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  1. Hi All We have previously ignored these tickets but appears a new law has come in without my knowledge! One of our pool vehicles got a ticket from Parking Eye. A notice to owner was received and duly ignored. We had a reminder, ignored. Now a new letter stating that under Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act the charge can be recovered form the keeper. Not seen much on here about it. Have they finally won and the keeper has to pay the fine? Had a quick read of it, looks like they can. Any advice please? Cheers
  2. http://www.sunderlandecho.com/community/opinion/letters/letters-friday-11-2013-1-5307722 Best to keep it moderate!!!
  3. I know the title say's it all about "PE", like most PPC's they are desperate, but previous postings of their "Parking Charge Notices" to me, and the first reminder, have been spaced by at least ten days. Their latest reminder to me has been only 5 days - perhaps with everybody cutting their household budgets, it also applies to paying "PE" charges, and even they are now feeling the pinch? This is from the "Morrisons" store in Stone, Staffs, who, rather unwisely, I thought, contracted "PE" to install their grubby little camera's at just about the same time as the local "Asda" opened - hoist by their own petard, perhaps. My neighbour works at that "Morrisons" and she has told me that their profits are suffering because of "Aldi" - doesn't that tell "Morrisons" something? Any "Morrisons" shareholders on here, that might care to write to their board of directors - where is "Disgusted of Tonbridge" when you need him? Sam
  4. I have recieved a fine for overstaying the 2 hour stay in Morrisons. Normally, I would ignore this as I understand it is unenforseable in Scotland. however as I drive a leased car, notification has gone to my employers who intend to deduct the fine from my salary and pay the fine. How should I proceed?
  5. I recently got a parking eye ticket for overstaying at an aldi car park. I was there for 2 hours 15 mins and the time limit was 1 hour 30 mins. In the pictures my licence plate was not visible on one of the pics due to glare. I emailed them sand told them I would not be paying said charge but if they had further picture evidence I would be happy to pay £0 due to the financial losses suffered due to this apparent overstay. I did not state I was the driver. I told them not to contact me again unless they were sending me a popla appeals reference number, They have now sent me two follow up letters. One saying I need to provide evidence I was in Aldi. I don't know what this has to do with anything. But they have also sent another letter stating they are entitled to take enforcement action against me if I do not pay and that under schedule 4 of the protection of freedoms act 2012 that the driver is required to pay this fine. They say they have the right to recover this charge under paragraph 9 of this protection of freedoms act, they have kindly put it on hold for 14 days while I provide further evidence. I know people say its best to just ignore them, I wish I had now. But what do people think my next course of action should be. I have no intention of paying them but i have not heard of anyone recieving a letter of this kind before . thanks in advance
  6. Hello Folks, Wonder if those in the know about private parking company PCNs - namely ParkingEye can jump in with some constructive feedback here. I received a PCN from ParkingEye today (dated 5 days ago) parking in Tunbridge Wells whilst in a closing down Comet store. They asking for £60 by 22/12 or it will become £100. I Was in there for 2h 24m (time allowance is 2 hours) but was in the shop genuinely buying some products (albeit discounted as they were shutting down , that i lost track of the time i had been in there. I have been doing lots of research about appealing the PCN with PE directly, complaining to the retailer (not possible as they are now gone bust), ignoring letters, etc but am worried that they may escalate this matter to higher authorities - bailiffs, Courts, credit agency etc. I take pride in maintaining a good record with all concerned, but this matter has got me puzzled. They offer an email address to appeal to - if so is it safe to email an appeal or safer by post? Not sure what to do, would appreciate any feedback you can generously provide. Best regards, Ryan
  7. advice please. recieved a parking charge notice demanding £85 pounds or £50 if i pay within 14 days. also cctv photos attached to prove i was parked at shopping centre car park. where do i stand ? if i dont pay can they take me to court and win. do i need to tell who was driving ? thanks.
