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Everything posted by pmhcfc

  1. I don't think it's illegal (as such) for two companies chasing same debt, more so against OFT guidelines. Just keep it simple... Send this; Dear Sir/Madam, I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY ACC #: xxxxxxxxx Thank you for your letter dated xxxxx. I note with interest that Cabot is in the process of obtaining the requested documentation in order to satisfy my CCA request. As the requested documentation has not been produced the account is now in dispute and I wish to have no further communication with you until the correct and valid documents are in my possession. If I receive any more communication from you whilst this alleged debt remains in dispute, I will consider it to be harassment and will report your company to the appropriate regulatory bodies. As a side note, I would like you to know that I am fully aware FIRE are another of Cabot's multitude of companies and that they (FIRE) share the same building, address, office space and staff as Cabot. Yours ..........
  2. If it were me, I'd write to FIRE and remind them that it's against the OFT guidelines that 2 companies chase the same (alleged) debt, and you feel that FIRE and Cabot are one and the same and you will be reporting that they are both chasing you for the same thing. Make sure they know that you know they both work out of the same address/offices, they are the same company etc...Just word the letter however you see fit. Having said that, the account is in dispute anyway (with Cabot) so FIRE (even if they were a seperate company) shouldn't be writing to you at all. Keep it simple and straighforward, not forgetting that no letters should be signed with your proper signature and every letter should have the heading (in bold typeface) . I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY. If you need any further help, then just ask
  3. And those 'key' managers keep coming.... InsideARM: Executive Changes: Cabot Financial Announces Three Key Management Appointments It's a bit of a pain really, means I've got a few more hours to do, digging around to see what I can turn up re these people. Mind you, it can be fun looking for skeletons ;-)
  4. Usual Crud from Cabot - and bearing in mind 2 companies are not allowed to chase the same debt, and Cabot insist FIRE is seperate to Cabot (yer, right-o) then that's cause for complaint in itself, so keep the letter. If I were you, I'd just wait and see what Cabot come back with...wouldn't hurt to rush off a quick letter to FIRE, informing them that you know who they are and the account is in dispute so you wish for no further contact from them.
  5. Er why make an offer in writing when they haven't fulfilled your CCA yet?
  6. Good point... I sent off 6 different CCA requests over 2 years ago, and I haven't had one of them fullfilled yet.
  7. Us 'veterans' on here would note that this is the 3rd year these sorts of comments have been made about these 'awards'. We understand they are just used for the debt industry to pat each other on the backs and say "well done" ...Anyone outside of the DCA business knows they (the awards) mean sweet FA in all reality and there's no reason to waste your time Emailing whichever comedian is performing on any particular year...as if the comedian cares anyway, he's being paid £5k to trot out an hours worth of old jokes to make a few drunk idiots laugh, then so be it. The way to really get at these DCAs is not to moan and bitch about these awards (they'll happen anyway) but to continually pursue, annoy and anger them with CCA and SAR requests and anything else that will cost them money - not forgetting to tell everyone you know about their rights as well as this site. How many of you know someone who DOESN'T have any debts, and how many of those have had their debts passed to one of these DCA's? - Need I say more? Let these morons enjoy their one night of abandon - just make sure you bring them back down to earth when they all return to their desks the following Monday.
  8. Cabot actually believe an application form fulfills your CCA request...it doesn't, but that's what they believe...All they ever seem to have is an application form ;-) I CCA'd them, they sent me an application form stating this fulfills my request and I should now pay or else...I didn't pay a penny, I re requested info, they re sent apllication form twice more..I stil haven't paid (despite threats from them of court action)...and that's where I stand....Oh and my original CCA request was over 2 years ago
  9. There are half a dozen threads on here (including one of my own) about FIRE...As has already been said, FIRE are Cabot pretending to be something else...They operate from the same address as Cabot, with the same people...same everything in fact... CCA them at Cabot address - then the post room will walk it to the FIRE section of Cabot's open plan office. Here's one of the posts: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/114067-cabot-creating-fire-hazard.html Or post 103 onwards> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/67053-information-cabot.html
  10. I sign mine- always have...But with a massive false signature lol - Copy and paste that I think ;-)
  11. Two things...Capquest may well sell this debt on - be careful! Second..Not too late to get the CCJ over turned - as I did, 2 years after Bryan Carter obtained a CCJ against me for Cap1 ...Got the CCJ overturned (it was unlawfully obtained), got the debt written off, got paid back the money I'd paid toward the CCJ and had my credit files wiped ;-) All good fun...and by the way CONGRATS!!
