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Everything posted by Jeff2000

  1. This really is great news!!! Good luck for the future!!!
  2. Just been pointed to this thread!! £10 in the kitty from me!!! Good luck!
  3. It is, therefore, flawed! Have a little peek at my thread; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/dca-legal-successes/72876-mercers-barclaycard.html
  4. My betting is that the default notice is issued by Mercers on their own headed paper, correct?
  5. How about faxing a £20 note repeatedly until the alleged amount has been faxed!!!:)
  6. It could only be the place where you can deposit all your old telephones and mobiles!
  7. Everything is fine! Except the postman rarely visits anymore!!!
  8. It would seem that we are a victim of our own success!
  9. It's a bit like putting some Ku Klux Klan members on the Race Relations board!!!
  10. Yes, this has happened at a lot of places!!
  11. And I have found that IQOR are quite easy to send packing as well!!!
  12. OK, obvious one, "bobble fuzzy." Then there is, "blob bye fuzz" and "lobby be fuzz." Of course you could add Mr and get, "bomber buzz fly" and "blob buzz me fly" and "berm lob by fuzz." Or how about "zomby blurb fez."
  13. And for First Credit, you could have: "credit rifts" or "direct rifts" or "strict fired." Or how about "dic fritters" or "dic fret stir." OK, who else can we take the p*** out of!!?
  14. But if the agreement does not exist the money was not borrowed!! It was gifted!!
  15. Hi Paul, Decent letter. So we now know that they can only omit the signature from the "true copy". It also states that the copy need not be a photocopy! This doesn't stop them from sending a photocopy if they could! And the fully executed document should be produced in Court. Just as we always thought!
  16. But surely before an alleged debt is sold the account is first written off! Therefore the account balance is £0.00 in order to declare it a tax write off!! Is it not?
  17. If you do, try and record the calls if you can. Then our friend Mr Fuzzybobble may find a good use for them!!!
  18. Just give them a ring if you fancy a bit of fun and games!!
  19. Hello heathrow, Welcome to CAG!!! I have often wondered about this myself. Seen as how nobody else ever mentioned the matter, I have assumed that it was OK! However I also thought that a claim in the County Court could only be brought for actual losses incurred! I would be interested in other peoples thoughts on this matter. Perhaps a thread on the subject would be in order!!? Best wishes, Jeff.
  20. Bet they still don't get the message though!!!
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