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Neil Birch

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Everything posted by Neil Birch

  1. There listing into jan now unless its a 15 min job and I dont see the defendant agreeing to that , unless you get a listing just for the stay to be lifted -keep us posted. NB
  2. louisk has today had her stay lifted at swindon county court and was told there all being lifted , its all on her thread regards neil
  3. thank you for the info . your comments on the 'stay' are welcom as i seem to come across more and more people in this position. I would like to echo ellielou commendation , well done and keep us all posted nb
  4. I am following your actions carefully mcuth I spoke to SCC today about another matter and was discussing the stays , the office seem to be aware of the stays till the 7th but are unaware of a test case. It is also possible that different judges are doing different things at the court as my case with barclays has not been stayed [i checked today] I received my copy of of the AQ today with the defence from lloyds and was touched to see I HAD the wrong one , they had sent me the defence for another lady bringing a case at swindon against lloyds , so were are not alone!
  5. Did HBOS actually send a solicitor or did they use a local agent ?
  6. I wish you well . Although you will fear the court system, please dont. Kensington I doubt will turn up , they will either submit a written reply or more likely send an agent , usually a local solicitor, who hasn't intimate knowledge of the case. The case will be heard in a smaller room [top of the stairs turn left, check in with the [usually] female usher , the other side will probably acknowledge you and confirm you are ready to go in . you will be called at the correct time although other cases may overrun and there maybe 2 listings at the same time [remember the parking around islington st is probably paid for so have enough money] The judge [who is a solicitor in his own right] will go through the case. He will be aware you are a litigant in person and will try and avoid big legal terms etc, if you do not understand please ask the judge to explain and lastly little things impress them , be polite and dress smartly. good luck NB
  7. I had the pleasure of sitting at Swindon County court last year as part of some research [small claims are heard in a private room or chambers and are informal-usually just the District judge claimant, defendant and tape recorder] In all I sat for 8 weeks on a monday -all possession hearings are held on a monday starting at 10am I expected a long list from the Halifax[uk largest lender] followed by the Abbey [second biggest ] etc This was the biggest eye opener. It was kensington and GMAC everytime. And the judges didnt like it because they could see the charges being racked up but the defendant NEVER complained about them and they can only deal with the facts in front of them. It appeared that they wanted the motgagee TO get into trouble that way they could add more and more charges to the debt. Also swindon is under staffed so do check your paper work there are the occasional mistake out there
  8. good luck for tomorrow . let us all know how you got on neil
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