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Everything posted by thereshope!

  1. Hard one this. My partner is a self employed plasterer,and generally he is pretty good at estimating now(taken him a couple of years to get it right). I think you run the risk of losing repeat custom and word of mouth advertising if you change the price of the job whilst doing it, and it may be better to just keep to the original price and maybe lose a few quid ? We have done this on the odd job when it has been a nightmare for one reason or another,but most of my partners work is from word of mouth and his reputation of doing a good job. I know how hard it is when you first start out ,and quoting is so hard to get right,go in to high,lose the job,go in to low you either get the job and make a small profit ,or people shy away from you cos they think you're a cowboy lol !:o Maybe when he prices a job,he can say that if the job is a straighforward as it looks it will be .... and if he encounters this or that it will be ....and show the customer at the time the problem. If not, then his reputation is at risk .Lose that and he will be in trouble... JMHO Hope xx
  2. A cheque would be nice:D :D but it's all good !
  3. Sure is Nattie:D At least I have an idea what's headed my way;) Hope xx
  4. Update:D Letter from Cobblers this morning,acknowledged claim and gonna defend !!!! Lets get that party started ! Hope xx
  5. Ist Credit, without a doubt. They apply for charging orders on everything they can. They told me to 'get rid'of my dog and reduce my kids school dinner money to £1 each a day:mad: :mad: How dare they. Rude obnoxious bullies. I hate them with a passion:D Hope xx
  6. Thanks Hun:) Feel good at the moment about it all ,but I guess I will wobble a bit on the day ! They sent a solicitor last time too, so I expect he will be there again:mad: He helpfully pointed out to the judge that at my current rate of repayment,it would take me 40 years to pay back ! I quickly told the judge that I very much hoped that I would be in better financial circumstances in the next couple of years and planned to pay off my debts as quickly as possible ...... Anyway, I digress. I think i'm obsessed with getting even,it's all I think about these days ! Take care Hope xx
  7. MMMM ! Looks like they have a problem then if they cant supply the data. Maybe i'm cynical:D but I have a feeling that they really dont want to provide the data as it will show my penalty charges. I might have no option left but to estimate charges.... Hope xx
  8. Sorry for hijack wobbles Yep,in court on apr 20th for set aside hearing Hope xx
  9. Hi reidnet:) Are you saying I should issue N1 for non compliance ? Just done this with both MBNA and 1st Credit for non compliance ! The court clerk already chuckles when I walk in the general office- going to be on first name terms soon ! GE have another few days until they commit an offence.Might aswell print off the N1 now..... Hope xx
  10. Hi halfax1:) TBH i dont think it would have made any difference whether you turned up or did anything differently. I went into the hearing very well prepared(BA RHIA + INKOGNEETOH ALL HELPED ME LOADS !).The judge actually said" my hands are tied,young lady.All I can do today is make the order final or give you time to submit a counter claim" Because the CCJ had beeen granted, nothing else could really be taken into account,despite the dca not complying with cca request.The judge basically ignored what I said as it wasnt admissable ! If you get to the point of a final charging order hearing,it is very difficult to have it struck out. I have taken legal advice on this too, and the general consensus is to get the ccj set aside before they apply for final charging order ! Get good advice from the guys and gals on here and also phone the National Debtline, they really know their stuff ! On the 20th April I have my ccj set aside hearing,followed by my final charging order hearing. I will post my experience and the outcome on my thread:shock: Hope xx
  11. 1st Credit are just about the worst dca I have come across. The ccj,followed by charging order route is one that they tend to follow as a rule,and when I contacted the CCCS about the charging order ,it didnt surprise them in the slightest that 1st Credit had applied. Sadly,they seem to follow up on their threats.... So, if with like me they dont comply with cca request,slap an N1 in and seek remedy by way of a court order lol ! Its to be hoped that their paperwork is in order;) Hope xx
