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Everything posted by JenniMoss

  1. hELLO! i WON! WHOHHO! I recibed a letter not 10 mins ago with a check for £1731, which is the amount i had put on my initial particulars of claim. im so happy, Donation time! Thanks so much to everyone who helped me, your advice has been invalueble! Whhohho1 im so giddy. Can moderator please move my thread to the successes please.
  2. well not me, its my husbands case, mine is at wakefield County court on the 16th, for some reason mine was listed there and not passed on, apparently according to my friend who works in court its just pot luck as to who is passed on and who is locally listed. well good luck anyway! not that you'l need it!
  3. Thanks Zebby, i have completed that form now and faxed it of to leeds mercantile court. has anyone actually been to a hearing yet? it seems a test case would put and end to the banks faffing about. can't understand why it hasnt happened yet, i would imagine the courts are pushing for it, i bet they're fed up of seeing the same issues over and over again,?? i also have a list of other cases due to be heard at leeds on the 7th Feb if anyone is wondering if they're on it.
  4. Hi there . my husband has recived a letter this morning asking for a case management information form. i have got a copy of it form court website and now im stuck. I have no idea what to put in the "disclosure" section?? i think i can manage the rest of the form, but can anyone help???
  5. Hi there, i wonder if anyone can help me. my husbands claim has been passed to the mercantile court at leeds and the letter they have sent him is asking for a completed case management form, as per CPR 59. Can anyone tell me what that is? he is ion court on the 7th Of Feb and he has to file it 6 days before which is thusday?? please help, they havent left us with much time?
  6. Hi Westy. i have just read through your thread, and i must admit i was kind of starting to loose heart and accept that maybe i was gonna be the unlucky one that ends up in court and (yet again) gets screwed byt the bank. but the comments you posted in your first thread were very enpowering. and i feel almost obliged to quite franky wave my middle finger at them, but seen as i am in court on the 16th of april, il wait til i win! thanks so much! Jenni
  7. Hi All! Got my court date ...16th of april 10 am @ wakefield county court! fingers crossed there will be a sensible offer offer in the meantime! last time they offered me £944 out of a claim of £1760, but if it does go to court then the final total will be £1865.44! wish me luck
  8. Hi cornflake. i did the same as you are plannin, i contacted natwest to sort things out and the rude 'customer service@ rep just offered me a loan and threatened me with default. so i wrote to the and explained the situation with the bank charges and told them i would advise them of the court date and then moved all my DD and my wage over to halifax. since then they have applied £400 in charges to the account, even though i left it within the overdraft limit. one charge of theres took me £3 outside my overdraft but by the time they advised me of this they had applied another £90 and then thay have added £28 a month since. i am in court on the 16th of april and when i win they will only be getting the money i owe them MINUS the charges they have applied! good luck cornflake, dont let them intimidate you, cos they will try to!
  9. Oh and does anyone have a link to the basic court bundle, somone did send me it but it didnt work. thanks
  10. Just a quick update. i have just recieved a call from my court friend and my case will either be listed at Pontefract at 2pm or wakefield at 10am. Fingers crossed it wont get that far but if it does, IM READY FOR EM!
  11. Help Help Help!!! Cobbets defence stated that i had not properly particularised my claim, i did fax them a copy of the breakdown of charges, and i re faxed it to them and the court when the enered thier defences, i also enclosed a cpy with my aq. but the judges order is asking for it again, along with a statement of claim, are they asking for something different or should i send them the same thing again?? on the breakdown i put the dates and the amount charged, should i of put on wht the charge was applied for>? i have re done the breakdown with the reason the charge was applied and i think im gonna send that. unless anyone can tell me different?? i really dont want to loose on a tecnical fault
  12. Thanks Micheal. i've figured it now, i used the spreadheet on the tmplates and i confused myself. it uses todays date to calculate it so the interest will of increased sice i started my claim. i have done it again and £197 is correct up to 2nd of september. but it now stands at £252 up to today. phew paniced for a bit. if i win in court(just waiting for court date) do i have to work out the interest or will the court do that>?
  13. PLEASE HELP!! I think may of miss calculated the interest, its £126 but i have put £197 on my poc.(cant even remember how i camr to that figure) how do i ammend this, can i ammend this?? is it 8% of the total per day? or 8% of each individual charge per day? does that not work out the same?
  14. Hi Jody. do you know the name of the judge dealing with this? I sent my AQ off on the 22nd December and i am waiting for a response from Wakefield County Court. i think it would help if i could bring the action being taken in your area to thier attention.
