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  1. I collected a ticket for parking on the pavement from apcoa parking in southwark..camberwell station road I said to the ceo that I was in fact on railway property . His reply was I shouldn't be parked on railway property and I pointed out that it would have nothing to do with him You can see that other vehicles are parked in a similar position further back. Mine is the Citroen he didn't seem to be bothered about the vehicle blocking half the pavement ! Comments please .
  2. Can someone please give me some advice on what to do next? I parked in a Parking Eye carpark and paid the appropriate fee. I left before my time was up. I then received a fine and it appears I only entered half my car number rather than the full one. It's a small carpark so it's perfectly obvious that no one else parked there with that combination of letters at those exact times. I've since checked and there IS a sign (set very high above normal eye level when using the machine) saying that I should enter the full number, but it's not a carpark I've used before so I didn't notice. I appealed to Parking Eye who offered to reduce the fee to £20, then I appealed to POPLA and this has been turned down. Could someone suggest my next move. Should I just pay up - the fee is now in full again? It seems so unfair as I paid for the time I was there and they aren't suggesting otherwise. Can someone really "fine" me in some enforceable way for not entering my car number properly?
  3. This weekend my daughter received a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services that her vehicle was parked for 71 minutes , oversstaying the free parking time of 60 minutes. Although she is the registered keeper, she was not driving, I was. We stopped at the restaurant, and had a lot of trouble parking. The car park was full and there were many taxis there. After we found somewhere, we queued for food and we waited about 25 minutes in all to pay and for it to be cooked. After we had eaten, we used the washroom facilities and went back to the car. We had to wait about 10 minutes to reverse out of our space as there was a queue of taxis behind us blocking us in. Imagine my horror when the parking charge arrived, charging us £100 with a discount of £50 if paid within 14 days. What should I do? Do I appeal? I phoned McDonald's customer services, but all they advised was that I should of asked the manager for an extension in time for parking. Thanks
  4. Hi everyone, It's been many many years since I last had a parking ticket (probably 30), but that all changed when a 'Parking Charge - Notice to Keeper letter' popped through my letterbox this morning from 'Parking With Ease'. Given the circumstances around this charge I thought it best to seek some advice from anyone on here that understands the legalities of a charge like this. Here's the background to how I received it: I took a trip to the Lake District a few weeks ago. Parking charges in the LD, for anyone who doesn't know, are both extortionate and EVERYWHERE. Most come in the form of the regular Pay and Display type. However, this one car park we went to had something I'd never seen before - a camera captures your number plate when you enter and you key your plate number into a machine when you leave. The machine then tells you how much you owe based on the time it recorded you entering. we wandered off to walk the dogs and I didn't take note of the time. When we came back I went over to the machine and keyed in my number plate. The machine then informed me that it couldn't find my plate in its records. I tried again, and again. Still no joy. The machine then prompted me to enter my plate details along with how long I'd been there so that it could work out my parking fee. I must admit this got my back up - what's the point in having an 'intelligent' parking system if it doesn't work and the customer has to try and remember when they arrived. Having already paid £70+ during the week at other car parks I thought "sod it" and drove away. This happened on the 17th of Aug. today, the 10th Sept, the letter arrives. On the letter it states that I parked at 15:37:40 and left at 16:50:30 (hrs:min:sec). That may be correct, I don't know... and I'm not sure how they'd know either seeing as their machine said it had no record of my arrival. I can understand how they got my plate leaving, but if they knew what time I entered why didn't the machine bring it up? They don't provide any photographic evidence of my arrival or departure, I have no way of telling if their claim is true. What I'd like to know from any experts on here who can help is where do I stand legally on this? Do they have sufficient grounds to make this demand? Do I have sufficient grounds to request photographic confirmation of my arrival/departure times? Should I just pay the fine and put this down to experience? I've attached a copy of the letter I received to this post, front and back pages. I know I probably shouldn't have left without paying something, but after a week of rip-off parking (machines that only let you park for a minimum of two hours, that won't give change, that will happily