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Everything posted by thereshope!

  1. Thanks Parky and Maxine:) Your'e both right.Temporary blip in the common sense department lol ! Business as usual people;) Hope xx
  2. Because i'm not a patient gal lol , I am going to contact Nat West and tell em I've got a hearing date. They may turn round and say so what ,see you in court , but on the other hand they may suprise me and say they want to settle lol ! I know.... a long shot but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained ! I would appreciate a pointer in the direction of a really good letter basically asking for settlement and pointing out it will be in the best interests of the bank as I will be filing a wasted costs order if they dont play ball ! Cheers guys Hope xx
  3. WELL DONE HUNNY BUNNY ! Fingers crossed, not that they need to be cos Friday is pay day !!! Yay for Fendy !!!!!!!!!!!Hope xxx
  4. Morning all:) Phoned the court this morning and have now got a pre lim hearing date ! Yay ! 7th August at 1215. So what now ? I take it this hearing is to decide which track to allocate to,and I am guessing that it will be sct as both Cobbetts and I requested this. Actually, I would be really quite happy if it went to Mercantile court as these claims seem to be settled sooner rather than later. So, would it be worth contacting Cobbetts to try and get this settled prior to a hearing as it will just add more costs on to them ,as I will for sure put in a wasted costs order after the event lol ! Any advice guys or email contacts at Cobbetts etc ? Thanks ! Hope xx
  5. Lol ! Was just about to post you a link !
  6. Hi Dani They used the same tactics on me,lovely Zebra print postcards on a weekly basis just about. Never got a visit though. I think they do this if they dont have a phone number on file for you in an attempt to get you to phone them. Just another underhand tactic designed to scare you IMO. Stick to your guns and dont promise to pay more than you can afford. Hope xx
  7. I think the way I have worded my predicament has come out all wrong lol ! The court where my claim is at the mo is only just listing dates for september as they are so busy. They currently have a backlog of 7 weeks to even look at filed claims ! The other court where I'm considering transferring to,actually send all the bank claims straight on to Leeds as soon as they get them, for bulk hearings. I think it may be quicker going with the court that transfer them to Leeds for the bulk hearings, and probably less risky, as the bulk hearing cases generally get settled without havin to go in front of a judge ? What do you think Fendy ? I have actually been in front of the judge where my claim currently is for a charging order and I lost ! He came across quite pro establishment:x EDIT : Der !!!! Having lots of 'stupid' episodes lately ! If I transfer to the more local court,they then send the claims straight on to Leeds -for a Mercantile hearing ! Whole new ballgame as dont know anything about Mercantile hearings or what implications they have re costs etc. Now I really dont know what to do!
  8. Hi DCTL:) Am I right in thinking that your case has been transferred to Dewsbury ? I actually issued mine in person at Dewsbury but am now considering transferring to Wakefield. I was told that cases that go through Wakefield are all transferred to leeds for a bulk hearing so are dealt with much quicker. Apparently all the cases listed at Dewsbury go before the DJ for a pre lim hearing. I actually have first hand knowledge of the judge at dewsbury and dont relish being in front of him for my charges reclaim. I kind of felt that he was sympathetic towards the banks IYKWIM. Pm me if you want to know anything else. Hope xx
  9. UPDATE ! I have recently discovered that there is a county court in my home town instead of the one i've been using ! How dumb am I lol ! Basically, I am considering moving my claim to this other court as its nearer, it doesnt have such a backlog,and all bank claims are transferred to bulk hearings in Leeds ! I have just phoned the court where my claim currently is and the staff where a little negative and said I would have to make an application etc pay a fee and there was no guarentee that the judge would allow for the case to be transferred ! The clerk also stated that all cases at the court were heard at a pre lim hearing and were not transferred to Leeds. How can 2 courts differ so much in how they do things ? They are only about 7 miles apart ! So, would it be a good move to pay the £35 and get the case transferred, or wait til september, which is when the next lot of cases are to be heard at my current court:o Would appreciate advice / comments please ! Hope xx
  10. Stay with it Fendy. You can do it, I know its hard but you can do it hun. When you get down, just think youv'e got your lovely jollies to look forward to . Stick with it .Not long now. Hugs Hope xx
  11. Hi GF I'm afraid they can do this and its happened to quite a few other peeps too, sadly. Gutting ,isnt it ? I'm not sure if you can do anything about it, but hopefully someone more knowledgable than I will be along to advise you. Look on the brightish side,at least it reduces your debt,but I know it would have been nice to actually have 'cash in hand' Hope xx
  12. Hi I wasnt sure where to post this so mods ,if I'm in the wrong place please feel fee to move post.! The facts are as follows.My son (who was 11 at the time) was hit by a car and sustained a fractured femur and general cuts and bruises . He has had a very difficult and painful year as due to complications with his fracture he had to be operated on a couple of times and was unable to walk without pain until Jan 07. Basically, it has taken ages to find out the identy of the driver,as he wasn't the car owner,but thankfully we now know who he is. I'm not totally sure what gene pool this guy comes from because not only did he fail to notify the police at the time of the accident, he is now calling my son a liar and blaming the accident on him. I'm so damn angry that I could explode lol. My son was on the path at the time of the accident and the guy was pulling into a driveway and failed to see my son,resulting in knocking him off his bike and breaking his leg. I just feel that the whole thing was an attempted cover up by those involved.I received a call from a guy,who I assumed was the driver of the car saying " your lad has just come down the road and hit my car". I replied " OMG ! Is your car o.k ?.Is there any damage because I will be happy to pay " He replied "the