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Everything posted by donnalou

  1. got a letter from sc&m saying that £3331.12 is going to be deposited into my account within next 5 workinng days inclusive of intrest and fees so basically I WON !!!!!!! I MADE £180 MORE THAN WHAT ID ASKED FOR WITH THE INTREST SO IM HAPPY AND A DONATION WILL BE SENT good luck to all still fighting and thanks to all that have helped me xxx
  2. date of the letter was the 1st of may i recieved it on the 19th when i told them this they simply said hey are not responsible for post so i replied nor am i phone put down on me i never recieved the letter they say they sent 30th of april and i cant see why they would visit at that point they are just trying their hand i suspect
  3. i understand they can make charges but surley not when the amount theyve asked for has been paid i would have thought that once the requested payment has been made that should be an end to it
  4. yes your right about the charge breakdown i have kept the letter no envelope tho i have told them i have no date to be paid by on the letter i phoned equita today and for the first time got to ask my question and get an answer without the phone being put down on me i have the pcn they say the warrant was issued the 27th april and that confirmation of this was sent to me on the 30th which i did not get ive been in touch with sefton mbc and theyve rang me back telling me they have contacted equita and asked for the amount owing to which they say its £148.15 (95 for smbc) with £8.01 vat so ive told her what the letter said and about the other different amounts quoted in the telephone calls and as you can see smbc has also been quoted yet another amount (back to £48 outstanding) the lady i spoke to has asked to see the letters i have and is telling equita to put actions on hold till she has seen them oh and theyve not quoted the pcn on any of the letters i have so im right in assuming that equita will not have sent payment to smbc and is keeping hold of the warrant to use as leverage to get more money from me ?? i have psorisis and it has really flared up because of this stress and worry if it is proved that they have not acted correctly (which they obviously havent) can i bring a case against them for harrassment?
  5. equita are sending out a baliff to collect money i dont owe thye sent me a letter asking for £108.16 i got the letter on saturday rang on monday and paid by switch they said on that call that £50 had been added which i refused to pay id paid what they had asked for they sent me another letter saying they were coming for the car i rang them twice and got told i owed £48 on one call and £35.20 on the second i told them a letter had been poste to dispute the amount and theyve responded with a letter saying a bailiff is coming this week for £35.25 how can they give 4 different amounts? anyway been in touch with cab efea northampton county court sefton council and trading standards and no one seems to either be able to or want to help me northampton court ae sending me a form to appeal that might be able to stop the action but thats it im really fed up stressed and at the point of snapping im also gonna get in touch with the police and see if i can have a charge of harrassment brought gaianst them any help would be appreciated:cry:
  6. ive been on the phone to scm this morning asking for their bundle as i should have recieved it 28th may they say i dont get a copy of their bundle and they have not recieved letter that states they need to have it with the court by the 28th and me also ive told them im ringing court and going down the route of non compliance
  7. im in same postion as you johnsworld more or less my bundle had to be with bank and court by today and same of the bank tho ive not recieved theirs i will be contacting the court tommorrow morning about their non complience i can only reccomend you do the same im afraid
  8. ive sent it to him by post he should have it by now
  9. i think if people are sending their t&cs like myself it should appear in a library for others to use unfortunatley i dont have a scanner ot else i would have put mine here for all to see people who have to get their bundles in very soon will be feeling frustrated right now knowing if their case goes to court they dont have this info luckily for me i did have it can we please have them put in a post as quick as possible i would hate to think another case could be lost due to this info not being available
  10. thanks barty and broke dave i was just getting panicky and couldnt get the answer i needeed hence the post
  11. well to say im disapointed would be an understatement i am aware that people are busy with other stuff but i really needed help here and where certain people have needed my help i have given it i refer to the calling for evidence thread anyway my bundles sent and i hope its right thanks for all your help
  12. as far as i know any eveidence that you take in addition would be ruled as inadmissable as the bank wouldnt have seen the evidence if you do go to court and the bank turned up they would want it ruled out have the bank sent you a copy of their bundle? if not it would be the same for you if it goes to court you could have it ruled inadmissable as you would not be able to contend their defence contact your local court they will give you the info you need if the bank hasnt sent the bundle tell them and ask them what route you need to take as i will be doing this myself my bundle had to be with the court and the bank for monday 28th of this month but because of the bank hols i had to get it there yesterday(fri 25th) and i have not recieved theirs i will let you know tuesday what happens once ive spoken to the court i hope i have helped you
  13. ive got to get my court bundle in by the 28th which is bank holiday so i have to send off today but im not completley finished ive got correspondance from myself (husband has lost replies) schedule of charges statements t&cs oft summary mcnamara interview and orton letter printed and put in order i understand i need to do witness statement which confuses me a little do i need to put in the acts (i would presume i do) and if so can somone put link for them in this post as im getting confused now as to where to look for what i need do i need to higlight the documents for tsb and court? or do i just refer each to what i discuss in court on the day im really confused and up against time
  14. I NEED HELP to clarify what i need in my bundle i have printed off 3 copies of my statements i have photocopied and have 3 copies of my terms and conditions i have printed 3 copies of the oft front page section 1 and section 4.21 i have printed 3 copies of the mcnamara interview i have printed 3 copies of the letter gary posted i have printed 3 copies of my witness statement is there anything else i need ie copys of the acts im quoting??? is there anything i need to do to them before they are sent ie highlight the charges and the term in my t&c about broken agreement or will i do this for myself and just let the court and the bank read through and refer at time of hearing i understand i have to number each page put into sections is that correct?