accept overpayment but won't tag on the time for it) I'd just about had enough. The whole parking experience is enough to put me off going to the Lake District ever again! Any help/guidance that can be offered would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Hi All, I urgently need assistance. Background - I'll try to be as brief as possible.. my husband entered into an IVA agreement over a year ago and listed all his creditors with some being debts from repossessed properties. An arrangement was agreed which he adhered to around March this year he received a letter from PARATUS that we were about to sell our home and they object to the IVA citing the fact that they were not included in the arrangement (which according to them they would have voted against anyway, as they can see there is equity in the property!). Alarm bells started ringing because: 1. the house was not on sale (we later found out it was our neighbours property that was listed). 2. The terms of the IVA was that after 5 years, the property will be revalued and HIS share of the equity will be added to the pot. 3. When the IVA was arranged, the property was in negative equity 4. We were not aware that GMAC (the details my husband submitted to the IVA company) had changed their name to PARATUS. The Insolvency practitioner also did not follow up when there was no response from GMAC so a nominal fee was appended for those debts. We tried to explain that this was a genuine mistake due to the name change and we offered a new payment arrangement to include them and give them a bigger share. This was rejected twice, PARATUS applied to have the IVA revoked which was successful because their share of the debt was 12% or so. They claim to have sent letters which is a lie because we requested for copies and we were sent some unsigned, undated letters on plain paper- no logo/letter heading etc. They applied to court for a charging order in Norwich. My husband wrote to the court to request that the hearing be moved to London so he can attend and wrote the above points also to the court regarding the fact that they concocted letters and that new payment offers were rejected. The location was not changed and the court allowed the order! I have received a letter today that they want to place the charge on the property and if I wanted to contest it as I have a home rights notice on the property.... . what can I do please? Please note; 1. We received a letter from PARATUS a few weeks back after my partner complained to them and they clearly stated that they would not have written to him about the change of name as they only notified people who had active mortgages with them. ...how come they were able to produce those letters? 2. Why did the court discount my husbands supporting letter? 3.Property is in my husbands name and the debt is solely in his name however, but I have registered a home rights notice on it. I have contributed financially to house running costs and lump sums towards the mortgage payments. 4. The original IVA clearly stated His share of the equity will be brought in AT THE END OF 5 YEARS, PARATUS are saying they do not consider that I have a beneficial interest because it was not registered on LR 5. We have 3 children, youngest is 9. 6. It is obvious this is an unscrupulous company but it seems the law is on their side. I have 14 days to raise objections....,any pointers please? Apologies for the long post
  6. I am looking for more advice on a letter I recieved from BW Legal regarding a Parking Charge Notice. I was parked in a private car park in a visitors bay, which allows 60 minutes of parking on 18/05/16. I definitely know that I did not overstay this time as I was attending a dance class which was 60 minutes long and I was late to attend! When I left the class I found the parking notice but stupidly did not take any photographs as evidence. Although I am sure I could get more than one witness to agree that I was parked within the time frame in a visitors bay. After doing some research I chose to ignore correspondence from Vehicle Control Services Ltd. I have now been sent a letter from BW Legal with the usual threatening message of having to pay £154 within 16 days of the date of the letter ( which is dated 25th August even though I received on 1st September), or they will take me to court blah blah. As I am confident that I was given the charge wrongly I would like to contact them with a letter of denial however I am not sure this is the best course of action? Also I thought I should mention that this was in Scotland, I am not sure if English law and Scots law have differing rules regarding this. Any help would be much appreciated on the best course of action. Thanks.
  7. Hi, Hope everyone had a good bank holiday. I (and three others!) missed crap signage and got a Contractual Breach Charge from Ethical Parking on my windscreen over the weekend. Just double checking that it is currently still best to do nothing until a notice to keeper arrives (between 28 and 56 days) before I take any action on one of these? Then if it (NTK) arrives on time post photos of it and signage on here for assistance? Just don't want to get it wrong! Thanks!
