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  1. Hi, this is my first post so I hope I am asking in the correct place? I have a Northern Rock Mortgage and had Payment Protection for it with Liverpool Victoria to cover for redundancy etc. I thought I had to pay it for the Mortgage and agreed to their amount of £91 a month s they said I was high health risk after a nurse came round and took blood pressure and asked a few questions. (bearing in mind I dont smoke and and played football 4 times a week). Yes I was a little big, but still very active. I was told I needed to get down to a 36" and under 16 stone. I had to stop paying as could no longer afford the rate. Am I able to claim for this under the PPI claim? An advice would be appreciated?
  2. To cut a long story short it is now around 6 years since I was last on the forum and in that time I've got myself back on top except for the usual insistance by the DCA's that even though they haven't ever supplied any agreements they will continue to register details on my credit file. Well I now want to get each and every one of them to admit they haven't got the authority to process my data and to then remove all entries and defaults from my file. I know the first thing someone's going to say is that at nearly 6 years all this will soon drop off the file, however as many of them are assignees they are trying the trick of registering new defaults on the date of assignment. I've got the money and the patience now to take them on one by one. So the question is where do I start? Cheers Ho Chi Min
  3. Join Sharkstoppers and Help Fight Back Against Britain's Legal Loan Sharks: Your Campaign Pack Today Ed Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party, and Tom Watson, Deputy Chair, joined me and over a hundred campaigners from across the country to launch our campaign pack to help communities fight back against the damage Britain's legal loan sharks are doing to our country. This Government has so far refused to act to tackle the high cost credit companies who are pushing families into crippling debt across Britain. But that doesn't mean that we can't take measures to protect them and help make the case for caps on the cost of credit. Produced in association with the Movement for Change, the Co-operative Party and the Red Card for Wonga campaign, this pack is designed to help with ideas and actions you can take either on your own or together with others to stand up to these companies. You can download it from my website here: Legal Loan Shark Campaign Pack Download Link. Please join us in acting together to fight back against Britain's legal loan sharks! Stella Creasy Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow p.s. Please also share this email and campaign pack with your family and friends too! http://www.workingforwalthamstow.org.uk Stella Creasy: Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow
  4. What if we get together against PPC. In number strength, dont know if someone came up with this before but surely its a good idea. My first post but just got an answer to my appeal from VCS, as expected got refusal. awaiting further communication. In main time Had some time to run through few forums and must say many people are angry with them . Why dont we all get somehow together, pay £5 each towards the solicitors costs, sue the b*****s and get all paid charges back - £5 x 1000 angry people = £5000 for a solicitor/barrister. We may get criminal (or not criminal) case for misuse and unlawfully claiming charges, pretending and fake papers, get insurance to cover our stress and losses. We all have some fake papers they send us. Why dont we bring them down. If the government cant do it, surely we can. We can make it big , get it into papers and other media, they will get scared. All we need is publicity and more people will find our case worth paying into. I bet it will be closely followed by millions! We can call ourselves GAA( check topic title for explanation) It would have to be a big head behind it all but if we manage to get it done we can take them one by one and they will bankrupt! I know its great idea but is it do-able?. What do you all think? [EDIT]
  5. Join our fight back against legal loan sharks: Rally with Ed Miliband and Tom Watson Thursday 26 July 2012 11am Walthamstow Hello! I'm writing to invite you to join us this coming Thursday 26 July at 11am in Walthamstow to show how whilst this Government may refuse to act, together we can protect British consumers from legal loan sharks. I'm delighted to announce the Leader of the Labour Party Ed Miliband and Tom Watson, Deputy Chair of the Labour Party, will be joining us as part of their Real Change to Win tour to see how Labour activists and the Movement for Change are working with local communities to tackle problems like this and support our work on this issue. We will also be revealing our summer campaign pack and the tools we have developed to support action on the problems the high cost credit industry is causing for our country. With mortgageicon companies stating they won't lend to consumers who have used payday loansicon because of concerns they lead to unmanageable debt, companies directly targeting payday loans at people on benefits or their continued domination on our high streets, its time that we stood up to Britain's legal loan sharks. Places are limited but if you would like to join us at this very special event please email campaigns@workingforwalth amstow.org.uk to sign up to participate. Together we can fight back! Stella Creasy Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow p.s. Please also share this email with your family and friends and invite them to join us too! http://www.workingforwalthamstow.org.uk Stella Creasy: Labour and Co-operative MP for Walthamstow