  12. Making you bankrupt would cost them at least £500 - do the math ;-) It's a threat tactic...Send them a CCA from the Templates section...Dont sign your name and make sure you add into the letter that the £1 payment is not to be used as payment toward any alledged debt... Have alittle read up on this site, lots to learn
  13. Well this certainly appears as though it's typical Ruthbridge and they've 'mixed' your account up with someone else but I'll come back to that in a minute. First things first; I would CCA them officially as per template letter at CAG. Add a line in that said letter which states the £1.00 enclosed is not to be used as payment toward any alleged debt. This will put the 'debt' in dispute. As 42Man suggests, you can also mention that it's your belief this debt is Statute Barred. Personally I wouldn't, at this stage, let them know about the mix-up re payments etc, it's always good to keep an ace or two up your sleeve. If you're ok with spending £10, then SAR the bank first (Ruthbridge's SAR can wait). Again use the template on site and again make sure you state the £10 is not to be used toward payment on any account. Also, on any letters you send, have a bold heading of "I do not acknowledge any Debt to your company" on it. The way Ruthbridge have worded their letters, it appears they don't actually own the debt, but are working it on behalf of someone. This may well be a red-herring though, as they can use the 'scary' words of "our client this, our client that." Note in their first letter they use the word 'may' result in court action...another misleading DCA tactic. And in the second letter they say they are going to advice their client to make you bankrupt...Well, any bank/company that takes notice of Ruthbridge needs their head examined...I don't know how much is owing on this aleged debt (you can PM this info if you like) but it'll cost them £500+ to make you bankrupt anyway. Just a couple of other things...you might want to blank out the ref number Ruthbridge have given you on the letter you've posted on here. Second, there's the points (if you need more stall tactics to take it over the 6 years) of mis-sold PPI to bring up, as well as any charges that might be on the account, which are two other aces to keep up your sleeve. So to summarise...1) CCA Ruthbridge and add in the letter you're under the impression the debt is statute barred, and for that reason (and the probability of mis-sold PPI & unlawful charges) the 'debt' is in dispute. 2) SAR the loan company. 3) Sit back, relax and keep us posted. To this end, Rutherbridge are F.of.S 99,999 times out of 100,000 - just bear that in mind ;-)
  14. These muppets are the worst - and they only ever seem to get involved when a debt is statute barred. Don't speak to them on the phone again - not ever! Send the CCA - as and when they comply to it, then a SAR will be next - to see if there are any charges to reclaim - then you can go from there...in the meantime the debt may become statute barred if it isn't already. Might be an idea to add to the CCA request that the payment enclosed is not to be used as payment toward any alleged debt.
  15. If Ruthbridge are involved, it's almost certainly a statute barred debt...If they haven't complied (completely) with your CCA request then it's still in dispute and can't be taken to court...Your best course of action is probably to SAR them now. However, before you do this, you need to check your Credit Files with Equifax etc - have you done this yet? If this debt isn't on your records then it will deffo be statute barred, but if it is, it will show when it was defaulted. Remember, the default date IS NOT when the 6 year (statute barred) starts, it's on the day of the last payment or the day when you last admitted the debt in writing. Ruthbridge are the very lowest of the low in my humble opinion and in over 2 years of being on this site, I have never heard of Ruthbridge (let alone any DCA) actually making someone bankrupt - It's almost certainly a scare tactic These 'alleged' payments you mention..how have they been paid (cheque, postal order etc) ? These can be cross-checked with an SAR to the bank for which the check/credit card/debit card payment was made. If you can prove these payments have been invented then you really can take them to the cleaners. Check your Credit Files (free for a month if you join online) first, see what it says and report back. Next, if need be, will be the SAR request to Ruthbridge. I'm sure the court (if it ever went there) would be very interested by Ruthbridge's comment that they are no longer prepared to correspond with you, especially as though you are trying to sort things out with them. Remember, they will have to prove you owe the debt and that it isn't statute barred. Keep us posted
  16. Guys...you just got to look - sheesh http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/115280-useful-information.html
  17. There's more than you think - here's one of them http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/111844-another-cabot-court-case.html
  18. Did someone call??... Oh, it's been sorted
  19. And if you're bored and you want to listen to a load of (in my opinion) 'Tosh' - click on this link and listen to John Mckluskey bang on about diddly... Why Kent? Cabot Financial - Kent TV Makes me laugh actually..He talks about having looked into outsourcing the company but doesn't tell the listener that was 5 years ago - he gives the impression it's been a recent thing. And also he drivel's on about never having had a problem employing people because the 'quality is there' - Er, hello...Cabot's staff turnover is 21% at last count - I'm guessing his idea of 'quality' is rather low then.
  20. Naa,,,it's just good ethics Rhia...Uncle ken keeps saying so Can't have anything to do with money being made from a company that buys Green belt land (on the cheap) and then sells it for vast profits, whilst at the same time suggesting to the buyer it can be built on when, in fact, no planning permission will ever be given...And of course, this said company would never be 'reported' for attempting to [problem] people would it?...would it? ;-)
  21. One wonders how much satisfaction a certain CEO gets from others people's misery when the said CEO is able to afford to buy a £3.5m house set in acres of land. I guess it's good ethics, eh Ken?
  22. Am I right to assume you've seen all these then ;-) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/73598-dealing-cabot-101-cabot.html
  23. Debt is statute barred from the time of the last payment or acknowledement in writing. Who is the DCA chasing? Ruthbridge or Cabot maybe?
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