  8. I accidentally overstayed by 28 minutes in a Lidl car park in Leicester and so my father (who is the registered owner) was sent a parking charge notice for £90 (reduced to £45 if paid within 14 days). I need to appeal by today but have no idea what to say as I have never received something like this before and I do not want my father to have numerous notices sent to him so what can i do? The signs are not very clear at all in the car park and are just dotted around and you would only really be able to see them if you parked in the spot directly in front of the sign however, I have no pictures to back this up as I no longer live near the store. Can anyone help me with this please?!
  9. Bardan can you let this know how this goes seems very stressful have they given up now or are still after you? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452658-G24-continued-threats-5-mnths-on-do-I-stand-firm&p=4937339#post4937339
  10. Hi all, We need your advice a Parking Ticket. Received FCN attached to Windscreen on 10th July 2016 at Willen Lake Car Park, Milton Keynes. Parking company is Napier Parking Reason for issue: Failure to Display a ticket The Driver had Bought Ticket and displayed it on dashboard, then went for a bike ride. The Driver opened the driver door and the ticket blew into the passenger side door pocket. The ticket was still valid at time of the FCN and had 2 hours remaining. The Driver did not appeal Napier Parking after reading various cases on CAG and wanted to wait for the NTK. Received a Notice To Keeper (NTK) on 16th August (issued 10th August but only read it on return from holiday 16th August). The NTK did not provide photographic evidence NTK mentions Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) in the header but not Section 4 The Driver has NOT APPEALED after receiving the NTK and it mentions an appeals process but only after the driver has contacted Napier and appealed. What are the next steps? Thanks Fudster Napier Parking Ticket July 2016.pdf
  11. Had a lovely holiday in Spain for my 40th! Booked the holiday through a travel agent including airport parking. Been home a month,and received a parking fine from UKCPS for £100. My car had been parked for the week on Skypark Liverpool and the reason for issue was WITHOUT A VALID PERMIT OR AUTHORITY. Apparently a notice was affixed to the windscreen of my vehicle, nothing on the car windscreen or was told about this by our meet and greet rep for Skypark. I have contacted Skypark Liverpool and their head office in Blackpool. No response from Liverpool but had a response from Head Office who can't find any of my details including car reg. I am now awaiting the travel agent to email the booking ref over. In the meantime I would need to appeal the charge to UKCPS. I want an explaination as to how I have received a parking charge when I have paid for a weeks parking? ! This was our first time abroad with my family. Has anyone else suffered at the hands of these charlatans?
  12. Just received parking charge from "parking eye", date of offence 17/06/16. Unaware of charges for chatting in holiday inn car park for an hour. just received ticket through post, date of issue 23/07/16 35 days' after 17/06/16, and arrived in post 02/08/16. And expecting payment by today 06/08/16 in order to get discount!!!! Photo of car (hirecar) stating an 1hr 1min stay, and no evidence of me/collegue registrering at hotel etc - for a meeting in a virtualy empty carpark at 10 15 am!! Thought any tickets had to be issued undr 14 days' of offence!! Anyones' advice would be most helpful Inclined to complain to holiday inn popla etc
  13. Dear all, I had some NHS dental treatment whilst believing I was in receipt of JSA. However the DWP had stopped my claim without informing me. Consequently I have been hit with paying £43 for the treatment and a £100 penalty charge. I am no longer on any benefits and have no income whatsoever. My question is: What if I just don't pay the £143? Are they likely to take me to court for that amount? What would be the likely outcome of my refusal? Thanks in advance.
