phone that she should continue her standard monthly payment until the charges are paid off. I find this strange as, in my view, now that the term of the agreement has finished they should surely write to her, inform her that the contract period has ceased, and request any outstanding balance be paid - at that point, it may then be that they agree that this can be repaid on a monthly instalment basis. Without anything being formally noted, however, I do not see that they can expect to receive any further payments after the Contract Term has ceased (and they also still have had the nerve to try to apply a further penalty charge because the first payment after the Contract term finished was paid late when we werent even aware of the additional amounts being required!) Apologies if this is a bit "waffly" but any advice would be welcomed - I guess that initially I should insist they provide a full history of payments and charges on the account since it started, and also request a copy of the signed Loan Agreement. I have already sent a letter to BPF informing them that I consider the charges unfair and unreasonable, but this was not your formal template letter, and I guess I should send this once I have the copy Agreement and schedule of all charges and payments. If they are unable to provide a copy of the Loan Agreement (unlikely I know, but just in case, I thought I would ask), would this invalidate the whole arrangement and, in effect, mean that they would need to repay the full amount paid over the 4 year period? (the original loan was £1600) Thanks, in advance, for your help and guidance.
  15. Having a very small loan means i regularly go over my limit which is very good news for barclays sadly it puts a lot of stress on my finances when each 35 sterling is half a tank of gas in real money (what world do they live in?) can i reclaim my charges - i know personally its in the courts of doom for the forEseeable however does the forum know where is at on my business account??? I also have a loan repayment and i hear they were mis sold too - can anyone enlighten this green monster oh mighty forum all hail !!
  16. I went into my Barclays branch in 2004 to see if I could get a £50 overdraft...and came out with a Barclaycard with PPI added on. After doing my research I know I was mis sold this policy as: * I was a student working casual hours as a waitress * I didnt ask for it * I was told it was compulsory and I would only get the card with PPI added on * I had not been working more than the required 6 months to legible to make a claim - yes ive done my research. Yes the features and benefits were explained, but i was took advantage of, I had jus tgone 18 and the banks practically rinsed me. I did try to make a claim on the policy a few years later, my circumstances were the same, but this time I was at univeristy again working casual hours, the claim was rejected as I was told I wasnt legible. This is when I cancelled the policy. Im more furious at the fact that barclays have rejected my claim, as it has been blatantly mis sold. They have wrote to me today, saying asiam over 18 and under65, they believe the policy was not mis sold. They also say I was in part time employment and was therefore legible to claim on the policy - even tho I tried toclaim and it was rejected !! They finish off by saying that they can not find any evidence to suggest tha tI was under pressure to take the policy or it was mandatory, so deny the policy was mis sold. What aremy next steps. I am so mad that they are denying a genuine case and not jumping on the bandwagon.
  17. Hi folks, just a quick one, we have an overdraft on the barclays personal account, which was taken out a few years back due to circumstances, they told us we could only have one if we upgraded to a premier account at £25 per month, which we did as didnt have any other options at the time, this gave us a£1000 od with a £500 reserve, what we were not told at the time was that they charge £22 every 5 days once you go into this reserve, which once my wifes hours were cut we did and then couldnt get back out of it as it was accruing £88 a month in reserve usage charges on top of the £25 per month fee for the account plus od interest, anyway last september I set up a repayment agreement, the agreed to freeze charges and interest and I would pay £100 per month with a final payment of £150 this month to bring it back into the original overdraft limit which I could then pay off as and when we can, however when checking the account the other day it appears they are still charging interest so we are over the agreed limit at the point where it should be at the moment, rang barclays to check this and was told the agreement level is where it should be but due to not paying in extra to cover the interest it is actually over the reduced od limit, I was also told they cannot freeze the interest and someone had told me incorrectly at the time of making the agreement, unfortunately having found the original agreement letter it does not mention interest in it, is there anything I can do?
