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Everything posted by Penfold12

  1. Hi All I need some help, I have just looked over my credit file, and I have found that default have been place on my account. The first one is by capital one, I made a claim against capital one for unfair charges to that account the limit on this card was 400 pound. Capital one settled out of court by closing my account and sending me a cheque for around an extra 800 pound which I accepted because it was for full amount which I was claiming for. My credit file show a default notice on the account with a status of satisfied. How can I have this notice removed? I have already informed the credit reference agency that this will be challenge but I am unsure of what wording or process is required in order to have these removed. Secondly I was in the process of reclaiming my charges from Lloyds TSB, overdraft charges, But due to the test case this is on hold, but since I started to reclaim my charges from both parties above they proceeded to place default on my account when I started legal proceeding against them ?
  2. Victory….Capital one paid in full……….. Thanks everyone for your help.... But after reviewing the credit file it show a default has been placed on the file from when we started to reclaim the charges but it has a status of satisfied, we have sent a letter to capital one and the CRA. Capital one say the information is correct and the CRA sent a response saying that after consulting with capital one they have confirmed the information is correct What can I do now ??
  3. Over the last year I have been reclaiming charges placed to my capital one credit card, this got to the stage were I issued the N1 form then completed an allocation questioner. After I did this capital one sent me a cheque for the full amount. The balance on the credit card was 450, the limit was 400. but the amount claimed was 1100 so they sent me a cheque and closed the account. After reviewing my credit file it shows that a default notice was placed on the account around the same time my claim started, also the status of the default is “satisfied”. I have contacted Equifax to say this is incorrect to which asked capital if the information was correct, and they said yes. Equifax advised me that I should follow this matter up with capital one. What do I do next? Is the action by capital one not a deformation act? Can anyone please help?
  4. Hi I need some help, I have just looked over my credit file, and I have found that default have been place on my account. The first one is by capital one, I made a claim against capital one for unfair charges to that account the limit on this card was 400 pound. Capital one settled out of court by closing my account and sending me a cheque for around an extra 800 pound which I accepted because it was for full amount which I was claiming for (I received a cheque this week) My credit file show a default notice on the account with a status of satisfied. How can I have this notice removed? I have already informed the credit reference agency that this will be challenge but I am unsure of what wording or process is required in order to have these removed. Secondly I was in the process of reclaiming my charges from Lloyds TSB, overdraft charges, But due to the test case this is on hold, but since I started to reclaim my charges from both parties above they proceeded to place default on my account when I started legal proceeding against them ?
  5. Hi I need some help, I have just looked over my credit file, and I have found that default have been place on my account. The first one is by capital one, I made a claim against capital one for unfair charges to that account the limit on this card was 400 pound. Capital one settled out of court by closing my account and sending me a cheque for around an extra 800 pound which I accepted because it was for full amount which I was claiming for (I received a cheque this week) My credit file show a default notice on the account with a status of satisfied. How can I have this notice removed? I have already informed the credit reference agency that this will be challenge but I am unsure of what wording or process is required in order to have these removed.
  6. Hey folks, So now I'm confused yet again.. We have just filled out the N1,partculars of claim etc but after rereading some threads I'm lost now. The way I have this figured out now is The interest I have currently added on as mentioned earlier is purchase interest on the charges (NOT CCI) Do I know just add the 8% from what is already figured out this means we are NOT claiming CCI? Cheers folks.
  7. Update,They phoned him this morning and informed him they would be starting action against him next week. It was not however SC&M but in fact a debt collection company called AIC. Told him to phone them back up and inform them he would be either counterclaiming against them or to inform them he would sue them as party to the action vs TSB. Maybe one works to get them to pass it back to SC&M? Thanks for the response John.
  8. Hi, A friend of mine who I am pursuing charges against TSB is experiencing the exact same thing, in fact he was on the phone just this morning to tell me they'd phoned him again.lol Just got him back on the phone and he said they identified themselves as a debt collection company (AIC) told him to get back to them and inform them he will sue them as party to the action he has vs TSB.
  9. Bump. Ok, My appologies for bumping this again,I'm trying to find a thread I remember seeing a while back where somebody basically did the claim in reverse,I.e sc&m began court proceedings and the individual filed a defence I must be having a blind day because for the life of me I can't find it, anyone help?
  10. Anyone have any advice on this, They are now threatening court action on a daily basis. Do I get him to go down the route that a few people have been on here, that is, let them start court proceedings and submit a defense regarding the charges? I think I have some reading to do,lol. Any advice would be appreciated folks. Cheers.
  11. Ok, I'm confused now. My friend was almost at the deadline to start court proceedings and the oft case began. He told me he received the letter from tsb saying on hold due to case etc etc. He has just received a new letter stating they are passing the account onto a debt collection company and they would begin court proceedings towards the end of september. After several phone calls asking them why they had passed it on since the account was in dispute (can they legally do this?) and everything was on hold they say the only way they will not do this is if a payment plan is setup. How does he proceed?