  14. My granddaughter sometime stay around her boyfriends flat which his sister rents, they have no parking permits and never have received a pCN, my granddaughter around 3.00 am received a PCN saying she was not displaying a valid PCM UK Ltd parking permit. Is this right? her boyfriend and his sister do not display parking tickets not have they ever had to apply for one. A man apparently sits around the block watching for cars. Can she dispute this as I think it is a bit strange. Mashmallow
  15. Hi I was caught doing 80mph on a dual carriageway back in March and just had my court hearing on Tuesday July 26th. During which time my points have gone from 9 down to just 3. I was unable to make court as it was 150 miles away and only had a few days notice. My case was heard and I was disqualified from driving for 6 months from the 26th July. If they are to take the 6 months from the 26th then I only had 3 points at that time and should only get 3 points and £100 fine? Have I got a case here?? Would appreciate any help MK
  16. Problem with British gas. Thinking of sending this letter to BG any thoughts / advice appreciated I have owned this property for approximately 12 years and it has never been habitable for this time. I received bills from Npower for £0 for electric and British Gas for £0 for gas. Because these bills were for £0 I used to simply throw them away. The bills were always addressed to 'The Occupier' My problem is with British Gas. The meter is situated in an outside cabinet, I have no gas appliances and no gas piping, the gas pipes terminate in the meter cabinet. I received a bill from BG on the 31st August 2013 which showed that the actual meter reading was 1412 (same as 10 years ago) and that no gas was used and the bill came to zero (no standing charges ). The next bill I got was dated the 5th August 2015 Which was an estimated reading of 1413 with a total to pay of £176.63. I immediately phoned BG and explained the situation and was clearly told that I should change my supplier to one that didn't have a standing charge and that this bill would be cancelled as I had never had a contract with BG. I did this immediately but then got a letter from BG to say that they had blocked the transfer as I owed them the £176.63. I again phoned BG and spoke with a lady who was extremely rude and told me in no uncertain terms that I was responsible for the bill and should honor my commitments, not being happy with this I asked to be transferred to a supervisor, no supervisor was available but I was assured that a supervisor would ring me back. (I am still awaiting that phone call). Since that time I have Had standing charges added to my account Had extra charges added to my account for a debt visit (£36.00) and an administration charge (£13.00) Been notified that a legal warrant of entry had been obtained and a visit was to be made on the 25th April 2016 to fit a prepayment meter. - No visit was made Been notified that a legal warrant of entry had been obtained and a visit was to be made on the 30th June 2016 to fit a prepayment meter. - No visit was made Threatened again that a legal warrant of entry will be obtained to fit a prepayment meter Questions that I have of BG From the last 10 years bills (2004 to 2013) you should have known that no gas was ever used why didn't you inform 'The Occupier' that you were going to introduce a standing charge. Why do you persist in wanting to fit a prepayment meter when no gas is consumed. Why haven't you looked at my notes and made that phone call that you promised. Why have you blocked my transfer (you could still have pursued me for the debt) instead heaping as much pressure as possible. Why have you escalated the debt from £176.63 (4th August 2015) to £304.25 (8th June 2016)
  17. There's new plans afoot regarding the environment, which could see older cars and vehicles that cause more pollution to be charged a lot more to drive in London. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has spoken about plans to charge vehicles that cause the most pollution £10 per day if they want to drive in the centre of London, in a bid to extend an "ultra low emissions zone". The new plans are looking at a charge', which would apply to vehicles - petrol or diesel - which have pre-Euro 4 emission standards. In short, that effectively means cars that are registered before 2005. If you're thinking 'well, I don't live in London, so why should I care?' - well, there's a chance that this could extend beyond the capital. http://www.bitterwallet.com/motoring/older-cars-to-face-super-charge-in-london-92577
  18. Hi everyone, I am a single parent of 2 children (2 years and 2 months old) which I take to the park every week. I don't have a lot of money but still I go to and pay for parking every week in the same place (Willen lake in Milton Keynes). What happened on this occasion is that after I placed the ticket on the dashboard, I then had to get both my children out as well as the push chairs and so on out of the boot. Whilst doing that the ticket must have been blown over on to the seat as it was a windy day. When I got back I found the ticket upright on my seat after returning to the vehicle. The company is an IPC company called Napier Parking Ltd and I was issued with a Fixed Charge Notice. I contacted them immediately and showed them photos of my ticket and explained my case to them. They replied by rejecting my claim and showed me pictures of my car (obviously not my car seat) and said I could try contesting this by contacting the IAS. I appealed for this case through the IAS and was absolutely dumbfounded by the "independant" services response: " In all Appeals the Adjudicator is bound by the law of contract and is only able to consider legal challenges and not factual mistakes nor extenuating circumstances. Once liability has been established only the Parking Operator has the discretion to vary or cancel the parking charge based on mitigating circumstances. In this case the parking charge was issued because the Appellant parked his car on private land without displaying a valid P&D ticket in the front windscreen or on the dashboard as is required. The Appellant maintains that he bought a ticket which allowed him to park there that day prior to the issue of this parking charge at 