  8. Hello People I'm being taken to court for the finance co to get possession of my car due to missed payments. I have a couple of issues which I would like someone to clarify if possible please. (Bear with me it's a case of one HP agreement forming part of the current one) Previous car loan was applied for by OH and all negotiations were between him and salesman. OH couldn't get credit so over the phone salesman asked me if there was anyone elses name he could use as we would lose the car otherwise. Reluctantly I gave mine - doh. I was asked to sign some forms and we had the car. I had no idea what the payment terms were at time of signing since OH had agreed the terms not me. (Was this mis-sold to me because of this? It was late 2005 and I had no pre loan info whatsoever either) FFwd 2009 bought another car with £1000 owing on first car. "Not a problem, we can sort that out" says the salesman. I was asked if I wanted a warranty, 'no' I said. Next day I had a call to say 'new loan is agreed and we're throwing in a free warranty'. Great I thought, this is persuading me to def take the new car. I'm now being taken to court as I said so after looking at my HP agreement and other paperwork it turns out the warranty was not free and the RTI insurance was only for a couple of years but I am paying over the life of the loan which I didn't know. So can I counterclaim the warranty, RTI insurance, late payment £30 fees, and the £1000 added onto this agreement from the first agreement since I wasn't told that this is what they were going to do? Had I known I would not have gone ahead at that point, I would have waited the extra 4 months and paid off the first agreement because what is 4 months when the first agreement was over 4 years? Can anyone offer any advice since I have 9 days left to file my defence. Thanks
  9. Hi guys, i parked my car when i was out shopping i paid for 1hr parking in the car park however accidently tapped in a couple of incorrect digits. I had already put my money in and didn't realise untill it had printed out bt as it was only a couple digits thought nothing of it. ..i got home today and found a £50 parking charge notice from parking eye the people running the car park but am now unsure of what to do???? do i have to pay it even though i paid for my parking be it a couple digits wrong?? I don't think i would be able to reason with them as they would just see it as "well you entered the digits wrong so you have to pay!" what should i do??? HELP please
  10. hi....i received a parking fine from parking eye today as i overstayed by 15 mins in aldi car park....i think by reading some posts on this site am i right to say i ignore these letters? and if they send someone to my door...a debt collector what do i tell them lol.....thanx for any advice
  11. Daughter got a Parking Eye fine, which she paid for fear of it increasing from £40 to £70, in Aldi car park - two people shopping (with my wife) only allowed 1 hour. Wife in process of trying to get money back when daughter gets another today. This week she did move the car. Have told her not to pay but looking for some expert advice as seems a legal minefield. Is it too obvious for her to tell them she does not know who was driving. Photo only shows driving in and driving out times. Could argue left before the hour was up and returned and then left at photo!! Not happy DVLA is giving out personal data. All advice gladly welcome. Any experience of what happens if not paid. Intend
  12. Hi I parked in a Parking Eye car park whilst going to the cinema opposite. The maximum stay was 3 hours (although I didn't know this until receiving my parking fine). It was a Friday night at 20:42 when I left my car there. The car park closed at 22:00 (although, again, I didn't know until later). When I returned to my car, the car park was locked and I could not remove my car until the next morning. I returned at 08:42 the next morning. The car park opened at 5am (I noticed on my return in the morning) but the shops did not open until 9am. My car was not using up any parking space during opening hours and no one else could enter the car park / require my space in that time. I didn't see the signs saying that the car park would be locked, nor that the maximum stay was 3 hours. They are now trying to charge me £85. Help! What do I need to do?