  12. Update. Recieved an offer to pay the balance on the card and to close the account. This of course was less than the claim so I sent the letter declining the offer. Sent the second LBA and am now at the court stage. I am just about to fill in the N1 form and get it to the court and await capital ones usual tactics. Just thought I'd update the thread, thanks again for all the help folks. Is there anything I should be aware of at this stage? Cheers.
  13. Lol, No problem, thanks for the advice.
  14. Thanks Barry, any thoughts on if I should add something to the LBA mentioning the updated summary of charges,or just say nothing?
  15. Ok, I don't mean to hijack this thread but my mother has a problem with provident. My father passed away on the 19th March this year, he had loans with provident and I sorted his out by sending them the death certificate etc etc. The issue is as follows. Since my father had loans already with provident he persuaded my mother to take out loans with them. His loans where nowhere near as large as my mothers wich are around £1400!! My mother is now on benefits and they expect her to pay £26 per week, she only gets $84 per week at the moment (bereavement benefit). My question is therefore what my first step should be, I have already advised the agent of the issue and she informed me the office said they would accept £13 per week for the time being. She can not afford this as I'm sure you can appreciate and she is really worried about this now. I've told her I will try and sort this out for her with the help of the good folks here. Do I write to the head office offering them a token payment of £1 per week? Cheers. Dave.
  16. Hey folks, I have a problem.(of course,lol) A friend of mine started the claims process against tsb. Unfortunately after speaking to him he informed me he had included the 8% interest in his prelim letter and summary of charges. He has passed it onto me to sort out for him but now I'm in a quandry. Do I resend the prelim letter with some sort of amendment to the letter informing them to disregard the initial prelim letter. Or should I just send the Lba with the amended summary not including the 8%. He informed me he had recieved a letter informing him they where going to pass the account to a debt collection company so I told him to ring them and tell them they could not do this since the account is currently in dispute over his charges.(They obliged after he spoke to their legal department) I need to get the ball running on this for him but I am unsure as to what to do about him including the 8%. Any advice gratefully recieved. Cheers folks. Edit: Just ran through his charges and compared them to the summary of charges he sent...£500 difference and halfway through the summary he's swapped days for months..yikes.
  17. Thanks uk all cleared up now. Preliminary letter sending tomorrow
  18. Ah hong on, do I add them together and divide by two to get the average, makes more sense with what ukaviator posted that way? wich makes 1.73 then 22.85%apr
  19. Hmm, I'm obviously doing something wrong here surely. Cash advance 1.929 Purchase 1.527. adding together gives me 3.46% Putting this into the spreadheet mentioned gives me an apr of 50.34? A bit high? lol.
  20. Thanks for all the advicefolks, have rang my friend (who I'm doing it for) and asked him to let me know the two rates mentioned on his latest statements. Cheers.
  21. Thanks for the reply nicole, would be interesting to know who else has used this rate and how many if people would be kind enough to post.
  22. Ok firstly my appologies if this has been cleared up but I can't seem toi find a definitive answer. I am doing the claims process for a friend since it's all a bit confusing for him but I have one query about cap one. Specifically what interest rate do I enter when claiming Compounded contractual interest. The first charge on his account is from the 2nd Jan 2004 and the final one is from 13th March 2007. The charges total £1020.00 and after looking at a few threads here I put an interest rate of 34.9% (I'm now thinking I plucked this out of the sky incorrectly) wich bringes the total to £2055.55. Can anyone clear up for me what interest rate would be correct?. Thanks.
  23. In regards to opening a parachute account I am slightly limited on my available proof of I.D, I only have my birth certificate basically (no drivers license due to my naff eyesight, and no passport since I have never crossed an ocean) Work is a tad slow atm with everyone having financial christmas hangovers but as soon as it picks up I guess I'll have to invest in a passport.lol.
  24. Hi all, Just a quick introduction to introduce myself and say hi to everyone. Congratulations on a great resource for us lowly consumers to recieve information on our rights against big business!!!! I came to this site from the moneysavings expert site a month or so ago and I believe I am ready to start the process of attempting to reclaim the charges HSBC have imposed on me over the past six years (Most of them while I was a "lazy"? student.) My current situation is a bit tricky due to the fact I am self employed and I know I have a bad credit rating mostly due to HSBC hammering me with charges whilst I was making on/off minimum payments on a credit card of theirs they cancelled almost immediately after I left full time employment to go to uni. My main worry is they will close my account but after reading many posts on this with some good advice I feel more inclined to take them on over the charges they levied on my current account now. I realise the operators of this forum are busy folks and so appologise in advance for any dumb/repeat questions I may ask in the future. I have speant some time reading sections of this forum so I hope this will not happen Dave.
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