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  1. I had some outstanding Ebay fees from May/June that I completely forgot about until I received a letter from Newman Debt Collection a few days ago and started getting phone calls from them the same day (have received one a day since wednesday) I always hang up without confirming anything. On friday I paid the ebay fees through my ebay account NOT through Newman as I thought this would be a much easier way to do it. Received email confirmation about payment and an email stating my ebay account was fully reinstated (been 2 months since I used ebay so had no idea my account was suspended). Received phone call from Newman asking for payment I told them that I had paid ebay and so as far as I was concerned the account is settled. The agent then stated that I still had to paid an admin fee to them!!!! I hung up mainly out of shock. Has anyone had dealings with these idiots and can they actually chase me for an admin fee that has nothing to do with the debt to Ebay?
  2. Hello everybody, I had an account with Natwest which was marked as satisfied on my credit file in 2009 after massive rows with the bank. I am not banking with them any longer. Everything was fine until September - October 2011 when I received a letter from Natwest stating that my account (the satisfied one) was sold to Capquest. Then I received another letter from Capquest confirming the same. As expected I was inundated with calls sometimes as late at 8 p.m. and letters asking for payment. I spoke on two occasions with Capquest and advised that the account they were chasing was already settled unfortunately they would have none of it. Furthermore the guy I spoke last advised that if I don't pay up Capquest will enter a default on my credit file. Now a little bit about myself. I am a sole trader (working from home) and I run a very successful business with a turnover of about £250,000. I work approx 12 hours everyday and around Christmas when I am really busy sometimes I hardly get the chance to sleep. I am married and have two young children. It's hard to imagine how it is when you you are trying to work to have Capquest ringing constantly and asking for money. I think the worst it became when my parents came to see us for Christmas and Capquest kept on ringing us. In order to complete the ordeal Capquest entered a default on my credit file I believe at the beginning of March. As I monitor my credit file very closely I noticed the default straight away and contacted Capquest advising them that I was in process of applying for an overdraft increase to expand my business and asked them to remove the default prior me making my application to the bank. Unfortunately Capquest refused and kept asking me to pay up. I spoke with my bank manager and he clearly declined my application for the overdraft increase. He advised to have the default removed first and then re-apply. I went back (via email) to Capquest and explained that I was refused the overdraft increase and advised them that I will take legal action to seek compensation for the financial loss. I provided them with a hard copy of my credit file and asked them to investigate. After they completed the investigation I learned that Natwest sold my account in error and consequently I should not have been chased for money or having a default entered on my credit file. Capquest apologized for the error and stated at first that they acted on the basis of the information provided by Natwest and they don't have to pay me compensation. Then they asked me to prove that not being able to obtain an overdraft increase for 4 months caused me any financial loss. They removed the default obviously at the beginning of June. However I already lost four months and I will now have to delay my business expansion until the next year. Although the default was removed from my credit file I believe that I should not have been subjected to such treatment from this debt collection agency and I am just about to take action in the county court to claim compensation for financial loss and harassment over the phone and mail. I have been looking into the templates library and I cannot find any template for such case. If any one out there can provide any information or advice on this matter I would greatly appreciate. Many thanks for having the patience to read this.
  3. Hi all, I think I know the answer to this, but wanted to get some advice if possible. In February I 'bought' a domain name on Sedo, a domain transfer site. My account was hacked, I told Sedo and they asked for proof - all of the account details had been changed to some Algerian guy's details. I told Sedo again and again, and eventually just asked them to close my account as they took weeks to reply, and weren't interested. I said I wouldn't be paying for the domain this person bought under my account, and thought that was the end of it. Anyway today I get a letter from a German Debt Collection company saying I owe them the Sedo commission fees of €100 and costs. I am a UK citizen, Sedo are a German company as the claim is from Sedo GmbH. Shall I ignore it, or engage them and tell them I'm not paying for XYZ reasons? Thanks.
  4. Hi all, I get on average one of these through my door a week. How much stuff do they think I have to give away?? I'm in North Yorkshire. Whats it like in your part of the universe?
