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Everything posted by lisaf

  1. Hi All, just a bit of an update. OH finally got to speak to his boss last night about the situation and just to confirm that his job is definitely going end of July. Well it is so he just told her that in that case he wants to do everything possible to secure the money of hers tied up in the house. This would mean her buying it completely (very unlikely by her reaction) or to put a charge on the property (she's American so didn't quite understand how that works so Oh explained). She said she would think about it and consult her financial people and let him know possibly end of next week. So at least he's put all his cards on the table now and she knows the score. He said she seemed quite cold about the whole job thing - not 'look I'm really sorry it's come to this but we're just not making enough money to keep you on'. It was well 'that's just the way it is so crack on sort of thing'. He was quite hurt by that not so much losing his job (been on the cards for a couple of years) but the fact that after working thisclosely and on a very personal level (not to mention making umpteen sacrifices to the detriment of our own family) that it has come to this. And believe me he doesn't ever take things to heart or personally ever but he looked visibly gutted when he came home last night (not often that I feel sorry for him)! Also he reminded me that when she loaned us the money, about 3 months after that, they cut his money by £15k a year! Which was basically our mortgage money for the year. So we have steadily gone downhill since then but with the extra outgoings of the mortgage. Although it was an amazing gesture at the time, it was kind of like giving in one hand and taking with the other! Anyway - feel better for getting that all off my chest! So would anyone be able to tell me if she does agree to the charging order - which would defo put house in negative equity, would that stop the house being taken in the bankruptcy? Many thanks Lisa x
  2. Right, found the poc's for the N1 and will have to tweak it for peugeot. Does anyone know how much it will cost to file the N1? The claim is for approx. £800? Many thanks Lisa
  3. Thanks Martin! Thought I had tried that - but will try again!
  4. Why can I never find the library?
  5. Thanks Guys - I'm due in court on Thursday for a set-aside hearing so I will file the N1 while I'm there! They haven't responded at all to the LBA and it's over the 2 weeks for sure. Thanks again Lisa
  6. Hi Guys, I've left this quite a while but I'm about to file on mcol. Can anyone help me with the POC's please? Many many thanks Lisa x
  7. Hi Rainbow Moon - myself and OH had a similar call from hsbc a few months ago on a Sunday. We laugh about it now but I was fuming at the time. When he told them to only contact him by letter, t*** from hsbc called him a 'loser' and how did he think he could get away with it? And also said he would call back as many times as he liked 'because he could'! Don't think they've called him since that day to be honest so I think maybe someone his end heard the call and advised him not to bother any more in case we took it a lot further (wish we had done now)! Keep strong Lisa x
  8. Thanks Joemay - that does make sense but we just couldn't ask her to put a charge on the house and I'm sure she wouldn't anyway. It would be a lot of hassle she really doesn't want/need at the moment. We have got a document that shows she loaned us the money but when we got the mortgage, we had to get her to sign something to say that it had been a gift so that the mort. company wouldn't get suspicious etc. So that document she signed supercedes the one we did for her! Thanks again Lisa x
  9. Thanks so much MrsWestham! I do feel better now I've gone through everything and know exactly what we're up against. Defo going to CAB this week. Lisa x
  10. Just wondered if anyone knew what I would need to take to the CAB next week for an appointment. I have a list and copy of all our debts etc and income and exp. etc - do I need to take anything else such as bank statements? Many thanks Lisa
  11. Thanks 42 man the poc's are: ' The claimant's claim is for the sum of £... being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated credit agreement between the defendant and ...bank plc under ref 1234...... and assigned to the claimant on the 22nd april 09 notice of which has been given to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served upon defendant pursuant to section 87(1) of the consumer credit act 1974. Pursuant to clause 7 of the agreement, the claimant also claims contractual interest at a rate of .....% per annum from the date of these proceedings to the date of judgement, or sooner payment accruing at a daily rate of ... That's everyting! Many thanks Lisa x
  12. Hi All, I need to fill out a defence on mcol (for my Mum) today and I'm not sure what to put in it. I basically want to say that the claimant haven't sent a valid cca but I want to word it properly. Can anyone please advise? Many thanks Lisa x
  13. Thanks Cerberusalert - that's exactly what I said to him. I mean we could all lose if the house goes! Looking back now, although it was an amazing gesture at the time to get us on the property ladder (4 years ago) it has been our down fall really and we have had nothing but financial bad luck since. Many thanks again Lisa
  14. Hi All, just wanted a rant really. I just feel after staying so strong for so long, the cracks are beginning to show! I am now approx 6 months pregnant and have been pretty poorly for 4 of those but feel much better now thank goodness. Anyway, financially myself and OH are struggling (same as usual really) but it just seems to be getting worse. We are in serious amounts of debt which we are really struggling to pay now. Our mortgage is in serious arrears and already has a suspended possesion order on it. We owe the last 2 months council tax and are behind with the utilities. We also owe the tax man about £8k (OH self employed) and are paying them small weekly amounts. Plus we have numerous loans and credit cards etc that we have cca'd and have been able to hold off a couple due to non compliance. OH has sub-contracted off the same company for about 8 years and earned really good money and so far we have muddled through but he has just been told his contract will not be renewed after July. The thing is, his boss very kindly lent us a substantial amount of money (100k) to put down on the house we're living in and we have tried for 18 months to sell to give her the money back and to downsize or rent. His boss says there is no hurry at all and we would be silly to sell now and she can wait for another few years but without this job, we can't afford the house anyway. OH will defo get other work soon as he cannot sit still for 2 minutes but it definately won't be enough to pay all the outgoings and the money might not come in straight away as he has to invoice etc. He is due to have a meeting with his boss in the next couple of weeks and he was going to suggest that she buy the house completely and we rent it off her. Does sound like we are taking the p***? We are just thinking about ALL avenues at the moment before we lose the house completely. Also I thought that if the house is in her name and we end up having to consider bankruptcy (which we were advised to do about 5 years ago but didn't want to) that we wouldn't lose the house. A long shot I know but we are just desperate. Feel better just putting that all down as everyone thinks I'm bearing up well but I can't stop crying. Thanks for reading Lisa x
  15. Hi All, right another update and not so good this time. They have now sent what looks like the agreement, deed of assignment etc etc. I am gutted - they say they have also sent this to the court. So what happens now? Do they now reapply for the charging order? Many thanks Lisa
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