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Everything posted by Gordy

  1. You maybe thinking of co2, co very much does cause breathlessness according to all the sources ive read, nhs site for example.
  2. Thanks for the replies. Was just looking for information on how i would go about it if it was possible.
  3. On a recent gas inspection i was told that my CO sensor was wrongly placed and as soon as a new one was placed in the correct area it immediately started beeping. My gas was ofc condemned and turned off and has now been repaired. However its likely by boiler was leaking CO into my flat for anything upto 8 years! i have oddly enough been suffering with occasional attacks of breathlessness on several occasions the last 3 years or so which i or my doctor could fathom out. Can i take any action against them? Thanks for reading.
  4. Thanks. Without going into complete specifics the items were windows and front door so wasnt too sure where responsibility lay.
  5. Apologies if this is in the wrong section as i couldn't find one more suitable. If this is the case could you please point me in the right direction. Ive been recently talking to a friend who has a shared ownership flat wherby they pay mortgage and rent. We discussed a number of repairs that she had paid out for herself which i thought maybe the landlord (radian housing) could possibly have been responsible for and had maybe misinformed her. If this is the relevant forum section then id like to ask for advice and or experience on the matter from those more in the know. Many thanks.
  6. So i have a family wedding coming up soon. The groom has fallen out with his mum several years ago and does not want her at the wedding. The mum is adamant she is coming to view the ceremony at the church. Is the following i have been told correct? Anyone can come to view the wedding inside the church because its public, you cannot ban or stop anyone entering. The mum cannot be removed unless she makes a scene. In fact if anyone tries to remove her or starts to 'kick off' they can actually get into trouble themselves? Thanks for any help clearing things up and have pity on this usher.
  7. Im going to ring the Council tomorrow and CAB to start with for some advice. Then im going to be putting out letters to the housing association and the council asking for all the info they have on this case and why so and so hasnt been done etc. I think its something i should have done a long time ago but i have been just making phone calls all this time.
  8. Thanks for the reply. The upstairs landing outside the flat is very spongy and im assuming inside is the same. I did some checks about the building (they were only built about 2005) and it has got a certificate but the man who issued it also told me that only a small percentage are actually tested not all of them. the housing association wouldn't believe this for some months and still wont acknowledge it. maybe time for me to stop making phone calls and start to prepare some proper letters with proofs. I shall definitely get in touch with the various people you have recommended tomorrow. Ive made some recording with a phone but due to the bassy nature of the sounds they dont record too well. I did send some recording to two people via email and they would not comment on them. Ive looked into paying myself for a 3rd party test but its very pricey (around £400 i believe) and i understand i would have to have the cooperation and permission of the upstairs neighbour which is very unlikely. Ive even looked into buying expensive mics to do recordings myself but again they are way pricey and ofc would carry absolutely no weight legally. edit: just added a little mp3 snippet. thats not construction work going on.
  9. Im a housing association tenant and have been complaining for 6 years now of noise from the upstairs flat. Its not music, i never hear that people walking around heavily/kids jumping around/things being dropped on the floor make almighty booms and creaks. ive lived in lots of properties in my life and not once made any complaints or even noticed bad noise. Its so violently loud it sounds like people are playing catch with heavy pieces of furniture! Its literally driving me crazy and i have just received a letter today saying they are doing nothing about it. Im devastated. Ive had a council sound monitor in some years ago. They quashed any problems by putting it down to children noise and wouldn't take it any farther even tho they said it was very loud. Same story from housing association they wont even install any monitors. Ive had numerous arguments and a beating from 2 friends of the neighbour through the noise complaints i have made. They were finally starting to go though files for the property for the sound testing but after months of waiting because of 'corrupt dvds' they have suddenly gone silent on me and just sent out a letter saying they are doing nothing. I really am close to breaking point. Im moderately agoraphobic so spend about 70 hours a week inside. I would be overjoyed if anyone can offer some help and advice. Im kept the post pretty brief as i just wanted to get it out there so if you need any more details please ask. Many thanks. Gordon
  10. A family member is in need of the above but i have no idea how i would go about finding one. Ive been warned away from any no win no fee outfits. Many thanks for any help offered.