  5. Hi I wonder if anyone can help! I ordered an assembled wardrobe from Very.co.uk that was delivered on the 31st May. It was delivered in two sections and when I unpacked the first section I discovered some damage on the inside of the wardrobe. I phoned them that evening and was told they would arrange for someone to pick it up. I'm now being told that I have to allow up to 28days from the day they informed their supplier (Consort). They informed Consort on the 5th June, so that's up to 33 days from delivery is that correct because it seems like a really long time to have a four door wardrobe in my hall way. I also have children so am quite worried about H&S. I have been back and forth with veryHQ but they are sticking to this.
  6. Hi, Firstly, what a great forum with helpful knowledgeable people! I'd like to ask for advise too please: Background: I have 5 old style 93-97 loans. From 98 until 2005 I've lived in the UK but I've never earned the amount to repay so have successfully deferred every year For the last 7 years I've lived in the Caribbean, financially supported by my wife so continued deferring successfully. Since being abroad my mother has been the postal contact for SLC for forms, etc. In 2011 I completed my forms as usual, with my mother's new address, as my mother was here visiting me at the same time she took the deferment forms back to the UK to post. In 2012 I contacted them to see if I could defer online. Whilst I was talking to them they said they wanted to transfer me to 'trace' department to update my contact details. Whilst talking to 'trace' they said that they hadn't received my 2011 deferment forms and therefore hadn't received my mother's new address to post letters to, so there were arrears outstanding. I explained they must be lost by Royal Mail or somewhere in house at SLC. Soon after I was told my file was being transferred to Buchanen, Clarke and Wells to recover the debt and that I was to contact them. I contacted them by email and whilst waiting for a reply my mother received a letter from SLC saying my file had been transferred to Smith Lawson Company to recover the debts and had been charged an extra GBP 60 for the pleasure, despite me doing as advised by SLC to contact BCW. So, my questions to those knowledgeable people are: As I'm not earning any money and live abroad what 'legal proceedings' can they take towards me? Would my mother's address get bad credit rating as this is where my letters are being sent? Say I move back to Europe (but not UK) in the future and I got bad credit rating from this mess, would I get bad credit rating in Europe too? Any other advise, until I can afford to pay back what I owe? Thank you very much in advance, and apologies for the long winded explanation but I wanted to give as much info as possible.
  7. Dear All, I became the victim of a fast-growing fraud last weekend, a con which I believe needs highlighting to the wider public, and in big style too. I was forced to sell my main computer, an iMac originally bought new 4 years ago. For ease of use (and because of the good experiences I'd made with them until now) I chose to put the computer up for sale on eBay, both as an auction and a 'Buy It Now' option. As you know all Apple products generally have a high resale value; I was hoping to get at least £400-500 for it, so I set the Buy It Now price at £525. Less than 2 days into the auction, the item was snapped up by a buyer with an (admittedly) very low number of transactions, but 100% positive feedback -- still the only thing to go by when checking for a buyer's/seller's integrity on eBay. After his initial contact asking for my phone number, I received a call on Friday night as to whether I would agree to the Mac being collected. I was okay with this, however, telling him in which case only cash would be acceptable -- for two reasons: 1) PayPal transactions can be reversed, a procedure they call 'Chargeback'; and 2) PayPal only provides for seller protection if items are shipped by tracked courier. The next morning, and contrary to our agreement, I received a payment for the full amount via PayPal. Less than five minutes later, a lackey (presumably the buyer's mate) rings the doorbell and asks if the Mac is ready for collection. In my naivety (and in the spur of the moment) I agreed to the hand-over of goods, in good faith that this was a bona-fide transaction. What else is one to do within 5 minutes? The lackey makes off with my Mac -- no receipt, no signature, no CCTV, no witnesses, and I could still kick myself for not following him to his car to take the registration -- and less than 12 hours later I received an email by PayPal informing me that the transaction had been reversed due to 'unauthorised use' of the buyer's PayPal account (which, incidentally, was not in the name of the buyer, as I found out later through checking electoral roll records). As one can imagine, the buyer now does not respond to any of my messages (the phone number used is disconnected; presumably a pay-as-you-go SIM card bought solely for this purpose). Needless to say, I feel absolutely shattered and like a complete idiot. On following this up with the fraud department at PayPal, I was told in no uncertain terms that I can kiss my iMac bye-bye and that "this wouldn't have happened if I had abided by their safety protection" (i.e. shipped