  18. :???:hi,im a ex customer of barclays bank, 9 yrs as a cutomer with them , i decided to claim back my charges,as they had been charging me 30 pounds 3 times a month ,i was on income support and a single mum. the charges went on for 9-12 months, i owed them 500 pounds on my over draft, i agreed to pay them back 18 pounds every week, they agreed, i got down to owing them 150 then they kicked me out, but i believe its because i got a intouch with a company to re-claim my charges because i couldnt afford it and didnt think it was fair, then a few weeks later i recieved a letter fr barclays infoming me my account would be closed and that i return my credit card and cut through the chip and return it back to them, i did as they asked and posted it back. I still recieve letters fr debt companys or solicitors on behalf of barclays trying to recover the 150 pounds i still owe them,lol. Its been 5 or 6 yrs since barclays closed my account so i dont know if i can try and reclaim my charges back, i never heard anything back fr the company i asked to re-claim back my charges, but i did hear on the news that everyone claiming their charges back didnt succeed as all high court judges over ruled the ombusman, so i havnt tried since, i could be owed PPI but not sure if i can claim them either so am a lill confused.com could u help plz ty
  19. Hi, I've just had a phone call from Barclays at work, regarding my cash account with them, as it is apparently £67.92 overdrawn. All the direct debits against this account have been cancelled and the account hasn't been used for months, in fact I was thinking about closing it. I asked what had taken it overdrawn, and after a lot of faffing about the guy on the phone said it was a card payment for £68 for the AA taken on the 19th of December. I had £0.08 in the account, and they have authorised a CARD payment for £68 - can they actually do this?? I know they're obliged to pay DDs but thought with a CPA, which this presumably is, that if there were no available funds then it wouldn't be paid? I am going to speak to the AA tonight to see if they will refund whatever this is for, because I don't have insurance or breakdown cover anymore and don't recall agreeing to anything like this, although I obviously have at some point. I don't hold out much hope... I'm just wondering what the legal standpoint is with Barclays, because I don't understand how they've put my overdrawn, on an account that doesn't have an overdraft, for a debit card payment....
  20. Hi all, In short, I moved house 4 months ago. It took me perhaps a month to get round to contacting Barclays to change address. i phoned to do it over the phone, though I was told I must do it in branch (I thought this odd as I done it over the phone with Barclaycard).The lady also put a stop to all mail to my old address. 2/3 weeks passed, and I got round to calling in to the local branch. The girl on the counter refused to action my request as I didnt have my debit card (lost during move), she said I needed it, it was the only way. I searched high and low over the next couple of weeks, found the card and went back to the branch. Its worth noting I dont actually use this account on a daily basis, hence the card being somewhere other than my wallet. I also dont know the pin number. I got told over the counter I needed the pin. I explained I didnt know it, and once again I was refused the request to change address, with no alternative given. Approx 4-5 months have passed, and yesterday a letter came to my NEW address from Barclays, notifying me I was approx £200 over my overdraft limit, and because of this they are requesting my card and chequebook be returned since they are withdrawing my banking facility. I know I have been slack and perhaps not been as persistent as I should have, but nevertheless I faced a brick wall when trying to ammend my contact details. On these grounds, what rights do I have for any charges and interest that have accrued to be removed since I was provided with my last physical statement? As always, any help is greatly appreciated.
  21. Hi, I have an account with Barclays and they keep changing the dates they take their payment. This month they didn't take the payment until the 3rd instead of the 29th. I mucked up and thought they had taken their payment and paid another bill which meant there wasn't enough money so the payment has been returned. I have just sent an formal complaint about the dates and wanted some clarification regarding the DD guarantee, if they take on another date than is on the agreement do they have to tell me. I have just looked at the payments I have made and they have never taken the payment on the day they should, it has either been 1 day early or late. Any comments would be helpful Thanks JJ
  22. I informed barclays that I would be travelling overseas, gave them the location and duration of stay. I am a barclays customer in uk and abroad in the West indies on holiday. My debit card was stolen at airport in uk before reaching my destination. I have stopped card and new 1 has been sent to my uk address. After many phone calls to my bank, Barclays has failed to help me in any way financially even though I have been a loyal customer for many years. 1 They refused to transfer money from my account to an account of someone else here so that I can reach funds. 2 They said I could only send money to account in my name over here. (In order to open an account here I would need 2 forms of photo ID a Utility bill, which I dont have and an original letter form my bank explaining that I am a customer, No fax I would have had to have brought it with me or wait for it to be posted over) 3) They can send emergency fund to a bank here (No banks here allow this transaction) 4) Moneygram order. In order to transfer money to someone elses account in UK they informed me that at 3:30am UK time I would need to provide them with another banks credit card or debit card detail in order to pass through security (None of which I have on holiday with me) even though I had already given my name account number, sort code and 2 digits of my pass code as requested. I am without money here and need help can anyone offer any solutions please. yours sincerely Barclay-ite Stranded Abroad
  23. Hi, I am not sure if anyone can help with this. My husband was forced by Barclays Bank back in 1992 to take out a Business Loan or be shut down. He had to take out a loan for £7,000 over 7 years. On seeing all this about the PPI etc I had a look at the old paperwork, found the statements from this loan and low and behold this insurance is on the loan. It was a one off payment added on at the start of the loan. We have tried to claim the PPI back and have been turned down 3 times, because they cannot find the Policy. Well we can prove we had the loan, we have the statement with the £7,000 on it, we also have the statements and the first statement showing the insurance payment. The fos will take it up but they have said it can take 12 months. Not sure now what to do, anyone got any idea's?
