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  1. Thanks again. Letters typed, information sorted and all printed ready to go first thing Monday. I will not be stopping short this time either. I will go as far as I have to now.
  2. Thanks I think I will be doing this in future. I have just re-checked and letters did in fact go off to Natwest asking for the default to be removed etc regarding the stay in October 2007 and so they have completely ignored that anyway.
  3. Every single call I get I tell them that it is all in dispute, but still they carry on - on average 4 calls a week for around the last 12-18 months now. I am in the process of putting it all in writing now, but I think it is disgusting that they have to push people this far. I am a student with a young family and therefore cannot afford to go through the courts with this so they stop hounding me unless I really have to. I do wish they woudl take me to court - after all that is what I started fighting for in the first place. It could have been a way round the stay.
  4. I am so sick of this now. I am being hounded and hounded by one debt collection agency after another for the £1,900 that my account went overdrawn - every single penny of it was bank charges, mounted up because I refused to pay them, while Natwest had all claims on stay, so they piled one on top of another. The debt collection agencies wont listen and just keep on hounding for the money (Natwest originally). I have even told them to carry out their threat and take me to court for it, but strangely enough they wont, just keep on hounding until they give up then pass it on to yet another agency and so it begins again.
  5. I got mine into my bank account last week. Total was £4,233 which is exactly what the original prelim was laid out for. I can't see how I could argue the 8% ontop, as it had not been added at this stage. My LBA did include contractual interest, but they actually paid up before they had recieved and acted on my LBA anyway. I recieved another letter two days after the money saying they are looking into my case (after recieving the LBA) which just goes to show that they are standard letters going out to anyone who they recieve a claim from.
  6. It is now. I was waiting for the money to actually be transfered into my account before considering it settled, but it has gone in today..... I only sent the acceptance letter back on Saturday, so yep... ****Settled for full amount originally claimed****** £4,233
  7. Well I went for the contractual interest on the LBA. Did ot hear anything back, so was all set to put in my MCOL. This was delayed by a couple of weeks due to lack of cash. All ready to put it in today when Saturday I recieved a letter offering my full settlement of my original amount (less around £60 that I made a mistake on claiming). I have accepted the offer as it is what I was claiming in the first place, so just waiting for a nice £4,233 credit to my account now.
  8. Jeni, I hope that all goes well with your claim. Just thought I would let you know that I recieved a letter Saturday offering full settlement of the original amount claimed. I was going to put in the MCOL today. Obviously this offer is without interest, but I am happy with it, as it is what I was claiming anyway, Just waiting for my account to credited with an extra £4,233 now. Account credit on 6th Feb. Full amount originally claimed
  9. Although a standard letter it does seem to me that Nat West are changing tactics. I, and several others recieved this letter. Unfortunatley (or fortunatrly as it turned out) I didnt have the cash to proceed with my claim when the MCOL was due to go in, so I had a 3 week delay. The day I was going to put in my claim I recieved a letter offering me full settlement of the original amount claimed. It is therefore up to you if you proceed with the time scale and go for the interest as well or wait a couple of weeks and see if they offer settlement.
  10. Thanks and sorry for jumping in on your question Jeni. I am afraid I dont know the answer to that one. Hopefully someone who has got that far will be able to answer you though.
  11. I have a quick question that has just been thrown into the works. I was intending to process my MCOL today, as NW have already had around 3 weeks extra due to severe lack of funds for the MCOL. BUT, I am now noticing that Natwest are starting to pay up in some cases after just the letters. Big questions is..... Shall I proceed with the MCOL or atempt another letter to them in the hopes that they pay up without having to go through the MCOL etc? Oh, decidions, decisions! Whilst the £250 fee could certainly be used for other things I also dont want to delay things any longer than necessary
  12. Not sure if the T shirts etc ever took off, but I print vinyl T shirts and car graphics as well as keyrings etc for a living. The text on these would look great on a T shirt or car graphic as well.
  13. I have my own business printing T shirts, keyrings and car graphics so I may just have to do some of these. If anyone else wants any let me know.
  14. I am in exactly the same position as you. My 14 days post LBA was up on Friday and I had heard nothing, then on Saturday I recieved two idential letters thanking me for my prelim (dated 1st Dec) and asking me to bear with them while they looked into it. I am just trying to find the money now to commence the MCOL, as I have had a further £400 in charges taken in December alone!
  15. I also used spreadsheet 2 and my charges were £4,616. Total interest £2,310.23 Mine only goes back to Oct 2004 though, as that is all they sent me and I dont think I really had many, if any, charges before this anyway.
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