cars fine but I think your lad has broken his leg ". It wasn't until this point that I realised how serious it was, and I assumed my son had hit a stationary car because of the way the guy worded his response. Obviously I went to the scene of the accident straight away and never questioned my son as to what had happened, I just tried to comfort him while we waited for the ambulance. It must have been 2 or 3 days later that I asked my son what had happened,and was sort of berating him for not being careful lol, and he said what did I mean, the car was pulling into its driveway and had knocked him off his bike.He went onto explain that he remembered pulling his legs down off of the bonnet of the car and he then stood up and tried to walk . It became apparent to him at this point that his leg was in a bad way and he had to sit down.The guy came to his aid and actually said to my son "sorry mate, I didn't see you because of the parked van" My son was in hospital for 3 weeks and I stayed with him day and night.During this time he was operated on to insert flexible nails into his femur to stabilise the fracture ,so I didn't bother to look into the accident too much, but I was puzzled that the Police hadn't attended the scene. When he was discharged I contacted the Police and was amazed to be told that the driver hadn't reported the accident and there was nothing they could do ! I assume that when the ambulance was called, the same was said to control as was said to me, and it was assumed that my son had run into a stationary car so Police weren't called. I decided to persue a compensation claim for my son as he deserved to have compensation for all the pain and suffering he had been through. He was in a wheelchair for 4 months, and then on crutches for a further 6 months and didn't play out with his friends for 9 months. He was basically house bound, and missed months of school etc.Even now he still walks with a limp and suffers hip and back pain due to his poor gait. He has been to see a specialist who says it wil be at least another year until we will know the final outcome,and their is no guarentee that my son will walk without a limp in the future. I received a letter from my our solicitor yesterday saying that she had at last heard from the defendants insurers and that their client denied all liability and that my son had run into the back of the car ! She went on to say that she would now have to consult a barrister and it would have to go to trial. My son is understandably worried about having to give evidence ,in fact he is scared senseless and I am so angry that this to$$er is making him go through this. He's been through enough already. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on what to expect next ? What are he implications of a barrister being involved ? Will it go to trial prior to my sons injury being re-assessed ? I have even thought about maybe dropping it as it's so daunting for my son, and then I think why should he get away with what he has done to my son ? Anyway, I would appreciate all comments and advice on this guys. Thanks Hope xx
  13. I would appreciate any further advice on this if anyone can help please ? Thanks Hope xx
  14. SUBSCRIBING ! Go gal !! Inspiring read. Totally behind you 100%. If you need a court buddy let me know as i'm in Wakefield and I would be happy to lend a bit of moral support ! Hope xx
  15. Hi Powell No,O/R isn't trustee. It was transferred onto an insolvency practioner/chartered accountant. My O/H was trading as a sole trader if this makes any difference ?
  16. Hi My O/H petitioned for bankrupty in April 2004.My mum lent me the money to buy out the beneficial interest on our house ,but everything else was seized by the receiver. We haven't received any correspondance from the trustee in nearly 2 years, and then today, out of the blue I received a letter from the trustee advising that a final meeting of Creditors would be held on such and such a date. It stated O/H wasn't required to attend, but if he wished to be present he would only be admitted at the discretion of the chairman. To be honest, I have no idea what this means to us. I assumed he was discharged from his bankruptcy, but does this mean he isn't ? Are they investigating him maybe ? Really worried now so would appreciate anyone with knowledge of bankruptcy to maybe offer some advice. I considered phoning trustee but didnt want to sound stupid as I really dont know what I'm on about. Thanks in advance Hope xx
  17. Fendy hun..... what can I say ? Nasty horrid Nutwest and Cobblers. Pure evil what they are doing to you. Stay strong and clear headed.You will be the winner in the long run xx Keep your chin up Hope xx
  18. Hey Muggins:) Phoned the court this morning and the clerk told me it had been put before the judge yesterday. She told me to phone back in a week and I should get an idea of when it will be listed. At least its a step forward. So if you are watching Cobblers, not long now ! Feel free to contact me and we may be able to put this to bed sooner rather than later lol:D Hope xx
  19. Hi Maxine I've been putting the dreaded bundle on the back burner as I don't relish all that printing lol ! I did send in a response to their defence that I hope will have much the same effect- it shows in no uncertain terms that I know what i'm about and that i'm going all out to get it ! I think the paralegals are just so snowed under with all that paperwork that they will deal with me nearer to a court date-when I actually get one,that is ! I've considered phoning or emailing to maybe speed things up a little. What do you think ?
  20. WELL DONE FENDY !!! I'm really really pleased for you hun ! Fantastic news. Hope xx
  21. Hi Hedgey, At least the amount i'm going to get is creeping up daily ! And it means I can't spend it too ! I need to pay the balance on my holiday villa in about 3 weeks so hopefully I will have it by then:D
  22. Well i'm still waiting........and waiting..........and waiting lol ! Not a thing have I heard from Cobblers,and my local CC is working through a 3 week backlog. Patience is wearing a little thin now. But I suppose it's all part of the carry on ! Look how long Parky had to wait for his money,but they still paid up in the end . Big up to Parky !!!
  23. Yes, a good move to get clarification on the debt. It's a shame if they did manage to get the 8% added on. They would have bought the debt for approx 10% of it's worth and just hammered charges on top too. Go get em for what they owe you ! Good luck x
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