  15. thanks mistermind youve raised very good points and i have found terms and conditions which i can add to my bundle ive posted on evidence needed thread will keep everyone posted oh and im considering going to brighton to hand deliver bundle to scm
  16. lloyds deleting archive t&cs???? im getting told they hav either been removed or were not archived
  17. i dont know if this is important or whether anyone else has had the same but on my notice of allocation it is stated that the defendant must include within its documents details of how such item in the claimants schedule has been calculated has anyone else had this???
  18. also can i make the bank provide me with a copy of my signed contract with me agreeing to and them giving the t&cs as this is personal data relating to me i believe they would have to provide within 21 days which would be too late to put into bundle but in theory have before the court date if they sent it to me would i be able to use this info then or would it not be counted as its not with bundle if i asked for it and they failed to provide could i mention on the day that i have asked for it and not been provided it would seem i really need to have ths info could i ask and would i be granted extra time for bundle to be produced whilst i wait as the hearing only on the 13th july ?
  19. im going to be going through the judges decision with my dad with a fine tooth comb i will have to refer to the acts listed in my n1 form as thiswas part of my original argument my dad is very clever with legal stuff and ive no doubt that we can come up with something weve been discussing the fact that i can mention the fact they have chosen on numerous occasions to charge me at the higher rate rather than the lower that also has a maximum figure but this is not whats going to win me the case i will be going with this as if it is going to court and will put up a strong case i feel kev maybe took the stance like many of us including me till that hearing that we would be paid out before the court date no one could have predicted that an oversight by scm would end up this im sure that if scm had not forgotten/overlooked the case this would have been another settlement before the date of the case im also gonna be looking into my rights in way of their attendance or lack of and see if theres anyway that if it gets to court without settlement and they dont turn up what if anything can i rely upon is there anything leagal that says anything about non attendance of defence has anyone sent or posted tsbs t&cs yet as i desperatley need these for a select account i really want to get this right but because of my stupidity and complacentness have little time
  20. hi mastermind ty very much for your help the evidence pack has to be in week tomorrow to all parties but because of the bank holiday and my stupid oversight i have to get it to them by this fri so they can look at my evidence before the 13th of july which is my court date having said that ive not recieved theirs either yet ive been busy this morning printing off all statements and finding/printing all correspondance between us and trying to locate consumer contracts regs the unfair contract terms act and the supply of goods and services act to pinpoint what i need to know and what is relevant i will also use the information you have provided me with is there anything else i need to do ?
  21. right i need help ive only just noticed that i need to get evidence bundle together by the 28th of this month im in process of printing my statements and ive got charge deatails which are on the back of all letters i have it reads charges for exceeding an agreed limit when you go overdrawn without agreeing it with us first we will charge you £30 we will charge you this amount each day your overdraft increases we will do this upto a maximum of £90 each month when you borrow without our agreeement we will charge you at the lloyds tsb unauthorised overdraft rate this is currently 2.20% per month this works out at an equivalant annual rate of 29.85% when we are not able to pay cheques direct debits or standing orders we normally charge £35 for each item of £10 or more we have not paid now i plan to go through and highlight the returned direct debit where they charged me £35 per item where if they had just paid it and i had gone over my overdraft the most i would have paid is £90 instead of some of the higher fees they charged me i really need any help you can give me as soon as poss in regards to any regulations and such that will help me win this case should they defend or worse the judge does what the birmingham judge did is there anything else that will help or i need to add please please help
  22. court date is fri 13th july fingers crossed for me
  23. germany id like to thank you foryour post youve put my mind more at ease with my case coming up i will be using your advice
  24. ive the 13th of july (fri:o ) and in the letter they say that 7 others will be heard
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