13.53. The ticket provided by the Appellant does not show the time when it was issued but the cost of £2.40 should be able to confirm whether it was before or after 13.53 which would have an impact on his mitigation. The responsibility for making sure that a P&D ticket was properly secured in place so as to be able to be read is the motorist's and even in windy conditions that is still the position as well as with the difficulties of coping with young children. However much sympathy one may have for the Appellant this is not a matter of law which is the extent of an Adjudicator's remit as set out above and as a result this Appeal must be dismissed. " I am now in a position where I can no longer appeal anywhere nor can I pay the reduced fee. It really makes me angry why I must still pay the fine even though I have a valid ticket and also why I am at fault in the adjudicator's eyes for not having a ticket which shows the start time . .. I mean, the company who prints the tickets should be at fault there right? As for the parking company, these are simple reasons why I feel their actions are simply to make money off of fines: 1) Why am I not allowed to show you them my valid parking ticket which should still be proof of payment after being accused of not paying? 2) Why is there no start time (ticket issued time) on their tickets? 3) Why don't they have a system which makes you enter your registration number? 4) Why don't they have the sticky backs on their tickets? Does anyone have any suggestions? My fine needs to be settled by 02/08/16 and is £80 Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi, I have two or three charges on my home as a result of unsecured (credit card) debt from about 10 years ago. These charges do not appear on my credit report as they are over 6 years old. However, if I try to sell my home, can the creditors (who are all debt purchasing companies and who all bought the debtor account for pennies on the pound and then turned it into a secured charge through a CCJ) impose the charge and block the sale of the property unless I pay them the full sum of the old debt? I'd really like to know where I stand on this , as I have my mum's care home bills to pay as well as my own living expenses. Thanks.
  20. Hi guys, my daughter had my car on holiday and overstayed her allotted 60 mins in a McD's car park, South Hayes by 25 mins. Because of this I received a parking charge notice for £100, discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. I live in Scotland and I am not too familiar with English Law so can someone please tell me if I have to inform them legally who was driving the vehicle? They quote paragraphs 9(2)(b) and 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of The Protection of Freedoms Act telling me that the driver of the vehicle has to pay this charge and that if I don't tell them who was driving then they can pursue me for the charge. Any advice on how to go about this would be welcome. Thanks. hodgsoi
  21. Hi all, I apologise in advance for the long-winded post and hope you can bear with me as I explain my situation as I am confused about what I should do next and could really do with some advice! I live in the South East and occasionally have cause to use the dartford crossing which in late 2014 converted the toll system to an online system where you could pay within 24 hours of a crossing. I set up an account in April 2015 for my husband's car which I credited with £10 and authorised to take automatic top-ups as and when needed. We then proceeded to use the crossing several times over the summer when going on weekends away or day trips. At this point I was also looking after my new baby who, due to reflux and eczema, was sleeping very poorly and I was becoming quite sleep deprived. I was not on top of my usual filing of post etc and had let it pile up on the windowsill for 'when I have time'. I know this was foolish but genuinely wasn't expecting anything troublesome in the post! When I finally did open the post I was horrified to see 5 PCN letters from dart charge and came to the conclusion that there must be some kind of mistake, in my next foolish move I decided it was best not to mention this to my husband and that I could surely rectify it easily enough. Well, unfortunately by the time I put in my online appeals I was sent a letter stating that I was out of time to respond and that the case was going to court. At this point I told my husband what was happening (the car is in his name) and he was quite content that we would be able to explain the situation at court and it would be fine. we waited for the witness summons. The next thing we know we are being contacted by an EA who claim there was a court case at the end of June and they will now be sending bailiffs to collect the debt. My husband contacted them and explained that we were not aware of the court date and hadn't had a chance to explain that we had tried, in good faith, to pay for the crossings. The EA told him that there was nothing we could do now except pay up, we hoped that this was not true and so asked for copies of the court orders which we still have not received. Yesterday we received a visit (apparently at 6am although I was awake and heard nothing) from an EA who posted a letter adding £235 to our costs (over £800 on this one) today a further letter detailing more PCNs on a seperate reference totalling over £500 with a warning that if not paid by tomorrow the EA will visit on this case. My husband is adamant that we should not pay these fines when we have an account, in credit, with dart charge that should have covered the cost of the crossings. It has transpired that I actually input a 0 instead of an O when creating the account (sleep deprivation again) and dart charge have (since I created the account) installed software that prevents this type of error due to so many people making this mistake. I am now confused about what, if anything, we can do next?! My husband is adamant we should not pay but with three small children I hate the threat of the visits from an EA and am starting to be tempted to try to pay to remove the pressure, especially as the costs keep rising. Thank you for reading all the way through this and thank you in advance for any advice or suggestions you may have.