  13. http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=in_the_back&issue=1326
  14. Not my words - but the words of the Court of Appeal. Dishonest without intending to be, apparently. Sent "semi-literate" letters No intention to bring legal proceedings at all!!!!! See the judgment attached for the whole grisly story. Of course this Court of Appeal judgment is about Parking Eye but you may find similarities in the way of doing business used by other private parking companies. Apart from anything else this is more evidence of the slack attitude of the British Parking Association to the behaviour of their own members. The BPA must be aware of this. What action have they taken against Parking Eye for their breach of the Code of Practice?? If anyone knows, then please let us know. The BPA is the outfit which pretends to want to set an Independent Appeals Service. Has Parking Eye's access to the DVLA database been suspended? I don't think so. If you have paid money to Parking Eye then you have a basis for claiming it back. certainly, if you have paid the so-called "full rate" then you have clearly paid an unenforceable penalty and you should go and get you money back Please note that the trial judge held that the initial sum was an enforceable charge. The Court of Appeal referred to it but did not consider it and made no finding which approved it . In other words, don't let Parking Eye or any other parking company tell you that there is binding authority for saying that the initial charge is valid. That would be a porky. Thanks to user:Tomtubby for discovering this judgment. Important rider - the Court of Appeal decision was based upon the Parking Eye arrangement as agreed with Somerfields in 2005. If their agreements are different elsewhere then that could affect the situation. Now original High Court judgment also available below. Thanks to Tomtubby again.
  15. Hey, just looking for some advice really. Ive read through all the other posts to do with parking eye notices and as some of them have said the legislations changed on october 1st. I recieved a notice from parking eye today saying i have to pay them £80 as i stayed an hour over in a car park, (that you don't need a ticket for). The reason behind this is that i've just started working in one of the retail units recently and none of my shifts are 2 & 1/2 hours or less (the allowed time). Now other people that I work with park in the same car park (without a permit sticker as far as i know) and have not said anything about parking issues. Should I ignore the notice i received completely, or appeal to them and mention something to work? Thanks
  16. I entered a Parking Eye [supermarket], car park yesterday to drop somebody off for shopping - I was in there for about four minutes, then drove out. An hour later, I re-entered, parked, went in the cafe, collected the same passenger, and left, after about 30 minutes. As I entered twice within two hours, I expect to get some crap from "PE", what is the procedure to follow under the new system, please? Sam
  17. just recieved a notice today 11/10/2012 and found these forums via a google search and noticed you tell everyone to ignore them so ive had a read around but just wanted to double check the infringment is 10mins too long in a free carpark and its from before the 1st of october im just wondering what has this new legislation that ive loosely seen spoke about on here change? and i know you love this question so i will ask it.....Should i pay?
  18. Hi new user , I have read a lot of posts about the parking eye letters and how you should really just ignore them ,but I wondered if it makes any diffrence when the car you are driving is a company car , you are the registered driver with the company and the DVLA, but I am considering just ignoring this demand for money , but my worry is that will my company get wind of this or is it really just a matter between me and parking eye. If so I am bracing myself for the nasty letters and havent responded to the 1st letter and have read thats the best action. Any advice would be much obliged.
  19. Hey again, I can't figure out how they manage to get these photos, do they use a sensory camera that takes snapshots when movement is sensed, or is there someone watching on the other end the whole time!? Anyway, Parking Eye sent a notice with pictures, can they identify who the driver is that way? I'm happy to just ignore as I have done with other PPC in the past, but was just checking.
  20. Hi I have had a quite look at the forum and I am guessing I am going to be told to ignore the letters but here goes... I just received a call on my mobile (know idea how they got that!) from Roxburgh, and was told that they were a debt collection agency, and that I owed an outstanding parking ticket fine of £177! Now firstly I had no idea I had any outstanding parking fines with a company called Parking Eye, and I certainly had not received any letters to that effect. AND we bought a parking ticket! It was when I took my children to the cinema, and I even remember buying the parking ticket and being annoyed that infact we could have parked for free if we had gone into the cinema first! I am a little concerned we may have run over our parking by minutes.... Roxburgh stated that there is a letter in the post stating my debt, and that as I am disputing I should contact Parking Eye and tell them what I had told her. She did also say I was not the first person today stating they had not actually received any letters from Parking Eye. Now I cannot find a phone number for Parking Eye and I certainly do not want to email them, so they have my email address. Not really sure what to do, as Roxburgh are a debt collecting agency, and I do not want to be taken to court, or get a CCJ etc. Advice or letter ideas would be very much appreciated.... Claire
  21. Well before i left to go out today the postman put my letters through the letter box, and then i saw it, its everything i've wanted and more, it gleamed as it sat on my floor just looking up at me. I new it was going to be a good day then, opened it up, and "yay", i have one at last. Its taken months and months of parking in my local Morrison but i finally have it in black and white, my very own photo of my car lol.... Yes i no the rule, ignore, use letters as toilet paper, laugh every time they send out a letter cos its costing them money. I'm hitting this from the other side, i'm going for morrisons. I shop there every week at least twice a week, i use the cafe in the shop before i do my shopping so i always take a while as i'm using there facilities that they provide before i do my shopping which on a busy day can take an hour or 2 if i'm doing my big shop (last big shop was on the day i over stayed my welcome and i'd spent just short of £400). Now, my question is, whats the best email address to use to send a very strongly worded complaint to someone with half a brain cell at morrisions main office??