  15. Fair Enough. apologies (i did change it though)
  16. i do stand by my comments and what the banks are doing is Criminal, so my choice of words is correct, but seen as you asked nicely and i wouldnt want to cause any argument , il change it ;0)
  17. this is a quote from the BBC Website i had to post, this is the most ignorant comment i have read on this subject! "I've no sympathy at all for people who incur bank charges. People need to start taking responsibility for themselves. If you can't organise your finances and stay within your overdraft then why shouldn't the bank punish you? Charges are high in order to discourage you from letting it happen again - if charges were only a few pounds then it's likely most people would ignore them and keep on spending, ending up in even more debt. I hope this doesn't signal the end of free banking - I don't see why I should subsidise the cost of other people's reckless spending. Instead we should ban them from having bank accounts. That way they can only spend what they earn, and save under their mattress. David Breslin, London" End Quote i was fuming when i read this. this man has obviousley never had to survive on £40 per week. which isnt easy when you have to pay a £39 charge for being £1.26p overdrawn. which is waht happened to me, and the week after this charge, where does the money come to cover Food/Clothes for my daughter. does that count as reckless spending, PUTTING FOOD ON MY KIDS TABLE AFTER THE BANK "CHARGED" ME??? I THINK NOT! Sorry rant over, just had to respond to his comments and the BBC had closed the forum. on the other hand its interesting to read the other comments (from more understanding people) BBC NEWS | Programmes | Inside Money | Have Your Say: Beating the charges its worth a read. Jenni (still no court date)
  18. hi all, just a quick update, still no reply from court regarding allocation questionnaire. also no big fat cheques in the post! natwest should have recived the letter i sent them regarding my account and i still havent heard anything. il ring them on monday to make sure they recived it. fingers crossed il have my money back bofore next christmas!!!!! i'l keep you all updated! good luck to everyone! (exept the bank)
  19. Thank you Allyxia, Thats really realy helpful. and yeah my friends at wakefield have told me that they are all being passed to leeds for one judge to look at them. and as for the quote about the umbrella... Too Right! il keep my thread up dated, i might also add i have sent a letter as advised by somone else, as follows "I am advising you in writing, without prejudice, to explain the situation regarding the above account. The account is in dispute because of the erroneously applied charges, I have now discovered to be illegal. Once the charges have been reimbursed and the pending dispute has been resolved i will be in a position to propose a repayment plan, but I am unable to do that until the amount of the debt is agreed minus any charges that have been illegally applied. This dispute has reached the allocation stage and I am waiting for a court date from Wakefield county Court, I will advise you when I have received this. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information regarding this matter May I also add that I have had nothing but trouble since I opened this account and all your staff seem to do when I call to discuss my account is try and push Loans/Credit Cards, which as im sure you agree is not acceptable “Customer Service” Please ensure these comments are passed on to the relevant complaints department. I have done so my self before but nothing ever seems to be done about it." i assume they'l be on the phone in a day of two?? i am keeping everything i have recived and a log of all phone calls and conversations. who i spoke to when etc i feel this may all be useful if it does go to court.
  20. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/54672-jennimoss-natwest.html Hi Allyxia, this is my current thread (i think) thanks for geting back to me,
  21. thanks Karevil! i was getting confused my self! no good at these things! and thanks for your advice ataction, i will speak to the bank tonight. good luck everyone!
  22. Hi there, im sent in my allocation questionaire on the 21st and im waiting for a reply. i left my account £2/3 INSIDE my overdraft, this was because i got sick of natwest customer service, not just beacuse i was reclaiming charges. they then have since added charge after charge leaving my account over £1000 over drawn! as soon as i recived the first letter i contacted them via phone and explained i was paying as much as i could afford to already, and that the account would be settled in full once i was refunded the money i was owed. then i have contacted them and had the same conversation about once a week since november, but yesterday the person who called said that if it wasnt paid by the middle of january they would pass it on to debt collection and a defalut would be placed on my account. if i am paying into the account then they can't do that cen they? ?
  23. Helloo. can anyone help me! i left my account with NatWest inside my overdraft, and opened a parachute account with the halfax. because the reclaim process has taken so long they have since added nearly £400 in charges onto my account. they have started ringing and sending me letters asking for the account balance to be paid off before the middle of january or they will put a default on my account, i have spoken to them ( numerous times) and explained the situation, and they said to update them when i recieve a court date. if they put a default on my account i will be ruined! i need a perfect credit score so i can afford to get a mortgage in 2 years! and so far i have kept up to it. is there anyway a default can be stopped or removed once its there?? i am paying them £50 a month anyway (all i can afford at the minute) but most of what im paying is being swollowed up by more charges! are they allowed to do this, is there anything i can do about it>
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