  22. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions. 1) Date of the infringement: 20/05/2016 2) Date on the NTK: 27/05/2016 3) Date received: 30/06/2016 4) Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes “On the 20 May 2016 vehicle ‘reg correct’ entered the Marriott Huntington car park at 11:18:00 and departed at 13:36:24 on the 20 May 2016 May 2016. The signage, which is clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park, states that this is private land, the car park is managed by Parking Eye Ltd, as a permit only / paid parking car park, what parking tariffs apply and the parking charge applicable without the appropriate permit or payment of the appropriate tariff when parking, along with other terms and conditions of the car park by which those who park in the car park agree to be bound. By either not purchasing the appropriate parking time or parking without a valid permit, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the signage, the Parking Charge is now payable to Parking Eye Ltd (as the Creditor). You are notified under paragraph 9(2) (b) of schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 that the driver of the motor vehicle is required to pay this parking charge in full. As we do not know the driver's name or current postal address, if you were not the driver at the time, you should tell us the name and current postal address of the driver and pass this notice to them. You are warned that if, after 29 days from the date given (which is presumed to be the second working day after the Date Issued) the parking charge has not been paid in full and we do not know both the name and current address of the driver, we have the right to recover any unpaid part of the parking charge from you. This warning is given to you under paragraph 9 (2) (f) of Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and subject to our complying with the applicable conditions under Schedule 4 of that Act. Should you provide an incorrect address for service, we will pursue you for any Parking Charge amount that remains unpaid. Should you identify someone who denies they were the driver, we will pursue you for any Parking Charge amount that remains unpaid” 5) Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6) Have you appealed? Not directly to Parking Eye. I contacted the owner of the land Marriott Hotels on the 08/06/2016 and they contacted Parking Eye confirming I was a guest at a meeting and requested the charge be cancelled. Have you had a response? No 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under: Independent Appeals Service (POPLA) If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here I received a further notice from Parking Eye on the 30th June stating the charge had now gone from £65 up to £100. And I had/have 14 days to pay it from the 30th June I assume. The Marriott Hotel advised me I didn’t need to contact Parking Eye as they would deal with it. After the second letter I contacted the Marriott again and they again emailed Parking Eye asking them to cancel the parking ticket. I am seeking advice on whether I should contact Parking Eye directly, what have other people experienced when the landowner attempts to cancel the parking charge? I am in the wrong in terms of the parking ticket I missed the multiple signs (new arrangement with Parking Eye and I just didn’t realise) Thank you for your assistance. Audrey
  23. Dear All, My daughter back in May received 2 Parking charge notices from parking eye for her car being parked at Charnock Richard Services on the m6 north, she checked the dates when her car was parked and being that i am the only other person to drive her car and plus the fact she rarely drives on the motorway it was clear that it was in fact me driving the car at the time, when she called parking eye she gave them my details to which i do not have a problem with. Now i have the 2 parking charges and they are asking me to pay £100 for each of these or £60 each if i pay within the 14 days of this order being sent to me, i spoke to parking eye this afternoon and they have said it has been put on hold for 14 days to allow me to appeal and after that they will pursue it further, i have seen a few appeals have been won by not clear signage and parking eye not being the landowner etc i am wondering if this is the case and how do i go about it. I would really appreciate it if anybody could help me with this.
