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Everything posted by lolly371

  1. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    thanks for that. i have tried with photobucket, but every time i try to upload nothing happens. i have done it the same way as described, but it just doesnt seem to work. could the documents be in the wrong format or something?
  2. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    anybody with any suggestions how to post these credit agreements? i need to sort it now, because i am desperate to get hsbc to accept my reduced payments. at the moment they keep trying to take them out each month and then banging a charge on, which doesnt matter too much in itself as i dont use the account any more and will eventually get around to reclaim the charges- which will basically put the account back to zero. both mine and my ohs accounts are now overdrawn by the exact amount in charges we havent got around to claiming, yet! when i pointed this out to somebody at hsbc, i was informed, you have now made three claims against us, if you try it again there will be severe repercussions for you! with hindsight, i perhaps should have left longer between claims and done them all in one, but i was so desperate for cash that i did two claims for £100ish as soon as they had been taken. the trouble i am having is, that i am approaching a default and would really like to avoid that if at all possible, but until they accept my offer, i am stuck, so i could really do with some advice regarding the agreements. they look fine to me, but if somebody could find ANYTHING at all that i could use as a bargaining tool, it could mean the difference between me regaining control of my finances, or slipping deeper. as i may have mentioned before, we are only in this mess because my oh was ill for a very long time, but he is better now, and we can start to repair our finances if we could just get the chance to actually stop the cycle. sorry about the long winded rant, i just wanted to clearly explain the situation. i am not trying to avoid payment, i just want to slow things down for a short while to get us back on our feet, and hsbc clearly dont feel the same way.
  3. latest update- my oh recieved a letter yesterday from hsbc- since his account is over drawn but only by a fifth of the amount of his claim!, and it is almost the exact amount in new charges they have removed since he started the claim(so basically it is the bank who have taken him this overdrawn) they have cancelled his debit card. they know he is due to be paid in a few days but they obviously want to play hard and punish him. seeing as his hardship case is being looked into by the ombudsman, i think its time to get back in touch and tell them that the bank are now retaliating. another nice little snippet for my court bundle.
  4. 41 im supposed to be getting ready for a night out, and i cant leave the computer. HELP please
  5. i sometimes get the feeling i have a little too much time on my hands!!
  6. five. talking of posts, why is it that i have seen some people who have posted several times, with 1, or 0 as their number of posts? i dont get it!!
  7. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    well, we've spent ages trying to attach the scanned credit agreements, but no success, tried this photobucket thing, but cant make head nor tail of it. dont know what we're doing wrong, but hey, thats why neither of us work with computers!!
  8. i still cant understand why they have done it- nottingham is clearly just as busy as derby- hence our 3 month wait, and you already had a date at derby. insane!!
  9. not only that, a ten minute hearing to simply argue your point to be allowed a court case!! hopefully the rumours are to be believed and something is going to happen by the end of this month. at the very least, it would be nice to think that the banks should be made to stop applying charges for the duration of the test case.
  10. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    i like it!! why doesnt that surprise me, if there's one thing hsbc likes, its meaningless twaddle
  11. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    overdraft facility? what overdraft facility? is this the one where i have stopped using my account because as soon as i zero the balance they remove another charge so i transerred verything to another account and i am now overdrawn by £200 purely from charges!!! i dont rememer discussing it over the phone, or them agreeing to give me an overdraft
  12. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    today i received another letter from hsbc saying I write in reference to a recent letter from the Financial Ombudsman Service. I can see that you have requested copies of credit agreements from the bank and have said that you are unhappy at the time we have taken to respond. Please find copies of signed agreement forms for your personal loan, credit card and flexi-loan. Regarding the overdraft facility that existed on your account, it was agreed over the telephone and no signed agreement was required. I would also like to apologise if this information has not been provided as quickly as it should have been. I would be grateful if you would contact the Financial Ombudsman Service and let them know that the bank has now sent you the necessary paperwork. This was only a small part of the reason why i contacted the financial ombudsman. i have an ongoing complaint, and they wont address it, so i will now need to send hsbc another letter telling them to read through my previous correspandance and get it sorted. Ever noticed how, hsbc deal with the problems they can, and ignore the rest?!! again, as soon as we can work out how to upload copies of the agreements i will post them for some advice.
  13. i know nothing about this kind of thing, but the way i see it, surely if the tenant told the agent that the propery was empty, then surely that would mean he denies ownership of any remaining belongings? in which case, the landlord can dispose of anything found on his property as it belongs to nobody.
  14. better prepare yourself, i have just had a date through for my oh's application to remove his stay at nottingham.... the end of november!
  15. i do believe i am actually beginning to enjoy myself!!!
  16. received a letter from DG today, stating that they will apply to the court to stay my claim.these people are so on the ball its frigtening! i sent dg a letter when the court stayed it, saying i would apply to lift it, then sent them another letter saying i had applied for the stay to be lifted attactched to a copy of the application itself, and another letter informing them i had received a court date for removal of stay, and reiterating the arguments i would be using, and finally another letter last week telling them i had informed the financial onbudsman that as the delay was adding to considerable hardship, the case needed to be dealt with. after all these letters, which i think paint a pretty clear picture that the stay has already been applied, they are now telling me that they are going to apply for one! im just glad they are on the other side.
  17. well funnily enough a couple of days after the office of fair trading told me that credit cards dont have agreements, only terms and conditions, guess what landed on my door mat...... my credit card credit agreement!!
  18. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    thanks pete. im just clutching at straws, really, anything to force them to accept a realistic payment arrangement. i will post the agreement up asap
  19. lolly371

    hsbc cca

    going through my credit card agreement with a fine tooth comb, i have noticed that it has an APR of 17.9% variable. how much can it vary? my statements are charged at 20.9%. (i think- there are only 3 statements that tell me the APR rate) is that a reasonable fluctuation? also the credit agreement is actually the application form i signed before receiving the card. i know there have been a lot of discussions about the difference between an application form and a credit agreement, but it seems to have all of the prescribed terms, so i am a bit unsure of what to think. my oh is going to scan it for me when he gets a minute, so any advice would be good. i'm not very good with computers (it took me nearly a year to get the courage to start my own thread!!!) so sorry for the delay! if i can get any advice on the APR in the meantime, though, i'd be very grateful
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