  11. thanks alot lexis, well my boss is a good friend so i think his just looking out for me. im gonna have a look on the site now and have a look. thanks again, Gordy
  12. Hello, my current situation is that i have just been offered a promotion at work (huzzah), but the boss has asked me to think about benefits and only work 16 hours a week. im 20, and have a baby on its way in july and im currently living with my partner at her mothers house, where planning on living there for 12-18 months untill we have enough money for our own place. the thing is my boss has asked me to look at benefits and see if i would be better off working 16 hours a week and claiming family tax credits and income support(i think thats what i would be entitled too) or, working 37 hours a week and claiming nothing. i would rather work 37 hours a week as i enjoy the job and i dont see why i should claim if ive got the chance to work. so the main reason im asking you guys for some help is because i want a strong argument for my boss to persuade him to give me full time hours. thanks alot, Gordy
  13. Thanks thats cleared that up nicely. Ive taken my own bank to court over charges a few years back now so no what to do from here on. Many thanks for the help.
  14. Thansks for the prompt and helpful replies. Just one more question tho, how can i prepare court papers if the sum keeps increasing as oon as i have filed them?
  15. Thanks for the help. Most importantly how can he stop the charges keep building like they are?
  16. Am trying to sort out my younger brothers banking for christmas. Unfortunatly he is pretty bad with his money and over the last 1/2 years has let his £300 overdraft flare into £700 worth of charges. He did attempt to go into the bank to get the fees stopped so the amount was at least not still growing. Unfortunatly he was met with a very rude clerk who started telling him off for spending money that wasnt his. Please let me/him know what to do regarding first freezing the account so no more charges can be applied, i would then like to go onto getting the charges wiped entirely so he just pays his overdraft. A large portion of the charges seem to be related to something called 'Reserve Usage Fee'. Im assuming charges still cant be claimed back yet because it is still at court? Thanks for any help you can offer and Merry XMAS! Gordy
  17. I want to use the Money Claim site but i see no option for adding my spreadsheet and the box provided isnt even big enough to hold the whole letter :/ Am i missing something?
  18. Thanks for the help up untill now. I just need to clear up 2 final things... Can i include the £5 charge for requesting past charges to my claim? A proportion of the money i owe the bank has not in fact been paid. Do i still claim for the full amount they have charged me in last 6 years as a whole? and they will do the rest ie set my balance back to zero and pay me cash for charges i have paid? Is there any kind of time limit between when you first send a letter to your bank requesting charges refunded and actually taking them to court? Many thanks
  19. Thanks for that i seem to be on track now. Ive downloaded the simple excel spreadsheet but the money claim guide says use the s.69 but i cant find this using the search feature. Also from which date do i count back 6 years? the initial letter asking for charges back or the day i start the money claim proceeding? Many thanks. Gordy
  20. Ive done all the letters to my banks etc and it has now come to taking them to court. Ive been putting it off for months because i really havnt got a clue how i got about doing this. Im really not being lazy but im so confused and cant find out how i go about filling in the money claim site :/ Also im well in tge red with both banks as they have been adding charges still every month so do i have to tell them to stop before taking to court? Please help me finally get this thing sorted out as i want to end it but cant find exact instructions on what i need to do. Many thanks for any help. Gordy
  21. Hi ive finally gotten to the point with halifax where its time to take them to court :/ They owe me about £100 for old paid direct debit charges and my account is currently roughly £100 overdrawn too as i refused to pay the last charge and they have kept adding fees every month. I am am now unable to use the account or view it online. Taking into consideration that half the money they owe me hasnt actually been paid (as its on my overdraft) how do i procede? Same question for my Nationwide account too really but i didnt want to make 2 different threads for the same question. Many thanks. Gordy
  22. Amazing that such a profesional organisation as a bank can get away with this sort of thing really Thanks for the replies tho.
  23. Hi am new to the forum and have recently started to reclaim back my unfair bank charges. Great idea and its nice to see the banks on the run for once. Hes an abridged version of whats been happening. However im having trouble getting this information from the Nationwide Bank Over the past 6 weeks i have sent them a request for 6 years worth of charges in writing. I rang them 3 weeks after to see why i had had no reply to be told they never recieved it. I explained on the phone what i wanted and was told the ony way is via statements at £5 which totalled £720! I have recently written no less then 4 emails to them via there online banking page and all four have been ignored totally now for over 2 weeks, they usually answer these emails fairly quickly. I rang them today and when i explained what was happening i was mysteriously cut off. Rang again straight after and asked to speak to whoever was in charge there, was placed on hold for 15 minutes after explaining again. Anyway i explained to the man i spoke to the situation and also that i believe they are not allowed to charge more then £10 for this information due to the data protection act. He then said thats true for personal details but not charges etc. On every occasion i have written/phoned or emailed them i have made it clear to them that they are not allowed to charge me more then £10 for this information but they just will not admit it. Ive also just emailed the Information Commissioner's Office asking them for advice and to make a complaint against Nationwide. Please help as they are really winding me up now. Arghhhhhh! lol Many thanks Gordy
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