the computer). I have now reported this crime (as I believe this is exactly what it is) to the police, although they will in all probability not follow this up since it is a civil law matter, and the chances of a successful prosecution of the fraudster are pretty slim. What's more, the name and address of the PayPal account the buyer used (or abused) do not match with electoral roll records, which makes me believe that the whole 'unauthorised use' claim is poppycock anyway. Quite apart from that: I may be old-fashioned, but it is the PayPal account holder's responsibility to prevent unauthorised access to their account: their email address is analogous to a credit card; their login password to a PIN. Now, my main gripe -- and the real issue here -- is not so much with the conman (nor his lackey, who may be completely oblivious to the fraud, nor the allegedly-'hacked-into' PayPal account holder), but with eBay themselves, who insist that PayPal be offered as a payment method even for collection items, at the same time PayPal flatly denying all responsibility to the seller (i.e. me) in case there is a dispute, and only siding with the buyer, fraudulent or not. This is in addition to the fact that they are one-and-the-same company. In other words I, as a seller, am not allowed to state 'cash only' on collection (I will get penalised for this), but am not protected by PayPal (which is being touted as a 'safe' payment method in the same breath). I don't believe that PayPal should be allowed to weasel out of their responsibility, because with their opaque terms, conditions and requirements they are effectively facilitating criminal actions such as this. The issue was already highlighted by the Guardian consumer protection section (guardian.co.uk/money/2012/jan/27/is-paypal-safe-protection) a couple of months ago, but I feel it needs to be brought out again so that eBay/PayPal will be pressured into a change of their T's&C's, and into acknowledging at least partial responsibility. I believe there have been a great deal of people recently who were stung really badly in the same manner, and a great many call-to-action groups sprouting against PayPal's more questionable techniques online. Lastly, ever since PayPal has located their headquarters away from the UK (they are now based in Luxembourg) I wonder whether they are still bound by FSA rules (they used to be); if not, their status of a de-facto 'bank' should be brought into question, and maybe relegated to a simple money-wiring network, in which case they are no more secure than Western Union, Moneygram et. al., the very companies that they accuse of being 'dangerous'. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is it worth pursuing the matter through the courts? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and please forward to as many people as you know, because this type of fraud needs to be stopped. Thanks, Jay
  8. http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/technical_notes/debtcollecting-note.html
  9. Ok heres the story, I have a credit card with Halifax, and I was unable to keep up payments for a while, they sent my debt to Moorcroft Debt Collection, I have been paying on time through a direct debit, bar one time when I was forced to temporerilly cancel my direct debit, after which they called me and we set it up agian, payments since have all been on time again. This month I had a payment I was not expecting leave my bank, which resulted in a failed direct debit, I have recieved no phone calls only one letter stating they want me to pay the outstanding balance by return of post, I was wondering if they can say I have to pay that way seeing as I do not have a cheque book? I also hate cheques they are an outdated form of payment. They do not know I do not have a cheque book because they haven't bothered to call me, I have sent them an email demanding they call me on Monday or I will contact the financial ombudsman, because I find this demanding a form of payment I am unable to make is very unreasonable. I just want to make a payment from my bank (whether its a direct debit or card payment I don't care) is it within their rights to demand I pay by cheque, they also thretened further action if I do not comply. I have also emailed Halifax with this complaint, is it within reason to ask them to take my debt back if they contact me, after I have been paying Moorcroft for so long? (about 6-7 months) Edit: I want to get this debt cleared as fast as possible, and my previous arrangement with them was fine, until they drop this on me, because of one problem with my direct debit and all I want to do is honour the origanal agreement I made with them. Edit Pt2: Also this letter demanding I pay by return of post only is the only contatct I have recived from them since this direct debit was rejected, is it even legal to demand one form of payment when they are completly oblivious as to the means I can pay?
  10. But they have taken no action against them, not even a slap on the wrist, just a 'don't be naughty' letter. I have said it so many times, these departments are completely useless and should be closed down. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18160539 The OFT says if they do it again, they could face a fine 'up to' £50,000 - Wonga makes about that much in profit from a £200 loan.
