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Everything posted by chorlton1

  1. Hi spring - just noticed your thread is in the wrong place!
  2. First thing you should do is PM a mod and get yourself moved out of "successes" and into teh main Abbey forum! I would give them a call before you do anything else, and see where the request is - they have huge backlog but they may just have "lost" your request
  3. well done! Survey is right at the top of the main forum page.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/survey.php
  4. its a rounding error - the simple sheet uses 0.00022, the complex one 8% (eg lots more decimal places) - I really wouldnt worry about £2 difference! I dont think any one of the banks or ccard companies I have claimed from have ever checked the maths anyway, and if they had done they certainly havnt said my numbers are wrong. I would claim for £301 and you can always concede the £2 if they complain!
  5. Nope, you seem to have it covered!
  6. Agree with Glav - unless you have the money in the bank, dont amend the spreadsheet.
  7. I would call the ordinary customer services number if you want to speak to them - they may give you the run around but if you say you are just about to file your claim that will make them put you through to the right people. Good luck!
  8. Would suggest you call and find out why the delay in them responding - then you will know if the letter is on file - they may then settle the balance without you needing to go further (unlikely, so as Barty says get the LBA for the balance ready)
  9. yes you should acknowledge the GOGW and say you will accept it as a partial settlement only and that you will be still pursuing your claim for the full amount (they wont give it to you as a partial settlement but you need to offer that)
  10. it worked for me, and has worked for some others - personally I would give them a call, but have all of your details to hand - tell them that you have a court date and would like to know if they would be prepared to settle now rather than letting the case get closer to the court deadline. Dont forget to have your charges, court costs etc in front of you when you call. Good luck!
  11. Rather bizarrely, Barclaycard cashed the "missing" £10 SAR cheque last week, nearly 6 months after I sent it!! I had a look at the phone calls I made to Barclaycard, out of curiosity - I made in total 16 calls which took over 3 hours in total!!!!! If it hadnt been a "cheap" rate I would be making another claim!
  12. Shouldnt take more than a few days - you are nearly home now - keep the faith!
  13. Thats brilliant news (not your wife going shopping, which is not so good!) - well done mate
  14. Sorry - missed your post - trawl around the main threads for one of the moderators and send them a private message asking them to rename and move your thread - if that doesnt work, post here again and I will get in touch for you
  15. The only firms that used the OFT argument were Barclaycard (they quoted it incorrectly so I sent them the entire text back - they paid after that) and Amex (who also paid). I would have a copy of the April 2006 OFT statement ready to send to them - it is spurious to argue the £12 and they know it. The banks have not quoted it as they, in my experience, used the OFT ruling to say that it only applied to credit cards and that there was nothing unlawful about bank charges - they cannot then argue that it does apply for the £12 threshold - kind of having their cake and eating it!
  16. I claimed for charges plus interest at the prevailing interest rate on my account - they didnt query the rate I applied but I did clearly state in my LBA and on the spreadsheets what the rate represented. Good luck!
  17. I would still give 'em a buzz though.......................
  18. use away- happy to help! I used the "new strategy" for AQ's that I found here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionnaires.html?highlight=new+strategy+for+allocation+questionnaires if that is the route you took, then its the standard CAG court bundle .......... If you need a hand, please shout - I am away from Sun pm until most Thurs p.m./fri a.m. but will try and respoind if I get near to an email
  19. thats good - it should mean that settlement is faster if the Judge accepts your proposed directions
  20. The first thing they said to me when I called, and I believe its the same for most others, is "do you have a date"......on that basis I would call when you have the court date - they are settling chronologically so if the court date is months away they may stall a bit, but I would call them when you know..... Out of interest, did you use the "new" or "old" strategy for the AQ?
  21. Hilary is right - many of us have either been there, or are still there, and we know exactly how you feel. With any luck this is the only company you have chasing you, but even if it isnt, as hilary says, bite the bullet and speak to them and if that doesnt stop the calls, there are some threads elsewhere on CAG detailing what you should say to make them cease and desist. The first call is definitely the hardest, but it gets easier over time and is quite cathartic after a while. I used to get an automated dialler calling me on my home phone and mobile 24/7 - it was always a withheld number and it was about a fortnight before I found out that it was Cap1 - they had been chasing me for being £7 over limit!!!! I also apologise if they are just trying to sell you double glazing and if this comes across as patronising!
  22. If they are both in your name and same address one N1 should suffice - the SAR covers all data held on you by MBNA and is not "account" specific
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