  24. Hello. First post, and i am hoping someone around here can fill me in better than Barclays have, and possibly offer me advice? I have searched the forums around here and no one seemed to of matched my situation, based on their financials they have posted in the thread, so figured i would post a new thread. My situation started on Monday the 3rd of September, where i had money taken by Barclays from my account (the entire balance) the transaction was named "Reconcile" i only noticed this on the 5th of September, due to not checking my account since the Friday before, and had received no letter explaining this. So i complained, the funds were returned the same day, "good" i thought, i said to the customer relations manager that i would not post a complaint anywhere due to it being resolved the same day, they put this down to a "computer error" (probably BS), so i thought this was the end of the matter, 2 days later i received a letter, but didn't open it until the 14th as it got "buried" under other post, saying this account will be closed one month on from the date on the letter (my only current account btw) I have held this account since 1998, Which i found very strange, it was in credit by a considerable amount, no over draft, no defaults, I have no outstanding payments in my name (i don't like having debt) My card is only ever used over the counter to take out cash which i will need for the week ahead, as i don't feel secure using my chip and pin card. I feel i have been probably the best customer i could of been, the account is always active money going in and out, now apparently i do not meet their criteria, no explanation (like others) and what makes it worse, according to the woman if i was to make a letter to access the information stored on me, i would be in no better position to tell why this had happened (I feel this is a lie?). Now i have to create another bank account, which i am worried because i expect this will go onto my credit report, which could stop me opening other accounts? Naturally, like most people, it is a necessity to have a bank account. Willing to answer questions, and looking for some advice. Thanks for reading
  25. Hi there, I hope that somebody may be able to help me here and that the information is clear. I have had debt problems for years and years as well as mental health problems. For the best part of 15 years, I have banked with Barclays Bank and have constantly relied on the overdraft and the reserve usage fee, meaning that between £22-£88 would be coming out of my account every month. In February of last year, I had a particularly bad episode and had much less control of my finances than usual. I took out payday loans and maxed out credit cards. I finally came to my senses in March and started a DMP with CCCS, who were brill and at the same time I wrote to Barclays, asking them to stop all the payments to Speed Credit. At this time my account was £550 (£50 of this was reserve) The problem is that Barclays claimed not to have received this letter and then started charging me for the unsuccessful payments and being over my limit and they were ringing me constantly on my landline, mobile. They claimed that they had not received any paperwork from the CCCS, even though I had checked with them several times, and more worryingly that no money had gone to pay off my account. The stress of everything really had a negative impact on my mental well being that it was very difficult to function, so it was difficult to keep on at them. I wrote them a letter recorded delivery to complain, and received a phone call from a manager, saying that they had no evidence trail therefore no charges could be refunded to me. She also said that she would send me letter to that effect, she didn't. Eventually in July, after another threaten to default letter, I rang them up and insisted that they check all their records of a payment. They found payments made since April but insisted that they had still not received the paperwork. As it happens, my DMP was under review so I was able to pay more to my creditors, therefore they would have received a new batch of paperwork. Since then, I have not received any correspondance from them. Today, I checked my credit report and Barclays have reported a default, with months of missed payments, with the total sum of the debt at £975, that means that they have charged me £400 because they charged me for not paying them and ignoring my requests to stop speed credit emptying my account. I'm coping much better now and would like to know if I would be able to complain. I would like to dispute the debt and maybe get back some of the reserved charges back. Do I have any chance of winning? Thank you guys, I have been following the forum for a while and it helps to know that you are not alone.
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