  6. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/ianmcowie/100018627/taxman-gets-a-bloody-nose-in-court-but-630000-people-face-deadline-this-month/
  7. See here: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4069601 [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxv9h9876grs0ze/Dft_LBA2.pdf][/url]
  8. Hello, I recently went to see an advisor from the c.a.b. for advice on my finances. The advisor suggested a DRO. I provided some basic information on my income and debts and we got a rough idea of my expenses and disposable income. The adivsor asked me to sign a letter approving them as an intermediary and said he would write my creditors a letter. I was planning on going to the Citizens adivice bureau on an appointment. so they could help me fill out the dro application form and get a more accurate picture of my finances. I decided not to go ahead with this so I called cab to cancel the appointment and not go ahead with the application/fee. Yesterday i received a credit report and credit summary in the mail, i don't know if i should just discard it or not. The advisor also said on the telephone that the creditors are still going to come to my house. Should i notify them i did not pursue the dro? should I expect a letter from them? i am not pursuing the dro at all.. thanks
  9. Hi Apologies if this has been posted before but I have been looking everywhere for advice as to where I can make an official complaint against Wonga. They have a couple of suggestions on their website but I dont reckon they are impartial (with regards to the FOS I am speaking from experience of making a previous complaint against another company so not sure if they will respond in the same manner). I sent a formal complaint to Wonga yesterday but due to the nature and the stress it is causing me I want to see if I can take it further. Anyway this is the complaint letter that I sent to them: Dear Sir/Madam I would like to make a formal complaint. I wrote an email to inform Wonga of my financial difficulties on the 4th June 2012. A repayment plan was agreed on the 6th June 2012 of £400 over three months. I sent an email on the 15th June 2012 to confirm that I had made payment of £400 with my name as a reference. The details I got on your website. I receive an email on 17th June 2012 which says the following: Dear customer, We are here to help, so please call our friendly collections team as soon as possible on 0844 842 9109. Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 10pm, and we look forward to discussing your account and trying to help find a solution for you. If you are able to pay any sums and don't want to speak with us then please remember that you can pay some or all of the outstanding balance at any tie by visiting the My Account section of www.wonga.com and choosing the Repay My Loan option. You can also select or add an alternative card there and make whole or part-payments at any time. Alternatively you can pay with your primary debit card using our automated payment line on 0845 862 1439. We are here to help though so if you need us then please call. Kind regards, Collections Department 0844 842 9109 Wonga.com I then receive emails (attached) on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th and 29th stating that payment has not been made. I also received a text yesterday and a phone call today at 10.20am. I have made phone calls on the 18th, 20th, 22nd, 26th and the 29th to explain that I made payment on the 15th. I was told yesterday that it maybe because of the recent banking trouble with regards to systems not being set up. However it’s been two weeks since I made payment and I am receiving emails which make it sound like I am ignoring the situation. Also if your company is having problems an email or suitable feedback should be published somewhere. I sent a screenshot to prove I had made payment and I am getting hassle from your company which is causing me emotional and mental distress. So much so I am seeking legal advice as to how I can handle this as I’m sure that what you are currently doing is harassment and a bullying tactic. Please could you look into this and stop sending me missed payment emails as I am making payments to your company . Regards Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  10. I used my grans freedom pass and got caught. I have phoned/emailed tirelessly to try and settle out of court but they are not backing down. I offered to pay triple the fine but its seems they just want to prosecute me. I don't care the fine I just can handle that I will get a criminal record as this is my first ever incident with the law and I am a student When is your trial date? have you settled out of court?
  11. the carer of a client has made a complaint against me via a third party. i have not been suspended. if it does not become a formal complaint what are the potential outcomes? is a verbal warning a possible outcome and willi t affect my registration?.