  12. The above is all correct except the paragraph in red . I was paying 1st Credit through my debt management plan with the CCCS. I had been in the plan paying every month for about a year when 1st Credit applied for the Charging Order. If 1st Credit dont bring to the courts attention that a payment plan has been adhered too,and ask for a forthwith judgement,its a fair bet that the court will grant it. Hope xx
  13. Hi Lano, I am going through this process at the moment with the same muppets that you dealt with. This is whats happened ,and this is what I am doing Ok.I had final charging order hearing 2 weeks ago.I persuaded the judge to give me a stay for 28 days. I then applied for a set aside of the original ccj as I had been advised to admit the full debt At the same time I issued application for set aside,I filed N1 for non compliance with both MBNA and1 st Credit (busy days lol !) I dont see why you cant do what I have done ? Have you cca and sar 1 st credit ? IF not do asap. Apply for set aside of CCJ on the basis that ,(if they have charged unlawful penalties,)you were mislead into agreeing to paying penalties as you were informed by MBNA that the penalties charged related to costs incurred by MBNA,and not as now been discovered,down to unjust enrichment by the bank. not sure if this applies to you ? can you give us more details ? Paulwltn has just had a ccj set aside on this basis, I think. Dont quote me on the above,but the general gist of his argument is along those lines. Sorry paulwltn if I've got that mixed up ! Have a look at pauls thread,he is much more eloquent than I http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legalities/69066-ccj-set-aside.html Hope xx
  14. Crossed posts with you there priority ! Looks like we are singing from the same hymn sheet though ! Hope xx
  15. Hi To get a charge The Halifax will need to be granted a CCJ in the frst instance. I am speaking from experience here as I have a debt through MBNA that was sold to 1st Credit. 1st Credit applied for a ccj and I was advised by the CCCS to admit the full amount of the debt. Whatever you do, dont admit the full amount if part of the debt is made up of penalty charges. If you are issued with papers then tick the disputed amount box. Make sure you ask for the CCJ hearing to be heard at your local court so you can defend yourself. Send off the SAR letter and £10 fee ASAP to the Halifax so you know exactly where you stand with penalty charges and you you can get this debt in dispute, which halts all further action. I am currently in the situation where 1st Credit are applying for a final charging order on my home,and I have had to apply for a set aside of the original CCJ order to get a chance of fighting against the final charging Order. If the Halifax did get a final charging order,this doesnt necesarily mean they can force you to sell. They will get a caution against your property but there are situations where the order for sale isnt granted,eg if you have kids,the house is jointly owned. I wouldnt consider giving up my home for a minute and I would fight to the end-but thats just me ,I like a good scrap lol !! If you need anymore info,i'm sure someone will be along soon,maybe Sequenci,or pm me if you want,i'm no expert but I would be happy to help if I could. Good luck Hope xx
  16. Hi BA:) I love your new avatar very apt !!! OK ,i'll take it easy ! Have a good Easter yourself. Love to you both Hope xx
  17. Hi again Corn:) Can't wait and yep its great that they need to battle us both on the same day ! If I was Mbna I would be scarpering to the hills unless they can come up with the goods, cos if not Corn and Hope are gonna get ya !!! :D Have you got anything prepared for the hearing yet, as I havent and would be interested to know what you are going to put in your bundle. I've also got a hearing date of 20 apr for ccj set aside and final charging order hearing on mbna/1 st credit debt. I'ts all happening ! Hope xx
  18. Hi Muggins You know my feelings on contractual,they charged you it, you paid it,now it's their turn to pay ! You were one of the peeps that helped to focus me when I was in a mess trying to decide what to do regarding the interest. I believe we were cut from the same cloth hun.You are a fighter,you have guts and determination.Hell, you took on nasty west and won -twice ! What other qualifications do you need in bank bashing ! You have them all:D Go get em gal:cool: Hope xx
  19. Hi Corn:) Just being nosey really,have you recieved Notice of Issue from the court yet re non compliance hearing ? I did this morning for both MBNA and 1st Credit.They have until 19 apr to reply. I have a feeling that things may start to move now ! Hope xx
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