  24. Hi Guys, Really hoping someone can help me with this as have read several forums now and I'm really confused/worried on what I should do next. I'll give an overview of what's happened and have also answered the questions suggested in other threads below.. .if someone could please help me with this I'd be really grateful: A few weeks ago on 2nd June I parked on what I thought was a side street, there were double yellow lines on the main road and the double yellow lines stopped at the entrance of the side street. There was an office on the left to where I parked which had a gated entrance and a sign attached saying "Private Property" which looks like the area beyond the gate is private. On the left hand side of the road there were also yellow hazard/no parking cones. On the right hand side (the side that I parked on) there were no cones and no signs either. There were also no signs at the entrance of the street which is why I believed it to be a public road. On the right hand side a few yards from the road there is a warehouse type building with "Private Property" signs on its wall, between the wall and the road there is a wooden barrier and between the barrier and the warehouse wall there is an area for cars to park which looks like a private car park for the warehouse which gives the impression that the private property signs are for this area. I parked here for 15 minutes upon my return found a sticker stuck to my drivers side mirror, telling me I've been issued a fine and to contact the number provided for parking advice. I called the number and it put me through to Leeds City Council who then confirmed they had issued no fine. I threw the sticker away assuming it was someone trying to scare monger. A week later I received the attached CPM Letter 1. The letter says I was being charged for not Displaying a Valid Permit but it wasn't clear that you had to display a permit to park on this street and the photos they've taken are at a weird angle. I then looked this up online and sent a letter back to them which was recommended on one of the forums I read, please see attached Letter sent to UKCPM. I have received a letter back and I now don't know what to do next, please see the attachment CPM Letter 2. They haven't answered any of my questions and refer me to a website to review the photos they took online. The information on this is slightly different as online it says the time of issue is 14:29 but the 1st PCN letter says 14:00. 14:29 is definitely not correct as I was back at my car by 14:20. On their signs and 2nd letter to me they've referred to being members of BPA but in the first letter they've referred to IPC. On the BPA site they don't appear to be members. Please can someone advise me on what I should do next, this has never happened to me before : '( I hope I've given enough information. I have some photos of the street where I parked which I'll post below. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions: 1 Date of the infringement – 02/06/2016 2 Date on the NTK – 08/06/2016 3 Date received – 13/06/2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? – YES – please see letter attached (CPM Letter 1) 6 Have you appealed? Have you had a response? I’ve not appealed but I have sent a letter requesting more information and received a reply, please see attachments Letter sent to UKCPM and CPM Letter 2 7 Who is the parking company? – UK Car Park Management (CPM) 8 For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS – YES its IAS 9 If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here – no further correspondence as yet. Attached are photos of the entrance to the side street where I parked and different views of where I parked. Attached is another photo showing the entrance to the side street from the main road, Private Property sign, warehouse, the land that looks like a private car park outside the warehouse next to the side street and the gated entrance with the sign on the gate. I hope these photos help. CPM Letter 2.pdf CPM Letter 1.pdf Letter sent to UK Car Park Management June 2016.pdf Pics 1.pdf
  25. Hi everyone Back in October 2014 the missis took our little girl to gymnastics and parked in The Walk car park in Ebbw Vale South Wales. She got there about 4.45 and did not get a ticket as the cut off time was 5pm. Obviously she got a parking charge. As she was driving my car the letter came addressed to me from Excel Parking. I ignored it and heard no more until today 28th June 2016. I have tried to attached the letter i have received from BW Legal asking for £154 but i do not have enough posts is there another way i can post the images!. Now is it a good idea to send them a letter at this point of The debt denied letter, useful for sending to debt collectors acting for VCS That i seen in another thread! And would it be best to send a letter or can i email them as i will have a record of the email sent to them. Any help would be great. Many thanks
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