  22. I live in Dubai UAE and was recently onHoliday in the UK, I picked up a rental car and we stayed at the Marriott Heathrow,which has recently started using Parking Eye I parked the car and unloadedit in time of 35 mins I have incurred a 120 GBP fine I missed the discount time asthey sent it to me by post. I have been charged 30 GBP by the rental companyfor admin and they have passed on my private contact details to Parking Eye whohave sent me the notice for payment, Are rental company’s allowed to pass on mydetails to a third party these are not Traffic Violations The charge is ridiculous what is the bestcourse of action if I refuse to pay are there any issue I need to be aware of
  23. Hello everyone My husband took his elderly father to look round a local market recently, and today has received a parking charge letter from Parking Eye which states he either did not pay the parking fee on the car park where he parked, or overstayed his welcome My husband remembers paying for a ticket and displaying it, so they are literally trying to charge him (£60 if he pays straight away or £90 if he doesn't etc.), for overstaying by a few minutes according to the times on the letter that he arrived and departed!! Bearing in mind the fact that my father in law is in his 80s and doesn't exactly run like a gazelle - I think its unfair that my husband should be expected to pay this fine! However I've also read its best not to appeal but just to ignore their letters and only respond to any court papers. I've been reading up on other threads on here about Parking Eye, and we fully intend to ignore the letter, but I wanted to come on here and share our experience for a bit of moral support and to ask for help if I may, if Parking Eye start to get nasty? Love SG x
  24. Hiya guys...new here and stumbled across this website when i was googling, heres the story..my father in law has just come back from his holiday in Hawskhead always goes to same place with the mrs, and parks up in the same place,, always pays his parking tickets and displays them...hes 1 of those people that makes sure eh deos everything correct an stuff,,, anyway...he parked up in this car park opereated by Parking eye,,,he put his money in....punched in his reg plate,,,paid for 2hours...got his ticket....displayed it and all was fine..(btw he left b4 the 2hrs he paid for was up) he came back from his holiday to find a notice on the mat saying he didnt pay and they had pics of his car coming n going from the car park...i saw the pics....its defo his car.. then he pulled out his parking ticket,,,,he had punched in the wrong reg for sum reason...not a clue why...brain fart maybe? hes 73 but normally very smart lool they want £60 by a set date or it climbs to £90 with a £30 charge added. what should he do? hes mega upset cos hes not 1 of them that doesnt pay his way or do anything wrong. was just an honest mistake...help please so i can reassure him and calm him down hes not 1 for falling for scams either but i said id check this out for him cos he barely knows what a mouse is let alone a forum for help bring peace to my life with an answer pleaseeeeeeee:|
  25. Hi everyone, 2 weeks ago i visited Scarborough in North Yorkshire, I parked in the Pavilion Square car park, I purchased my ticket exactly 1 minute after arriving, I left about 45 mins before my ticket expired; the thing is I did not realise I had to input my reg number in the ticket machine. I received a parking ticket to day for £80.00, I still have the original ticket so i sent them an email with the ticket number on, my question is: can they do anything, and if they keep giving me hassle can i do anything; many thanks in advance.
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