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Everything posted by tiggersmum

  1. Following success with my claim on our joint account, I have now started the second round on my own account for a mere £454. 7/06/07 Preliminary claim sent to RBOS with schedule of charges. 13/06/07 Letter from Sandy Watt at RBOS to say that "due to the amount of work involved in investigating your claim, we expect to be able to respond within 6-7 weeks". Yeah, right. Like they gave me that long to respond to any of their letters. 23rd June I will be submitting the LBA.
  2. Glad to see you were succesful alanalana. I have just started my second claim.
  3. Cheque for £902 received on June 1st. Yippee!!
  4. Hi. I have just won my first claim against RBOS for £902. I received no reply to my LBA when the deadline 14 days expired so I emailed Sandy Watt to ask what was happening. She replied within an hour to say an offer had been sent out but we had not received it. She reissued the offer letter which arrived the following day. I know the general consensus is to issue court proceedings with no further communication but it might be worth one email.
  5. We had all our bank accounts (personal, joint and business) closed by the RBOS last year following defaults. We then cleared these debts following the sale of our house. I have just received an offer for the full amount of bank charges on our joint account (£902) so it can be done.
  6. Letter arrived today with offer to settle at the full amount! Happy bunny. Now I will be claiming the charges on my other account.
  7. Would appreciate any comments or advice on my post #14 Thanks.
  8. I decided to email Sandy Watt and received a reply to say that an offer had been sent out on April 12 and could I confirm that it had not been received. I emailed back to confirm that we had not received the reply but (and this was probably a booboo) said that we had received duplicate statements and 3 letters from Joyce Tudor to say more statements were on their way....even though they have already arrived. This email then arrived: Looks like you are being dealt with by both this Unit (CRU), and also by our Regulatory Risk Dept, where Joyce works. I can send you a 'duplicate' copy of our offer, but if you are still awaiting historic statements, are you likely to make a further claim, based on these? We would rather deal with your claim, based on one overall figure, rather than, several covering different periods. Regards Sandy Watt I will be making a claim on my own bank account which total about £400. The 2 claims total just under £1500 (we live in Scotland so just fit into Summary Clause I believe) Also, one claim is for a joint account and the other is for me so should they be treated seperately anyway? Can we just ask for this claim to be settled first? The claims do not cover different periods, the claims cover the same period of time but on different accounts.
  9. Hi fiestychick. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in having problems seeking your statements! I have had duplicate sets sent to me and today got a letter saying they are on the way. ?????? I don't want any more duplicates...just the ones they haven't sent yet. For Heaven's sake....they obviously need the extra cash from bank charges to improve their staff training.
  10. OK. So now I know they're losing it. 3 letters arrived today from Joyce Tudor in response to my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) apologising for the delay (2 duplicate sets already received) and saying they will be here as soon as possible. Nothing in response to my LBA so I am going to email Ms Sandy Watt to ask whats happening. Could anyone tell me what information they gave her to be able to trace the claims? All our accounts with RBOS were closed last year so I'm not worried about security!!
  11. The 14 days for RBOS are nearly up for RBOS to respond to my LBA. Funny thing is, yesterday we received another set of statements, all duplicates of the ones received before in mid April following my letter of non compliance. I think the RBOS are losing it.
  12. Thanks again. I don't think I'll bother!
  13. Thanks Hydrauk. If I don't bother calculating the interest at all, will it make any difference to my claim (apart from me getting less back...lol)? Don't really feel like picking my way through minefields at the moment.
  14. No reply to my Prelim letter yet so they are past their 14 days and a few more. Today I will be sending my LBA. Is it necessary to calculate the overdfaft interest at this stage? I know the template letter says that the amount calculated is charges plus interest but I was going to cross that out. To be honest, I've never used a spreadsheet before and I'm scared I mess it up.
  15. Hi percyarms. By any chance have they changed your meter recently? My old Mum's meters were changed in Feb 2006 and from then on her bills went through the roof so by Feb this year, her DD had gone up to £125pm...she lives alone in a one bedroom bungalow. Took me a long time to get it sorted but turned out Scottish Power had set both meters (she's on a white meter) to the normal day rate. Only got sorted after I complained to Energywatch. DD now £44 per month. Scandalous.
  16. Well, its amazing how a little threat works! Have now received 2 more sets of bank statements and just one more to come before I report the RBOS for failing to comply with my SAR request. And, from my own personal account, have added up another £434 in charges to add to the £902 on the joint account.
  17. Thanks livelylad! Need constant reassurance. After the way the RBOS nearly drove my husband to suicide last year, I will do anything to rock their boat.
  18. Feb 9. Sent SAR for 5 years statements on 4 RBOS accounts (now closed) Feb 21. Statements arrived for only one of these accounts..total charges £902 March 28 Wrote asking for rest of statements (never arrived) April 5 Sent template letter asking for refund of charges April 16 Sent "non compliance with SAR" requesting missing statements April 12 Had letter from Sandy Watt acknowledging recent of letter requesting refund of charges and "we are currently considering your claim and will respond to you as soon as possible" Hope I've got all this right. Some of my timescales (sending further request for statements more than 40 days) are a bit behind as I have been in hospital.
  19. Hi anjipl...well, she wasn't really caring...the benefits of being confused I guess..lol It was me who was jumping up and down. But she got upset because I was upset. Where could I read up about the "guaranteed standards?"
  20. My Mum lives in sheltered accommodation which is all electric supplied by Scottish Power. She is 78, confused and disabled. Last year I noticed her electric bills were spiralling, her DD increased gradually to £125 per month! A lot of money out of a pension. I was telling Mum she had to be more careful with her heating but she was cold. In Jan 07 I got Power of Attorney. Checking her bills, I realised she was being charged at the Standard Rate on her units and not White Meter. I phoned SP many times and eventually (having being promised calls back never received) I talked to someone who accepted what I said and told me that the meters had been changed in Feb 06 and not set at the correct rate. He promised to sort it but never did. I phoned again and was promised it would be sorted. I received bils adjusted from Oct 06-Feb 07...6 months short!. So I gave up phoning and wrote. Had a letter of apology and repeated back to me everything I had told them, said DD reduced to £44 a month from £115. This still left Mum £109 in credit. I wrote back and said I thought Mum should be due some form of compensation as the situation was all their fault and they had been taking money off Mum under false pretences. If I hadn't been looking out for her, it could have gone on forever. Had a letter back offering £10 for phone calls which I think is an insult bearing in mind the hours I spent hanging on the phone trying to sort this out. Not to mention the money they have had the use of for a year. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
  21. You are all so helpful! Tempted not to put a stamp on as the bank statements arrived in an envelope that was barely held together.
  22. When sending my preliminary request for payment, can I just send copies of my bank statements to the RBS with the charges highlighted or do I actually have to add them up myself?
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