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Everything posted by Daytona2

  1. Having just stumbled across some old box junction threads on here, I'm posting this in case it helps anyone in future. The Highway Code guidelines for box junctions are an inaccurate interpretation of the law, which says - "Prohibition conveyed by markings in diagram 1043 or 1044 7. - (1) Except when placed in the circumstances described in paragraph 8, the road markings shown in diagrams 1043 and 1044 shall each convey the prohibition that no person shall cause a vehicle to enter the box junction so that the vehicle has to stop within the box junction due to the presence of stationary vehicles. (2) The prohibition in sub-paragraph (1) does not apply to any person - (a) who causes a vehicle to enter the box junction (other than a box junction at a roundabout) for the purpose of turning right; and (b) stops it within the box junction for so long as it is prevented from completing the right turn by oncoming vehicles or other vehicles which are stationary whilst waiting to complete a right turn." The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, Schedule 19, Part II, 7 My understanding of this is - Legal to stop - Turning right and not blocked by stationary vehicles Turning right & oncoming traffic Turning right & queued behind vehicle turning right Not turning right and not blocked by stationary vehicles Illegal to stop - Not turning right and blocked by stationary vehicles Legal to remain stationary - Turning right & oncoming traffic Turning right & queued behind vehicle turning right Not turning right. Illegal to remain stationary - At head of a queue turning right & no oncoming traffic
  2. Given that they were the ones to make the mistake I'd say that the onus is on them to accept repayment at any rate that is convenient to your mother, even if that's £1 a week for the next 19 years, as occurs sometimes when people get a County Court Judgement against them to repay debts. However I know nothing about the workings of Councils, but MP's are usually quite good in this respect - use this online service to give them full details and permission to enquire on your mothers behalf WriteToThem.com, also contact the council housing officer as you mother may be evicted and require council housing. The Council hate having to house people and given that they will often pay for legal representation to help prevent it if at all possible, I'm sure they will attempt to resolve the situation rather than have her made homeless by another arm of the Council. You could also involve the local newspaper. It's a matter of tactics when you do so as you could use it later on to escalate matters if you don't get the right response There's another good forum here Usenet - uk.gov.social-security for benefit queries - frequented by many serving and former council employees. They will be able give you detailed help. As spam harvesters harvest email addresses from Usenet, use a free throwaway address like Sneakemail. Hopefully you get the idea - attack them on as many fronts as possible. Good luck - let me know how it turns out !
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