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Everything posted by Qmart

  1. Hi i am looking at all info before i send my letter of to the rbs, can you tell me what advice that you have been given on the situation you have been put in.Im thinking about opening a new account and closing all of mine, i can do this as i have just come in to some money but am still waiting for it, and dont want to rock the boat untill i can close the account or just pay of and then close if they start this rubbish on me. Regards.
  2. Hi im on the first stage i have printed the first template of to ask for my statements, like you my claim is also with the RBS. Is there anymore pointers that you can give me with dealing with this bank. Regards
  3. Hi im new to the forum, can you please tell me how i start the reclaim of my charges from the rbs and were do i look on the site. Sorry about asking its just you have won your claim and i thought you would be the man/woman to ask. Regards.
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