  12. Hi all, I've previously used this site myself to successfully claim back all ppi owed to me. My partner now wants to claim back all ppi owed to her from Barclays on various loans dating back to around 1999-2000. She doesn't have the paperwork for any of these loans now so am I right in thinking the first thing to do is send a SAR to Barclays to try and obtain all the account numbers etc ? It's been a while since I claimed back all my ppi so any advice on what we should do first will be very much appreciated. My partner wants to go through one of these ppi reclaim companies but I've told her I can do it myself using this site !
  13. Good morning everyone! My partner has had recent contact from this shower, who are acting on behalf of HSBC. A while ago, my partner opened a bank account with HSBC. He admits to running into an overdraft of £200, and, because he panicked, has ignored a number of letters from them trying to resolve it. He realised he couldn't ignore it any longer when a text message came to my landline for him, and I happened to pick this up, and asked him about it. he did telephone them, and spoke to the ethereal "Chris", who said that, if he coughed up instantly (there's no way he can), he would only have to pay £240, and not the £308 that they'd quoted (£108 being the "penalty" for not paying back the original £200). He has never denied that he owes the £200, but trying to set up an arrangement to pay in instalments is proving difficult. He telephoned "Chris" again about a week after the original call, and got his ansaphone, on which he left a message asking to be called back. That hasn't happened, at least, we've not had a call from "Chris". Another text message came to my landline last Saturday morning, from the equally ethereal "Claire", saying that no payment had been received, and they couldn't hold off further action any longer. He immediately phoned the quoted number, and found that the office was closed, even though someone somewhere had triggered off the text message, and so he left another message, saying that he was going to be out of the country until 4th October (he's a continental coach driver, and often away for more than 7 days at a time), please would "Claire" phone him back then, as he wanted to make arrangements to pay. I am typing a letter for him to send to them, as I think we should now deal with this only in writing - I'm sick of having to deal with text messages, and tw*ts who don't phone back. I have already suggested that he offers to pay £10 per month - this is what I would like your views on. Should this be agreed, what would be the best way to make payment each month? Neither of us is keen on trying to set up a DD or SO - I've read too many horror stories on this site! I've offered to write a cheque for him each time, but he's worried that they'll then have MY details, too, and try other nefarious things. He likes the idea of a postal order. Your opinions would be very gratefully received. Thank you all in advance.
  14. I have been putting a lot of creditors off for over a year now but the defaults are really starting to hurt. I want to take on Barclays first as they sent a copy of a T&C booklet as their s78 response (as I know they do quite a lot). I also asked them under pre-litigation discovery and data protection laws to provide me with a full and exact copy of a signed agreement and they haven't bothered. I want to issue against them and had a quick look around the site to see if there are any template POCs I could use as I seen a good one around somewhere but cannot find it now. I need help with the particulars of claim. Thanks.
  15. I took out an unsecured personal loan in the amount of £10k with Northern Rock in June 2006 and since October 2008 have been on a reduced payment plan with them - monthly payments should be £204.00 and I am now paying £110.00 pcm. I have maintained these payments religiously but did receive a phone call from them last week stating that they could put a charge on my home if they so wished. They also informed me that the PPI I had on the loan does not cover me for anything as I have a mental health problem and so cannot claim. There was a payment of £2,480.60 Loan Protection on a statement that I received from them this month - the only statement I have ever seen regarding this loan. Currently my balance on this loan - according to them - stands at £8,820.99p which I don't understand either - seems like I've not paid anything off. I want to reclaim the PPI from them but do not want to "muddy the waters" a nd end up with them putting a charge on my home - it's recently been paid off and I need this PPI money to buy my husband an electric scooter as he cannot walk. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated.
  16. Does anyone know if I can do a SAR request to Natwest Credit card & natwest bank in one go & save myself a tenner? I know that they are separate companies, but at a higher level, there must be a single company, but can I send a SAR to that company & get everything from the others, or will they respond with nothing, because the data is held by their subsidiaries? Grumpy
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