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Everything posted by mo

  1. sorry for not getting back on this but ive been in hospital,i filed at court and got a reply sayin they are going to defend it,then i get a letter from cobbetts solisitors saying without predudice save as to costs offering me 173.75,im not taking this,its a small ammount as to what ive asked for,i was wondering if to write,e.mail there solisitors or ignore it?
  2. oi i meant if the sick person gets direct payments can they pay someone who lives with them?
  3. can you get direct payments if the person you are caring for lives with you?
  4. ok thanks,i was just wondering on what bais i would be claiming them back,penalty charges or something else?
  5. are these charges reclaimable then?and what letter do i send them?
  6. yes the fee appears on every yearly statement,an i dont think im avin repayment mamagement services provided to me
  7. is there anywere i can read up on it
  8. so you think i can claim them both back?
  9. the deeds despatch fees appear every year sometimes 50.00 sometimes 75.00
  10. it says 175.00 repayment administration fees,and other years 75.00
  11. im very confused as to wether i can claim reypayment admin fees and deeds despatch fees?or if its linked to the reclaim with bank charges?the more i read the more confused i get?
  12. mo

    morgage fees

    thank,i will have a go then,shall i use the template letter for a credit card asking for repayment?
  13. mo

    morgage fees

    i have had the morgage forv 12 years and its due to end in a few months (thank god) and every year they add add on 75.00 deeds despatch fee
  14. mo

    morgage fees

    thanks,its 75.00 a year for deeds despatch fee,im not sure were to find the t&c,the other charge was 175.00
  15. mo

    morgage fees

    am i asking a daft question?or am i askin in the wron place?
  16. mo

    morgage fees

    thanks ive read tru them,i think i can get the 35.00 charges but im not sure what repayment addmin fee is or deeds despatch fee,ive looked but cant seem to find them
  17. mo

    morgage fees

    anyone please or point me in the right direction?
  18. can u claim,reypayment administration fees,and deeds despatch fees?im very confused
  19. does anyone know what address for tesco i can use,ive found,p o box southend on sea,and 24 st andrews sq edinburgh
  20. ok ill have a go at that,so were does the 8% come in then
  21. i didnt know that,so if i work out the interest from day one of charge up till now at 8%
  22. im a bit thick i think i know what u mean,i didnt use the interest till up to date because the account has been closed for some time so i just calculated on the interest when the account was live
  23. i did the interest at from first charge to end of account,is this wrong?
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