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Everything posted by RobberBank

  1. It was normal with the banks to charge their current published rate, which is 34.9%. Thats what i'm going for, though i've decided not to go for the claim for interest charged....or CCI charged on the interest charged!
  2. So how did you work out the interest matey?
  3. Hey, welcome to Cap One......they should be fearful of us Nat West maulers! I've got the same problem which i cant seem to get an answer to! You clearly got the same pages as we did.
  4. There's nothing on them, Basically the statements were A4 pages of print out......with more than one specific statement on each page.......as though it was a continuous print out of statement details, without them actually being statements!
  5. The statements i've been sent dont have a rate on them, just the amount charged in interest......anyone know how i get them?
  6. Guys. Having won £4k v Nat West in a fairly straightforward way, originally going for contractual but deciding to take full repayment of charges after an offer before getting to MCOL stage, we've decided to claim back a couple of hundred off Cap one, but are going to go contractual again. Having got the statements, there's no indication of the rates charged (Interest Applied) on any of the pages sent. The statements are not seperate sheets, but actually follow on from each other on normal A4 paper, so i'm not even sure they're actual statements. Does anyone have a list or an idea about where the actual interest rates charged may be found?
  7. Hi Having gone through a Nat West claim for £4k successfully we now have a smaller claim (around £200) for Cap One. Can you confirm how you got to your 34.9% CCI rate? It's easier to ask as i cant find any references in this section.
  8. Or you could take the moral high ground and inform them of their mistake!!!
  9. Bank it in a high interest easy access account.....but dont spend it. They'll come asking for it eventually.
  10. Not sure what you mean by "looking for wording...." but sounds like a win to me. Ours took 3 days before it reached the account.
  11. Hi Jos. My view, and it is only a view as i have no legal background whatsoever, is that you have applied the UBR of 29.69% against their UB of YOUR money. It's not linked to whether your account was in credit or not....it's a rate of interest you are applying to the money they took from you and you're using, in their words, an average interest rate which they deem reasonable to charge in the same circumstances. It's a tough one, and i fully understand the problem you have, however they do seem to be concerned NOT to let this one go to court. If they were constantly basing decisions on a 'commercial approach' then they would pay up every single claim because not doing so is costing them a huge Cobbett's invoice!!!!!! There is the other side though. You've got an offer of your money plus 8%. Take yourself back to day one when you thought about giving this a go and reclaiming any charges, and think about how you'd have felt if you actually got half your charges back. I think back then you'd take it. The good thing is that at this point in time you're in a win situation. As with LittleAngel's claim, we decided to take a hit and accept a refund of all the charges before even hitting MCOL. It's like paying a little to save hassle, stress and angst. If i was in your shoe's i'd take it, just for that reason, but of course its up to you. Just thought you'd like to hear what someone else would do. Good luck mate.
  12. Only a fool would back them!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well done........i totally agree with what you've decided.
  14. In our case it was paid into the bank 3 days after sending the offer acceptance back! It will vary.
  15. Take the money. It's the charges you wanted back. I dont know how much interest you're claiming but i'd guess, if you add in the hassle/stress/angst factor, i'd settle for it as it is and enjoy!
  16. Just thought i'd close this one off as my darling LittleAngel has won http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-successes/55716-little-angel-natwest.html We decided that as the full amount of charges etc had been offered before we hit the MCOL button, it was prudent to avoid all the hassle and angst that was inevitable with such a claim. Yep, the money would have been good but still, the money that was lost has been recovered without any pain whatsoever. Basically it was offered 3 weeks after the LBA deadline had passed, without prompting. The only reason they had the additional 3 weeks was because we'd been away for that time....but were poised to press the button on the first day back! The offer came completely out of the blue......maybe Squiggly is working his way through the huge pile on his desk......bin 50....pay 3.....bin 50....pay 3..... In fairness (and i know i'm opening myself to abuse......but i know you'll know what i mean) they had the money into the account within 3 days! YES, yes, yes, i know, maybe thats because they were SOOOO relieved and desperate for us not to go down the contractual interest route and its prob saved them a shed load, but £4k is £4k......so now i get some pocket money for my Friday nights out! Good luck....i'll still be watching with interest and adding my two penneth as and when........and a special good luck to Josa who's been kinda side by side, if not a little ahead, for sometime. Also thanks to Bill-k, Nattie and Dellar in particular.......and anyone else i've missed off....you know who you are. Now my dear, to the pub.........
  17. Hi. Was your £9.5k including any interest or was it just charges?
  18. It's a current standard letter. Just stick to your timescales etc until they pay out. The letters are just to try put you off!
  19. Yes, you can claim contractual interest at prelim stage and LBA. If it reaches court there are some templates knocking around in which you state you're claiming the charges plus contractual interest, but as a fall back you're claiming lower interest, and as an additional fall back you're claiming the statutory 8%.
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