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  1. Well done chuck on winning your claim. I think your right about the bank issuing their cheques in bulk as i received mine 19/02/07 yipee!! Thank you all for the great help you have given. It really wouldn't have been possible without this site. Congratulations to everyone who have suceeded in their fight against the banks.
  2. As of Today, (31/Jan/07) this link works http://www.penaltycharges.co.uk/admin/downloads/media/mcnamara.rm
  3. Thanks Chuck, I've persisted and finally got there: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/cuttings-soundfiles-library/118-peter-mcnamara-bbc-radio.html Also, found this, which might-just-end-up-my-homepage!: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/site-questions-suggestions/53182-cant-find-what-youre.html
  4. Thank you BankFodder et al: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/cuttings-soundfiles-library/118-peter-mcnamara-bbc-radio.html Didn't even know there was a cuttings-soundfiles-library!
  5. Hi Ostrich, I too am looking for this, If it was on BBC Radio 4, you can listen to their archives at: Radio 4 - The Today Programme Do you know what date it was on? Also, if it was on money box, google shows transcripts at: news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/programmes/money_box/transcripts/ Post a reply if you have any more info
  6. Gary, The settled cases for direction (d) - do you mean the historical cases from the Court Bundle - or do you also mean a list of recently settled cases - ie a list of particular settled cases detailed on cag for example?
  7. Question: Does anyone have a link to / copy of "Transcript of radio interview with Peter McNamara, former head of personal banking, Lloyds TSB." - I guess this transcript lays weight even for non-TSB claims.
  8. Hi All, We have received a court date and Order for Directions from the Courts. The Court date is in April '07! The court has approved the new strategy for AQ draft directions, but removed the two paragraphs referring to "... fails to comply with this order, the ... will be struck out without further order" I guess it's time to finish the statement of evidence, court bundle etc...
  9. Good luck on the final hurdle chuck. I am at the same stage. In the post yesterday i received an goodwill offer for about 50% of total claim. Sending rejection letter tommorrow. Good luck again, i will keep you posted as to how im getting on. tinkerbell
  10. I'm at the AQ stage, and will be sending Draft order for Directions. The defence i've received runs to 4 pages and says nothing more than they've not got enough information to submit a proper defence! (Ie. the Defendant has avoided taking either stance of Service Charge or Genuine pre-estimate) For future reference, if the Judge goes ahead with the Order for Directions, which of the styles of Statement of Evidence should be used (Service Charge or Genuine pre-estimate)? Or, perhaps a mix of the 2? tinkerbell.
  11. I have same kind of defence from Natwest too - it runs to 4 pages and says nothing more than they've not got enough information to submit a proper defence! Sent cpr-18-request response Tinkerbell.
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