  11. Dear Caggers.... I'm in one of those situations; probably too familiar to a lot of people - but with a "twist". I separated from my wife and moved out of the Marital home a couple of years ago; I've been in regular touch as there are children involved... I am still paying the mortgage plus allowances etc - £2,600/month Incidentally - in the last 2 years I have had a tripe heart bypass and been signed off work with depression/stress. A cople of days ago I recieved a demand for £6,600 for non payment of a credit card bill from a company called Capital Resolve.... The first I had heard of the bill well before I left home. There is no information other than the amount There are instruction as to where to send payments or agree a payment schedule - or to have a visit from one of their representatives by the 15th May - the letter was posted on the 8th. They have now follwoed up the letter with an open card informing me that I wil be visited by one of their representatives in the next week unless I call to make a specific call "Immediately". I have no intention of shirking the responsibility for the debt but I have a couple of questions...... The letters are attatched. 1. What would the significance of the 15th of May be - it seems to be purely arbritary? 2. Are they being intimidating by following it up by this orrible card? I am pretty brassic due to the payments to the estaranged wife etc and don't have acess to anywher that amount of funds - am I allowed to change their date of the 15th to give myself more breathing space ? Any help would be much appreciated:-( IMG.pdf
  12. Hi My partner left her previous employer around 6 months ago and she received a letter a couple of weeks ago from a Debt Collections Agency. It states that the overpayment of £178 was a "mistake" but the letter includes no details as to how this calculation has been made. It also said her previous employer had tried to contact her to resolve, but been unsuccessful, however she had received no previous correspondence from them. We wrote the DCA an email stating that we require confirmation of how the overpayment was calculated and that we were not willing to deal with them because it's a dispute between ex-employer and ex-employee. They have since sent a threatening legal action, but still have not provided any details about the overpayment. They have also added a £15 administration charge!! We would be very grateful for any advice you may be able to provide about what our rights are. 1) Do you have to deal with a debt collections agency when this is a dispute between an ex-employer and an ex-employee? What are our rights? 2) No details of how this overpayment was calculated have been provided by your previous employer or by the debt collections agency, so how do we know this is legitimate 3) Why should we have to pay an admin charge to a debt collections agency that we didn't want to deal with?! It's not like we asked them for their service, surely any moneys for their services should be paid by the employer?? Thanks Keith
  13. hi i took out a loan with quid24 for 100, with a repayment of £110 , unfortunatly wasnt able to pay it on time, and within 6 days of missed due date £190 of charges had been added, they claim the charges are for letters they have sent but i have only ever recieved emails which they claim to be the letters. anyway here it a converstion log i have had with them so far. please let me know what you think , i have tried throwing a few legal quotes here and there (although i have probably got them wrong lol ) i have paid them £110.38 thet still persistant that i owe them £189.62 and dont seem to be budging no matter what i do or say, only thing they have done is offered to clear the remaining for £89.62 ( - £100 of the debt) but i still think this is unfair. i have contacted the financial ombudsman who advised me they can charge whatever they want if thats what i signed in the contract, but they have told me they have written to quid24 telling them i have lodged a compaint and they have 8 weeks to sort it... anyways enough of me going on, heres the contact between me and quid24 so far. okz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-24 20:13:05 I would like to cancel mu agreement with yourselves under the terms and conditions i have 14 days to cancel my agreement with yourselves so i would like to excercise this right, please accept this as my written confirmation as cancelment of my agreement . please contact me asap by phone on 07413610113 in regards to the matter and for full payment of the original amount borrowed , the transfer fee , and 14 days interest at 8%apr . I would like to thank you in advance for your help in regards to this matter. Regards, anthony smith okz19@hotmail.co.uksupport@quid24.com |2011-10-25 13:28:04 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please see Cancellation Rights in our Credit Agreement: You will have a right to cancel this Agreement for 14 days, beginning with the day after this Agreement is signed by us ("the Cancellation Period"). If you do not exercise your right to cancel within the Cancellation Period, you will not be able to cancel this agreement. You may exercise this right to cancel by giving notice in writing by sending a letter to us at Quid24 Limited, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London, EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom or by e-mail to support@quid24.com. As the Credit Agreement was signed on 07/10/2011 at 01:21, the Cancellation Period ended on 21st October. You sent us the notification on 24th October, so you are no longer able to cancel this Agreement under the Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004. Please make sure that you have sufficient funds available and let us know when can we collect the repayment of £300. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-25 16:11:19 Give me an account number and sortcode to pay onto i do not have a debit card to payvwith, also i.borrowed on the 10/10/11 not 07/10/11support@quid24.com |2011-10-25 16:29:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. The Credit Agreement was signed when you registered with us on the 7th October. And the Cancellation Period is for 14 days, beginning with the day after the Credit Agreement was signed by us. So the Cancellation Period was 14 days starting from 8th October. We can offer an alternative payment method only once. Please make us a bank transfer to cover your debt using the following details: Account name: Quid24 Limited; Account number: 23497062; Sort code: 20-30-89; Amount: £300; Ref: Smith 1804 Please do not forget to add the reference. Please note that if we have not received the payment by the time we have agreed, additional charges will be added. When you have made the payment, please notify us and send us a copy of the payment. Please let us know as soon as you have received a new card to update your details. Thank you. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-25 17:25:39 I have made a payment of 110.38 the paymeny breakdown is as follows: £100 original loan £5.50 transfer fee ( altough all uk banks transfer instantly for free) £4.50 original interest fee £0.38 good will gesture 1months interest on £100 @ 8% apr as for my debit card number you will not need this as as far as i am concered my debt to yourselves has been paid However if you still believe i owe any outstanding balance i advise you to pursue the matter via court, as the rest of the balance you claim to be owed is clearly laid out on the online statement as charges for reminder letters that you have not sent, and if you had i would expect them to be printed in gold on 24c gold leaf paper as £70 for a standard piece of paper printed in black toner ink certainly would not be a justifiable cost which would then bring us to the unfair terms and conditions act of 1997. I thank you for your help in this matter anthony smith. support@quid24.com |2011-10-26 11:08:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. We have received your payment of £110.38, as your loan had increased up to £300, so £189.62 is currently outstanding. Please Make us another transfer of £189.62 as soon as possible, as otherwise your debt will be soon handed over to our debt collection partner and further debt collection fees will apply. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-26 15:21:16 Get the message you aint getting another penny stop playing stupid . support@quid24.com |2011-10-26 15:41:53 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please note that your loan has increased up to £300. The outstanding balance currently is £189.62, as you have only repaid £110.38 to us. Please make us another transfer of £189.62 as soon as possible, as otherwise your debt will be soon handed over to our debt collection partner and further debt collection fees will apply. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-27 18:01:47 May i remind you that under the unfair terms and conditions act 1997 that your terms and conditions for charging £190 for letters you have not sent is deemed an unfair charge and would also be deemed an unfair condition in a court of law. however if you wish to continue this matter and pass the accused debt to a debt collecter then i would also like to remove your right to ring me on any contact number and further contact is to be via email and post only , this right also moves with the debt so you are to inform any 3rd party you pass the matter on to that they also no longer have any right to contact me other than the methods stated. if anyone contacts me by any method other that post and email in regards to this matter they will be liable for damages in court under the communications act 2003. I would like to thank you for your yet more unhelpfulness, and hope not to hear from you in regards to this matter again.support@quid24.com |2011-10-31 12:45:02 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. You have agreed all the charges as these are stated in our credit agreement that you have read, agreed and electronically signed. Please note that these letters were sent via email. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-11-04 14:43:11 its nice to see how it took you 4 days to reply, anyway i have just been in contact with with the financial ombudsman who are going to write to yourselves in regards to the matter. firstly letters were not sent emails were, there is a difference, a letter you print and post and email you type and click a send button. and secondly the dates the emails were sent do not match the dates they should have as stated in the terms and conditions. terms and conditions states LETTERS (not emails) would be sent after the account becomes 1, 2, 4, and 7 days over due EMAILS (not letters) were sent on 1st reminder 17th oct - the DUE DATE (not 1 day after) 2nd reminder 18th oct - 1 day over (not 2 like stated) 3rd reminder 20th oct - 3 days over (not 4 like stated) 4th reminder 23rd oct - 6 days over ( not 7 like stated) also it has been noted to the financial ombudsman that when i contacted you in regards to a repayment plan you refused to help until the 24th oct conveniently after you had finished charging the account with unfair and unjustified charges. support@quid24.com |2011-11-04 15:10:22 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please note that it did not take 4 office opening days to reply to you as our office opening hours are Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm. You sent us the email on Thursday evening after the office was closed and we replied to you on Monday morning. So we replied to you on the second day. We have checked and the emails were sent out on the following dates: 1st reminder - 18th October, 2nd reminder - 19th October, 3rd reminder - 21st October and 4th reminder - 24th October. Please note that these were sent out straight after midnight when the charge was added. Reminder letters are sent out via email, not via post as emails will reach you straight away. We can only offer repayment plans to clients whose loan has gone seriously overdue and who are seriously in debt. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-11-04 15:42:12 do you not think £300 for a £100 is not seriously overdue enough ? and why would you not think i was in serious debt, if i wasnt in debt i would of been able to obtain and overdraft from my bank or a cheaper method of borrowing? anyway heres my solution , i can offer £10 a month on starting thursday the 10th, and can offer this every 4 weeks, providing you stop adding interest and charges, however if you find this unacceptable and still want to challenge it, then i will have no option but to let the matter continue , and once 8 weeks has passed without any resolution from yourselves, the matter will be pursued with the financial ombudsman. support@quid24.com |2011-11-04 16:10:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. We are willing to freeze the loan and set up a repayment plan for up to 12 months. As currently the outstanding balance is £300 and if this would be divided into 12 equal payments then every month you would have to repay £25. Alternatively as a gesture of goodwill we can make you a settlement offer to repay £200 in one go before 23rd November 2011 (so we would waive more then half of the charges). Please let us know which of the above two offers suits you the best and let us know of the exact date(s) when we can collect the payment(s). Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comsupport@quid24.com |2011-11-04 16:18:18 Dear Anthony, Please ignore the above email. As you have already repaid £110.38, the outstanding balance is £189.62 not £300. Please accept our apologies for the mistake. We are willing to freeze the loan and set up a repayment plan for up to 12 months. As currently the outstanding balance is £189.62 and if this would be divided into 12 payments then you would have to make 11x £16 and 1x £13.62 payments. Alternatively as a gesture of goodwill we can make you a settlement offer to repay £89.62 in one go before 23rd November 2011 (so we would waive more then half of the charges). Kind regards, Quid24 Support www.quid24.com as you can see i have not responded to them as i have come back to my senses and have decided i shouldnt have to pay them anything , and i retract my last email to them that i offered £10 a month , until i fully understant where i stand ! any help wil be much appreciated.
  14. I live in US but needed certain legal advice in Netherlands on a civil matter. I signed the engagement letter and we had an agreement that I would pay EUR 5,000 as a deposit but lawyer will not incur charges/hours above the deposit amount without prior authorization from me (the agreement was oral and not in writing). During the course of my dealings with the law firm, I had couple phone conversations, one meeting in person and a 6 page letter summarizing my situation. I was under the impression that the charges were still within the deposit amount previously paid. I never heard from the lawyer requesting to go over the amount. Once our dealings were over, imagine my surprise when I received a bill for an additional EUR 15,000. The legal firm (Loyens & Loeff) sent me various bills and I kept explaining that I did not authorize extra charges. The firm finally sent my case to a collection agency in Netherlands. Can a collection agency in Netherlands collect a debt from me in US? Will they go to court in Netherlands? Any advice on what to do in the current situation is really appreciated.
  15. Hi i need some help regarding ScotCall Dept Collecting Services. I had a River Island store card when i was 18 and never payed it off, in fact I have never payed any money towards this card. I'm now 25 away to turn 26 soon and they are looking for £175.39. These letters came out of the blue a while ago. The dept was with some other company before but has now been passed on to ScotCall. I have been just chucking these letters in the bin. I could keep ignoring them but i think i'ts about time i got them to stop wasting paper and save some tree's : ) by the way i live in Scotland any advice would be great and thank you in advance.
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