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Everything posted by lisaf

  1. Could this be moved to the legal section if poss? ta
  2. Hi Shadow, no joy getting through to the court - it just kept ringing and they close at 4. I will try first thing in the morning. Anyone else have any ideas? Many thanks Lisa
  3. Many many thanks Shadow. I will call the court now
  4. Can someone please advise me on a problem I have with HSBC credit card? Basically last year (I think) I received a judgement against me for an outstanding £3k c/c as I didn't defend in time. A couple of months ago I rec'd an order from the court with an attachment of earnings which I filled in and sent back. They subsequently sent me a 'general form of judgement or order' ehich said: 1/ The attachment of earnings application be adjourned generally with liberty to restore, the Defendants income being less than her protected earnings rate. 2/ Any party may apply within 7 days of service of this order to the order set aside or varied. So, I just though well that is it for now and they can't do anything until my financial circumstances change. This morning I receive a 'notice of issue of warrant of execution' saying that as I have not paid the judgment as ordered I have until the 2nd Dec to pay. I am so worried - I have tried to call bailiff office this morning but it had closed for the day. My circumstances have changed a lot since I last posted on here. I have since had a baby (October) and my partner has now left our home and we are no longer in a relationship so I have all that to contend with and now this! Please please advise Lisa x
  5. I have cca'd all of them and it looks like they are all enforceable. I have about £1k of charges on my hsbc current account and about £700 on a peugeot finance account. Both of these are waiting to file in court - but I'm just getting the money together for these. Lisa
  6. Wow! Thanks Kevin! That's told me! Spoke to payplan and although they said they can help on the form I sent via e-mail, when I spoke to someone today she said well 'offer them £1 a month and that's all you can do at the moment as your outgoings will exceed your incomings by the end of this month and we cannot help you on that front any further'. Well I must say so far my impression of the debt charity organisations and cab etc have not been much help at all. I have picked up far more help on CAG. The reason I wanted their advice/backing was so that my creditors knew I was being serious and that I had sought professional advice. I have binned the credit cards years ago but am still paying (or not as the case may be at the moment)! I know what you're saying about getting on the social security etc but I want to keep my job, maybe myself and OH can apply for tax credits if he still hasn't found work by the end of the month? We have NO problem at all going bankrupt it's just that it's his boss's money tied up and he has explained to her that if the house goes through to not paying the mortgage, so will the money tied up. She can either buy the remainder of the house (unlikely) or put a charge on and THEN we can go BR. Always appreciate all advice and time taken to give it Lisa
  7. Thanks Joemay - I am just about to make the call to payplan now as I filled in their online form and they say they can help - so here goes! x
  8. Have just registered on-line with them so just awaiting their call!
  9. Thanks Cerberusalert - I will try those x
  10. Hi All, OH has only been able today to get to go to CAB - well what a disaster! He tried 2 local ones and none of them had any assessors available today so he tried one nearer his work and they said they couldn't help as he wasn't in their borough and although he worked there, he wouldn't be for much longer! (He's out of work at the end of July). So a fat lot of good they all were. Can anybody PLEASE advise what or who we can contact now to try and get an appointment to sort things out? I want to act before decisions are taken out of our hands and we lose everything whilst we wait for advice. Also would it be worth approaching creditors ourselves with small offers? Any advice gratefully rec'd! Lisa x
  11. ok thanks cerberusalert, I will have a look at that forum.
  12. Hi All, just another update. OH hasn't been able to get to CAB yet as he's been working 'round the clock since his boss has been over but he is planning to get there asap. I just have a few questions about a possible bankruptcy if we decide to go down that route (looking more likely daily). If only OH goes bankrupt, obviously all his own debts will go but what happens to any joint debt? am I liable for half of it or all of it? Also would we still lose the house bearing in mind we have equity in it? Many thanks Lisa
  13. Hi Happy Contrails - I just wanted to know whether I could claim the difference between the original pcn and these extortionate fees on top. Is it worth sending an SAR to equita as I have paid a couple of these some time ago and it was the same amount and it just can't be right. Many thanks again Lisa
  14. Thanks Happycontrails. Know it was stupid, but I paid it as it's my OH's work vehicle. Will I ever have ANY chance of getting any of that back? Thanks again Lisa
  15. Hi All, I got a letter from Equita on Saturday regarding an outsanding pcn. It didn't have a reference to the pcn or amount. So I have just called the bailiff and he said he's going to look for the pcn number and call me back but that it amounts to £400+ for one ticket! Didn't even get the original pcn or chasing letter from Equita. Update: He's just called back with pcn number and said that i should have rec'd chasing letter from Equita so to pay this and take it up with them and see if I can get the difference back!? Thanks for listening Lisa x
  16. Hi Cerberusalert, I don't want them to bankrupt us but just to put a charging order on and then we can file our own bankruptcy. I understand that they would have to ccj us first? And then go for the charging order if we default which we would. The only thing is, I know that this whole process might take a while and OH's job is finished end of July. Many thanks Lisa
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